Moral Degeneration


Principal Leland was playing with herself as she watched me fuck her girlfriend in the ass. Tina Wyatt, the gym coach, or as I referred to her, Pussy, was restrained by shackles attached to the ceiling and floor. Each thrust into her caused her to groan from the ball gag in her mouth. She wasn’t wearing the Gimp mask this time so I was able to see her face and watch her jump up with every hump into her. 


Wearing nipple clamps I even had a few clamps on the lips of her pussy. Squeezing and pinching her to cause pain I had been trying to find her limit but hadn’t yet. Thrusting harder she came again. 


“Oh blob!” She yelled through the gag as her legs buckled and she hung from the ceiling. My hands on her hips I never stopped my onslaught, but increased my speed. She cried out, almost screaming. I had originally thought it was a pained scream, but she loved every second of it. Turned on by her state and reaction I buried myself in her and came causing her own orgasm to continue. “Fu-Fu-Fu!” She yelled as I pushed her ass and stretched her restraints. 

Her back arching she took all of it and I pulled off the nipple clamps as I came. She yelled out louder with the added pain. Her body actually convulsing I began to pinch her nipples roughly, stretching her large breasts out until I was done cumming, her ass tightening all the while. 

When we were done cumming together she let out a long sigh and said, “Mumple.” Uncle was the safe word, she was close enough. 

I released the clamps on her pussy lips, causing her to shake with each. Releasing her legs then arms she fell into me boneless. Picking her up I carried her to the bed Leland was sitting at. 


“Thank you,” Pussy said with a long sigh then fell asleep in my arms. A wide smile on her lips I gave her a confused look then eyed Leland.

“I’ve only seen her pass out after a much longer session,” Leland admitted. She moved her hand from her clit and the other from her nipple and pulled a blanket out of a drawer from under the bed. Laying it on Pussy she was quiet but waved me to leave the room. I nodded, but left my clothes where they lay. 

Once we were out of their sex dungeon Leland was on me. Her body pressing up against me she moaned as she tasted her girlfriend on my lips. “That was the sexiest fucking I’ve ever watched happen to her,” she admitted. My hand on her ass I could feel her drenched lower lips as my own hand snaked into her shirt. 

Pussy was shorter, but had an amazing rack. D-Cup breasts she had semi-muscular arms but a thin waist. Leland was alike but so different. Large C-Cup breasts she had a little more padding, especially in her ass. I found both women gorgeous but had been focusing on Pussy for over an hour after I arrived around lunchtime. 

My stomach grumbled as Leland and I continued to kiss. She pulled away, smiling wide. “Are you hungry?”

“I guess so,” I said. “You uh want to make me a sandwich so we can keep going while she rests?”

She nodded quickly. “I’d love that,” she said. Taking my hand she walked me upstairs. I was fully nude, while she wore a simple nightgown. Silk, black, tight, and a short bottom to it I got a great view of her ass as she led me to the kitchen. 


“What do you like?” Leland asked, depositing me at a small table near the kitchen. 

“Anything with meat,” I admitted. “I could use a lot of calories right about now.” 

“I bet,” she giggled, something that I hadn’t expected from her. “Veggies?” I nodded. She hummed happily as she looked in the fridge and began to pull food out. 

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” I said as she worked. “What are your stories?”

“You know, when I mentioned to Tina seeing if you were open to helping us, we said we were just going to ask for a deposit,” Leland said. “No backstories, no attachments.”

“I think you know we are beyond a casual encounter,” I said confidently. “I plan to be back once a week, pregnant or not.”

She stopped her happy humming and eyed me. A serious look slowly turning to a smile. “I heard rumors that you were different. And I’d hoped, but I never dreamed you were this different.”

“How different?” I asked. She walked over setting a water in front of me. My eyes focused on her cleavage as she leaned over the table.

That different,” she said. “I’ve been a teacher for a while. Back when I was training I always worried I’d cross a line with a student. I knew a guy in school, but that was it. Boys were so alien to me. Most every teacher worth their salt would have a talk with us new teachers, because we all worry about this. They said it was natural to be nervous around boys. The new teachers especially. I’m sure you’ve noticed since you get away with most anything.” I nodded, most were too afraid to tell me to stay awake during class. 


“Well the senior teachers tell us not to worry about being around you boys. You’re young…and mostly, no offense, but dumb.”

“None taken,” I assured. 

“I’m serious. Your first few days at the school I thought you were like every other boy and I’d have to have your grades changed.”

“You change boys grades?” I asked with a laugh. 

“Not so much change, but ask the teachers to not grade as harshly,” she said, blushing. “Crust on or off?”

“On,” I said. 

She nodded and kept on. Her line of cleavage forcing itself to have all of my attention. “But you showed up and you kept getting A’s. Tina told me how she kept seeing you sneak away with girls and I knew there was something different about you…then your IQ test got back and I couldn’t ignore you anymore.”

“So you’re saying boys are dumb, but you’re attracted to the smart ones?” I asked. 

“Kind of,” she admitted as she bit her lip and brought the sandwich over. It was a double stack with plenty of meat, tomatoes, pickles, and in all honesty a work of art. Taking a bite I moaned, showing my appreciation. There was some kind of psychological spell put over me when someone made me a sandwich, it tasted so much better when I didn’t have to do it. 


“You like?” She asked. 

“I love it,” I said. “Want to share it with me?” I asked, pulling her to me.

“Let me make Tina one,” she said, dodging my hand as she moved back to the counter. 


“Fair enough. But you dodged the question. What are your stories?” I asked.

Leland frowned. “Not much to say. Tina was a freshman in college when I was a senior,” she said with a shrug. “We started dating. Here we are.”

“Oh no,” I said between bites. “I want the how the hell you started doing the sex dungeon, domination, all that crap.”

“You don’t want to hear that,” she said with a blush.

“I very much do,” I assured. “Come on. Humor me. I can’t get Tina to talk because she is so submissive.”

“True,” Leland said, a wide smile spreading on her lips. “It just…kind of came up one day,” she said with a shrug. “I was helping her study for some test. She wasn’t getting it, I yelled at her as I explained it, and…she got really turned on.”

“How turned on?” I asked. My dick had been at half mast but was slowly getting excited again. 


“She was wearing a dress. I yelled at her and she had to run to the bathroom because she thought she peed herself,” Leland said. “I’d never seen it before and she swore it never happened to her before. From there it kind of…devolved.”

“You can’t leave it there,” I groaned, finishing half of my sandwich. “I’m coming in at the tail end of this whole thing. I’d love to know how it degenerated from there.”

Leland was quiet for a bit. When she finished making 2 more sandwiches she walked over and sat down with me as she ate one of them. I finished my sandwich and leaned forward. Grabbing her foot I pulled it back to me. “I’ll rub your feet,” I offered. I pushed into her arch and she groaned. Biting her own sandwich it wasn’t long until she kept on. 


“We tried the yelling in bed. It worked for a bit but she wanted more. I was pretty lost for a while. We stopped by this local sex shop in the area. One of the women there was really helpful. Showed us all the toys and things you could do. There were a couple of how to videos there and we ate it up.”

“So you’re into the domination?” I asked. 

“I like the simple stuff,” she admitted. “I don’t know. I love her. I didn’t want to hurt her.” I nodded. “I…we heard about this glory hole.” My eyes bulged but I recovered and continued digging into her foot to recover. I hadn’t thought people actually used those things. “Men never go to them, but women…they like to use toys on anonymous people. Tina ate it up…I watched and found what I liked.”

“Watching?” I asked. 

“Yeah, and acting as a fluffer. Kissing her, playing with her while someone dominates or does whatever to her,” she said in a rush. Blushing as she eyed me shyly. “You don’t think we are weird do you?”

“I let a woman give me a footjob,” I said.

“A what?” She asked. 

“Like this girl I know. She was a little obsessed with feet. She jerked me off with her feet. Then she wanted to rub my feet, and I…used my toes to get her off,” I admitted.

“No,” Leland said, her mouth wide as she fought laughter.

“Hey, don’t judge,” I said, fighting my own blush. “There are a whole lot of kinks out there.” 

“She liked feet though?” 

“Yeah,” I said. “We have done a little with it since-”

“You still fuck her?!” She laughed, already in a better mood.

“She still likes sex, but feet…” I trailed off. “Yeah. I’m all for doing what a woman wants as long as it’s consensual.” I pushed thoughts of the Gothika girls out of my mind again. “So yeah, this…is sadly less weird for me.”

“I bet,” she said. “You’re a natural.”

“So you don’t like the dominating part?” I asked. She shook her head, finishing her sandwich and switching feet I was rubbing. “You mentioned other women. You let them do what they want to Tina?”

“No,” Leland admitted. “We’ve met a few that like this style. Tina found another sub who had a woman that handles a few other girls that way. We entertain them now and then. I kind of watch while the one woman dominates all of them in the basement.”

“This is a regular thing then?” I asked. 

“Bi-monthly usually,” she said. “I’ve noticed that subs get a little antsy and erratic if they aren’t controlled every now and then.” 

“You’d know more than me. I’m kind of doing this blind.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed. A man that dominates? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that,” she said, her eyes sparkling. I finished with her feet then put mine on her lap. She bit her lip and began rubbing them, pushing her chest into them as she did so. 


“It’s a sad world with no dominant men,” I mumbled. “So, how do we proceed from here?” I asked.

“How do you want to?” She asked, drawing back a little. “You missed Monday…I don’t want to schedule if you can’t be counted on.”

“I am a busy man,” I said. “But I’ve been working on a schedule. Tell me how this works and let’s schedule it. Keep this here going, but go further. Bring in all the girls you contact.”

“I assume you don’t want the dominatrix?” She asked.

“How many girls will it be?” I asked. I could use some help. 

“What do you want to do? Impregnate? Use condoms?”

“Condoms are expensive, but I’m willing to use them-”

“The women would pay if you asked,” Leland said. “In a heartbeat.”

“I’m not much for taking money from women,” I admitted. I thought about it for a moment. “Would you be fine furnishing it here?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation.

“How many have you had in the past?” I asked. 

“We’ve done up to 6 guests,” she said. 


“And the dominatrix dominated all of them?” I asked, surprised. 

“She is experienced. All of the girls have their own kinks….but a man involved. They’d put up with most anything to have that. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but you’re like a unicorn. And one that dominates? Rarer than that, that’s for sure. I could have 12 women ready in an instant,” she said. She dug deep into the arch of my foot, she was getting turned on by the thought of it.

“Here is what we will do,” I said slowly as I thought it out. “You contact all the submissive women you know. But they have to be hot. On a scale of 1 to 10, at least a 6.” 


“What’s a 10?” She asked. 

“You and Tina,” I said. She smiled wide.

“Really?” She asked, blushing.

“Fuck yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t you be?”

“I don’t know…never heard a man’s opinion on my beauty,” she mumbled, still blushing. 

I laughed. “Trust me, you’re gorgeous. I pictured fucking you the first time I met you.”

She actually shivered, pulling my foot between her breasts as she got turned on. “Why is that comforting?”

“No idea,” I admitted. “So get in touch with them, and let’s sell tickets.”

“Tickets?” She asked.

“Yep. I really doubt you want a bunch of women here. Let’s get as many as we can, I’m sure they know more people interested. We use the money from the tickets to rent out a floor of rooms at a hotel. The girls bring what toys they want used on them and I make my way through room by room.”

“What?” She laughed. “That’s huge. Why not start with something small here? Can you keep up with a bunch of girls?”

“I have no idea,” I admitted, getting excited. “In the meantime you invite this dominatrix girl here, and a couple of girls she and I could dominate together. I learn a little about what to do from her. Get the hype going. But the ultimate goal is this giant orgy. Women that want to get pregnant can mark their rooms. Those that don’t can do the same. We split it up into blocks throughout the day. If I can’t keep up, I’ll pay for the rooms of the women I don’t get to.”

“You can’t be serious,” Leland laughed. “This would be huge. Like I’m sure we would get women that don’t like to be dominated in the mix.” 

“Doesn’t matter,” I said. Picturing it only made me want to do it more. “I’ll wear a mask or something. You can watch all of it. It’ll be epic.”

“It would be something,” she said. 


“Come on. I doubt anyone has done something this big before,” I said. “Doesn’t it turn you on?” 

“It does,” she said with a nod. “But Russ there are a lot of unknowns.”

“I know. This will be my ultimate goal. Let’s set up a meeting with the dominatrix. See what she thinks. I mean…I still want to continue our thing,” I said, pointing at she and I.

“Good,” she said. “I uh I have to admit. This is way hotter than I expected it to be.”

“And Pussy likes it.”

“She loves it,” Leland said. “You’ve broken her, you know? It turns her on so much thinking she’s already pregnant with your kid.”


My dick stiffened. “Me too,” I admitted, eyeing her as I pulled my foot back. Leaning forward I asked, “What does it do to you?”

“I…like it,” she said slowly. 


“Just like?” I asked. “Watching your girlfriend get fucked until she screams my name? You like it?” I moved closer to within a few inches of her face. 

“I…really like it,” she whispered, her breath hot as her nostrils flared.

“And what if I want to put a baby in you too?” I asked. Her legs shook, she tried to close them but my hand moved between them. Her eyes fluttered as I moved toward her pussy, her legs relaxing slightly.

“I don’t know,” she mumbled. 


I nodded, my hand making it to her pussy, she opened her legs all the way allowing me to move my fingers along her drenched lower lips. “You should know that I’m not done with either of you. Far from it. Even after I put a baby in both of you. You’re both mine. I can’t have you looking at other men.” 

She shook as I began to play with her clit. “Like any other man would be interested.”


“Good,” I said. “So I can count on you to have my kid as well.”

“Russ…” she whined her chest heaving toward me as she breathed heavily. “I uh I’m your Principal.” 

“I don’t care,” I said. “You’re my woman just as much as Pussy. Now stop fighting it.”

She opened her eyes but I was done playing. My hand at the back of her head I began kissing her and she moved into it. Her black nightgown against me I shoved her to the table. My hands all over her we kissed hard and my dick moved to her drenched pussy. 

“Condom on or off?” I asked. 

“Fuck it, off,” she moaned. “Put a baby in me.” I nodded and shoved all the way in with a hard thrust. Her cunt squeezing me with all it had I groaned as she cried out. Her legs holding onto my sides she scratched my pecs as I stayed buried in her. 

When she was used to my size she and I locked eyes. She nodded, her lips pursing as she squeezed her cunt tighter. I pulled out and slammed back in. The table moving with me she cried out but I was done waiting. Turned on by the talk and the woman I gave her my full attention. 

Her cunt just as tight as Pussy’s I groaned and kept my orgasm at bay as the table moved slowly away. My fingers pulling her tits, on her throat, pulling hair, squeezing thighs, she came over and over as I gave her my bare dick. 


When I did cum she surprised me by squirting up my abs. She too was shocked by it happening. Her legs stretching out all the way the liquid coated us as I impregnated her. When I finished thrusting into her we both noticed Tina at the top of the stairs watching us. 


“Are we having twins?” She asked, excited as she walked over. Her bare body covered in red marks only seemed to make her happier. 


“Looks like it,” Leland said. “You weren’t joking. That was…beyond great.”

“Good,” Tina said. The coach no longer there; she was a giddy girl as she kissed me then leaned over kissing Leland. “I’m so excited.”

“I think you’ll like his next idea,” Leland said. 


“Tell me later. I’m starving,” she said. Eyeing the sandwich I stopped her from moving toward it.

“No, you need some more topping on that,” I said, pushing it a little. 


“My cum,” I said. “You don’t get to eat anything without my cum on it.”

Her eyes looked down to my dick as I pulled it out of her girlfriend. She licked her lips. Moving to her knees she began to suck my dick of the juices on it. Leland eventually recovered and helped by sucking my balls. When I was ready both women jerked me off onto the sub’s sandwich. My white cum coating it she chewed it hungrily. 


“Fuck,” she said, holding onto the table. “I want all my meals like this.” Actually turned on by the taste she shared it with Leland and they moaned happily. I didn’t think my dick could get harder, but it did. I was fucking Pussy as she ate the cum covered meal in an instant. The girl’s tits bouncing, Leland played with her clit as she talked about what we planned. 

“He wants to get the girls together. A giant orgy. I can’t wait. I want you wearing your…” and she continued talking about it. Pussy came and continued to eat the sandwich as she listened. When I came in her both girls sucked every inch of my dick, begging for more toppings for their food. I was more than happy to give it to them. There was something special about these girls, and I made sure to show my appreciation by giving them all I had.


Too bad they couldn’t keep up. Both falling asleep long before dark I left them in a cumatose stupor and went home to Luna. Who was also interested in a giant orgy at a hotel.  

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