Moral Degeneration


I didn’t go to sleep. All night was a constant haze of fucking one woman after another. I let myself truly enjoy it too. After the whatever-laced-marijuana wore off the girls that had been on it were all passed out so I stepped out to begin preparing for the trip. Only to find quite a few girls who had opted out of the giant orgy. But then one decided she wanted a try which started a cascade of regular sex with girls. 


It was fun and simple. Shower sex led to anal with one. Then a couple wanted to try giving me a blowjob which was relaxing and needed. Like some weird porn it was interesting to have 5 girls taking turns doing this or that to my dick. They simply wanted to explore so I let them. By the time they went off to bed I grabbed a couple hours with them but with the dawn I was running around the city. 


I was pretty proud of myself. Not only had I sexed up everyone that asked, but when Maeda offered me some coke I declined. Either riding high from all the sex or the virgins at the beginning, I didn’t know, but I wasn’t terribly exhausted. 

I picked up the Elle and it looked the same. I could tell it was heavier from how the engine had to work harder, but the car was powerful. I didn’t look at or want to know what I was transporting so I went to the hotel. Throwing the girl’s stuff in their luggage I gathered it all up. Storing my bags of money and stolen loot first all the other luggage went in next. When it didn’t fit I opted to throw some of my clothes away. It was getting small on me anyway. It all fit barely and again I could feel the extra weight in the car. 


After that I went back to Maeda’s and picked up the girls. They were out for the count. Rowan had busied herself with a couple of lesbian girls in the back and was in her own pile of girls, but I got her out of there and dressed begrudgingly. She was cursing at me the whole time as I practically dressed her. 


Luna and Penny were more amenable though. I set them all up in the backseat and they were cuddled up together and asleep again. I was starting to crash a little at that point so I stopped at a gas station, got some coffee and an actual energy drink. Red Bull wasn’t as wide spread so I was left with an energy drink called Jolt. I remembered it from when I was a kid because it had some crazy amount of caffeine and was banned. After shotgunning one of those I was pretty well set. 


Scanning radio stations, gas station snacks, 3 girls in the back, a few hundred thousand dollars, diamonds, drugs, guns in the car, and lots of hours of driving I hit the gas hard and sped through the state. This was by far one of the better road trips I had been on. 


I came out to confront my dad, which I did. Though it didn’t end how I wanted. I was a lot richer and could finally put a face to the name of the guy that I never met in my last life. 


That was when I started regretting not asking more questions. So caught up in the moment I forgot to ask important stuff like, how did he meet my mom…Actually it wasn’t all that important. I hated that bitch and wasn’t that guys biggest fan either. I had to put them behind me and focus on the family I had. The family I was making, and continue to do everything for. 


“Where are we?” Rowan asked as she looked around. 


“Almost through Pennsylvania,” I said. 


“Holy shit,” she said. Leaning forward she rolled over the passenger seat back and sat down. Once she was adjusted she looked around at it all. “This is the farthest I’ve ever been from home.”

“Congratulations,” I said. “You don’t sound enthused.”

“Kind of surreal,” she said. “I kept thinking I’d chicken out at the last minute. That was my whole life back there.” 

“Sorry?” She eyed me. “For making the decision for you.”

“Oh, no, I’m glad,” she said, letting out a sigh as she patted the dash. Stretching, she smiled over at me. “You pretty much threw my life upside down since you showed up, but…I’m starting to think it’s a good thing.” 


“Right?” I asked. “How often do you have the chance to get stoned and have an orgy with a bunch of girls?”

“I didn’t sleep with that many,” she said with a blush. 

“I meant me,” I said. 

“Oh my god. I blocked that out. Those girls went crazy for you. Did you sleep with all of them?” She asked. 

“I think so,” I said. “Kind of a blur for a while there.”

“I can’t believe it. Boys are weird. I knew it as soon as I started working at the diner.”

“I’m the weirdest though,” I assured her. 

“Yep, you take the cake,” she said, rolling her eyes. I felt a deep love for her at that point. I wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe I’d fallen for too many girls lately, or was extra emotional about meeting my dad. Reaching over I grabbed her hand, just to hold it. 

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said. She turned to face me. Her eyes glistening, she smiled. 

“Me too,” she whispered. Our own little brother and sister moment, it was something I had always longed for, and for once I got it. 


Luna ruined it by leaning forward and saying, “Kiss.”

“Ew,” we said as one. 

“What? Siblings kiss,” she said aghast. “Just don’t make it sexual ya pervs.”

“Shush, I’m sleeping,” Penny groaned. 

“No, wake up. I gotta pee,” Luna said.

“Seriously? You just woke up,” I groaned. 


“Everyone has to pee when they wake up,” she said. “Please.” 


“Anyone else have to go?” I asked. All 3 girls raised their hands. “Fucking women. Fine, one stop. But no breakfast. You gotta get junk food. I want to try to make it to Minnesota by noon tomorrow.”

“Are we making any big stops?” 

“Just Chicago. We can…do something there, alright?” I asked. Then was pulling into a gas station. The girls ran for the bathroom which took forever then they were raiding the shelves, aisles and fridges. After $200 in snacks we were back in the car and the girls were munching happily as they talked about this or that. I was in for a long drive, but I was glad they were all there with me. It was never boring with them. 



“I need a shower,” Luna groaned as she got out of the car. 


“Rowan, get up,” I said. She didn’t stir in the back. Groaning, I got out and pulled her out. Throwing her over my shoulder she hung limply off of me as I walked her into the Cooper household. 


We had already dropped Penny off at the airport so she could get her car. All of us were exhausted. It was currently Sunday night, almost Monday morning. The trip back had taken a lot longer than I had planned. The girls continued to want to stop for this or that. We made a long stop in Cleveland, Ohio. Then when we got to Chicago I let them stay in a hotel so I could unpack the car then get the drugs or whatever removed. 


There had been some drama when Maeda’s associates couldn’t find everything, but some had been hidden under the front seats so we got it. I thought it was heroin, but didn’t much care. I was paid another $50,000 and they helped me put the car back together. After that the girls wanted to sightsee on Sunday. We hit a few of them but I was itching to get home. 

They reluctantly agreed and it was currently midnight. The house was dark but I didn’t want to wake Violet or Audrey to find out which was Rowan’s bed. Not yet at least. Throwing her in my room I emptied the car. After cleaning it I knew I’d have to get it detailed and cleaned as soon as possible. 


I came back to my room to find Luna and Rowan cuddling up on my bed. Shaking my head I showered and considered waking up Audrey. There was a lot she and I needed to talk about and I had missed her. For now I had to fix another problem though. Walking outside I jumped in the car and drove it a few blocks away. 


Farrah was busy at work, but my true target was Ryleigh. Last I had seen her I was getting thrown in the back of the trunk of a car after school. I called her as soon as I could, but hadn’t been able to see her before I left. She’d been pretty short with me on the phone after she found out I was okay, but that didn’t sit well with me. 


Running around the house I hoped her room was where I remembered. Walking up to her window I tapped on it a few times. Nothing. Tapping more earnestly I hissed, “Ryleigh.” I heard something inside and thought I saw a shadow in the window. “Ry, it’s me Russ.” The shadow moved closer, but didn’t reach for the window. “Either you come out or I’m coming in, Ry.” 

Finally she opened the window. Wearing her kitten pajamas she hissed back, “What are you doing here?” 


“I just got back to town. I came to see you. Me in there or you out here?” I asked. 

“Go away. My mom’s are asleep,” she hissed. 

“Fine, I’m coming in,” I said. Grabbing the windowsill I pulled myself up. She cursed at me but stepped back. When I was inside the room I noticed it was as I remembered. Maybe a little cleaner, but it was a young girl’s room. 


“You need to go,” she rasped. 

“No,” I said. “I’m not going. You’ve been dodging my calls for over a week now. I want to know why.” She glared at me. Wanting to say something, but she couldn’t. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t see you before I left. I was pissed off and needed to plan. The DOL was on my tail and…come on Ry. I was fucking kidnapped.”

“Again, kidnapped again,” she said. “While I was there watching.” She had tears in her eyes. “I couldn’t do anything, again. Then you were knocked out and being dragged away. I cried my eyes out that night. I didn’t even hear you were okay until the next day!” She said then covered her mouth because she was so loud. We both stopped and listened, but we didn’t hear anyone moving in the house. “I-I thought we were best friends.”

“We are,” I said. “Ry, I-I don’t have an excuse. I called you at-” 

“Called?” She laughed. “Called to tell me you weren’t gone forever? That you somehow escaped grown professional women. You really think that’s okay for a friend?” She asked, the word friend sounded like far from it. 

I frowned. I’d been in such a rush to see the pregnant girls before I left that I hadn’t thought about it. Most of my girls knew nothing about the kidnapping because I didn’t want to explain it. They were simply happy for a warning I was leaving. 


“You’re right,” I said. “I hate how little time we’ve spent together lately. It almost feels like we are growing apart, Ry. Heck you would have been the first I saw, but I’ve been wrapped in so much bullshit. I-I know your mom hates me and I’m trying to spend time with you, but you deserve more.” 


“And your party?” She asked, her lower lip scrunched up to keep her from crying more. Her eyes were red with tears. I looked at her confused. “You basically ignored me at your party. Talk-talking with your other…girls.”

“I…fuck,” I said looking down. “You’re right. It was the first time in a long time that we had some time to try for fun and I was running around, talking to everyone but you.” 

“Why?” She asked. Wanting more. “Why have you been doing it? Do you not want to do this anymore? You and me?”

“Of course I do,” I said with all my heart. She smiled but then frowned as I did. “But I’m also afraid of hurting you.”

“How?” She asked. 

“You said you didn’t want to talk about this crap,” I said.

“I changed my mind. Tell me.” 

I knew this had been building, so it was time to bite the bullet. “I have sex with other girls,” I said. “And I don’t want to push you to do the same.” 


“Why not?” She asked. 

“Because you’re perfect,” I said. “You’re-everything to me, Ry. I met you and I wanted to go slow. Reclaim some of that innocence back. Focus on our friendship and build our relationship from there.” 

“So I’m ugly?” She asked, more hurt. 

“No, god no. You’re gorgeous. You’re like impossible to not want to be around. I literally have to stop myself about 20 times every school day from trying to steal a kiss from you. Your eyes are so clear and blue. And I know you get embarrassed with how shy you are, but I love it. I just want to hear you talk and laugh. Your face? My god. I don’t want you to change your hair because if you showed your face more I’d have to keep a lot more people away from you. And-” 


She walked over and kissed me. I had seen it coming and part of me wanted to retreat. Everytime we talked about important stuff we ended up kissing and never finishing the conversation. I missed her so much though that I couldn’t help but move into it. Standing up I was a lot taller than her now. My hand moving down her back she moaned in my mouth as she remembered our practice sessions in her basement. 


As the kiss got more heated she pulled me toward her bed. Dropping on top of her all the tension that had been building up since the last time we were left alone those weeks ago exploded out. We were a grunting and groaning mess as our hands moved over one another. Touching skin, scratching and pulling, everything was finally clicking. 


We weren’t quiet about it either. My face buried in the nape of her neck she moaned, “I want you.”

“I want you. I missed you,” I said.

“Let’s uh do it,” she squeaked as I kept kissing downward. I stopped and looked up at her bright eyes. 


Smiling wide I shook my head. “No,” I said.

“What?” She asked, getting angry again. 

“No, we aren’t doing it,” I said. 

“Why not?” She asked, angrier still. 


“Because there is a lot we haven’t done,” I said. I studied her face, she and I were both 15 now. Maybe it was time to progress a little further. Linda and Rose weren’t waking up like I had feared. If we could keep this as a regular thing, going a little further sounded fun. 


“Like what?” She whispered, smiling slightly. 


“First, I want to know where we stand,” I said. 

“I want you to be my boyfriend,” she said instantly. 


“And what does that entail?” I asked slowly. 


“We go on dates, we hang out-” 

“We do that now. And you’re fine with our dates being supervised by your moms?” 

“Yeah, I don’t care. I just want time.”

“What about school?” I asked. “What happens if it comes out I have other…girlfriends?”

“It’s already around the school,” she said with a frown. “At this point I don’t care. It can just be you and I that know. I simply want to stop questioning where we stand.”

“Will you be my girlfriend then?” I asked. “Hand holding, dating, kissing when we have a chance, girlfriend.” 


“Really?” She asked. “Th-that easy?” 

“Ry, I’ve seen you as my girlfriend since we first kissed in your basement. I simply want to not get scared you’ll get pissed off if I can’t spend all the time in the world with you,” I said.

“No, I know you’re busy,” she said. “And I know…you…are with…other people. But you had that party and all I wanted was to be with you. All those other boys were…”

“Not me?” I offered.

“That, yes,” she whispered. “I fell for you when I first met you. I don’t want to be the one person you don’t tell you’re okay. I want to be the first.” 

“You were the first to know I got back,” I offered. 

“Which is nice, but…I-I just want to be with you all the time,” she admitted. 

“Ry, we are a little young for-” 

“I know,” she said, blushing harder somehow. “I know. I get so angry at my mom for not letting us be together and I’m sick of it. I want to run away and-” I shut her up by kissing her again. She got lost for a while as we got back into it. When she was distracted again I pulled away. 


“Let’s forget the future for now,” I said. There was no reason to bring it up this early when she was so young. “Let’s keep doing this. I continue to set aside an afternoon to eat with your folks. In a few weekends we can go on a real date. And…maybe…you let me come in through the window now and then.” My hand moved down her side to her thigh. “We spend some time just learning more about each other.” I turned her over so I was on top. Her legs opened and my rock-hard dick was poking her. I groaned, it really was hard to keep my hands off of her. 


“You and me…doing boyfriend girlfriend stuff. We hold hands at school,” my hands moved up to the top of her pajama shorts, her legs shook slightly as her eyes widened. “Keep up appearances. Pass notes in class.” I continued to pull down her pants. Her eyes fluttered as I pulled them off all the way. Her legs pulling in she slid out of them and I tossed them off the bed. “What do you say?” 

She nodded quickly, looking down. My hands moved to her shirt and slowly lifted it up. She helped me this time. Arching her back I pulled her shirt up to sit over her breasts. I couldn’t keep my eyes away then. Drawing back they were bigger than I remembered. Close to DD already they were perfect. Gravity flattening them, her breasts were large globes. Her areolas were wide but smooth and her nipples were poking up at me. 


Moving down for the first time I kissed them. Making my way to the nipples my tongue moved around it as she gasped. While she moaned, my hand slid back down to her thigh. Repositioning myself slightly my hands touched her muff for the first time. 

“Russ,” she whispered in a moan but didn’t say anything more. Her hand on my shoulder digging into it she wanted more. I gave it to her, my fingers prying open her tight lower lips I felt her wet slit slowly. She gasped and bucked up. Her hand moving to my bulge as I started to kiss her. 


I went slowly. Simply touching her as she jolted this way and that. I wasn’t too comfortable penetrating her with my fingers yet but I found her clit and began to rub it in a circular motion. She cursed slightly and jolted but pulled me in to kiss more. 

“I want to see yours,” she gasped. I halted, seeing she was serious I sat up with her. This time she undressed me. Sliding down my simple gym shorts she then dropped the boxers to reveal my large dick. Her eyes were about out of their sockets as it flopped around.

“That’s huge,” she said.

“Sorry…” I said a little uncomfortable. 

“Don’t be,” she said, grabbing it. I bucked as she started exploring me. Her hands all over my hard dick she touched the balls, squeezed the head, moved along the shaft. Exploring everywhere as her eyes focused on it. 

“Let’s move,” I said and laid next to her so we could explore and touch each other at the same time. 


Pointing my dick at her stomach she was mainly interested in exploring until I started playing with her clit again. Jolting in pleasure she stared up at me and we locked eyes. Both of us touching the other caused pleasurable reactions to show, and we learned what the other liked as it happened. 


She was rather good at jerking me off. Using my precum to lube it up she gripped hard and continued to pull toward her. But I was more experienced. I kept up the same motions over and over and Ryleigh started to feel it. Letting go of me reluctantly she held onto the bed and I started to work her clit harder. 


“Russ,” she moaned and I sped up. Kissing and playing with her she shivered and began to feel it build up. Biting her lip to keep quiet it was a long drawn out moan that let me know she came. Her chest pushing up she kicked and shook and the orgasm slowly faded. 

“That was…quick,” she whispered, surprised. 

“Does it take longer when you do it?” I asked. She nodded. Smiling as she stared at me her perfect body was on full display. Thick thighs, some weight in her midsection, she was a goddess to me. Big eyes, long dark hair, pink lips. 


I pulled her to me and wrapped my leg around her thigh. “I want to play with you,” she said.

“You can,” I said, though my dick was sandwiched between us. “Or we can sleep like this, and do that another night. When does Linda wake up?” 

“5am.” She mumbled. It was already 1. 

“How about we get comfortable and sleep then? You in my arms. Like a real boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked. “I’m exhausted, and I just want to relax with you for a bit.”

“Okay,” she said, kissing me. “Can I put on-” 

“No,” I said. Flipping her around my dick was in her ass crack, and hand was on her chest. Pulling the blanket up to us I kissed her neck. “I want to sleep like this all the time,” I admitted.

She smiled and yawned. My hand still playing with her breast as my arm slid under her neck. Pulling her tighter to me she sighed. “I missed you,” she said. 

“I missed you. Let’s spend next spring break together,” I said.

“Deal,” she said. Readjusting herself slightly she got more comfortable but for once I fell asleep first. This was what I had been missing. A relaxing night with someone I cared deeply about. Someone far away from my drama and problems. A woman I loved. It was good to be home. 

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