Monster Breeder

9. Day 2: Choices, Choices

Ariella swims me to shore through terrifying black waters. I’d never have the will to cross this distance at night without her.

There’s an awkward moment after she pulls me to shore, and I stand on the beach where I look back, and she’s staring at me like her heart’s about to break. My shoulders slump as if I’m disappointed she thought so little of me.

“Ariella!” I say as I splash into the surf to kneel before her and kiss the little mermaid farewell. Tears spill from her eyes as she hugs me tight.

“I’ll watch for you from that rock at noon every day.”

I brush red bangs turned black by nightfall from her eyes. “I can’t promise I’ll be here every day. It’s dangerous for me no matter what I do, but I’ll try to visit often.”

She nods in understanding, though she clearly doesn’t like it.

This time, when we part, she’s a bit more confident that I sincerely intend to return.


“Goodnight, Alex.”

Then she finally swims away.

I sigh, knowing it’ll be a rough night for me. I’m already shivering from the cold and the night swim. I’m standing here naked with no supplies.

Thankfully, the Association gave us some survival training.

I need cover, so I dig a hole. Not in the wet sand, but the dry sand further inland that’s still a bit warm. I grab some sundried kelp to line the bottom, then lay down and cover myself in kelp and sand to block the wind. I have to rely on my body heat and the insulation of my makeshift shelter to survive.



Morning comes, and I’m not dead.

I do feel shitty, though. I emerge from my itchy cocoon once the sun rises and warms the beach. A quick wash in the sea cleans me of all the filth, and then I dry myself in the sun.

With that under control I can sit on a rock and look at my tattoo.

I felt it change again last night, and, sure enough, I can see more differences. The most striking one is the mark inside my uterus outline. I can literally see Ariella’s egg inside me. Well, it’s black tattoo ink outline. Still, it’s almost as good as the ‘ultrasound’ ancient human medics used to have.

I’ve got a little jellybean inside me! So cute!

Okay, what else is new? There’s six marks now, and I can’t read any of them. I tap a finger on a mark in frustration.

To my shock, the tattoo moves beneath my touch. Some experimentation reveals my ‘clockface’ tattoo is more of a menu. Dragging marks into the middle expands them into language I can read.

Here’s what I learn.


*The Wolf Lord’s Toy – Three Canine Marks!*

*Harpy Lover – Two Avian Marks!*

*Mermaid Bride – One Mer Mark!*


The marks appear to be linked to ‘achievements,’ though the quality of said achievements appears to be dubious at best. Also, the number of marks per achievement seems to be linked to the monster’s strength, obviously not the personal importance of said event.

Further expanding the achievements gives me the following…


*Canine Marks – Three*

Wolf Nose

Dire Wolf Nose

Wolf Lord’s Nose

Wolf Claws

Dire Wolf Claws

Wolf Lord’s Claws

Wolf Tail

Dire Wolf Tail

Wolf Lord’s Tail

Wolf Legs

Dire Wolf Legs

Wolf Lord’s Legs

Wolf Jaws

Dire Wolf Jaws

Wolf Lord’s Jaws

Wolf Cock

Dire Wolf Cock

Wolf Lord’s Cock


Wow. Okay, I’m not getting a tutorial. The ‘Dire’ and ‘Wolf Lord’ options are greyed out. I can’t select them.

So, is this permanent, or…?

I mean, the cock is staring me in the face.

But, do I have to trade my pussy for it? Or are these bonus genitals?

I take a deep breath. I’m getting ahead of myself. First, let me take something I can live with if it is permanent.


*Selected Wolf Nose!*


My nasal cavity changes, and I’m blown away by the many scents on the wind. This’ll take some time to get used to. I chose this because it’ll definitely help me survive. Both in searching for food and avoiding predators, enhanced senses can’t be beaten! Exploring my face reveals no physical changes to my outer nose. My beauty is secure!

‘Dire Wolf Nose’ becomes selectable.

That answers one question. I try to undo the transformation but find it isn’t possible. My chest tightens. That’s one point for ‘permanent.’ Maybe it’s time-related? I can’t go changing my selection willy-nilly, huh?

For my second choice, the claws are very tempting. Survival would be easier with a natural weapon… but I wouldn’t be able to finger monster girls anymore!!!

No, my priorities are in the correct order, thank you!


*Selected Wolf Legs!*


My body shifts as soon as I make my selection. From my knees down, I grow brown fur to match my hair. My bone structure changes, and sharp claws sprout from my new paws.

Good, I’m still bipedal. A little voice in my head screamed that I’d go full wolf from this, but nope. If this is a permanent change, I can live with never having to shave my legs again.

Hmm? Am I concerned the humans will confuse me for a monster girl? Oh, no! Julia, Jenny, I guess I’ll just have to breed you with my Wolf Cock and see what kind of baby pops out! Heh, heh, heh…

‘Dire Wolf Legs’ becomes selectable.

‘Wolf Rush’ appears as an option.

Oh! There are hidden choices! I can’t just disregard the tail, huh? I’ve got no idea how I’ll get enough marks to fill out this list.

My next choice is easy.


*Selected Wolf Rush!*


I could’ve doubled down on the nose or legs, but this seemed smarter. The Wolf Cock option is taunting me with possibilities, but I just can’t bring myself to risk it without certain assurances. I do need a birth canal for my daughter in nine months, you know!

All the options turn grey.

I’ve made my bed. Time to lie in it.

My instincts tell me I can activate Wolf Rush with intent. Setting a goal on the beach with my eyes, I use the skill. Energy shoots through my limbs as I sprint forward. I reach the goal in half the time but feel as if I’ve run twice as far.

A tradeoff, then.


*Avian Marks – Two*

Harpy Sight

Harpy Wings

Harpy Tailfeathers

Harpy Talons

Harpy Lightweight

Harpy Air Magic


Interesting. So, the evolutions I’ve ‘met’ in the carnal sense determine what is revealed? Also, Harpies evolve from Chicklin, like Henlins, but I don’t have to spend a mark to upgrade through that level? I guess that’s good for me. Doggins don’t get a mention on the Canine list either.

I wonder what options are hidden? Hmm, it looks like I’ll need at least three marks to achieve real flight. That’s definitely on my bucket list!


*Selected Harpy Sight!*


Enhanced senses. No brainer.

My vision swims as I adjust to my new telescopic eyes.

Alright, now this is a puzzler. ‘Lightweight’ or ‘Air Magic?’ On the one hand, I get to do fucking magic! On the other…


*Selected Harpy Lightweight!*


A burden is lifted from me.

I know, I know, Air Magic sounds awesome. But check this out. I hop in place.

First try, ten-foot vertical leap, no problem.

Okay, maybe I accidentally do half a backflip and land prone. It doesn’t hurt though. Feels more like I fell one foot instead of ten. I try again, this time managing a straight up-and-down, landing on my feet.

Yeah, that’s the shit. Reduced falling damage. Increased jump height. Increased endurance. Increased acceleration. Offense, defense, and evasion all in one place. Fuck. Yes.

Next, I try another Wolf Rush.

My top speed is unchanged, but I reach it in a fraction of a second. The stamina cost drawback is also decreased. I’m hardly winded. Overall, Harpy Lightweight plus Wolf Rush equals an impressive dash attack. Nice!


*Mer Marks - One*

Mermaid Sight

Mermaid Gills

Mermaid Fins

Mermaid Depth Resistance

Mermaid Water Magic

Mermaid Ovipositor


Mermaid Sight isn’t selectable. So, I can’t take two ‘Sight’ options simultaneously. Same for leg modifications, which explains why Harpy Talons weren't selectable.

It seems I have a similar situation to Harpy flight, probably needing between two and four marks to get anywhere underwater. Not that I’d ever try that! The ocean is scary!

Then there’s the most tantalizing option… Staring me right in the face…

But… Arg!!!


* Selected Mermaid Water Magic!*


It’s obviously the best option in a survival scenario.

I lift a hand to confirm. With an exertion of will, I conjure a palmful of water. I taste it. Fresh and clean.

Thank you, Ariella! I’ve already secured my first priority! Second is food.

Now that’s settled, I have a different kind of choice. Where am I supposed to go?

I’m not yet desperate for food, giving me a little leeway to investigate my surroundings. My stomach rumbles even as I have that thought. I should probably think about finding a reliable source of food and shelter.

Thinking back, I had a good view of the area while airborne.

Gale flew me over the Charlatan Forest and dropped me in the gulf before Harpy Mountain. Part of me wants to stop everything and find Gale to apologize. I think I can rock climb with Lightweight pretty effectively. Maybe if I show up in her nest and offer myself, I can break through to her. The other part says storming a Harpy colony is stupid-dangerous.

I’m on the gulf’s beach. If I go inland, I should find myself in a large field. I don’t recall seeing any Taurine herds or Lambies. The tall grass may hide small and furry things though… And my current kit is well-suited to running down prey in an open area.

The Charlatan Forest to the south separates me from the Human Plains. I can see from here the beach ends in rocky cliffs looming over the water. If I tried to climb around there and fell, I’d land in the Kraken’s territory.

No way.

East of the Charlatan Forest are the Ogre Fen and Kennel Hills. I may be faster, but I’m not yet confident in outrunning a Dire Wolf, so I’ll stay away from there.

Then there’s the Eastern Desert. I have water conjuration now, so it’s not as crazy an option as it was yesterday. The monsters there are probably a little more dangerous if I’m feeling ambitious. I could scout the border before doubling back towards the sea in a ‘V’ shape.

Between the Desert and Harpy Mountain is a Misty Grove that I didn’t get a good look at. That’s an option for future exploration, not today.

It looked like the base of the mountain had some caves as well. That place is probably littered with creepy crawlies. I’m not afraid of bugs, though. I might be able to scavenge some mushrooms or something.

I recall seeing a hut in the field. I don’t know who lives there, but that’s the surest shelter I can imagine! Probably food there too.

I saw a brook flowing from the forest to the sea. Wild game needs fresh water, so I bet I’ll find something to eat. Maybe fish. Might be a good place to watch for interesting monsters.

Which returns me to Charlatan Forest. I still think it’s a bad idea, but it’s likely to have nuts, berries, and small animals. From what little I’ve heard in town, I think it’s mostly plant monsters there.

Thinking it over, nothing strikes me as ‘safe’ except maybe the field, though Wolves and Orcs could appear anywhere. All my options have potential dangers. I’ll have to go with my gut.


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