Moral Degeneration


“Who all should we be expecting?” Luna asked as she helped me set up drinks on the table. 


“At this point, I have no idea,” I admitted. “The 3 boys in my grade at least. The other boys…I don’t know. Micah was bitching about the party yesterday at school. I’m so sick of his drama. I think Killian for sure. He double checked his girlfriend could come.” 

“I can’t believe he is dating someone. I can’t wait to find out who,” she said. Practically bouncing off the walls in excitement she was all smiles as we continued to set things out. Wearing booty shorts and a long sleeve shirt her curves were shown off nicely. 


“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Ryleigh will be coming. Mandi and 2 of her friends. Mandi has a thing for George.” 

“I know,” Luna said. “The girl came up to me all chummy the other day asking if there were any secluded spots in our house.” 

“What? Goddang it, I told her-” 

“Apparently she and George have been progressing,” Luna cut in. “They’re already at the making out stage.” 

“That is news,” I said, stopping my tirade. “I need your help to make sure the girls know not to spook the others.”

“I’m on it,” she said with a salute. “My friends will be coming too. They know the rules. Don’t make any sudden movements around the boys, hands to yourselves.” 

“Don’t feed them after midnight or get them wet either,” I reminded. 

“What?” She asked. 

I grumbled, annoyed that Gremlins wasn’t a movie in this world. I was so tempted to run off to LA and start my own movie business, but that was a plan B for my life. 


“Nothing, just keep it simple. Despite this big headache, I would like to keep doing this. Helping these boys transition to fully functioning adults that actually know how to talk to women,” I said. “Ava and Willow coming?”

“Probably,” Luna said. “Mom asked them to help keep an eye on the party while she and Violet are away.”

“Understandable,” I said. “One of the boy’s sisters will be coming along as well.” 


“Who?” Luna asked. 

“Anastasia, she is Lyle’s sister,” I said.

“The goth?” Luna asked. “Really?”

“You know her?” I asked, a little nervous. 


“Yeah, she was a couple years ahead. In Ava’s class or the year before,” she said. “She threw a huge fit about the dress code, and the school relented by letting her keep her piercings and make up. Have you met her?”

“I did…when I stayed over at his house,” I said. “And proceeded to…have sex with her.” I scratched my chin as I side eyed her. 


She was quiet for a while. Eventually she yelled, “You what?!” 

“I had sex with her…and continue to,” I said facing her. Her eyes were filled with a lot of anger. “You said you wanted to meet the other girls I’ve been sleeping with.” 

“You got her pregnant?!” Luna yelled. 

“What? No, we just kind of sleep together now and then,” I said. “I use condoms with her.”

“And you’re telling me this now, because…?”

“Open book,” I said with a shrug. “What? I like her. Her roommate will be coming too.”

“Are you boning her as well?”

“It happened once,” I admitted. “Luna, come on. I can’t help it. Ana has nipple piercings and I don’t know what it is but the goth thing really does it for me.” 

“Nipple piercings?” She asked, distracted as her hands went to her own breasts. “Like both?” I nodded. “Woah…do you like that?” 

“Babe…I like pretty much everything,” I admitted.

“Okay, I’ll move past this, but are you dropping any other bombs like this?” Luna asked. 

“Uhh Brianna is coming,” I said.

“Oh my god,” she said, throwing her arms in exasperation. “Bitchy Brianna? Why?”

“Because I like her,” I said. “I don’t know. I started living here. This place, it’s not me. I’m used to slumming it. Not much as far as money. Brianna is smart and lives in a much lower class. Kind of comfortable with her.”

“Goddammit,” Luna groaned. “Are you trying to score a giant orgy out of this?” 

“I wasn’t planning on it,” I lied. A man could dream. “For me this is a trial for when we throw the big baby shower for the girls I got pregnant. You all…except Willow at least, are women I have sex with that aren’t actively trying to get pregnant.” 

“Are there any others?” She asked. “Every other girl is pregnant or trying to be?” 

“Just Penny,” I said, trying to think of everyone.

“That’s it,” she said as an idea struck her. Pulling out her cell phone it rang a few times until the other line answered. “Hey, Penny baby. Sorry, I know you were sleeping. Yeah I need you at this party.” She eyed me. “Russell is bringing all of his side pieces. I need ideas on how to scare them off or assert my dominance. Yep, sooner the better, thanks.” She hung up.

“Seriously?” I asked.

She shrugged, unashamed. “What? I still plan to be the queen of this group. I need to make them aware of the position, and make it clear why I’m number 1.”

“Can we use something other than numbers?” I asked, unsure how to approach this situation. 

“Too bad. I’m number 1, they can all be number 2.”

“What about Penny?” I asked.

“She can keep the spot with me,” she said.

“Dammit,” I grumbled. “You’re very different from the girl that seduced me in the shower?”

“In a good way,” she said, moving closer she kissed my cheek. “No more surprises today?”

“I don’t think so,” I admitted. My hand moved down her ass, but she pulled away. 

“Oh no. Let’s see how you handle everyone here. Besides, if you’re lucky maybe the orgy will happen.”

“Really?” I asked, getting excited. 


“I said I’d be the queen. Sounds like something I should handle, making my man’s dreams come true,” she said. “But I feel like you’ll crash and burn. Were you honest with these other girls?”

“...mostly,” I said. “With Brianna yeah…the others…” 


“Oh my god,” she laughed. “I thought Micah would cause the most drama today. But I already see it. You’re going to piss a lot of girls off.”

“I could use some help from my queen,” I said with a smile. 

“Ha! Good response,” she said. The doorbell rang. “I might help. We will see. Go answer the door.” I nodded, blowing her a kiss. She giggled and finished up setting out paper plates. 

At the door was a line of people. 3 boys at the front there were 5 women behind them. Lyle, Peter, and George stood at the front. Wearing button down shirts, Peter and Lyle wore a little makeup but not much. They were all nervous under their mother’s view, but excited. The real problem was that the mother’s were very worried.

“Hello,” I said with my most welcoming voice. “Come in, please.” Walking back inside the boys then women followed. The inside of the house was pretty much the same as usual. The entrance had the stairs to the next floor near the wall, the living room to the side, and kitchen to the back. I could tell the other women were impressed by the home. 

“You guys want to get comfortable or-” I tried to say but Lyle’s mom interrupted. 

“We had some concerns about the party.”

“Which are?”

“There won’t be any adults,” another mom said. “I was told your guardian is out.”

“That’s right. She had a vacation planned with her girlfriend,” I said. “But I do have plenty of chaperones. Your sister, Anastasia, agreed to come.”

“I heard,” Ana’s mom said. “But I don’t know if that’s enough.”

“I will also have 2 other girls in college here,” I said. “One is the daughter of my guardian, and the other is her girlfriend.” 

“Yes, but you will be having girls from the school here too?” George’s mom asked. 


“Of course,” I said, pretending to be oblivious. “I’m sorry, what’s the problem?”

“We don’t know if the boys are…quite ready for this type of thing,” one said. 

“And when would they be ready?” I asked, having prepared my sales pitch. The women hesitated, caught off guard by the question. “Again, I’m new to all this. Living under a rock and all, but with the state of the world I thought you all would prefer that just high schoolers and college women would be here.” 

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t help but be blunt, so forgive me. But I mean…no one wants to get pregnant. I assume you’re all worried that the boys will be taken advantage of or something,” I said. The boys blushed and the women shared a look. “I would think you’d be fine with a simple gathering of friends from school, which we do every weekday mind you. If there were women here that actually wanted to get pregnant, I haven’t found them. Every girl here will either go to Highpark Private School or will have graduated from there. This isn’t some high school where they are happy to graduate. Each of these girls is actively working toward a career and none want to be held back by a kid.” 

“That’s a little…more than we were worried about,” one of Lyle’s moms said. “I just think it would be best to ensure that nothing can happen.” 

“And it won’t,” I assured. “We have the stairs upstairs blocked off with chairs. Same for the basement. Everyone will be on this level or out the backyard, which has wide windows facing it. There will be plenty of people here. You all have the phone numbers for the house, and these guys have your numbers. I will be here the entire time, and I can assure you that these guys will be too scared to even talk to a girl. Trust me, I go to school with them.” The boys looked down as the mothers studied them. 

“It’s up to you if you want this to happen,” I said. “This party is only until 5PM. Long before dark. A nice simple evening, that I don’t want to ruin because I would like to keep doing this with my friends.” I locked eyes with the women one by one. “So, any other concerns?” 


“I…” One said but quieted. 


“We will be fine,” George said, taking off his coat. “I’ll call you if anything comes up.” His single mother hesitated. I knew his other mom died in a car accident, and she was quite striking. She looked from him to me then let out a long sigh. 

“Fine, but you call if you aren’t comfortable,” she said, Pulling him in for a hug the other women decided to do the same through peer pressure. It took time….a long time, for them to finally leave. But when they did the trio actually had smiles on their faces. 

“I can’t believe they allowed it,” Lyle said. 

“I thought for sure they’d change their minds,” Peter said.

“Thanks,” George said.

“Anytime,” I said. “Coats on the stairs. I’m serious about no one going up there. I told the girls a different time for the party, so they’ll be here in half an hour. I’ll give you the grand tour while we wait for the rest.” 


The boys were skittish of course, but after getting them some sodas they calmed down. Luna acted as the hostess and the party started soon enough. 


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