Moral Degeneration


“Yes?” I asked Luna, forcing a smile. Inside the room was Luna, Brianna, Anastasia, her roommate Rebecca, Penny, Ava, and Willow. 

“How many girls are you sleeping with?” Luna asked. Her arms crossed over her chest. Her face didn’t match her stance. She was actually drawing some enjoyment from how nervous I was. I coughed, pulling my collar away to let some air in my shirt as I tried to calm down. 

“You uh…really want to know?” I asked her, and eyed the other girls.

“Yep,” Luna said. More nods around the room. Willow was eating a hunk of bread slowly. Sitting on Luna’s bed she and Ava acted like they were watching a soap opera. Which was probably accurate.

“Well….all of you for one,” I said. “Then…Farrah from your work. Lanny and Mercedes too.”

“Farrah and Lanny are pregnant with his kids,” Penny interjected helpfully. She drew eyes but they were back on me right away. 

“Then Gail and Millie, they’re out in Montana…and pregnant. Uh Sarah Perkins and her wife Lyza. Sarah is from your mom’s work. She’s pregnant. Uh Wendy Gammot from that favor for your mom. She’s pregnant. Jess who I bought the car from. She isn’t pregnant. And isn’t trying to be…I think that’s it.” 

“There’s your mom,” Willow added, looking at Ava. 

“God, don’t remind me,” Ava said. Luna nodded. “Violet too, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, Violet too,” I said. “Oh right and Julie…and Jane. But I haven’t had sex with Jane.” 

“Goddammit,” Luna said. “Anyone else? The principal? Any teachers maybe?” 

My eyes widened worried she knew. Looking around in a panic I realized she was spitballing. I shook my head. I’d have to come clean about that one at a later date. “Oh right and Sabrina and Chloe. They want to get pregnant. They’re uh…twins.”

“What the fuck,” Penny said. “Please tell me you boned them at the same time.”

“I…don’t think that matters,” I said.

“No, actually, I want to hear about that one too,” Willow admitted. “Twin sisters at the same time?”


“Uhh, yeah,” I said. I needed guy friends, I would have gotten a high-five for that one.

“That’s awesome,” Penny said at least. 


“You are a manwhore,” Ava said, causing a few girls to chuckle. 


“So 21 women that you’re actively having sex with?” Luna asked. 


I tried to add them up, but I kept forgetting one or 2. “There about,” I said.

“See,” Luna said. “And how many of our virginities did he take?” She raised her hand. The girls eyed one another. Brianna, Anastasia, and Rebecca raised their hands too. 


“Okay,” Luna said. “Girls? Anything to say?” 


“Seriously?!” Brianna yelled. “Russ, when you said you had other girls I thought it was like 2 or 3? How the fuck are you having sex with 20 other girls on the regular?” 

“I don’t know,” I said truthfully. “I just can.” 


“That’s not good enough,” Brianna said. “I mean, we have sex what? Once a day?”

“You have sex with him everyday?” Luna asked. “When?” 

“His study hall,” Brianna said, blushing as she met her eye. 

“Fucking hell. That’s before gym. Goddammit so we have sex in the morning. You go to school, have sex with her, then sex with me again during gym?” Luna asked. 

“You get sex everyday?” Penny asked, annoyed by that fact.

“I uh…yeah,” I said.

“Liar,” Ava said. “I know for a fact you’re usually banging Violet and my mom in the morning.” 

“Not every day,” I said. “Just…most.”

“Oh my god,” Luna said. “So every day you have sex at least…5 times?”

“Then we have sex at night…” I reminded.

“Holy fuck, you’re like a stud on steroids,” Penny said, more than a little impressed. “Wow. That’s like…wow. And you don’t use viagra?”

“No,” I said. 


“What the hell, why?” Ava asked. “That sounds exhausting.” 

“I don’t know. I mean I like it. And you’re all so beautiful….and…oh come on Ana, what’s with that look?” I asked. 

“Nothing,” she said. I really hoped she didn’t talk to them about the Gothika concert. I pushed the image out of my mind. “Just surprised. That’s a lot of women. I don’t even have that many friends.”

“Me either,” Rebecca said. “Why am I even here? We did it once.”

“Why are any of us here?” Brianna asked. “Are you hoping for some giant orgy?” 

“No,” I said quickly. 

“You liar,” Penny said with a laugh. Enjoying the situation immensely. “Girls, I know you don’t know me all that well. But I literally watched this guy fuck 4 women into a stupor. Me included. And there was a 5th before that, which I didn’t get to watch. There are one, two…7 girls here. Russ could handle that many easily.” 

“I’m not doing that,” Ava said.

“Me either,” Brianna said with a frown. “I don’t even know why I’m still listening to this. I uh, I think I need a little time to-”

“Don’t,” Luna said, grabbing her arm to keep her there. Brianna looked down to her hand, surprised by the gesture. “I’ve been there, Brianna. I’m not sure exactly what Russ sees in you. I mean we’ve gone to school together for the last couple of years, but I trust him. If you go you’ll cry for a little bit, then get the itch.”

“Itch?” She asked slowly. 

“That itch in your pussy where you get horny.” 

“I don’t want to hear this,” I mumbled.

“You know it. I get it every time he’s around. Like, a pulse almost drawn to him and what he can do. You know it, right?” She asked, looking at a few others. 

“I do,” Penny said unashamedly. “I’ve had a few girls over the years. But a man…all to yourself or not. There isn’t anything quite like it.” 

“Exactly,” Luna said. “You’ll cry, get horny, then at school or whenever you see him next you’ll want it again. I’ve stopped trying to fight it. You think I was okay with all this when we first got together? Fuck no. I wanted him to myself, but now I can see I really couldn’t have kept up. I mean sex 5 times a day on average? Seriously Russ? I’m barely keeping up without limping everywhere.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled. “Look, I’m not forcing any of you to be here. I am a simple guy…that likes sex…with all of you. No favorites. No complications. No drama. I met all of you and it led to sex some way or another. I’m not really good at one-night stands. All of you expressed interest in keeping this going. And despite my lack of ability to explain the full…scope of my promiscuity, I don’t want it to end with any of you. I want you all in my life.”

“Even me?” Rebecca asked as she blushed. 

“Even you, I know we haven’t had too many interactions, but I like you Rebecca. Again though, if you want to walk away I understand. Hell if you want to get a girlfriend I understand. I’d still like to keep our thing going. The only thing I ask is no other guys besides me,” I said in a rush. 


“What the hell,” Penny said, perking up. “I just realized this house probably has more boys inside of it than I’ve seen in 1 place like ever.”


“Yeah, which is why I need to go back to the party,” I said. “I’m not sure everything Luna told you girls, but I am kind of sick of keeping all of you apart. I was hoping to bring us together so I can see you all more. And if things progressed where we could share time. I think that would be all the better.” 

“Told you, orgy,” Penny said. “Whatever’s good with me.” Standing up she walked over and grabbed my hand as I continued to try to leave. “Leave them with it, honey. Let’s go have a quickie before we go downstairs.” 


“What? No,” Luna said. “Penny, we agreed.”

“We agreed to not do anything until we have an agreement. You have my vote, darling,” Penny said. Dragging me outside she shut the door and smiled wide as she stuck her hand in my pants. “That was so awkward.” 

“I know,” I groaned, unable to help it as my hand moved to her ass. “What about you? I know you’ve been patient. You good with all this?”

“It’s sad to say how turned on by all of this I am,” Penny moaned. Her hand gripping my dick hard as she bit my earlobe. “Fuck you’re a stud. I want to see how many women you can handle. If it means spending more nights here, and some seriously sexy lesbian action, and if I get to film it now and then. I’m all in.” 

“Fuck,” I said, my hand moving into her pants. “Let’s uh do that quick-”

“Russ!” Ryleigh yelled from downstairs. We both groaned but headed over that way. 

“What’s up?” I asked. 

“Uh people are getting bored,” she admitted. “What is everyone doing up there?” 

“Just a tour,” Penny said, running down the stairs as her tits jumped. “I’m Penny by the way. I hear you’re Russ’ best friend.” 

“I uh, nice to meet you…” They talked as I walked to the main room. The room was quiet. Only a few minor conversations going on.

“Has everyone eaten?” I asked. There were nods all around. “Okay, now the party games can actually start.”

“Games?” Mandi asked, perking up. She was sitting next to George, and to my surprise he had his arm over her shoulder. I gave him a discreet thumbs up and he smiled wide. 

“Yep, I’ve decided we will be doing an Olympics of sorts. $100 prize for the winning team.” I slapped a $100 bill from my drug money stash onto the coffee table. Everyone was interested then. 

“What games?” Micah asked. He was sitting at the center of the boys on the couch, forcing a few girls to sit on the floor or stand. 


“Charades, Pictionary, all that crap,” I said. There was a small closet in the room that I pulled games out of. 


“How do we pick teams?” Mandi asked, leaning forward as she rubbed her hands together. 

“My house, my rules. You can be on a team with your own gender. But if you pick a teammate of the opposite sex, you get double points,” I said, making sure that everyone was forced to play with the opposite sex. “Dahlia, you can be on my team.” The 9 year old beamed me a smile, she had been sitting on the sidelines, but everyone had been including her. 


“Why’s that? Why do they get double points?” Micah asked, being annoying again. It was his go to. I really wanted to sleep with his mom’s just to mess with him, but left that on the backburner for now.

“Because that is the point of this whole party,” I said simply. “Now, do I assign teams? Or do you have ideas on who you want? Remember, this is for the grand prize of $100. You should probably pick someone who has a chance of winning.” 

Couples quickly paired up. Mandi and George, Killian and Lettie. After that I had to assign them, luckily Mandi had already explained who liked who after I told her the full list of people attending. “Constance you’re with Lyle, Belle with Peter, Grace with George, Micah with Maria, Sammie with Henry. Who are you?” I asked 2 girls I didn’t know. 

“Uh…we have Biology together,” one girl said. I squinted my eyes, someone had snuck in, but lucky for them I wasn’t too heartbroken. 

“Fine, you’re with Eric. You, you’re with Tim, Reggie, Doug, Justin, you have the pick of the litter,” I said as the other girls came downstairs. I explained to them the rules and Charades started soon enough. So many groups we had a few games going at once. It took time, but the living room was loud with yelling as people got more into it. 


Charades were going so well we could have played that the rest of the time but I forced other games when some people won a little too often. We did a rock paper scissors tournament, which turned into flipping a coin tournament. I then had people help me move the couch and we did an egg throwing competition. Which Mandi and George won, allowing them their own bragging rights.

Dahlia was upset we weren’t winning but was having a good time. She was probably the most used to boys out of all the high school girls. Somehow the games turned into alcoholless drinking games like Never Have I Ever where we tried to eliminate everyone by getting them to admit something they had done. 

“Never have I ever kissed a boy,” I said with a wide smile. Which got the reaction I expected when a few of the boys sat down. Which caused gasps and cheers from the girls. 

“You’re gay?” George asked Micah.

“No,” he said blushing. “I don’t want to talk about it.” It was easy to see a few of the boys had all kissed. 

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll feel better after this one. Never have I ever kissed a girl,” I said. Sitting down all the girls did the same. The only one who hadn’t was Dahlia, allowing her to win. The boys and girls were all surprised by that fact. Mainly the boys though. They were starting to see that it wasn’t out of the ordinary to want to learn to kiss. The mystery between genders was slowly but surely being brought to light for a few of them. They were all more alike than they originally thought, which was the true goal of the party.

Unfortunately that was the time that some of the first parents came by. People actually groaned, since the party would end. I declared the winner as Lettie and Killian. They really had worked well together. I discreetly gave her the condoms and she gave me the money, minus the $100 she won. And as mom’s showed up Killian and Lettie drove off together. A skip in their step I guessed they’d be losing their V-Cards pretty quickly. 


“Russ…you mind if I call my mom to uh wait to pick me up?” George asked. I noticed Mandi behind him begging me. 


“Whatever you want. Just gotta be gone by 8,” I said. He nodded with a blush and ran off. A few of the girls left as the boys disappeared, but I was sure to greet Micah’s parents before he had time to run off. 

“Thank you so much for letting your son join the party,” I said. “Would you care to stay for a drink? I’m sure my guardian has something.” 

“No, we have to go,” Micah said, shutting them up as he dragged his moms away. I cursed but as I walked inside I remembered I had my own drama to worry about. Brianna hadn’t left and the girls had forgotten about the conversation as they got into the games. But now that the party was wrapping up they gave me a predatory stare. One that was either anger or lust, for once I couldn’t tell. 

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