Monster Breeder

18. Mole-Men

I return to the grotto to find things winding down. Gabby is much as I left her, getting double dicked and used as an onahole by two horny Seafolk, but even the greedy Goblin is clearly tired.

“I’m back!”

“Alex? Where have you… Alex!!!” Ariella screams in shock when she sees me.

Understandable, since I look nine months pregnant and two weeks overdue. My belly bulges far past my breasts, and my ‘innie’ has become an ‘outie’ belly button. Totally worth it, though.


*Slime Marks – Two*

Slime Constitution

Jellyfish Slime Constitution

Slime Malleability

Jellyfish Slime Malleability

Slime Mutability

Jellyfish Slime Mutability

Slime Hair / Legs / Arms

Jellyfish Slime Tentacles


Ariella swims over to me in a frantic rush, leaving Gabby to fall off Kani’s mer-cock and splash into the water. “Who did this to you?”

I point at my tattoos, which depict the contents of my uterus on the front of my distended belly. Olindia’s sleeping face sans body is plainly visible in tattoo form.

“Alex!” she says in outrage on my behalf. “You let the beach bimbo slime get all up in you? Do you know where she’s been?” Ariella definitely thinks I’m better than this, whatever that means here.

“The Jellyfish Slime?” Gabby asks, having surfaced in time to hear Ariella, as she swims over. “Alex, this is important. Which hole did she enter you through? Oral, anal, or vaginal?”

I answer seriously when Gabby takes her ‘doctor’ tone with me.


The Goblin girl sighs in relief. “Thank goodness. If she’d gone in one of the other holes, she’d evolve into a Sewer Slime and eat you from the inside out.”

I gulp, having narrowly avoided death yet again. “A-and what does she evolve into this way?”

Gabby frowns at me. She’s not happy I risked my life while she was occupied. “I suppose you’ll have to wait and see,” she says as she magically summons her spectacles and dons them with aplomb.

Damn, she knows I can’t read the Book of Monsters without her spectacles. I won’t be able to find out if she doesn’t want me to as punishment.

“Then, my Alex will be alright?” Ariella pleads with Gabby.

“Yes. However, Alex is going to give me an extremely thorough account of her encounter when we get home, as I wasn’t present to personally document the possible evolutionary criteria.” Oh, yeah, that’s the other reason she’s mad… “Also, how did you survive the jellyfish venom?” the Goblin asks, eyebrow raised.

“A little trick I picked up courtesy of Kani called ‘Slippery Foam Magic.’” Both my wives glare at the crab girl in question as if to hold her responsible. “Don’t be like that. Blame me and my stupid risk-taking. It all worked out, though!”

I need to take some risks to get stronger. I won’t make any progress staying safe in the hut all day.

Ariella turns to Gabby and takes the Goblin in her arms. “Please, promise me you’ll look after Alex! I can’t protect her on land…”

Gabby strokes Ariella’s hair with some affection, which is a huge step in intimacy for the little Goblin. “I’ll do what I can, but her independent streak is a mile long. At least she’s not defenseless.”

“That’s right!” I summon my crab armor. To my surprised delight, the plate mail suit is tailored to fit my new belly. There’s extra padding and even maternity support bands! Magic for the win!!!

Neither Gabby nor Ariella needs to be told where I got the armor.

“Ahem, Gabby, I should mention the mark I got from you saved my life in the fight with the Fishman.” The Goblin shortstack eyes me with great interest from both a personal and scholarly standpoint. “It’s called ‘Fast Learner.’ It helps me learn skills by watching them in action… like spear fighting to the death with a Fishman.”

“What ability did you get from me, Alex?” Ariella asks with a pleading whine in her voice like she’ll be crushed if I don’t have a good answer.

“Water Magic! Now I don’t have to worry about dehydration! It’s a great survival ability. It also helped us keep the Jellyfish Slime at bay coming here. Actually, I recall it played a pivotal role in Gabby and my first time~” I shoot my Goblin wife a playful grin, and she blushes while adjusting her spectacles.

“Oh! I want to hear about this!” Ariella says. Kani, on the other hand, isn’t too interested and just ogles my plate mail.

“Next time, I’ll tell you all about how we met.” I dismiss the armor, becoming naked, and lift the Goblin shortstack into my arms for a hug. “Gabby needs to warm up in the sun before she gets sick.”

The green-skinned girl splutters objections. “I may be small, but I’m not a child to be carried about and looked after! I know my limits!” says the shivering Goblin with wrinkly fingers and blue lips. Hypothermia is real, and spending too much time in the water is a good way to get there. I felt the chill earlier after our fun in the grotto. Gabby’s smaller body is even more susceptible.

Ariella is well aware of the realities when dealing with warm-blooded lovers after our talk last night. Her lip trembles with sympathy. “I don’t want you to get sick, Gabby. Think of the baby.”

The Goblin girl huffs in protest but wraps her limbs around me so we warm one another with our bodies. “Alright. We don’t want to be caught here past dark anyhow. Let me down so I can put some clothes on.”

While Gabby does that, I approach Kani. The crab girl lowers her crustacean body to put her torso at my eye level. I kiss her tenderly on the mouth. Her lips follow mine a moment after I pull away as if begging me to stay.

“I’ll be back. Don’t forget I’ll be checking on my daughter often!”

Kani glances down at my mer-cock, then lifts her sultry eyes to mine. “I’ll bear as many children as you wish if you keep taking care of my needs like today.”

I wink. “It’s a promise, then!”

Then I turn to Ariella, who has gone teary-eyed.

“It hurts every time I have to let you go,” she says.

“Then we’ll make each time we reunite a celebration,” I say. We interlace our fingers as we kiss, sharing a last passionate embrace of the day with our breasts pressed flush together. When we part, a thought occurs to me. “Feel any different? If Gabby’s book is right, you should have everything you need to evolve.”

Ariella helped kill the Fishman, a second-tier Seafolk, and had sex with Kani, also a second-tier Seafolk. She both impregnated me and got pregnant by me. Whether you count Gabby or the Fishman as the ‘Summon’ user, the little Mermaid should fully qualify for her next step.

“Now you mention it, I do feel tired,” Ariella begins.

Gabby, having slipped into her discarded robes, snaps to attention. “Do you feel drawn anywhere in particular?”

The Mermaid blinks in confusion, then nods. “I have this subtle sensation of claustrophobia. It’s not so bad here in the grotto, but it feels like a bad idea to take a nap in a cramped place.”

“Excellent,” the Goblin Apprentice says. “Your evolution is saying you’re going to get bigger. Anything else?”

“I am quite hungry…”

Gabby nods. “Another sign. Your body is seeking energy for the change. Catch something to eat, then find a safe place where you don’t feel that sense of enclosure. Your evolution may take several hours during which you’ll be incapacitated.”

“She could stay here,” Kani suggests. Ariella looks at her in surprise. “You said the grotto felt big enough. I’ll guard you.”

My girls are getting along! Hurray!

Gabby raises a suspicious eyebrow. “What’s in it for you?” It hasn’t slipped the Goblin girl’s attention that Kani’s relationship with us is more circumstantial than emotional. Our foursome to her was an alignment of wants, needs, and desires rather than a romantic bond.

Kani casts a sidelong glance at Ariella and suggestively wiggles her torso. “In exchange, maybe you could help me with my… condition, while Alex is away?”

The Mermaid smirks and puts a hand on her hip. “I find your terms acceptable. I’m more than willing to lend a hand for the woman bearing my daughter.”

“Oh, yeah, this is yours, isn’t it?” Kani looks down at her tummy with a resigned expression. “I guess I should get used to the idea of a ‘Matron’ type evolution…”

Ariella swims over to put one arm around Kani’s waist and affectionately rubs the crab girl’s belly. “That’s the spirit! We’re going to be one big family.”



Gabby and I leave the grotto soon after. I don my crab armor once under the hot sun to protect my skin. We go around the rocks, up the sandy hill, and into the tall grass of Fuzzy Field. The two of us chart a new path through the tall grass, steering clear of the brook and avoiding our trail from the morning on our way back.

The Goblin girl has us stop and hide a few times because she heard something. My Harpy Sight spots Dire Wolves and Orcs in the distance, but nothing we have to avoid. The mole-men don’t find us this time either. I’m once again thankful for the natural barrier of the wolf’s bane plants as we arrive at Gabby’s hut unaccosted.

I sigh with relief as we put our feet up and relax, though Gabby treats the trip as the afternoon stroll it was. My wife’s steel nerves are impressive. She probably goes foraging every other day with nothing but a pocket full of herbs to defend herself. I can only imagine how she deals with it if I’m this tense after an afternoon walk.

“How are you feeling?” she asks me.

Aww! She’s checking up on me. I’m so happy to have such a dutiful Goblin bride. “Great, actually.”

“Perfect.” She strips her cloak off and stands before me naked with her hands on her hips. “You had a long break on our way home. We can get a head-start on tonight with a few warmup rounds, then gradually transition into the hardcore fucking. My libido is screaming that I have a lot of lonely nights to make up for as soon as possible.”

How is she still this horny??? She’s going to break my poor dick at this rate!!!

“Know what? All this fucking has worked up an appetite. I’ll go forage some dinner and be back before sundown.”

“I’ll accompany you.”

“No! I mean, no, you stay here and relax, honey.” My pet name has her blushing to her ear tips, and my excuses give me the opportunity to make it to the door. “I’ve got my armor, spear, and a little magic. It’s just Fuzzy Field. I’ll be fine.” I blow her a kiss before closing the door behind me. “Love you!”

I need that bunny mark ASAP!



Wolf Nose activate!

Sniff, sniff.

I smell a bunny bitch boy. I run through Fuzzy Field in full crab armor at top speed, Fishman spear in hand. Harpy Lightweight is doing work!

Finding the trail I previously identified isn’t difficult. It’s a bit stale by this point, but all that amounts to is some extra footwork. I zigzag across the field following the bunny’s path.

The ground trembles beneath me several times, though I’m too fast for the ambushes to surround me. I’ve entered mole-man territory.


I hear a feminine scream. Wolf Rush!

Darting towards the source of the noise double-time fast, I stumble upon a horrifying scene. Two grotesque mole-men are grabbing up tiny childlike fuzzy creatures by the armful.

The mole-men have squinty eyes, clawlike nails, and huge incisors. They’re covered in fur that’s matted with dried blood around their mouths and crusty with dirt everywhere else. They have bulky male proportions, hunched backs, and thick dangling schlongs.

The abducted children are proportioned like preteens, but only a foot and a half tall. Fur covers their lower bodies, their ears are inhumanly large, and they have sharp nails. They’re quick and nimble, but they scatter when startled and are easily herded away from one mole-man and into the arms of the other. It’s a common hunter’s tactic.

Based on the dried blood on the mole-men, these kids are about to become the monsters’ dinner.

“No! Take me instead!” says a nearby bunny boy. He presents his plump derriere, fluffy bunny tail standing proud, and smacks his butt cheek. “I-I’ve got a lot more m-meat on me. So, l-let them go!”

One of the mole-men drops his catch to reach for the bunny boy, who narrowly hops out of reach. The other mole-man stupidly drops his catch as well to summon a shovel. By plunging the garden tool into the ground, he creates a localized tremor that causes the bunny boy to stumble and fall.

The two mole-men, cocks erect, mouths drooling, stand over the bunny boy’s defenseless, skyward-pointing, deliciously round ass.

“I’ve seen enough,” I say as I step into the small clearing of trampled grass. I grew up with Orcs and know not all monsters are bad guys. These, though, can’t be suffered to live. “The only one who gets to eat that ass is me!”

“Woman?” one mole-man asks the other.

“Crab?” he replies. Their voices are gruff, gravelly, and grating.

The first mole-man shrugs and points at my spear. “Kill.”

“That’s the idea,” I agree.

The second mole-man summons his shovel, and the fight is on.

Wolf Rush! I dart in and nick one of them in the side with my spear tip, even as he dodges. The other hits the ground with his shovel, causing the ground beneath me to upheave. Despite my unstable footing, I’m a Lightweight even with the armor (credit to Gale), and I saw him use this trick before. Fast Learner is already showing me how to distribute my weight, how to slide on the loose soil to my advantage, and where to point the spear to keep my balance.

A shovel swings for my head.

I duck and roll away before popping back onto my feet. My distended belly sloshes and I’m glad it’s not a real baby in there instead of a slime girl.

The two mole-men try to flank me. I focus on defense while watching their movements, hoping Fast Learner will help me bridge the gap in numbers and strength. One shovel swings high and the other low to catch me crossways.

I leap over the low spear while raising my arms to block the high one. The blow sends me tumbling away, dizzy, winded, and bruised but unharmed. I thank Kani for the armor, as I’d be a wreck without it after that attack.

After struggling to my feet, I force myself to move. I can’t let them flank me again. Wolf Rush! I leap over one earth upheaval after another as the two mole-men try to capitalize on their earlier hit.

Inspiration strikes, and I swing my spear like they swing their shovels, copying their style to leave a shallow cut on one mole-man’s shoulder. They swipe at me in passing, but I duck or jump over each strike. Another Wolf Rush lets me stay one step ahead of them to deliver another slash. I’m doing good damage and evading their attacks, but I’ve done a lot of Wolf Rushes today, and it’s taking a toll.

I’m sweating inside my crab armor. I’m panting, and my muscles are aching. I’m wearing myself out too fast. When I exhaust myself, I’m dead.

This time, as I circle them to put the near mole-man between myself and the far one, I stop to go in for a thrust. My opponent counters me with a thrust of his own, but I have armor. My blow draws blood while his throws sparks off my belly plate.

Unfortunately, the second mole-man uses his Earth Magic to upset the ground beneath me. Before I can escape the unstable footing, the first mole-man hits me with the flat of his shovel head in a glancing blow. Another bruise. I’m in trouble.


I use another Wolf Rush to retake the battle’s momentum. I’m wishing I had magic to counter theirs as I jump over another upheaval when it hits me. Wait, I do! Thanks, Ariella!

With a flex of will and an outstretched hand, I shoot a stream of water at the mole-men’s feet. My Water Magic ‘jet’ isn’t powerful enough to throw these monsters off their feet or fast enough to hit their eyes. What it can do is make mud.

All their Earth Magic has loosened the soil in the area. All their turning about to follow me as I circle them churns the water and dirt together to make mud. Mud is sticky, less responsive to their Earth Magic, and sucks at their feet when they move.

Wolf Rush!

I’m really feeling the effect of all this running at double speed, but it’s worth it when I stab the first mole-man in the kidney from behind. He couldn’t turn to face me and defend himself in time. I grin inside my crabby helmet as I watch his blood flow freely.

I approach the second mole-man slowly, spear raised. When he swings his shovel, I deflect the trajectory with my spear and hit him with a shallow jab. Fast Learner has been watching all this time, collecting data, and feeding me battle experience at something like ten times the normal rate. It feels like I’ve been fighting them for hours with Gabby whispering tips and pointers into my ear.

“I know all your moves now.”

The first mole-man hits the ground with his shovel, eliciting a pathetic splat of mud. I barely feel the earth tremble beneath me.

It’s gory work finishing the job. I go at it with methodical determination now I don’t have to rely on Wolf Rush. My spear parries their swings and draws another drop of blood over and over. They’re both hulking, meaty things with lots of blood to spill. It takes a while, but eventually, they collapse from blood loss.

Two mercy killings later, I stand above their corpses.


*Overcame the Mole-man – Two Fuzzy Marks!*


Singular. I only got marks for one. So, no mark farming. Good to know.

I turn to look for my prize and find the bunny boy didn’t run. He’s standing there, nose sniffing the air with interest, blinking at me in shock and awe.

“A-are you human?”

The question takes me by surprise. I must be a sight with a bulging belly, intimidating spikey red crab armor, covered in mud and blood. My mind and body barely qualify as human by the old standard anymore. I flex my gauntleted fingers and wonder…

“I think I’m more, now.”

I in turn drink in the bunny boy’s curvaceous body, meet his curious, yearning eyes, I smile with predatory hunger.

To the victor go the spoils.

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