Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 140 [Barry]

“How… bad is it?” Barry sat next to Lala as she lay on her back, the ground beneath her stained with her sweat.

“Been… worse.” She replied, naked chest heaving with her breaths. “Not going to die from this.”

“But in pain.”

“Been worse.” Lala didn’t deny his words, looking at the hand he was holding. “You’re soft.”

“I’m not used to seeing people in pain.”

“No, no… your hands, they’re soft.” Closing her eyes, her fingers brushed against his palm. “They’re really pretty hands.”

Barry’s cheeks lit up. “I’ve never had anyone say that to me before.”

“I bet it’d feel great if you touched me with them.” Lala’s lips parted into a weak smirk, shifting slightly to thrust her chest upwards a bit.

“You’re in pain!” He complained, pushing through the embarrassment. “Broken ribs, spitting blood, you need to get healed.”

“Lady ordered it.” She muttered, closing her eyes. “Bond first.”

“Then I…” He hesitated. “Do you really want to make a bond… like that?”

“Do you prefer bigger chests, like the Lady’s?” A slight wiggle of her hips followed, and a little smugness appeared on her face.

His finger poked at her side and she winced. “You. Are. In. Pain.”

“And I just need a strong emotion and for you to accept it, right?” She replied, her fingers stroking the palm of his hand. “I don’t want it to be pity.”

“Why would I feel pity for you?” He remained seated next to her, fingers grasping her palm lightly.

“Cuz I’m a maiden that lost against someone who wasn’t even trying? Because I’m a stick of a girl barely able to swing a sword?” A grumble and a light cough followed. “That’s harsh.”

“Pretty sure no one can beat Embla,” Barry said, nodding slightly along before blinking, his back straightening up a little. “Close your eyes.”

“If you’re going to have the Hound fondle me, I’d rather keep my eyes open and give pointers.”

His face reddened. “It’s not that.” He waited until she’d complied before he allowed himself to take a deep breath and relax. Fighting the temptation to look her over, he leaned closer.

“Just a heads up, but if you’re going to fuck me, I need some preparation first.”

“Would y-you stop!?” Barry grumbled, freezing as he’d felt the embarrassment burning through him. “Just… just stop, ok?”

“Bond-less girl looking for a good time, just saying I’m fun, not desperate.” She smiled smugly. Barry poked her ribs, and she winced. “Alright, alright! I’ll shut up.”

“Good.” He muttered, sighing loudly. “Just… relax, I’m not going to hurt you.”

A deep breath followed by a long slow exhale, Lala lay on the ground flat, arms stretched at the sides, legs slightly apart. The only piece of clothing upon her form the light green briefs. Barry took her body in and leaned forward, placing one hand next to her head for balance while he moved the other to her neck.

Slowly, he stroked it. Up and down, his fingers brushed over the patch of discoloration that marked where the collar had once been. Lala froze as he did so, inhaling sharply and shuddering. “Breathe.” He reminded her, ignoring his own flustered face and moving his fingers over her exposed throat.

“That’s… ticklish.”

“And what else?” Barry asked. “What else do you feel?”

“I-.” Another shudder and a slow trembling exhale, her face reddened right as her eyes snapped open. They were shimmering surfaces of ochre, but this close, Barry could see flecks of gold, her pupils widened slightly and her hand reached up to press against his chest.

Parting her lips, she whispered a word, too low for him to hear. Barry leaned closer. “What did you-?”

She rushed upwards the short distance, her lips meeting his in a brief chaste kiss. Her hand pressed against his chest and tugged at his shirt, keeping him from escaping as she mashed her lips against his. Barry could taste iron.

With a gasp, she slumped back down. “That… worked? I’m bonded?” Lala laughed before breaking into a coughing fit and groaning. “Oh wow, it… it was never this easy, this smooth, this…”

“What did you feel?” He asked, scratching the back of his head. “Lady Embla seemed to like it when I touched her neck like that, and… well, I thought you’d like it too?”

“Oh you naughty naughty man.” The maiden moved to sit up, and failed, falling flat and back down to the ground. “Ouch.”

“You’re hurt.” He reminded her.

Lala grumbled at the proclamation, head smacking against the dirt underneath. “I know you’re an otherworlder and all that, but you were giving me fuck-me eyes, right?” She said, eying him with a half-cocked grin. “I gotta know if I should pretty up for tonight or not.”

“I don’t… I don’t have ‘fuck-me eyes’.” Barry leaned away defensively. “I don’t even know what that is!”

“That didn’t sound like a ‘no’ to me.”

Crossing his arms, he glared down at her, or tried more like, brows not quite managing to lower all the way. “I won’t answer that. If you want to come meet me, then you’ll have to talk to Lady Embla.”

There was a long moment of silence. “W-what?”

“She and I… sleep together.” He stood up in full, turning away. “I’ll look for a healer so they can patch you up.”


Ignoring her words, Barry hurried out of the training area, doing his best to keep his flushed face under control and failing. He’d thought Embla was shameless, but by the looks of it, Lala was going to be ten times worse. Was this normal? A part of him felt like his face was just about ready to burst in flames as he tried to push away the thoughts of either of the maidens coming onto him.

“And what about you?” He glared at his dark shadow.

Orion for her part, did not respond. Though she did take the little piece of fruit he dropped for her to snack on. So at least she was still there, even if she appeared quite content on not popping out at all. Which was sometimes turning out to be quite frustrating.

Quickly moving towards the apothecary’s place, Barry tried to keep his pace brisk as he wanted to get Lala’s broken ribs treated as soon as possible. So heading straight towards the wooden palace, the young human worked over how he’d request the nice old lady to send someone to heal the hurt maiden. The last time he’d felt like there’d been some implied faux pass and it would probably do him some good to be more aware of how he said things.

As a strategy began to form, all thoughts came to a grinding halt as he spotted Kajou limping her way in the same direction. Alarms rung within Barry’s mind and he approached, looking around quickly as he tried to determine if Pan was anywhere to be seen. “Kajou?”

Getting closer, he called out to her, and watching her flinch.

“Barry.” She greeted, bowing her head slightly. Her arms were bruised, and there were cuts on her thighs.

“What happened?” He asked.

“I had a small altercation, nothing of concern.” She glanced downwards before turning to continue limping her way in the same direction he was taking.

A moment of hesitation, Barry looked around quickly once more. “Let me help you.”

Kajou looked like she was about to complain, but nodded as he took one of her arms over his shoulder.

Their steps led into the wooden palace and into the largest room nearest to the entrance. The walls were lined with pots, vases, and flasks. Dry herbs hung from the ceiling, and there was a moldy kind of scent lingering that mixed with the herbs.

The young man could only inwardly scowl as he glanced at her once more, not quite sure how to deal with this. It had been weeks since he’d last seen her, and yet it felt like the nightmare in the forest had been barely a dream.

“After this…” Kajou hesitated. “Could we talk? Privately?”

Barry could only grimace.

If it were Pan, he’d refuse in a heartbeat.

But Kajou had fought tooth and nail to protect him from the crazy Valkyrie, even put her life on the line to fight for his safety during the feral rush.

This… he owed her at least that much, right?

“… sure.”

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