Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 139 [Barry]

Barry grunted as he felt his knees weaken from the blow. His hands trembled as they let go of the stick he’d been holding. Palms stung and shoulders ached. It’d felt like he’d just tried to lift a car for the past half hour.

“No, not like that, never like that.” Embla spoke with a stern voice, stepping closer, grabbing his arms and raising them over her head. “Never attempt to block, maidens and humans both would crush you.”

“I know I’m weak, but humans too?”

“The humans of this world have had maidens in their families. Many are stronger for it. Against any opponent you face, you must never rely on your strength or speed, read them, follow their movements, apply as little force as possible.”

“Flow like water.” Barry mumbled, almost wanting to roll his eyes. “And when do I start hitting back?”

“You don’t. This is a defensive style, meant to help you survive. Hopefully long enough that help will arrive. Remember the gesture, engrave it if you must.” She spoke sternly, slowly bending his arms so that the stick he held would inch to the side, the imaginary blade he was parrying allegedly slipping downwards. “And now you roll.”

“Wait wha-!” The young red-head screeched as he was tossed sideways, thumping against the dirt with a solid grunt. “There was no roll before.”

“There is now.” Embla proclaimed. “For someone with the speed and strength of a maiden, the deflection would follow with an attempt at a counter, but if you are not going to counter, you are left open for a second attack. The angle would make it tricky for your opponent, but not impossible. The roll would be to avoid that follow up.”

Reaching down, she picked him up by the shoulders, pulling him back to his feet as if he weighed nothing.

“Since you don’t know how to roll with the impact, we will just focus on the deflection and we will work on rolling for the next session.”

“How… what if they go for a stab instead?”

“You will get your chance to train for that.”

That would sound much more like a threat if not for how her strong hands moved down his shoulders and to his hips, her gaze boring into his own with an intensity that held something else within. Something soft.

“I… hope I am not interrupting anything, my Lady?”

Embla’s hands remained firmly on Barry’s hips as she turned to meet the newcomer. “Nonsense, Lala, you may enter.” Only once the dark skinned artificer had fully entered the training grounds did the Lady’s hands leave Barry’s body, though not without giving an appreciative squeeze to his rump.

Lala did not miss that, her face flushed slightly though she kept a straight face. “You call for me, my Lady?”

“Yes, I’ve heard that you’ve been slacking in your training. It is time to correct that.” The taller woman gestured at the two swords that lay side by side at the edge of the training ring.

Lala paled. “My Lady, I am very honored to spar with you, but I would not desire to take up your very important time. There is certainly better things to do than waste energy trying to train a weakling like me.”

“And yet here I stand, ordering you to ready yourself.” Embla didn’t blink, picking up the short-sword and giving it a couple of practice swings. The weapon looked too short for her size, almost as if it were a better fit to be used as cutlery instead. “You can opt to run, but that only means I will go for my favorite weapon instead.”

All eyes moved to the seven foot long axe that lay outside the training ring, and Lala visibly shuddered. “I-I will do my best, my Lady.”

Grabbing hold of the other short-sword, Lala gulped, eyes glancing around and landing on Barry for a moment before quickly turning away. “Should we… spar seriously?”

Embla’s back straightened slightly. “I had forgotten, yes.” She moved her hands down her figure, pulling up her shirt and exposing her naked large dark breasts, her six-pack abs, and her thin yet well toned arms. “Let us keep blows only to the upper torso.”

“… certainly, my Lady.”

Lala had been wearing a short green dress, and with its removal, she was left down to a pair of loose light green briefs. Next to Embla, Lala was far shorter, even Barry was slightly taller than her. The maiden’s skin was fairer, the coloration not quite as dark, a deep tan that left her body looking like a supermodel that had spent a long time on the beach.

Barry felt his throat go dry. Lala looked a fair bit less athletic or powerful than Embla, broader hips and a lack of muscle definition gave her a more homely visage.

“I believe our audience is enjoying himself.”

Embla’s words caused Barry’s back to straighten and his face to flush. Lala had similarly tensed, face turning slightly redder, but she’d not looked away from the taller maiden for an instant, holding her blade firmly.

“Watch very carefully, Barry, I wish to hear your opinion of this spar later.”

No sooner had she spoken, than the taller maiden stepped forward. Lala reacted instantly, with a vicious forward stab that was aimed squarely at Embla’s gut. The sound of ringing steel deafened everything else. Embla had deflected the attack with a simple gesture of her arm, her blade flowing in an abrupt downward slash that Lala had to deflect.

She rolled right as Embla’s attack had turned sideways. Lala tried to prepare to block the next attack but saw the force with which the Lady was swinging the blade and quickly rolled a second time. It was just enough to regain her footing, barely enough to meet Embla’s thrust with her blade and spin, pushing the attack to the side just enough to stop herself from getting skewered.

And again, Embla turned the attack into a sideways swipe with such ease that the blade might as well have weighed as much as a toothpick to her. Lala rolled, raising the blade and swinging to force the attack to go over her head. The shorter maiden saw Embla’s exposed side and tried to go in for a stab.

The attack turned into a swing when she spotted the incoming back-swing. The two blades threw sparks as metal ground against metal. Again, Embla had been left wide open, and Lala lunged for an attack. But she couldn’t cover even half the distance between them before Embla’s arm came back swinging with a powerful blow. Confusion was growing on Lala’s face with each time she had to turn her attack into a forced deflection, and even Barry was starting to notice that the larger woman was leaving herself open for a counter, but denying the opportunity before it could come to fruition.

She was just that much faster and stronger.

And then the shorter one slipped.

It had been a misstep, a miss-calculation. She’d attempted to attack, and hadn’t had the time to parry the incoming sideway attack. So she blocked it.

A horrible screeching sound was immediately followed by a shriek. Embla’s attack pierced through the blocking sword, and right as she’d been about to cut Lala in half, twisted the sword so it would impact with its flat edge instead. The technician’s ribs audibly cracked as she was sent flying out of the spar-ring.

Barry ran after her instantly. “Don’t move.” He quickly knelt next to her, hands reaching out to touch her shoulder. “You probably broke something.”

“Get up.”

Embla stood behind Barry, holding her blade and bearing down on Lala’s prone figure.

“Just… one moment, my Lady.” The woman grunted, wincing as she tried to get up but failed, groaning in pain as her hand pressed against her bruised ribs.

“Your ribs are broken.” Barry’s voice rose as his fingers touched the soft skin. “You need to get healed.” He looked over his shoulder at Embla. “She needs some healing.”

“Broken bones are of no concern during a spar. We are not that fragile.” The woman spoke, scowl deepening. “Do you think a feral will care to give you a moment’s respite just because you are injured? Or a Knight or Hunter, for that matter?”

“But this isn’t a serious fight, it’s a spar!”

“D-don’t worry, Barry, this is nothing, really.” Despite her words, Lala’s face was contorted and tight as she brushed his hand off, standing back up, albeit on shaky feet. “Besides, the L-Lady’s been generous enough to be holding back today, she must be in a good mood.”

Embla’s lips curled upwards in a smirk. She raised her chin, making her naked throat all the more apparent. There was something shared in that look as Lala proceeded to lunge with her broken sword, the metal glowing with some sort of purple energy that made Barry’s skin crawl from just looking at it.

The Lady merely dropped her sword, stepping forward and grasping Lala’s wrist before the swing could be made. And with her other hand, she punched into Lala’s good side. It was followed by the crunching sound of ribs. Lala fell to her knees, coughing blood.

“Enough!” Barry barked.

“No.” Embla made a gesture with her hand, and the human abruptly felt his feet stuck in place right before he could enter the ring. The taller woman turned to her subject. “If you had to protect the Court, would this much stop you?”

“No… my Lady.” Lala wheezed the words out, slowly struggling as she returned to her feet.

“That’s how it should be.” A solid nod and a grin. “If you stay on your feet after the next one, I’ll let you take your collar off.”

Lala’s eyes widened, her breathing already short and uneven fastened slightly. She raised her fists, arms shaking slightly as she glanced Barry’s way for a second, then tightened her jaw. “I’m ready.”

Embla stepped into the shorter woman, her fist swinging upwards. Lala tightened as best she could, changing her position so the attack would at least be blocked by her arms. The impact was a solid thud that felt like a grenade going off. Lala’s whole body rose from the ground a whole two feet before being dropped.

She vomited blood as she stumbled, pain clear on her face as she held her knees in place, her whole body shaking almost violently.

“Good enough.”

Embla reached for the maiden’s throat and yanked, the collar snapping loudly. The taller woman ignored Lala as she collapsed, approaching the still paralyzed Barry. With her arm stretched out, she dropped the torn collar onto the ground before him.

“Your kindness is a strength, but anything in excess can be a poison.”

“Heal first?” The woman groaned, falling to the ground and laying on her side. “My Lady?”

Embla tilted her head slightly, turning from Lala to Barry, and nodding. “Not until you and Barry have bonded.”

Barry didn’t regain his ability to move or form words until Embla had left.

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