Monster Breeder

8: Part of Your World (R-18)



Hitting the water from a great height, even after falling part of the way as a featherweight, isn’t fun.

The impact knocks the breath from my lungs, and I inhale a bucket of burning salty water. Through the swirl of bubbles, foam of the surf, and fading consciousness, I see a horde of squirming dark tentacles… then blackness.



I awake coughing and gagging.

Someone props me up and strokes my back while I gasp and hack. The terror of that last sight melts away as awareness returns. My eyes open in time to see water droplets floating from my nose and throat like soap bubbles as they merge into a levitating sphere above me.

“Human, you’re alive!” A voice sweet as vanilla caresses my ears.

I turn to see a vision of beauty. A woman with skin as pale as cream and red hair burning like fire in the setting sun’s light lies next to me. A glance lower confirms my hazy suspicion.

“You’re a mermaid!”

Her aquamarine scales glisten in the twilight like gemstones. Her fins wave in the shallow water like gossamer.

She giggles, her laugh as intoxicating as sparkling wine. “You’re silly.”

Living to see a mermaid was a fantasy I never dared to entertain. The ocean is way too fucking scary, and there are so many dangerous sea monsters I’d be just as likely to encounter. Not to say a mermaid is entirely safe.

“You’re not going to eat me, are you?”

Her smile reveals razor-sharp teeth perfect for tearing flesh from bone.

“We’ll see.”

She winks, and my heart skips a beat. My stomach flip-flops and fills with butterflies. I wouldn’t mind being eaten by this enchanting girl!

“What’s your name, human?”

Asking for my name is a very good sign. You don’t stop to get your dinner’s name… unless you’re a sadist.


“I’m Ariella.”

“That’s a beautiful name.”

She giggles again as her eyes scan my supine form. “I think you’re beautiful.”

I blush hard. My body heats from head to toe, hot enough I’m surprised my feet don’t boil water. Oh, right, where am I?

Looking around, I find we’re lying on a flat slanted rock jutting several feet above the sea with the base below the surface. The beach is in sight, but a hundred yards may as well be a hundred miles for me when the sea is filled with monsters.

Monsters like this darling mermaid, who has my life in her hands.

I push myself a bit higher onto the rock to dry my feet. Ariella crawls forward a little to follow me.

“You saved my life.”

“Mm-hmm.” She nods. “You fell on the edge of a Kraken’s territory. If I’d found you a second later, she’d have had you for dinner.”

There’s no doubt in my mind how that would go. There’re too many stories of Krakens devouring sailors by the boatful for me to think I’d merely be fucked and spared. Tentacle-raped, then eaten seems more likely.

“So, you risked your life for mine?”

Ariella nods again, shyly this time.

I clear my throat, my voice raspy from saltwater coming out husky, “How can I repay you?”

The mermaid’s expression becomes steamy. Her hand strokes my chin as she locks sapphire eyes with mine. “Be my wife.”

That never ended well for ancient humans.

My half-suppressed but clearly visible wince takes the wind from her sails. I explain, “Ariella, I’d love nothing more than to be yours but…” I extend my fingers to her. They’re wrinkly from the water. She takes my hand to inspect them. “If I stay here, I’ll die from dehydration.”

She perks up. The water balloon drops into the sea, and she cups her hand before my face. Liquid appears in her palm from nowhere. I read her body language, leaning in to take a sip.

The water is sweet. I tip her hand, and she watches with eager greed as I desperately gulp the fresh water. Thirst slaked, I sit back and sigh with relief.

“How do you like my taste?” She looks expectant after giving me a double entendre, but I have to douse her spirits.

“The best I’ve had, but when the sun rises tomorrow, I’ll be baked alive.”

“I can cover you with seaweed!”

“Ariella, please. If I stay on this rock, I’ll die. I could freeze tonight from the cold and damp… there are storms… other monsters… I need real shelter.”

She deflates, unable to argue. We both know she can’t protect me from everything while I’m exposed like an hors d’oeuvre on a silver platter.

I take her hand. “If you let me go, I’ll promise to return.”

She pouts. “You’re lying.”

“You have no idea how much I’ve always wanted a mermaid girlfriend.”

“You’re a strange human.” We both laugh, her voice tinkling like crystal. She heaves a deep sigh. “I wish I could believe you.”

My freedom is so close! “How can I prove myself?”

She looks up at me through heavily lidded eyes and bares her fragile heart. “Carry my child.”

In that moment, I speak from the soul. “I’d love nothing more.”

Ariella crawls forward, propping herself on her arms above my sprawled body. We look at one another, each reading the other’s lust, and she sees in my eyes I’m no liar. Her teardrop breasts hang large on her slender form; they must be buoyant underwater. I see a slit below her broad hips hiding treasure.

She lowers her lips to mine, and we share a tender kiss amidst ocean spray. Ariella is a talented kisser who doesn’t cut her lover on her sharp teeth. Our tongues play in the shared caves of our mouths.

Then she breaks the kiss, leaving me gasping, lips parted. She sees smoldering desperation in my eyes. The ocean temptress grins her deadly smile. “Not yet.”

Ariella dips to take my breasts in her mouth. My hands grab at her, instincts flaring a danger warning in my head. Mischievous eyes meet mine as she settles my fears. She’s all lips and tongue on my vulnerable flesh.

My tits are on fire, though her body is cold like the sea.

She departs from my heaving breasts, going lower. Her hands find my legs. I shiver as her fingers trace the lines of my inner thighs and calves.

“I’ve only seen legs like these on Goblins, but you wear them better,” Ariella says. I can imagine her interest in land-dweller limbs. “They draw the eye to the most tantalizing places.”

I sit up to watch as she brings her needle-smile near my most delicate region. Eyes wide, I gasp as she takes my core in her mouth.


Somehow, the danger heightens my pleasure. Knowing those razors are so close while her cool slippery tongue massages my burning hot flesh is an extreme aphrodisiac. Then she gently laps at my bare vulva. The Association teaches hygiene, including the routine shaving of pubic hair.

The mermaid proceeds to explore my entrance with a finger.

Ancient humans would be wrecked for months after taking the Wolf Lord’s knot if they even survived. A modern human like me gets sore for a few hours, but no more so than after taking a regular-sized insertion. It’s not exactly ‘regeneration’ like a troll’s. Our increased vaginal stretchiness means there was no real damage to heal. By now, I’ve fully regained my tightness and am ready for stimulation.

Ariella must like my taste because she’s giving some enthusiastic head. Her finger goes deeper, searching until she finds my g-spot. My bucking hips tell her all she needs to know.

Another finger enters me, joining the first. My legs wrap around the mermaid’s head. I arch my spine as she rubs that secret place in a ‘come hither’ motion as if beckoning my orgasm. Her tongue circles my clit, and a euphoric fountain erupts from my core, spreading through me as my limbs contort.

“Ngh!” I bite my hand to muffle my screams.

Then Ariella is above me again, nuzzling my neck and tasting my skin. I run my fingers through her bright red hair as the orgasmic aftershocks subside.

“Where did you learn that trick?” I ask playfully.

“You think we mermaids are celibate?”

I laugh. I know mermaids are a single-sex species that doesn’t rely on monsters or humans to maintain their population. “Then why did you choose me?”

I can’t help wondering if Ariella has a mermaid girlfriend I don’t know about.

She locks her dazzling sapphire gaze with mine. “I smelled you the second you touched the water and knew I had to make you mine. The warmth of your body… your taste… you’re intoxicating.”

My cheeks burn again as I listen to her praise. I was never special among the girls in town except for my odd obsession. This is why I’ve always wanted to go find monster girls. Being desired so carnally… it’s incredible.

“I could get used to having a mermaid wife,” I tease.

She whispers in my ear, “Then you’re ready to become my bride?”

This girl is too sweet. In reply, I kiss her neck, finding my monster lover’s closed gill slits. She shivers as my tongue runs over the sensitive area. My hands rub her back in encouragement while pressing her chest into mine. I relish the sensation of our breasts squishing together.

Rising onto her arms, she balances to take one of my hands in hers and leads me to her lower slit. At her direction, I rub the patch of soft scales concealing her treasure. The folds part, slick with juices, allowing my fingers entry.

I find two holes and a tiny nub. I fondle the lowermost hole’s entrance, but she scolds me with a ‘Not that one!’ glance. Going to the higher hole, my investigating digit is rewarded with Ariella burying her head in my shoulder and moaning. I plunge deeper, finding something between a g-spot and a prostate.

The tiny nub engorges with her arousal, swelling into a long, meaty, tapered penis. I withdraw my hand from her slit to form a sleeve around her mer-cock. It’s slick with a waterproof lubricant and slides easily in my hand.

I’m surprised to feel the mermaid’s length wrap around my wrist! It’s not a tentacle, but it is prehensile. I tease her tapered tip and cup my hand to let her prick push between the fingers as if searching for my love tunnel’s entrance.

Ariella’s face scrunches prettily as I give her a handjob. I kiss her jaw. She whines with desperation as if on the verge of crying. “Please, put it in!”

Her adorable pleading shatters my willpower. She’s not a ‘top,’ but that’s fine with me. Her cuteness is seriously making me fall for her!

“That’s my line,” I further tease my mermaid lover, but give her what she wants. I guide her mer-cock to the slit between my legs. She eagerly finds the right hole and plunges inside.

““Ahn!”” We both gasp in mutual shock and pleasure.

The feel of her inside me is cold but sweet like ice cream.

“So… hot!” She says as she starts moving her hips.

The slipperiness of her mer-cock’s waterproof coating is better than top-notch lubricant. The tapered shape of her dick is unlike anything from my training dildo collection, giving me unique sensations.

I lift my legs, changing the angle of her penetration, and wrap them around her waist, locking my ankles behind her back. My hands go to her breasts while she uses her arms to prop herself up and control our pace. I massage her teardrop tits, adding to her pleasure without being distracting.

We lie there, together, enjoying the moment, rocking against each other. Ariella’s eyes are closed. She’s entirely focused on the feeling of my sheath on her dick, my skin on hers, and our mutual pleasure.

Her expression, so intense, so yearning, riding the waves of cresting emotion and ecstasy, is heart-rending. There’s no place I’d rather be than beneath my Ariella’s thrusting hips. I want her to cum. I want to have her daughter.

This isn’t a ravishing, or a monster fuck like with the teachers in class or the Wolf Lord. No, on that rock at sea, Ariella and I made love.

Then we reach the point of no return. Her thrusting accelerates. The heat in my loins intensifies. I can already feel we’re going to climax together.

Ariella throws back her head, mouth open to sing her orgasm, and the last rays of sunset ignites her flowing red mane in a fiery halo as a tremendous wave crashes behind her.


I add my voice to hers in an overwhelming tsunami of pleasure. Instead of subsiding, this orgasm continues to plateau as she thrusts deeper and deeper. She squirts something like precum on my cervix, and I feel myself dilate enough for the tip to enter my uterus. Ariella stops thrusting once fully inside me, but her whole body convulses.


Her stomach flutters as she falls to her forearms. Her head bows above me until our faces are inches apart. I study the mingled pain and exquisite pleasure on her features.

My own orgasm doesn’t stop, keeping me rigid while paroxysmic muscle twitches run along my thighs and arched spine. Then I feel the egg enter my tunnel entrance through the urethra of her mer-cock. The mermaid’s ovipositor squeezes something the size of a bean up through my tunnel and directly into my uterus.


That final deposit pushes me over the last hump of my orgasm’s plateau. My body goes limp, twitching with aftershocks.

My mermaid bride collapses atop me. I embrace her with my arms as well as my legs. Her member slowly retreats from my love tunnel. Then we lie there as I release my leg’s hold on her waist and relax.

When she finally moves, it’s to kiss me.

Our lips part, and I smile. “Still think I’m faking?”

She laughs.

“Oh, Ariella! Ariella, fuck me! Harder! Yes! YESSS!” I throw my head around in mock-pleasure, teasing her with my terrible acting.

“Stop it!” She playfully slaps my shoulder while laughing.  

“I’m a lying human that tricks every mermaid I come across into impregnating me so I can abscond with her egg, never to be seen again!”

Ariella scoots down to kiss my tummy, where her daughter now resides. “You’ll visit often?”

“You have to let me go, first.”

The mermaid buries her face in my belly to nuzzle me. I’m a little ticklish and giggle at her attentions. “I want to cuddle my human bride a little longer,” she says, testing the label.

“That’s fine. I want to cuddle my mermaid bride a bit more.” I brush her hair with my fingers while our eyes meet, gaging one another’s affection. I think she sees in me what I see in her. “You know I have to return to give birth. I’m not raising my daughter in an aquarium!”

She laughs again, and we spend a few more minutes together as the sky darkens.

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