Moral Degeneration


“Good morning!” I yelled as I burst open the hotel room door. Luna, Penny, and Rowan groaned at me. I walked to the end of the room and opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. “Rise and shine.”

“Goddammit, every day with this!” Penny yelled. 

“You’re the ones that keep getting drunk and high,” I said. 


“We just got drunk,” Luna said, sitting up. She and Penny were in one bed with the blanket covering her, Rowan was in the other. All 3 were nude. I threw a blanket on Rowan. “It’s my birthday. Why you gotta be so mean?” 

“It is your birthday,” I said, moving over to her. I presented her with a present. She wiped the sleepies out of her eyes until she could see the leather box. A smile appearing on her lips she opened it slowly and gasped. 

“Oh my god!” She yelled, her eyes bigger than ever as the sunlight caught the diamonds. “Is it real?!” 

“Yep,” I said. Setting the box down I pulled the necklace out. It was almost too gaudy to wear. Like some sort of jewelry set that a princess wore on her wedding day it had at least 100 miniature diamonds that fed into larger and larger ones until they met at the bottom where a large black oval stone hung. 

“Where did you get it?” She asked, unclasping it and putting it on. 

“Doesn’t matter,” I said, still smiling. 

She paused, her eyes squinting. “It does,” she said.

I scratched my cheek. “My dad’s place,” I mumbled. 


“He gave it to you?” Luna asked. 

“Not so much gave as didn’t fight me as I took it,” I said.

“You met him?!” She gasped. Finishing putting the necklace on she grabbed my forearm and sat up excitedly. Her breasts now free I got a great view of them. “What happened? What was he like?”

“Honestly…kind of a pussy,” I said. I looked at the other girls, they were sitting up as well. Penny and Rowan were experienced enough to have a concerned look. Against my better judgment I relayed what happened the night before. I excluded the large amount of cash I stole and sex most of the night with Bea though.

“Holy shit,” Penny said. “He had a list of everyone he had sex with?” 

I nodded. “It was a lot. Names too. All were around 18.” I could tell Rowan wasn’t taking the news well. “Sorry.” 

“No, kind of nice to hear you called him out on his shit,” she said. “H-How much you get away with?”

“Shit, you’re my sister,” I said. “Maybe you should get a pick of the jewelry.” 

“Not this,” Luna said, putting her hand on the necklace. 

“Honey, that was taken illegally, you don’t want that,” I said.

“I don’t care,” she said.

I barked a laugh. “I’m joking. He’s not going to raise a stink about it. I left the really expensive stuff there.” 

“Like what?” 

“Mostly art. I think there was a Monet in his collection,” I said. “Either way the guy is a billionaire. We need to get the jewelry appraised and get some insurance on it. If he reports it stolen I’ll tell them he gave it to me. I’d love to see him dispute it.”

“I want to pick one,” Penny said, raising her hand.

“What about your birthday?” I asked. 

“It happened back in December before we met. Please,” she said. 

I chuckled but nodded. Going back into the other room I opened the duffle bags with the stolen goods. Taking the jewelry and some watches I headed back in to find them not bothering to get dressed but marveling at Luna’s necklace. 

“Rowan, put some clothes on,” I said.

“You have it here?!” The girls said and they were dragging me in to dump it all on a bed. That led to a 30 minute rendition of the Goonies finding the treasure. Trying everything on, complimenting one another, earrings, necklaces, and rings sparkling everywhere. 


“This is like millions of dollars worth of diamonds,” Penny laughed. 

“And still probably the cheapest thing in his collection,” I said. “Come on girls. Pick something, we got places to be.”

“We do?” Luna asked. 

“Of course. It’s your birthday. I thought we would do your sightseeing. Eat at the fancy places. Do it all, because we head back home tomorrow.”

“You should know,” Penny said. “I uh canceled our flight.”

“What?” I asked. 

“We are riding with you,” she said.

“It’s going to be an 18 hour drive, versus what? 3 hour flight?” I asked. 

“So? We came here to see you,” she said. I rolled my eyes but nodded. 


“Fine, but no souvenirs. My car is going to be packed as it is,” I said.

“Yay,” the girls said. Taking the jewelry off reluctantly, Penny decided on a huge diamond ring but Rowan actually wanted a watch.

“Which one should I pick?” She asked. 

“I like that one,” I said, pointing at the gear watch. “But more for a guy.” 

“What? Nothing is for a guy,” she said. Putting it on she lifted it up with a smile. 

“Yes, very pretty, please put some clothes on,” I said.

“Ha, is big sis making you all hot?” She asked, walking closer. 

“More like barf. Are nipples supposed to point in 2 different directions?” 


“You ass,” she said, slapping my arm. “Fucking heard about your sister kink.” 


“That’s girls that are sisters, not my sisters,” I said as she walked out. 

“It’s so cute to see you with a girl you’re not trying to fuck,” Luna said happily. “What should I wear?”

“Something comfortable. Lots of walking. I scored tickets to a Broadway show of Macbeth.”

“Broadway!” The girls asked and they were quickly getting ready. Still early we walked to a local deli and ate. The first stop was the Twin Towers. They wanted to go to the Empire State Building, but I had to go to ground zero. I’d never been there in my last life and I wanted to go at least once. 


The South Tower had an Observation Deck on the 107th floor. Still a weekday there wasn’t much of a line so we got tickets and it freaked me the hell out. Not only were we going up super high, but we were going up to a place I know could fall. Granted it would take a few planes to make it happen, but still. 


My vertigo and fear of heights hit me hard. The 3 girls didn’t notice and ran around excitedly. I read through the information brochure to ground myself, then made the mistake of looking out of the windows that lined the wall. After that I was done and was counting down until we could leave. Luckily the girls didn’t notice, or they would have teased me. 

After that we went on a Statue of Liberty tour. It took way longer than I expected and we were basically running to get to the Broadway Show. I’d been running on very little sleep for the last few days so I got a couple of hours of sleep there, then was ready to go. 


Dark by that point it was left to Luna to decide. Rowan offered to show us to some of the clubs in the area and it got a little hectic at that point. I had the fake ID I bought from Maeda’s friend so I was let right in. Luna was still underage though so I had to bribe the bouncer to let her in. $100 was way too much of a bribe, New York bouncers were spoiled as all hell.


The girls were excited and were practically running into the place. Getting drinks I forgot that men were a rarity in the world. Most women in New York didn’t gawk at me as much, but there in a club, where men were scared to go, I was probably the only one there. Which became apparent as I was put on by every single one. 


We had to escape from that club. Then the next club I opted to wear my wig. I didn’t have to tip that bouncer. The girls were able to drink and dance. Let loose and have a real vacation. I was able to relax at the bar but was pulled to dance with them every now and then. All in all a good way to finish the trip. I had been hoping to take the girls home, then fuck Luna and Penny all night, until Luna had a bright idea.

“It’s our last night, right?” She asked. I nodded. “I want to go back to Maeda’s.” 

“Seriously? Why?” I asked. I didn’t want them knowing about the smuggling deal I had with her. 


“You didn’t get to try that stuff. It made everything feel so much…better,” she said.

“Is that why I found you in a pile of women?” I asked. 

“We didn’t even have sex with them,” she said. “Like we just rubbed on one another and we were getting off.”

“Seriously?” I asked, laughing. I wondered what the hell Maeda had their stuff laced with to make that happen.

“It was crazy. I really want to try your dick on that,” Luna said.

“Please stop with the dick talk,” Rowan said.

“Sorry,” she said again. We had been trying to talk about a quickie earlier and Rowan got mad at us. “Please.” 

“Fine,” I said. “But we are leaving tomorrow morning. I don’t care if I have to throw you in the car.” 

“Deal,” Luna said and the fun part of the night started. 



I stepped out of the elevator to see a line of girls staring at us. All eyes were on me. Then they strayed to Penny and Luna. “Penny! Luna!” Girls yelled as one. They were an assortment of races, heights, and ages. Penny and Luna ran over to them hugging them hard. Everyone kissing each other on the cheek it was as if the girls had reunited with a long lost family. 


When they were finished they turned back to Rowan and I. “This is them, eh?” The older woman asked. She was in her 40s. Wearing nothing more than pajamas, nightgowns, and oversize T-shirts they had all woken up to greet us. 

“This is the man,” Luna said. “Now who wants to go-” 

“Nope!” I heard Maeda yell. “Russ and I have business first!” I grabbed Rowan’s shoulder and pulled her out. The girls deflated as I walked by, but quickly followed behind. Going to Maeda’s large apartment. She was sitting in her normal spot on the couch with even more girls. Britta and Frieda behind her, Frieda gave me a small wave as I nodded at her. 

“What’s up?” I asked. 

Maeda eyed all the girls. “Go take care of those 3,” she ordered and the girls broke apart, dragging Luna, Penny, and Rowan away. I was left with Frieda, Britta, Maeda, and an older woman I thought was Maeda’s second in command of her commune. 

“Thanks,” I said. Throwing her my keys she grabbed them out of the air. “I need the trunk and seats free. Everything else can have something thrown in it.” 

“Tires?” She asked. 


“Throw in the cost of new ones in my fee and you can do what you will,” I said. She gave me a smile and handed the keys to her second. The woman got up and walked out without another word. 


“Now the matter with these 2,” Maeda said, thumbing at Britta and Frieda behind her. “They tell me they want to go with you.”

“I didn’t realize Britta was,” I said, eyeing the curly-q blonde. 


“You’re kind of hot,” she said with a shrug. 


“I-” Frieda said but Maeda cut her off. 

“I’ve raised these 2 since they were pups,” she growled. “I don’t like them running off with the first man they meet.” 

“Understandable,” I said. “What would you like to happen?”

“Both are in my debt,” she said.  

“Money? I have money,” I said. 

“Me too. No, they owe me time,” she said. “2 years yet, and they know it.”

I wasn’t quite sure how someone owed years. Owing time was more in her favor though, that was for sure. I guessed they borrowed money and she demanded years as payment. “Fine, what do you want?” 

“I want to know your plans,” Maeda said. “You don’t owe me anything…yet. Many I have to talk into this sort of business though. You jumped right in. Why?”

“...Medication is the future,” I said. “Years from now marijuana will probably be legalized in states across the US. Which is the groundwork for other recreational drugs. I’d rather be in this business while it’s profitable.” 

“I’ll take your word for it,” she said, leaning back. “So what? More drug runs?” 

“Maybe, but I’m looking more bulk running,” I said. “I might have a method in the next year to get to Canada and Mexico with very little effort. A…company I am close to. If you continue to have need, I would be interested in setting up regular shipments.”

“I hate talking about possible futures,” Maeda said. “What do you want right now?” 

“Just this,” I said. “I’m establishing myself. I have seed money now and hope to grow it into more opportunities.”

“Fine,” she said. “You’re out of Minneapolis, right?” I nodded. “I work with a group called the Hermanas there. You know them?” I nodded again. “I’ll put you in touch with my contact there. She can be our go between when you’re ready for real weight.” 

“Works for me,” I said. “Until then…” I eyed Frieda and Britta. 

“They’ll continue to work for me,” Maeda said. “But I might send them your way for special deliveries.”

“I’d like that,” I said and you’d thought I gave Frieda an engagement ring for how much she smiled. I wanted to help her, but in all honesty this was probably best. I could establish my businesses, get legitimate money then pay what Maeda needed for them. Girls that were fine running drugs were fine with other illegal aspects of society. I liked having them around. 

“When will my car be ready?” I asked. 

“By morning,” she said. “Here’s where you drop it off.” She handed me a piece of paper. 


“They better be able to leave it how they got it,” I said.

“They will,” she said with a smile. We heard loud laughing in the other rooms. “Go have fun. The girls were starting to think you wouldn’t come.” Frieda rushed around the couch over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the noise. Britta followed slowly behind.

“What was that?” I mumbled to her.

“Uh…old stuff came up,” she said. “But I uh, I can still see you when I come by, right?”

“Of course. Do you need help?” I asked. 

“No,” she said with a sigh. “Just, let’s forget it okay. I’m glad you came.”

“Me too,” I said, putting my arm over her shoulder. I eyed Britta behind us. “You moving in with me too someday?” 

“You’re stealing my girlfriend,” she said. “Of course.”

“Oh you’re actual girlfriends? Sorry, I thought we were having fun. Are you upset at me?” I asked Britta as I stopped walking. She frowned.

“No, not at you,” she said. “Sorry kind of forgot my responsibilities.” 

“I’m serious. Do you girls need money? I have some,” I said. I liked them, but a lot of what I’d stolen recently was earmarked. 


“No…we uh both made deals. Maeda isn’t interested in money,” Britta said. “We need to keep our word.”

“Okay,” I said. “But you aren’t in danger?” 

“No more than usual,” Britta said. I set my hand on her head then pulled her to me. 


“I’ll give you my number. When you need me, I’ll be there, okay?” I asked. 

“Okay,” Frieda said.

“Why does that kind of help the sting?” Britta asked. 

“No idea,” I said, then wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her along. “Let’s forget about the problems today and have some fun. Should I be worried about what the girls are taking?”


“Oh no, you gotta do it too,” Frieda laughed. 


“I’m not the best on drugs,” I said, very hesitant that I’d go in a downward spiral with just a little taste. 


“You’ll probably want this,” Britta said, sounding a little better. We turned to a new room. The door open the grouping of women was blocked by a haze of smoke. I could smell the weed from far off. But it was never really my drug of choice. 


Luna and Penny were in the midst of taking big hits. When they saw me they released their joints and held their breaths, big smiles on their faces. Rowan already had a dopey look on hers as she eyes one of the girls. Whatever I did I wanted to stay sober to make sure I stayed away from her. Not that I felt like she wanted to do anything. But so many other girls were desperate for a guy I didn’t want to risk it. 


“Finally,” Luna said. A plume of smoke leaving her mouth with the words. “You want to-“ she offered me the joint but I raised my hand.  


“I’m good. There’s so much smoke in here I’ll probably hit it second hand though,” I said. 


“Fair enough,” Penny said laughing. “Now uh we already talked about this with the girls…”


“Yeah you were supposed to stay when you picked them up the other day,” a girl said. Others chimed in. 


“I’m sorry about that. Had to finish my own drama. But that’s done now,” I assured. “We leave tomorrow and this is my girlfriend's birthday. So I’ll be doing whatever she wants.”


I pointed to Luna. “Psh like you don’t know. I want to have sex with this stuff,” she said. “Honey, can we use your room?”


“As long as I get to watch,” a girl next to her said. 


“Deal,” Luna said and walked toward me. Penny was walking right after. Releasing Britta and Frieda the new duo grabbed my hands and walked me into another room. It wasn’t long until the clothes were off. Girls stood at the door wide eyed, but Britta and Frieda walked in, openly watching. 


“I want you to fuck as much as possible,” Luna said. “Most of these girls never had a guy. So it’s up to you.”


“Sounds exciting,” I said, my eyes darting between her and the rest of the girls. “I’d need a lot of condoms though.”


“We took care of that,” Penny said, revealing 2 boxes of condoms from Menagerie. “We swiped these before we left.”


“Smart,” I said. “Let’s uh make this fair though. Who here’s a virgin and wants a chance?”


I saw 3 hands raised up. The crowd parted to let them in. They were younger, I guessed in late teens early 20s. 


“I uh changed my mind,” Luna said quickly. “They can go first.”


“What?” Penny asked. 


“Trust me,” she said backing up. She knew what happened when I had virgins. “Let’s let these 3 have a shot. Make it special, you know?” She pulled Penny back and the 3 virgins were left to become the center of everyone’s gazes. I eyed Britta and Frieda, they were interested in the show as well. 


“You want this?” I asked walking up to them. The one on the left was only 5 feet tall. But she had long brown hair down her front that covered her chest. A small smile she looked a little scared. The one in the middle was my height. Freckles on her cheeks she had a lighter brown hair. But hers was cut short like Frieda’s. The last girl was a little huskier, but her face was the cutest of all. Wide cheeks she smiled from ear to ear. 


“Yep,” freckles said. “Been waiting a long time for this.” She proceeded to disrobe right there. Revealing her naked chest and full bush I smiled wide and picked her up like she weighed nothing. She laughed and we kissed until I laid her on the bed. 


Sliding my boxers off, my erect dick bounced in the open air, smacking my abs with how turned on I was. A few girls gasped, but my eyes were on the virgin. 


She blinked quickly at me. A little fear there I leaned forward and began kissing her. Her cool thighs touching my sides she got into it as my naked dick poked at her bush then lower lips. 


I leaned back and took a condom that had spilled from the box. Putting it on I turned back to her. There was fear in her eyes but she nodded quickly as she grabbed her knees to open her legs wider. I gave her my wolfish grin and slid in. 


I busted through her hymen causing her to grunt but my lips were on hers to make it all the sweeter for her. My hands on her ass cheeks I eased in and descended inch by inch. Half-way in I stopped. Her cunt was so tight it was hard to move so I let her relax. 


When she did I thrust the rest of the way in. Her groans turned to moans and I began humping her in earnest. After only a few she came. Nails digging into me she breathed into my chest hard as her legs vibrated. I didn’t stop. 


She kept cumming and I only continued on. Minutes later I felt myself reach climax and sped up. Crying out her legs were as wide as could be until she and I came together. Grunting in one another’s mouths I pushed into her as far as I could as I filled the condom. 


When it was over she caught her breath but rasped, “thank you.”  


“Thank you,” I said. Kissing her on the lips I pulled back and removed the bloody condom. Tossing it into the bin there were more eyes on us. 


“That was so much better than my deflowering,” one older woman said. 


“Right? I wanted that,” one said. 


“Sorry you had to go through that, ladies. But I do plan to get to all of you,” I said. “Who's next?”


The huskier girl blew out her plume of smoke. She stepped up and I was taking her. The weed really did make them feel it more because she came as soon as I broke her maidenhead. 


Feeling me everywhere, her chest pushing into me she came simply by me being buried in her and the micro movements we made. She actually passed out after the 6th and I’d barely gotten started. 


I pulled out and had to reload a new condom for the last girl. She too had taken a few hits. But was scared since my dick was so big and she was so small. Opting to be on top she descended down on me but reacted just as hard as the last girl. 


She came and dropped down forcing her to scream through her orgasm. She sat down on me catching her breath and came again. Writhing on me I didn’t even get to thrust into her before she was out too. 


“Holy fuck,” one girl said. “The dick that good?”


“It’s the weed,” a girl said. “Must really turn you on to cocks.”


“Shit,” Penny said. “I don’t want to pass out that quick.”


“I have a solution,” Luna said. Grabbing the joint she walked it over to me. “You just need to get as sensitive as us.”


I eyed it then her. “Do I?” She nodded. Frowning, I had to agree with her. “If it’s the only way.” I took a big hit off of it. Holding the smoke in my lungs it was a familiar taste. The girls cheered when I blew it out and Luna was on me.


Kissing me all over it wasn't enough time for the stuff to kick in but she didn’t care. 


“Move them,” Luna ordered and a couple girls moved the once virgins. She pushed me to the bed and put a new condom on me. Descending down she came instantly but it only made her stronger. Going all the way down she gushed out liquid. “Fuck you’re bigger already.” I doubted it, but she was stoned. I wasn’t going to correct her. 


I grabbed her hips and helped thrust into her and she came again. Crying out she sped up again. Her large tits bouncing in my face my hair was pulled and I dropped my head down. Penny kissed me then blew smoke in my mouth. Sucking it in I kept the smoke in my lungs then blew it out as she mounted my face.


Eating her out hungrily she came with Luna. Both girls kissing and touching one another I was starting to feel something. But it wasn’t as strong as them. They came again and again. Pausing for their orgasms they’d get back into it. 


Luna came 10 times before she fell off in a spasming euphoric stupor. Then Penny was jumping on my dick. She rode it for a bit but was in the same state of Luna. 


I was starting to wish I was feeling what they were. Sitting up I eyed all the other girls then pointed at Britta and Frieda. They smiled and walked over. Britta putting a joint in my mouth I took another hit. This one was so strong I began to cough. 


The girls clapping and cheering Freida began to descend on my dick and I felt it then. Every nerve in my dick felt like it was alive. I could identify every single one as she moved down and I knew I didn’t have a condom on. 


I was about to say something but Britta mounted my face. A little lost and feeling too good Frieda came on me as soon as I was fully sheathed in her. Struggling not to cum I ate out Britta with all of my skill. 


Simply soaking in Frieda was the best feeling of my life. Her liquid gushing everywhere. Muscles writhing on me she never seemed to stop cumming. And before I knew it I was cumming into her. 


I thought Jane’s blowjobs were otherworldly. I felt like every part of my dick was being caressed by a new tongue as I released huge spurts of cum in her. I heard her crying out from between Britta’s legs. Every spurt felt like a whole new orgasm for me. Time almost slowing down as I released probably my biggest load to date. 


When it was over, Frieda passed out on top of me. Britta getting off my face she pulled the girl up amazed. “What did you do differently?” She asked. I looked to all the girls. Addled I must not have heard how loud she was. They all seemed shocked. 


“She went on without a condom,” I said. Britta pulled her up and my naked cock was revealed. Frieda never stirred. 


“Fuck. I want that,” she said and was on me. I tried to stop her but I too wanted it deep down. Her drenched pussy on me she felt just as good as before and she came way harder this time. 


Her chest on me she began to curse. “Fuck! Fuck! Cum! Ming! Oh god! Can’t! Stop!” She did a whole body shake as I felt it too. My own hands on her ass as I felt the ecstasy of her insides. “Oh god! Again!? Stronger?! Jeeeesus!” She began to shake. I couldn’t stop myself. Pushing her off I began to cum on her as she spasmed. Simple open air touching my drenched dick made it feel better than ever. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. 


Catching my breath I shivered and she spasmed. “Fucking put a baby in me,” Britta said but her eyes fluttered and she fell asleep. I stood up. Already there were so many girls passed out. Yes my orgasms were strong but I always felt like I could go forever. Especially after I had virgins. 


I looked at the crowd of girls. “Who’s next?”


2 girls stepped up. “You on top this time. No condom,” the front one said. 


“You want a kid?” I asked.


“Not especially. Just pull out. I gotta try this,” she said. More girls were removed from the bed and I couldn’t see why not. Taking another hit I dove into her and the reaction was the same. I simply stayed buried in her and she came like never before. When I couldn’t hold back anymore I pulled out and came on her only for her to pass out. 


That’s how the assembly line started. No romance. Simple tools as I stuck my dick in them and we came hard. There were more acts added in like I’d make out with a girl. Many started jerking me off onto their friend which then started girls licking it off her. Which caused a huge crowd of girls to come in. 


So much happened that night that it became a blur. I lost track of how many girls I had. Many came for seconds and thirds and I had all of them. Even Maeda wanted a turn at one point. The girls screamed. I grunted and groaned. Cumming on them. In them when a few begged for it. But always ready to go again. 


Either way I had a great time. 

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