Moral Degeneration


“Willow, what the hell do you do for a sober party?” I asked, dragging her away from the door as soon as she entered. 

“Sober? What?”

“Your party is the last one I remember. But you guys didn’t always have access to beer,” I said as Ava listened in. “I keep thinking that I should be handing out beers and crap.”

“What are you? An old man?” She asked with a laugh. “Just let the party happen. You don’t need alcohol for people to have a good time.” 

“You don’t?” I asked, pretending disbelief. 

“No, just let people do their own thing for a bit. Offer sodas. You have food coming, right?” 

“I was planning on grilling,” I admitted. 

“Involve people in that then. For now, everyone is getting the lay of the land. After food we can do party games or something.”

“Like what?”


“I don’t know, charades,” she said. “Don’t worry about it. I gotta pee though so get out of my way.”

I nodded and she was off. I eyed Ava, she was in a pair of tight jeans and black blouse. “Sorry to ruin your Saturday. Thanks for helping.” 

“No problem,” she said. She and I didn’t have quite the relationship Luna and I had…or the one Willow and I did. But we were at least on speaking and fucking terms. I didn’t get the feeling she was cursing me behind my back lately, which was a start. There were still some underlying issues between us though. Like me knocking up her girlfriend. We had had a couple of threesomes since that came out, but with her at college we hadn’t talked much. 

“You mind keeping an eye on the other girls?” I asked. 

“An eye on them how?” She asked, turning to see the boys and girls from my class sitting in the den on the large sofa. 


“Ava, you are the muscle of the family. You see anyone being pushy with these frail flowers. I need you to step in, alright?” I asked. 

“Why me?” She asked with a frown. 

“Because you’re the only person I know that didn’t give a shit about me being a boy when I got here…and Micah might show up,” I said.

“Fuck me, Micah? I hate that ass,” she groaned. 

“Me too,” I said. “So if he starts causing drama, or any of the girls start being too friendly, say something, or grab me, please.”

“Fine, but I swear if I find you’ve snuck off to go bang someone in a supply closet, I’m leaving,” she said.

“What if that someone is you?” I asked with a wide smile. 

“Don’t try to be cute,” she said, rolling her eyes, but there was a slight blush on her cheek. The doorbell ringing, she grabbed Willow as she came out and they went into the living room. 


People began to stream in one by one after that. “Anastasia, Rebecca, so good to see you. I know you’re supposed to chaperone but could you go see if Luna needs help?” I asked, pushing them toward the kitchen. I knew this whole thing was going to blow up in my face at some point, but I’d rather it happen now than 6 months from now when kids started being added to the equation. 

“Brianna, great, help the girls. Dahlia, I saved the remote for you. Please go turn on what you want. And if Lyle gives you any shit make sure to hit him in the balls,” I said. She giggled and ran off and I heard a very long and awkward silence in the kitchen as Brianna headed that way. 

“Ryleigh, perfect. I need you to start the grill out back. Rose, Linda, are you staying or going? Yes, yes there will be others here at all times. Go have fun on your date.” 

“Grace, Maria, Sammie, Luna is in back. See if she needs anything. Looks like there are more boys coming though. Try not to crowd around them, alright?”

After all the women arrived the house had a lot of talking going on, and the real flaky guests showed up. Between the 4 grades at my school there were 12 boys, including me. Lyle, Peter, and George were in my class. In the other classes there was Justin, Doug, Reggie, Tim, Micah, Eric, and Killian. 

Each one showed up one by one. I had to assure a few more parents, but when they verified that there were quite a few boys there they felt a little happy. Even Micah’s moms showed up, who by the way were basically runway models. I hated to give the guy any credit, but under the makeup he wore he really was a handsome guy. Chiseled jaw, high cheek bones, he had a natural Bluesteel look at all times, it was nice to find out where he got it from. 


“You must be Micah’s sisters,” I said as his mothers came in. Both women laughed and blushed as Micah gave me a deathglare. 


“No, we are his moms. I’m Jaclyn, this is Fiona,” one said. She was tall, almost 6 foot, tan skin. Wearing a short dress her long legs and ample ass were shown off exquisitely. The most striking thing about her though was her hair. It was braided and hung over her shoulder down her front. The braid was so long it almost went to the bottom of her dress. 

Fiona next to her was just as gorgeous. Where Jaclyn had an amazing ass, Fiona had an ample bosom. Most likely DD cup she wasn’t as stacked as Linda, but she was close. My eyes lingered over the crack of her cleavage for more than a second, and everything else about her was made more beautiful. Short blonde hair, perfect smile, long eye lashes and wide eyes these were 2 women I wanted to get to know. 

“Would you care to stay?” I asked, my eyes focused on them as I forgot Micah was there. 

“We were told this was a high school party,” Fiona said, eyeing the crowd. 

“We have a few college kids here, which you 2 gorgeous women could pass for easily,” I said. “I won’t tell anyone you’re his moms if you don’t.” 

The women laughed again. “Mom,” Micah hissed. 

“We better not,” Jaclyn said. “But maybe your sisters want to come.” 

“God no,” Micah growned. 

“God yes. If they look half as good as you 2, please invite them,” I said with my best smile. But Micah practically pushed them outside, much to my sadness. 

“I know you’re girl crazy, but leave my mothers out of this,” Micah said as the door was shut. 


“What? Beautiful women deserve to know they are,” I said. “I take back everything I ever said about you, Micah. I’m so glad you came. You think I could stay the night at your place sometime? I’d love to get to know your family more.” 

“I’d kill you, if you touched any of them,” he actually said. His eyes wide, he looked serious. I couldn’t help but chuckle. 

“Go grab a drink,” I said, annoyed that none of it was alcoholic. “And don’t cause drama or I’ll have to call your parents. Actually, do cause trouble.” 

Micah growled as he stormed off to the other room. About to check on the grill I was brought back to the door as the bell rang another time. On the other side were 2 people I knew. 1 of those I hadn’t expected to see ever again. 


“Killian, perfect,” I said to the boy from school. “And…you must be his date. I’m sorry, what’s your name?” 

“Uh um,” she said, struggling to hide her surprise at seeing me. She was one of the girls on the volleyball team from the party I went to with Julie. Thank god she wasn’t one of the girls I’d popped the cherry of. But I did watch her kiss about 6 girls, and see her in her bra and panties. “I’m uh Lettie.”

“Lettie, right. Come in please,” I said, giving the list of simple rules and party process to them quickly. “Sorry, I can’t help but ask. How did you 2 meet? Killian is the only guy I know here with a girlfriend.”

“We are childhood friends,” Killian said with a wide smile as he held her hand. “Her parents and mine go way back.” 

“Ah, of course. How long have you 2 been dating?” I asked. 

“A while,” Lettie said.  


“Great, great,” I said thinking there was going to be more drama here than I thought. “Killian, Micah just got here. You mind making sure he doesn’t cause any drama for a minute? I’ll take Lettie to meet the other older girls.”

“Yeah, I’m on it,” Killian said as if he had to do that sort of thing a million times. As soon as he turned I grabbed Lettie’s hand and pulled her to the side. 

“What the hell are you doing here?” I couldn’t help but ask. 

“Me? What about you?” She asked. “Last I saw you, you were fucking those 2 lesbians in a threesome. I didn’t know you went to this school.” 

“I do, and I would appreciate it not getting around that I popped more than a few cherries that night,” I said quickly. “Like would really appreciate it. I’m not much for threats so what the hell do you want to not tell Killian ever?” 

“Condoms,” she said without hesitation.


“Condoms. You had a boatload at the party. You give me some and I won’t breathe a word of that night,” she said. I could tell she was telling the truth. They were pretty hard to come by through normal channels.

“Are you 2…at that stage yet?” I asked, caught off guard a little. 

“We have been at 3rd base since we were 13,” she said. “We have been ready for a long time. Please, Russ. I need this.” 

“Jeez,” I said, impressed by her resolve and by the fact Killian could keep her a secret for so long. She was shorter, but cute. “Fine…for your silence you can have…5.” 

“5?! That’s kind of low for this kind of secret,” she said. I could tell she was actually excited by the amount but was trying to see if she could push for more. 

“They’re expensive,” I said. “But I can also sell some to you…I get them for $10. I’ll sell them at cost to you.” I actually bought them at $5, but she didn’t need to know that. 

“Fuck yes,” she said, getting more excited. “I want 20…extra.”

“You have $200?” I asked. 

“Yes,” she said, digging into her purse. “He wants it as bad as I do so I’ll just charge him.”

“Keep the money for now. I’ll get my stash and bring it down later,” I said. “No hanky panky at my house though.” 

“Yeah whatever,” she said. Practically bouncing in excitement. “I was so pissed when you disappeared. I was going to ask to buy 1 after you were done…doing everyone.” 

“Hey, you promised, no talking. And as long as you keep the secret you can buy more from me, okay?” She nodded and I was pushing her off to Killian. Letting out a relieved sigh I came to the kitchen. All of my women eyed me and I knew I was in trouble but the grill was smoking a bunch so I ran past and out the back door. 

“What are you doing?” I asked Ryleigh as she fought the fire.

“The burgers are burning,” she said and I pulled her away. Turning down the heat I blew out the burning burgers and had it under control soon enough. 

“Ry, honey,” I said. “Grilling isn’t about getting the food cooked quickly. It’s about doing it slowly. Letting things happen in due time.” I pulled her back to the grill. “Don’t worry, we can save most of it. Let’s throw a few more on. You have the well done part down. Let me show you how to know when they’re rare…” 

Me behind her I helped her flip the burgers, stir veggies and walked her through general grill etiquette. She got in a better mood as we had a moment together, me kissing her cheek, my hand on her stomach as her eyes fluttered and we flipped burgers. Then Luna was yelling at me to cut up more veggies. She was removing the blockade to the upstairs and having some kind of meeting with the other girls. I shut up and did what she said since she was in a very serious mood. I said some words to them. Giving out a kiss on the cheek here, pat on the rump there.


Penny was enjoying all of the awkward stares. Every girl appeared to suspect what was going on between all of us but none said anything. When Penny openly kissed me on the mouth, the room got even quieter and Luna had to practically drag girls upstairs. 


Wanting desperately to be a part of the conversation, and praying to God I wouldn’t have to be, I did what Luna ordered and cut more veggies. Throwing chips in bowls. Setting out more drinks. I helped Ryleigh with the grill and cooking was wrapped up. The kitchen table filled with food I was yelling at people to eat, and we had a long line of boys and girls chatting as they made food. 


The majority of women still upstairs I had to risk it. Going to my room I grabbed the condoms and heard a few people arguing in Luna’s room. I knocked on her door and yelled, “Lunch is ready!”


I then tried to run off back downstairs, but was stopped as Luna yelled, “Get in here!” My heart skipped a beat, my face flushing, the time had come. I stared at the door for long drawn out seconds as my heart beat loudly in my ears. “Now!” She yelled. With a loud gulp my hand wrapped around the doorknob as I began to step. Taking a breath I stepped into the room, all eyes focused on me.


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