Monster Breeder

17. Jellyfish (R-18)



Coming from the cool grotto and a dip in the brackish water, the warm sunlight is amazing on my skin. I inspect my marks after a minute of sunning myself.


*Breeder Marks – One (Male), One (Female)!*

Paternal Malleability I (II - 3)

             Paternal Customization (3)

Paternal Inheritance I

Paternal Seminal Control



            Spawn Attributes

Paternal Seminal Potency

Partner Tracker

Maternal Ovarian Control

            Maternity Ward

Maternal Fetus Protection

Maternal Inheritance I

Maternal Fast-Gestation I

Maternal Mammary Control and Potency


*Mer Marks – Two*

Mermaid Sight

Fishman Sight

Mermaid Gills

Fishman Gills

Mermaid Fins

Mermaid Depth Resistance

Fishman Depth Resistance

Mermaid Water Magic

Mermaid Ovipositor

Cancer Claws

Cancer Legs

Cancer Slippery Foam Magic

Cancer Summon Armor

Fishman Head

Fishman Summon Spear

Fishman Cock


*Spend a Mer Mark to replace Mermaid Ovipositor with Fishman Cock using Paternal Malleability?*


Lots of options!

Breeder marks are a lot easier to come by than I feared, making the fun choices that much better. And there’s one I really want!


*Selected Mammary Control and Potency!*


*Choose one*





*Selected Pacification!*


I choose this option as soon as it pops up. It's perfect! While I’m looking forward to the other options, I have a plan here, and this might actually help me as a Tamer.

Something happens as soon as I make the selection. My already respectable breasts swell by a full cup size. My nipples darken, and my areola widen. I cup my tits as they grow heavy with milk. It’s as if my breasts went through nine months of hormonal changes in a second! Cool!

My Mer mark choices are interesting. I could make myself into a proper sea monster with these, couldn’t I? Of course, there’s no way I’m taking something stupid like Fishman Head. Even Cancer Claws have the same problem as Wolf Claws. No fingers.

Summon Spear is tempting, but the Fishman’s death didn’t unsummon the spears he created, so I’m good for the moment. I’m super excited about Cancer Summon Armor, though! Maybe I should hold off in case I need to use the mark for an emergency…

Fuck it!


*Selected Cancer Summon Armor!*


An exertion of will allows me to conjure a set of plate mail onto my body with ease.

I’m covered from head to toe in a blink. It’s chitinous, spiky, and most importantly, a badass red with creamy white accents. The armor fits me like a glove; its interior texture smooth as silk flush against my bare skin. The joints are covered by breathable fine mesh chain, also cream-colored.

Looking down, I see a booby breastplate! This armor totally shows off my curves… I’m in love with this thing! Not to mention it’ll shield me from the sun from now on. No sunblock necessary. The support feels like a top-quality bra too, pushing them into an even more attractive shape while reducing the jiggle when I walk or run.

“Awesome! Now, to retrace my steps.”

A little backtracking, and I find the Jellyfish Slime lying on the beach.

She’s still wearing her blue jellyfish bell skirt with tentacles like strips of fabric. Her bell hat has dozens of tiny pink-tipped tendrils. I take a second to admire her shapely, squeezable rump beneath concealment. The flesh I can see is semi-translucent with properties of both malleable slime and firmer jelly.

My presence is somehow detected because she rises into the air as if floating and hovers toward me.

I unsummon my armor, leaving me standing there naked.


*Selected Cancer Slippery Foam Magic!*


While much of ancient human knowledge and technology was lost to time, we weren’t reduced to the stone age. I learned in school about the nature of Jellyfish stings. Their tentacles have thousands of microscopic harpoons that deliver their venom.

If my theory is correct, the slippery crab foam will protect me. If I’m wrong… hopefully the girls realize I’m missing and find me quickly.

I cover myself in Kani’s crustaceous bubbles with a flex of willpower seconds before the Jellyfish Slime wraps me in her tentacles and pins me to the ground.

I’m… alive! And there’s no pain, which means I was right!

Her tentacles are stronger than they appear. They grip my arms and legs and stretch me spreadeagle while more tendrils explore my nude form. She’s also naked beneath the jellyfish bells, though I guess her skirts are part of her flesh? Everything is slippery, but she’s been warmed by the sun, so her flesh on mine is cool, not cold.

She straddles me and leans down. I can’t see her face beneath the jellyfish bell hat even as her lips find my neck. Her lower tentacles wrap around my mer-cock to stroke it, and she trails kisses across my neck, collar, and chest. Then her lips land on my nipple and begin to suck.

A new sense tingles in my awareness. I instinctively know how to magically enhance my milk production and control the amount of sedative from my ‘Pacification’ mark. I crank both up to the max!

The result is a strange sight. I feel milk streaming from my breast and see the white substance enter the Jellyfish Slime girl, spreading and diluting through her body like milk poured into water. As for the effect…

She pulls away from me and straightens to let me see her face for the first time. She’s a drowsy young girl with downturned eyes and a laid-back attitude. Her oval face has an ever-present serene smile. This girl isn’t a ‘launch a thousand ships’ beauty, but she is definitely ‘cuddle on the couch’ pretty.

With a yawn and a stretch, she says, “Good morning. Are you being eaten by a slime too?”


She grinds her slippery ass against my lubricated member as she speaks. “Everyone I meet these days is being eaten by a slime. That’s how I went, as well. Their screaming wakes me, and they’re terrible conversationalists, so I go back to sleep until they’re gone.”

I guess there’s more than a little truth to that ‘killer slime’ story. I guess her jellyfish venom is how she delivers her digestive fluid. Then her victims melt from the inside and get sucked into her slime body.

She runs her fingers across my torso pinned beneath her, marveling at the slipperiness of my defensive bubbly coating. “Waking up this way is much better. You’re not screaming and dissolving, I’ve got this wonderful taste in my mouth, and you’re super cute with big breasts on top of it all.”

“Thanks, they’re newly improved! Wait, back up, you were eaten by a slime?”

“Sure was. Lost my group, wandered too close to the Misty Grove, and fell asleep. The last thing I remember is being eaten by a slime.” She slow-blinks. “I’m dead, right? Not that that’s anything to worry about. Being dead is relaxing.”

“You’re not dead; you’re a slime.”

“No shit?” She looks down at herself to inspect her semi-translucent hands and tentacles. “I look like a jellyfish.”

“Jellyfish Slime,” I correct. Maybe the slime merged with her? Or took her memories when it evolved? “My name is Alex. What’s yours?”

“Olindia. At least, that’s what they called me before I died. I do remember wandering around between naps until I fell in the ocean. Except, I wasn’t walking. I was kind of… shlorping from place to place.” She laughs at her own turn of phrase. “Weird.”

“So… Olindia, are you planning on eating me?” I test the waters.

“It sure looks like I can’t, which is like, really awesome! I guess that’s what I’ve been doing to everyone I met… which sucks. I mean, wow. I get hungry and need to eat from time to time, but I didn’t want to kill anyone. Some of them seemed like they’d be nice people if they weren’t dissolving, too. Bummer.”

It must be rough killing everyone you touch. I almost can’t blame her psyche for blocking her from realizing the extent of her situation.

“As for letting you go… that, I ain’t feeling. My instincts are screaming at me to eat, and fuck whatever I can’t eat—which would be you. Hope that works?” Olindia shrugs as if it is what it is.

“Actually, if I’m not being digested, that works for me. Let my hands free, and I’ll show you a good time.”

The tentacles binding my wrists immediately loosen. “That was an easy sell,” she comments with the easygoing grin of someone about to get laid.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I say as I rub my arms to restore circulation. If I were in a tight spot, I might reach for the spear and try to escape. As is, I’m pretty sure I’m not about to be digested. That means it’s time to Tame a monster girl!

She’s not that bright, but that adds to her charm in a way. If I can figure out how to disable her jellyfish venom, I’d love to share her with the girls.

I put my hands on her waist and squish experimentally. She’s as solid as a flesh and blood woman. Her slime nature is mostly visual, then. Or rather, I spot the black marble of her core in the deepest part of her chest.

Olindia leans down to kiss me. Her slippery tongue invades my mouth, and our tongues wrestle playfully. Then I feel her tentacles searching my lower body for holes to invade. I make sure everything I have is thoroughly lubricated with sudsy bubbles before those potentially deadly instruments enter me.

The element of danger is a weird turn-on. I realize that’s always been one of my kinks; maybe one of the reasons I’ve always wanted to be a Tamer.

Our lips part, and she says, “Was that too forward? I know this is moving a bit fast, but you feel so good on me, Alex, and your taste is…” She brushes a tendril behind her ear. “Sorry, though it kind of goes without saying, you’re the first person I can have sex with since the slime ate me. It’s a bit like being stranded alone with one other person. It makes sense if I… maybe, start catching feelings for you?”

At that moment, a footlong tentacle rams into my love tunnel and fills me in an instant.

“Ahn!!!” My spine arches beneath her, and I scream in pleasure-pain. Thankfully, my body was bred for this kind of abuse, and it’s far more pleasure than pain. A glance down reveals my belly is bulging from the insertion.

“Woah, sorry about that. These things have a mind of their own. I don’t think I can hold back… Are you gonna be okay?”

My eye twitches as I adjust to the monstrous member. “I’m the one who threw her naked ass at a tentacle slime. I’ll… be fine. As for your feelings, if you’re as good a fuck as you are cute, I think I can reciprocate.”

“That’s great! Really, really great,” Olindia says as she holds her cheeks in both hands like a blushing maiden while one of her tentacles probes my rosebud. “Because I definitely can’t hold back any longer.”

Another footlong tentacle pushes through my virginal (except for dildo training) anal sphincter.


“Mmm, Alex, your insides are so soft!” Olindia bites her knuckle, and her eyes roll up into her head. “Is this what being a man feels like?”

“It’s… pretty awesome… right?” I manage to gasp between involuntary muscle contractions as my body reconciles with the two massive insertions inside me. Having my ass stretched like this is wild, but there’s tons of lubrication, and the pain was momentary. Now I’m getting turned on by this stuffed-full sensation.

“They say the best experiences are even better when shared,” she says as she lifts her skirt-like bell. I see her hairless, plump mons pubis as Olindia positions herself above my tip while straddling me. “What do you think about that, Alex?”

I gulp. Maybe I should worry for my sanity, throwing in cock stimulation while being simultaneously fucked in all my holes. What can I say? I’m an adventurous girl.

“You’d better be ready for the consequences if you take my seed,” I say. It’s a bluff, sure, but it has the desired effect.

“Fucking shit, Alex. You’re one hot bitch. I think I am falling for you.” Olindia sits on my mer-cock, taking its length and girth in a stroke. Maybe that isn’t difficult for a slime, but her body definitely has enough solidity to feel it. “Ahn! It’s just as good as I remember from being human! Even better because I can taste how delicious your human cock is!”

I don’t bother telling her it’s a mermaid ovipositor.

“You can… taste with your pussy?” I ask haltingly, having to adjust again to the additional source of pleasure.

“Don’t worry; your dick isn’t melting. Whatever you’ve got going on keeps my slime from digesting you even inside me. But, yeah, I can taste with every part of my body, and your precum is a fucking tasty snack.”

I’m trembling all over without either of us even moving, but I know I’m going to get topped if I don’t do something, so I lift the clothlike bell covering her breasts. Maybe the slime went to her tits because she’s smuggling a pair of melons. I sit up and latch onto her left nipple. The texture is extra-firm gelatine, and her flavor is sea brine.

“Yes! Fuck me, Alex!”

I plant my feet in the sand and thrust up into her. At the same time, her tentacles begin undulating in and out of my nether holes. My hands grab her ass under her bell and fondle the two voluptuous buttocks I find.

“Mph!” I moan into her melons as I’m double fucked. It takes everything I have to keep the pace pumping her pussy. She doesn’t have a sheath like a woman; it’s more like fucking a thick pudding, except her slime is gripping me tight. I guess the sensation is most like an onahole inside a curvy, beautiful woman.

“Part of me wishes we’d met before the slime ate me, but then I wouldn’t have all these nifty tentacles.”

I do my best to delay my release, but Olindia has seemingly unlimited stamina. Meanwhile, the tentacles inside me are hitting erogenous zones I didn’t know I had. I’m the first to climax by default. I shoot my load while forgetting to control the volume again. A cloud of white blooms inside her.

“Aaahhhnnn!” Olindia screams as her slime body absorbs my semen. Her spine arches and even her tentacles pause. She quivers and jiggles above me slack-jawed and panting despite having no lungs. “Sho g-good! Human seed… is the best!”

That gives me an idea.

I recline on the sand while grabbing her head and press her face to my chest. She instinctively suckles my nipple, which produces a steady stream of milk using my magic mammary mark. Her body starts convulsing immediately. I’m on the right track.

Pushing past the post-orgasmic sensitivity of my mer-cock, I continue thrusting inside the Jellyfish Slime. With one arm around her head, I throw the other arm around her skirt and waist to hold her tight as I slam upward into her dreamy softness.

Olindia uses both her hands to pry herself away from my breast and throws her head back. “Please! I can’t! The taste is unlike anything else… I feel like something’s going to snap if I drink more!”

I’m pumping her pussy with no regard for pacing, rushing myself toward another climax as soon as possible. It’s extra difficult while fighting my natural refractory period. Thankfully, my feminine orgasm comes rolling forth from the massive insertions inside me as I rock and pound myself on her tentacles. This explosion of pleasure pushes me through another ejaculation.

This cum eruption is no less than the first. If anything, I’m working my mark its hardest to produce more cum than last time!

Another cloud of white billows into her depths. More white from my milk churns inside her, mixing with the blue slime, recoloring her, filling her with my essence.

“Aaahhhnnn!!!” Olindia orgasms again as she tastes so much of my seed at once. The only place not creamy is a shell of blue around her black marble core.

When the intensity of her high diminishes to tolerable levels, her body’s tremoring slows to twitches, and she lowers her head to meet my eyes. “I don’t care anymore. You were the first person who could do this with me. I don’t care what happens if we keep going; it’s fine if it’s you, Alex… Just, take all of me.”

With that, Olindia takes my other nipple in her mouth and continues suckling. Another tentacle finds my mouth at the same time. She matches my thrusts up by slamming her hips down onto my mer-cock over and over while three of her tentacles fuck my ass, pussy, and throat mercilessly.

It’s a race to see who blacks out first, her from my essence, or me from lack of air.

Maybe it’s the creeping darkness that helps me cross the finish line again, but I return to full awareness with a gasp as Olindia extracts her tendril from my gullet. She leans back as I cum another massive load into her body and onto her core.

Those jiggly breasts heave as the white of my essence fully permeates her slime to the tips of her tentacles. Her expression is somewhere between drunk and high on a profound mind-altering substance.

“Alex, this is going to sound totally fucking crazy… but I need to be inside you. I need to become yours. Make me yours!”

She does sound crazy, but a little voice in the back of my head says this sounds like evolution instinct talking.

I spread my legs and tell her, “Be mine.”

Olindia dissolves as she collapses in on herself. The last I see of her face shows her falling into a peaceful sleep. Then the white slime amoeba extends a tendril into my private cove. Like water going down a drain, every drop of slime pushes and sloshes into my womb.


*Pacified the Jellyfish Slime – Two Slime Marks!*


I did it. I nearly died several times, but I did it.

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