Moral Degeneration


“You all stayed,” I noted. Somehow Luna had finagled everyone into the dining room.

“Surprisingly,” Ava said. “I thought for sure this would blow up in your face.”

“Me too,” I admitted. “So I assume some sort of agreement has been made.” 

“No,” Luna said, taking charge again. “More of a trial period.”

“How’s that?” I asked. 

“We all want more time,” Penny said. “Ana here tells us that you have been flaky. And if she agrees to this whole thing she wants established times for dates.” 

“Like a contract?” I asked, confused. They girls shared looks. “Ladies, if I had all the time in the world I would love to give you it, but I don’t.” I could see that Luna hadn’t explained things from my point of view. Just her own. I needed to make them all understand.

“When I am 16 the government would expect me to impregnate or at least try to impregnate 1 woman a week,” I said. “With that I would get $2,000 added to my bank account on top of the $1,000 I currently get every month. That’s tax free. $36,000 a year. Maybe enough to live on, but not really. Other men make up that gap between earned versus spent by getting bribed by women or by working or joining the lottery as well.” 


“So?” Willow asked, confused. She was only hanging around for the drama. I could feel she didn’t really care about other women. 


“So I don’t want to do that,” I admitted to them. “I plan to be in my kid’s lives. Keep us all connected. Willow is already expecting my kid.” That didn’t appear to be news for the girls so I relaxed a little. Luna had touched on that truth at least. “None of you knew your fathers. Me either. I want to change that for my kids…and the women that I have kids with.” 

“You want to get us pregnant now?” Anastasia asked a little nervous. 

“Fuck no,” I said. “Not now at least. Look, you are the women that I spend my hard earned condoms on. Back in the old days a man and woman would date, get to know one another, build a relationship, marry, and then eventually have kids. That’s what I’m trying to build with all of you.”

It was like a veil had been pulled from their eyes as they put it together. “What?” Penny asked, probably the most shocked of all of them. “Like…what? You want to marry me?” 

“In not so many words, yes,” I said truthfully. “Date at least. I’ve been struggling with the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing as of late. But that’s what I want to be to all of you. Your boyfriend. I want to take you on dates. Get to know you. There have been so many women that I’ve met that just wanted to get pregnant. I’ve been the one that’s pushing to keep the relationship going. Try to figure out if we have chemistry. But you all, I want to know before we try to have kids, if ever.” 


“Is that even legal?” Brianna asked. “Marrying so many?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’m looking into it. I know this situation isn’t normal. I’m not trying to pretend it is. But that out there wasn’t normal. Boys and girls hanging out and partying? In this day and age? None of you have seen that before in your lives. Men and women don’t talk or interact unless they happen to work together or the brief amount of time a woman tries to get pregnant. I’m not interested in that. I’m interested in spending time with you. Treating you like you deserve. Open doors for you. Pay for dinner. Make you feel special. Because all of you are special.”

“What’s the end goal of all of this?” Willow asked. She eyed Ava. “What?”

“You’re actually interested in this?” Ava asked. 

“Yeah,” she said. “Why wouldn’t I be? What? Ava, you know my family. All women. Aunts, cousins, my moms, all of us are connected by blood. And every single girl born for generations was through bribing some guy. You should have seen them at the announcement party when they saw Russ. I’m surprised my grandma didn’t keel over dead. And when he said he wanted to stay in my life and our kids? Come on. You all grew up wanting to meet your dads. Fuck man, some of us might be half-siblings and we not even know it. With this, my daughter could get to know her half-sisters.  I mean, think about it…the connections all over the city…” 

“Exactly,” I said. “2 of the grandmothers of women I’ve impregnated are already talking about a joint venture. This city isn’t really all that big if you think about it. And in life it’s who you know. Anastasia, you’re studying Mandarin and Asian something or other, right?” I asked. She frowned but nodded. “What if I knew someone that could get you a job after school?” 

“You know someone?” She asked, confused. “What are you saying?’

“I’m saying down the line. If we had a kid and that kid wanted to get a job. If we had connections all over the city it would be easy to help and provide for them. This isn’t some fling I’m leaning toward. I’m talking about us building lives together. We keep this going for a long time. If you aren’t interested in the dates, then I at least would help you get pregnant if you were so inclined someday. No worries about lottery or bribing some guy. And if it happened I would still be there. I’m not planning on joining any impregnation program without some serious benefits. Getting paid to do this for a few grand? That’s chump change. No, I plan on making my own money. Enough to provide for all of us if you’re with me.” 

“Jeez, can we have sex now?” Penny asked. “Like seriously, I have that whole pulse in my pussy thing.” She eyed the other girls. “Don’t give me that look. At least I’m honest with myself. I know you girls haven’t been out of school too long, but boys don’t talk like this. At the Club, a man comes by once in a blue moon. He sits in a corner and we pretty much fight for who gets to sit with him. He wouldn’t spend money. And tried to charge us for the honor of being near him. Like seriously, total bullshit. And the sad thing was, it worked. He wouldn’t come by again, hell the girls that did it wouldn’t even get a name. Russ, though, I mean we’ve all done it. The sex is so much better than I heard. We could have sex with our unicorn nightly. And I’m all for that.”


“Thank you, Penny,” I said. “And I’m sorry I sprung this on all of you today. I’m still new at this whole thing. If you want to go back to blissful ignorance of one another that is fine. If you still want to see me, great, we can schedule something. But…if you can accept this part of me. I’d really like to see all of you more.”

“Like stay here sort of thing?” Rebecca asked. I was surprised she stuck around. The sorority girl type, she had the least skin in the game but didn’t appear to be too hurt by any of this. 

“You barely know him,” Anastasia said, reading my mind.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and blushed, but kept talking. “Look, I tried to keep it from you. But after your boyfriend came by the first time, I’ve had every single girl in the dorm asking about him. I always thought it was just me who never met a boy. But none of them had, or at least had more than a simple greeting with them. I swear, every single one of them was talking about how to steal him from you. He could literally walk in the dorm, knock on doors, and would have a 50/50 chance of one of them begging to have sex.”

“Really?” I asked, perking up. 

“Don’t ruin it,” Luna growled.

“I’m joking,” I lied. That was like a Love Potion Number 9 dream to walk into a sorority house and have sex with everyone. 

“So yeah,” Rebecca said. “I’ve been thinking about it. I’m new to this whole thing. And I’ve never dated a girl. But I uh liked what we did,” she admitted shyly. 

“You 2 slept together since I left?” I asked, perking up again. Both blushed. 

“We kissed a couple of times,” Ana admitted. Letting out an annoyed sigh she continued. “I know what you mean too…I guess. Hell I wasn’t allowed to be alone with my brother after I turned 13 because our parents were scared I’d show interest in that sort of thing.”

“I know I would have,” Penny said, causing Luna to laugh, but the others ignored her. 

“I was there when they gave him their toned down version of ‘the talk’ too,” she said. 

“How does that go?” I asked, trying to steer the conversation from less serious matters. “I’m assuming they didn’t say straight out you’re going to be expected to sleep with a lot of women.”

“No, they started it out with their relationship,” she admitted as she noticed everyone else was interested. “When a woman and a woman love each other very much. They decide to have a kid. To make that happen they need the help of a boy…”

“Oh god,” I said. “No wonder most guys are so messed up.”

“Don’t stop there,” Willow said. 


“Yeah, keep going,” Luna said.

Anastasia rolled her eyes, but she had a smile on without realizing. “Then they proceeded to tell him about the lottery. They painted it like he should want to do the lottery. But if he chose he could donate directly. Which then led to a few examples. It was sad to be honest. They didn’t talk about his feelings at all. Like he shouldn’t have an emotional attachment or anything.”

“Yeah, Agent Reels was pretty surprised I was keeping track of everyone,” I said. “Did your parents talk to you at all about losing your virginities?”

“Nope,” Luna and Ava said.

“My mom did,” Brianna said, finally speaking. “It was like she was trying to hook me up with a drug dealer. She knew a girl who knew a guy. And if I really wanted to lose it to a guy with minimal risk of getting pregnant she could make it happen.”

“Me too,” Penny said.

“My parents said there was no shame in losing it to a toy,” Ana said. Rebecca nodded.

“Yeah that’s messed up,” I said. “I know being with a woman is the norm. I respect that. Everyone needs companionship. I can’t give you all of my time. And if you want me around, I want to be there. So I leave it in your court. This is everything. The full plan.” 

“And you’ll keep adding women?” Brianna asked. 


“I don’t know,” I said truthfully. “It’s hard enough for women to get pregnant without a bunch of hoops, so I plan to keep helping women there at least. If they want me in our kid’s life. Great. As far as you girls that I’m not trying to get pregnant though…Well my time has been pretty strained as it is. And I wanted to introduce you all so you’re not thinking I’m ignoring you. I would like to have you aware of each other so if you did want to do our thing more often, then we can.” 

“Orgy,” Penny said as she coughed. 

“Or not, there are other rooms in the house,” I said. 

“You’re seriously talking about using my house as your harem hotel?” Ava asked. “Does mom know about this?”

“She is aware,” I said with a nod. 


“Oh my god,” Brianna said. “You’re fucking Luna, Ava, and their mom?” 

“I did say that earlier,” I pointed out. 

“Yeah but I didn’t put it together,” she said. “Holy hell. Do you do it together?”

“Fuck no,” Luna and Ava said as one. “We don’t talk about it,” Luna said. “He does his thing and we kind of turn a blind eye to it.” 


“Ah, yeah, I’d probably judge more if my little sister didn’t have a crush on him,” Brianna admitted. I’d kind of guessed that as well since Dahlia had used every opportunity to be near me as possible. Chewing her lip Brianna locked eyes with me. “Fine, I’m done giving a shit. I don’t want this getting around at school. And if I can’t claim you’re my boyfriend, no one can, but…you make me feel special. Our dates have been the highlight of my fucking life to be honest. And despite every part of me saying that this is not normal…it is better than the alternative.” A few girls nodded with a frown. 


“Which reminds me. What’s this I hear about a boy with a gaggle of women at the water park?” Penny asked. “One of the ladies at the Club said she saw you there with a whole group of girls. Like 20.” 

“That was uh, one of Brianna and my dates,” I said. “I swear I’m only sleeping with Brianna out of that group.” 

“You should have seen those girls. I threatened more than one. How many numbers did you end up with there?” Brianna asked. 


“Like 12,” I admitted.

“And why didn’t you sleep with any of them?” Penny asked, merely curious. 

“Because I’m not really on the lookout. I’m serious about being with all of you. Yes, if I meet someone special or something I’m open to learning about them…like Rebecca here. But I don’t really mean to take time away from any of you. You all are a part of my plans for the future. Which is why you’re here, and I leave it up to you if you want me to keep planning on being here.” 

“I’m in,” Rebecca said, raising her hand. 

“Goddammit, why did I let you sleep with him?” Anastasia asked. 

“Because-” she said but I shot her a look. They hadn’t mentioned Gothika and I didn’t want them to. “I have to admit the piercings are hot.”

“You said you hated them,” Anasatasia said.

“I was lying, okay? I want to see where this goes,” Rebecca said with a shrug.

“I’m in too,” Penny said. “If you didn’t know. And again, I’m pushing for an orgy.”

“I’m in,” Willow said. Ava shot her a look. “Not the orgy part, but the keeping you in my and our kid’s life part.”

“Perfect,” I said, my hand on hers. I looked at Ava. 

“Fuck, I don’t care. I knew you were banging Luna when we did it,” she said. 

“Anally,” I reminded. 

“You had sex with a boy for the first time in your butt?” Penny asked. “Slut.” 

“What?! Fuck you stripper. Miss orgy girl,” Ava said. Luna fought back laughter as did Willow. 


I eyed Luna. “You know I’m in,” she said. I nodded. 

“Me too,” Brianna said with a grumble. “I don’t think I’m up for the orgy though. I’ve never uh…done anything like that.” 

“I doubt anyone has,” Penny said as she stood up. “That’s the point of youth though, try something new in new places. We are all in agreement then? Good. I want to see these piercings,” she said walking over to Ana. “I assume you’re up for the orgy. Come on, I want to get to know you.” 

“I don’t know-” She tried to say but Penny was dragging her and Rebecca somewhere else. 


“I’m going to go get ready,” Luna said blushing and running after. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to at least watch?” Willow asked Ava. “I’m kind of curious. What if they do some weird kinky stuff?” 

“You’re actually interested?” Ava asked, surprised. I was too as she noticed me listening. Grabbing her girlfriend they went to go talk about it as well. I was left with Brianna in the dining room. 

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“I’m sick of your sorrys,” she said, rolling her eyes. “And I’m sick of making you say them. You were open about this, and I ignored it because I didn’t want to know the full scale. But despite how much I hate to admit it, Luna is right. I feel lucky to have you.”

“I feel lucky to have you,” I admitted. “And I want to keep doing what we are when we are able. This is me extending an olive branch so we can do it more.”

“Fucking hell,” she said. “I feel that pulse thing too.” She readjusted her jeans. “You uh care if my sister stays the night? Maybe I do want to stay for a bit.”

“No, I don’t mind, we have spare rooms,” I said. I got up and extended my hand. She walked over and we walked out together. Outside it was dark. Dahlia was sitting on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and a bunch of candy as she watched TV. It wasn’t too hard to talk her into staying the night especially when I said she could sleep on the couch and stay up as late as she wanted. 


With that said and done I led Brianna upstairs as well. I wasn’t too surprised to come to my room to find it being raided. I was surprised that a bunch of topless women were there though. 


“What’s going on?” I asked a topless Ana, Rebecca, Penny, and Luna. They stopped what they were doing and gave me a deer in the headlights look. I really wished I’d had a camera. Rebecca had the smallest bust of the 4 of them. At small C-Cups, but she was gorgeous. Anastasia’s barbell pierced nipples were in full view, which looked great on her D-Cup. Penny and Luna’s tits were just barely bigger than hers, but all sets were perky. Brianna blushed beside me as she watched them. 

“I wanted to see the piercings,” Penny said. “But thought it was only fair we were all showing our tits. Brianna, right? You too. Take off the top.”

“What? But…” she looked a little awkward since she was the smallest of them. Super skinny and small A-cup breasts I could see she was self-conscious. 

“Yep, let’s go. I’m betting you have really wide nipples,” Penny said, walking over and dragging her to the group. She grabbed the bottom of Brianna’s shirt and lifted it off, making Brianna blush and stammer as she covered up. I struggled to hide my erection. 


“Knew it,” Penny asked. “Oh come on. I work at The Club. I see more tits in a week than you’ve met women. Come on, they’re cute.”

“Really?” She asked, blushing.

“Oh yeah. My god I would kill for your abs,” she said touching her stomach. “Do you like live at the gym?” 


“No, just skinny,” she admitted as she relaxed.

“Jeez, I would kill for that hair,” Rebecca said. Which started a wave of compliments. Then Luna started passing out my hoodies. Decreeing them to the girls they sadly put them on, hiding their naked chests from me.

“What?” Luna asked.

“I prefer the naked parade,” I said.

“Too bad. Should I get nipple piercings? They look hot,” she said.

“Do what you want,” I said.

“They hurt like a bitch,” Anastasia said. “But Russ seems to like them.” 

“I bet, I really want to experience them. You up for a little you touch mine and I touch yours?” Penny asked. 

“Me too,” Luna said. Then it was 4 girls groping one another. All wanted a turn with Ana’s and I stopped trying to hide my erection. It was pointless and hurt too much. That was when Willow and Ava walked in. 

“I want a turn,” Willow said giggling as she ran over. 

“You are the cutest fucking thing,” Penny said. I agreed, about 5 foot 5 her pixie haircut made her seem younger and more innocent. “I don’t know what it is, but I’m looking forward to seeing your cute baby.”

“Right?” Willow asked. “I can’t wait…which reminds me. I’m the only one that gets him without a condom.” She turned over to me after getting her fill of feeling Ana up. “So, I want to go first.”

“What? That’s not fair,” a few girls said.

“Yeah it is. I’m holding the baby. Has he knocked any of you up? That’s what I thought. I’m calling my rights as a baby momma.” 

“Fine,” Luna said. “I don’t want him after my sister. So he will need to wash up after. But I am curious if a creampie is as hot as they say.”

“Luna,” Ava hissed. “Please don’t talk about my girlfriend getting fucked.”

“Fine, but I’m watching,” Luna said. She looked around the room then to my bed. “Kind of small here though. What do you think about moving...somewhere else.”

“Like where?” I asked. 

“Mom’s not here,” she said. “And she has the biggest bed…” 


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