Moral Degeneration


I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was in my pants. Walking over to it I went into the bathroom and shut the door while I answered. 


“Yeah?” I asked horsley. Ava was calling me. 


“Is this Russ?” An unfamiliar female voice asked on the other line. 


“The one and only,” I said, waking up more. 


“Yeah, Ava is out of it. She is pretty drunk. We had to take her keys away. You think you could pick her up?” She asked. 


“Yeah, what’s the address?” I asked. Looking at the phone it was only 11pm. Audrey had come home and we fucked in the kitchen, living room, and my room. Ending back up in her room the woman had been extra loud and excited since we had the place to ourselves. She had wanted to fuck until midnight so she could break in the new year with me, but we both passed out by 10. 


The girl read off the address. I considered waking Audrey up, but decided against it. I left her alone as I headed to my room. Dressing in some warm clothes I grabbed her SUV keys and started the big vehicle. Moving the seat up a little I was able to reach the pedals. Pulling out a real physical map I eventually found the right street. 


North of town, the party was in the middle of nowhere. Making sure I had my knives I left the garage and enjoyed the drive. A smile on my face there was something nostalgic about driving to a party in the middle of the night. 


A few erratic drivers out, it was interesting to know that there wasn’t a single traffic light with a camera on it. I blew by 2 reds just because I could get away with it. Getting pulled over really wasn’t on my list of fears. What would they do? Arrest me? Men had such preferential treatment I doubted they’d even call Audrey. Probably just take the keys and drop me back off at the house.


It took a good half hour to find the place. Down a gravel road I knew it was the right place by the loud music and cars lining the small road. I parked and walked down the cold path. I would be lying if I wasn’t a little excited. Would there be other boy’s there? Or would I be the only one? What was the opposite of a sausage party? A taco party?


Bundled up in my flannel and brown leather jacket there was no one outside. But the music grew louder. I stepped out of the trees to see the large house. I thought Audrey’s home was big. This one was massive. A huge log cabin like home, it was worth a few million easy. Overlooking a large lake there was a wide deck out back that was littered with people. I called Ava’s phone. 

“Yeah?” The strange girl asked. 

“Hey, it’s Russ, I’m here. Where’s Ava?” 

“Passed out in a bathroom on the 3rd floor,” the girl said. “Where are you, I’ll come down to you.” 


“I’m at the front,” I said. The front door had a wide wrap around porch. 


“I’ll be right there,” she said. I heard some yelling inside but soon the door was opened to reveal a little older girl. She stopped, catching herself while she stared at me. She was shorter, about my height. With a brown pixie cut hair. Her cheeks were flushed as she eyed me up and down. 


“I’m Russ,” I said, reaching out. 


“Willow um Oakhill,” she said. 


“Willow Oakhill, that’s a sweet name,” I said. She blushed. “Who’s house is this?” 

“My folks,” she said. “It’s gotten a little out of hand. Come on, I’ll take you to Ava.” I followed her in. It was nice to be around someone my size. Her small stature made her extra cute. Though she didn’t have a bust, her ass was firm in a pair of shorts. 


There were a few people around. None paid us any attention. Willow ran up the stairs to the real party. People everywhere, there had to be a keg somewhere. My mouth became dry, wanting a beer very badly right then. I caught a whiff of cigarette smoke, my mouth salivated more. I followed Willow. A group of girls looked at us. One noticed me, and they were quickly quieting as we walked past. Up another flight of stairs we made it to the top. 


No one was up there at least. Willow walked us over to a door. Opening it she revealed a bathroom in disarray. Towels thrown everywhere water was running in the shower. I noticed Ava passed out right away. Her head was paying homage to her porcelain god as it hung over the toilet bowl. 


“Ava, you ok?” I asked. Lifting her head she groaned. “How much did she drink?”


“A lot,” Willow said. “Someone brought tequila and…” She shyly looked at me. “I called Luna, but she didn’t answer. I didn’t want to bother her mom.” 

“Well, I don’t think she’s in danger,” I said. “But she will have to sober up. I doubt I can carry her.” Ava looked at me dazedly. Her eyes had a distant stare. Her mouth hung open. Without waiting I stuck my fingers in her mouth and down her throat as far as I could. 


She began to puke immediately. I got some on my hand, but I directed her head to the toilet. Emptying her stomach contents, Willow beside me began to dry heave and stepped out. I rubbed Ava’s back as she continued to puke. It took a while, but I didn’t have to make her puke anymore. I wasn’t about to wait here forever for her to sober up. Make her puke up the alcohol, she would be sober soon enough. 

When everything had left her stomach I laid her down. Washing my hands I stepped out. Willow was outside the door waiting. “She gonna be ok?” She asked. I didn’t understand how these women couldn’t see how young I was. I was supposed to be 14. Some college kid would be able to know better than I would. 


“Yeah, I’ll make her something to help sober her up. Thanks for calling,” I said. “You think she can wait in there for a bit?” 

“Yeah, no one else should be up here,” she said. 


“Good. How do you know Ava?” 


“She’s my best friend,” Willow said. “Has been since high school.” She started walking me back downstairs to the real party. “Quite the shock when she said a guy was living at her house.” 


“I bet,” I said. “Kind of thought you were luring me here to kidnap me.” 

“What? No way,” she said. I had really thought that. I put the shotgun in the SUV just in case. 


“I was almost kidnapped yesterday,” I said. We made it to the main level. The music had quieted down, groups of young girls stared at me. 


“That was true? I thought that was just drunk Ava talking,” Willow said, not noticing the stares. 


“Yeah, where’s your kitchen?” I asked. She pointed and I followed. The kitchen was a thing of beauty. 3 huge fridges along the wall, a couple of sinks, there was an island with 2 stove tops and a stainless steel hood overtop. There were a couple girls drinking there. They quieted as we approached. 


“Hey hot stuff,” a drunken girl said. 


“Hey yourself,” I said with a wink. She was taller and hotter, but still blushed. We got to the kitchen and I was making coffee. I considered making Ava one of my own concoctions. Something that tasted god awful that would sober anyone up quick, but as I looked around I decided I didn’t want to leave right away. 

There were a couple kegs sitting just outside on the large back deck. “You mind if I wait to sober Ava up?” I asked. 


“Umm sure,” Willow said. After the coffee was made I stepped outside and got a red solo cup. Grabbing the tap nozzles I tasted both. I took the lighter beer, I didn’t want to drink too much. The girls on the porch were slowly noticing the boy. They quieted and stared my way. I filled the beer and flashed them all a smile. 


“Do a keg stand!” One bold girl yelled. The music shut off. 


I studied her, then looked to the keg. “Ok, hold my legs,” I said. The girls yelled in triumph. 3 were soon lifting my lower half as I did a handstand. One wasn’t shy about grabbing my dick. I blushed but was soon pouring it down. I barely lasted 30 seconds. Then I was sputtering and being set down. 

The girls were all cheers as I finished and took my full beer back. I checked inside for any drugs that may have been dropped in, but it looked normal. Walking over to one girl I asked, “You mind?” Taking her pack of cigarettes from her breast pocket I pulled one out. Lighting it I had a nice long drag. 


“Fuck, I needed that,” I said with a sigh. I didn’t really feel the beer yet, but I was feeling good. A cigarette in my hand I sat at one of the distorted glass tables. “What? Never seen a boy before?” 


“Not at one of our party’s,” a girl said. I took another drag. Making a smoke ring I was enjoying the attention. 


“What do you call a party with nothing but girls?”


“Muff fest,” one said. I laughed loudly.


“I thought it was a taco party, damn,” I said. “Come on, you don’t have to stop your party just because I’m here.” 


“What the hell are you doing here?” Another asked. 


“Just walking by. Thought I’d say hi to my friend Willow,” I said. The small girl yelped as the deck of women turned to her. “I was surprised to see she was throwing a party without inviting me.” 


“Willow, you didn’t say you knew such a cute boy,” one girl said. 


“I d-” 


“I’m joking,” I said, before she got in trouble. “I’m just picking up a friend. But now I need to sober up.” I noticed a deck of cards on a far table. Standing up I picked it up and started shuffling. “Willow, get over here. Who wants to play cards?”


I quickly had a game going. 10 girls around the table, it was too many for poker. I had hoped to bet cigs and win a few. But more than a few were nice enough to bum me one. “I don’t know what you call it here. I’ve heard it called Waterfall or Suicide. Each card means something else. If you don’t know the rules I will explain. But the point is to get drunk. You all okay with that?” There were cheers and the game went on. 


They called the game Masochist, or a version of it anyway. We went around the table. Passing out drinks like crazy. If you drew numbered cards you’d have to give or take drinks. Face cards had rules, like you had to sing and the next person would have to continue singing. The girls were loud and uproarious as the game went on. 


“Russ, how’s a cute boy like you end up here?” Kylie asked. I had learned all the names of the girls at the table. 


“I drove,” I said. 

“Drove? You 16?”


“14. Had to steal a car.” 


“No,” a few girls didn’t believe me. “14? Really? I would have guessed 16.”


“Nope, but I’ll be 15 in a few months,” I said. 


“I’ll be 21 in a few weeks,” a girl commented. 


“Good for you,” I said. “Take a drink.” I threw a red card at her and she started sipping her beer. The others laughed as we continued. 


“Why you really here?” Segan asked. I had called her Megan a few times, but they corrected me. 


“Ava Cooper. I’m living with her.” 


“I heard about a guy living with her. That you then?” 

“Unless they have another one locked in their basement,” I said. 

“You boning her?” Lisa asked. A few girls quieted, obviously embarrassed by the question. 

“I am not,” I said. “I keep begging, but she keeps turning me down.” I added all the sadness I could in my voice. “Now I’m moving my attentions to Willow here,” I said. The small girl blushed. 


“Oh yeah?” A girl asked. 


“Oh yeah,” I said. “I’ll have to beg her to have my kid so we can spend summers together at this place. I’ve never been in such a nice cabin.” 


“Jeez, you are weird Russ,” a girl said. “Most guys are shy as fuck.” 


“What can I say? I like a good time,” I said. Someone made me take drinks with the card they drew. I sipped the beer, no one called me out on it. I lit another cigarette. “Damn this is good. I haven’t done this…ever. Drinking with beautiful women. Cigarette in my hand. This is the life.” 


“Oh yeah? Gonna come back?” 


“If I’m invited,” I said. Looking to Willow I raised my eyebrows suggestively. She blushed. 


“You can come to my folks lakehouse if you want,” Kylie said. 


“Sure,” I said. “But you’ll have to talk to Ava. She’s my pimp.”



“Oh my god, no. I’m joking. When did people stop understanding sarcasm?” I asked. “Take a drink.” I threw a card at the girl that asked. She wasn’t in the game but standing close by. She didn’t fight it and was chugging away. 


“I’m all for hanging out with such pretty girls. I’ve only been in town for a week though. Let me get my bearings. Talk my beautiful Willow into inviting me back and we will see where it goes,” I said. 


“What the hell are you doing here?” Ava asked. Turning around I noticed her coming outside. She studied me angrily. Stumbling, I guessed she sobered up enough. Looking at my phone I noticed I had been there for 2 hours already. 


“Getting you,” I said. “Looks like we missed midnight girls.” Girls looked at their phones, some cursed. “I’m gonna have to go. But if you want a midnight kiss to start the year off right I’m open to assisting.” 


Willow was the first to me. Our heights the same she nervously waited. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard. She gasped and moved into the kiss. Then it was to the next girl. It took a while to get through all of them. None minded the taste of smoke in my mouth, or that I didn’t really wipe a kiss from the last girl. Some were very good, others were shy and I took the lead.


It took time, but I made it through them all. I grabbed Willow and gave her another. “Hey, she had one,” one girl said. 

“Whoops,” I said, giving her a wink. “Come on Ava. Let’s get you home.” She had not gone in for a kiss. 


“I uh,” she burped in her mouth. “Don’t need your help.” 

“I know. Let’s get you home anyway. I assume her car is good to stay here?” I asked. 

Willow nodded. Blushing, she shyly looked at me. I walked over and gave her a hug. “You should give me your number,” I whispered. Discreetly handing her my cell phone she turned around and started entering her contact info in. 


“I had a great time ladies. Let’s do this again sometime,” I said. 

“Russ, don’t go,” a girl moaned. 


“I love you Russ.” Girls laughed. 


“And I love you,” I said. “But all meetings must end. With any luck I’ll see you around.” I took my phone back from Willow and she walked with me and Ava to the door. Ava stumbled, but we caught her. Girls that stayed inside watched us. I really hated to leave. I hoped one day to have the strength to fuck as many girls in one night. That sounded like a party. I was young, I had plenty of time to try for it. There would be many muff fests to crash in the future. 

“I got her,” I told Willow at the front door. “Thanks for calling me. Hope you do again.” I gave her a wink. She blushed as Ava mumbled hanging from my shoulder. We were quiet, but got to the SUV without issue. I helped her into the passenger's seat. 


“Let me know if you have to puke,” I said. She mumbled but closed her eyes. 


Getting in the driver’s seat I had us heading home. About 1 AM now there weren’t as many people. I was better at following the rules of the road since I was still a little buzzed. I had swiped a pack of smokes from a girl, but didn’t risk smoking in Audrey’s car. I’d have to spray it down to mask the scent of the lingering smoke from our clothes. I knew that smoke clung to everything. 


Ava was quiet as we headed home. It wasn’t till we were pulling into the garage that she spoke. “Thanks,” she whispered. 

“Anytime. Feeling better? Or you want me to walk you to your room?” She didn’t answer. I got out. Moved the front seat back to where I had found it at. Then went around and helped her out of the car. She was doing better but still stumbled now and then. I got her back to her bed and dropped her on it. 


“Want company?” I asked, giving her a wolfish grin. She stared up at me. I tried my luck and laid down next to her. Grabbing her body I moved her to lay her head on my shoulder. She didn’t fight, but closed her eyes as she laid on me. 


“You reek like smoke,” she whispered. 


“You smell like puke,” I said. 


“Ugh, did I puke?” She asked. “I thought I dreamt that.” 


“You did. Don’t worry, it was very charming.” I chuckled. 


“Why are you like this?” She asked. “So full of energy. Smiling all the time. It’s exhausting just watching you.” 

I let out a long sigh. “I’m happy, I guess. My life wasn’t the best before. Never knowing what would happen next. Always worried something would come along and end it all.” That was the truth. I left it vague. “Better than the alternative. Moody, making everyone around me miserable because I’m miserable.” 


She was quiet for a long time. I didn’t notice Ava was crying until she sobbed. I rolled my eyes, I hated when people were in the emotional drunk phase. “Am I really that awful?” She asked.


“No, Ava, no you’re not. I’m sorry.” My hand rubbed her back. “Your mom and sister love you very much. And despite what you think I like you too.”


“You do?” She asked, still crying. 


“No, I hate you. That’s why I went to a house in the middle of nowhere to get you a day after I was almost kidnapped. Of course I like you. Your friend was worried about you, so I got worried about you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”


She stopped crying and kissed my cheek. “Thanks,” she whispered. 


“Any time,” I said. We were quiet and I thought she was asleep until her hand moved to my groin. Grabbing my now rock hard cock I looked down to see her staring at me. I couldn’t help but kiss her. She didn’t mind the smoke or taste of other girls. We kissed hard and were repeating what had been done in the kitchen earlier. She moaned and her hand started making it’s way into my pants. 


I grabbed her wrist. “What?” She asked, disappointment in her voice. 


“Ava, I like you, but I’m not about to take advantage of you drunk. I prefer sober you first. After that we can fuck while you’re drunk all the time,” I promised. 


She bit her lip. Ava really was beautiful. Dark blue eyes, dark hair and skin. She had B cup breasts that showed from her low cut shirt. Her eyes focused on me. I could feel her squirm. I knew the struggle of being horny and drunk. At first I didn’t want to take advantage of drunk Ava, but I wasn’t a good man.


My hand moving down her side I grabbed her ass. Kissing her hard she moaned in my mouth. Her firm body pressed up against mine. “How about another New Year’s kiss,” I said with a smile. Sitting up I grabbed the waist of her pants. My fingers running along it I undid the button. She moaned. Her eyes locked on mine. I slowly pulled her zipper down. 


When it was all the way down I noticed her cute pink panties. Ava lifted her waist up and I pulled her pants down for her. Kissing along her thighs her hands moved along her stomach. Pulling up her shirt she lifted it over her head to reveal a matching pink bra. I chuckled. Abandoning her lower half I moved up and helped her out of her bra. Her tan tits stared up at me. 

Leaning over I nibbled on her nipples. I could feel her growing more excited. My hard dick poking her entrance I moved down. Kissing her abs I kissed her muff and pussy over the panties. They were drenched as I did. “Please,” she whispered. I looked up to see that her eyes were closed. Ava breathed in and out as I teased her pussy. Licking along the slit still hidden by her panties she began to shake. 


Grabbing the top of her panties I pulled them down slowly. Ava gasped and shook more. Blushing, she hid her face as I stared down at her pussy. Shaven clean, I wondered if she really did have some lesbian experiences. Still tight, her pussy lips dripped from her moist hole. 


I kissed along her thighs and made my way back up to it. My mouth mounted just over her cunt, I did nothing for a moment. When she moved her hand to see why I wasn’t proceeding I dove in. My lips entered her lower ones hungrily. She gasped, trying to push away as I sucked up her juices. 


“Fuck, damn!” She gasped. Her eyes closed. I reached up and began pinching her nipples. Her lower half bucked trying to shake me off. I was firm as I continued to eat her out. Within 1 minute she was cumming. Yelling loudly she opened her eyes. Locking our gazes she screamed and kicked as she came. Far more vocal than Luna, I rather enjoyed keeping her cumming as I licked everywhere between her lips. 


When she was done her body shook in aftershocks. I continued licking then slowly stopped. She let out a long sigh as I stopped pulling her nipples. “Fuck that was good,” she said. 


“Not going to regret it in the morning?” I asked. 


She blushed but shook her head. I got up off the bed. “Wait,” she said. “Where are you going?” 

“I was going to go to my room,” I lied. I was too horny. I wanted to wake her mom up for a quickie. 

“I uh, can help you,” she said. 


“Oh yeah?” I asked. “How?”


“How do I…” she looked at my junk. It was still hard, restricted in my jeans. 


“However you feel comfortable,” I said. “Do you want to see it?” I asked. She nodded. More sober now she sat up. I undid my belt and pulled my pants down. My thighs were as pale as a virgins. I still didn’t have a bunch of hair down there. I hated looking at it since I could barely see any muscle. 

You would have thought I was Brad Pitt by the way she stared at me. Her eyes wide, she moved closer to my erect cock. Her face was soon in front of it. Her breath hot against it the shaft twitched. “You can suck it. Lick it. Or use your hand. Pretty much anything you want,” I said. 


“What about my feet?” She asked. A devilish look in her eyes. 


“I’ve never had a foot job,” I said. “But I’ve heard it can be done.” 


“Really?” She asked, amazed. “How does it work?”


I thought only people with a foot fetish did it. But I was usually willing to try anything. “We can find out,” I said. She laughed, nodding. I laid with my head at the head of the bed. She sat up. I grabbed her feet and pushed them around my dick. “Then you just raise and lower them like this, I think,” I said. She tried for a second. Actually trying. I kind of felt good. Wincing I said, “Needs lotion or lube.” 


“I have some,” she said shyly. 


“Oh yeah? Show me,” I said. She might actually be into this. To each their own. I was rock hard and ready to cum any way she would help. 


Blushing, she rolled off the bed energetically. Pulling a box from under her bed she revealed her sex toys. I whistled, staring at the contents. There were more than a few. Small vibrators, a blindfold, lubes, lotions. There was even a small dildo. Short, but it was obvious. 


“Where you get all this?” I asked. 


“A sex shop,” she said shyly. Pulling out a bottle of lube I grabbed a small bullet vibrator. 


“What are you doing with that?” She asked. 


“What I want,” I said. Picking her panties up off of the ground I made her step into them. She could guess what would happen. As I pulled them up I stuck the bullet in her lower lips. Nestled inside, the tight panties helped hold it there. I turned the vibrator on. She jolted with the stimulation. 


“Fuck,” she whispered. Her body was shaking as her eyes fluttered. I moved closer, remote for the toy in hand and kissed her. 


“Ever done this with a girl?” I asked. She hesitated but nodded. “How many?”


“A few,” she admitted. 


“Should I worry about them being mad?” I asked. Her face blushed more. 


“Maybe,” she said. “Should I be worried about your girls?”


“I don’t think so,” I said. Turning up the vibration she jolted again. I kissed her hard. “Do you want to do the foot job?” She nodded, pushing her hair behind her ear. 


“Ok, but I think I need to be lower,” I said. I seemed to remember a video with one. The woman was higher up, able to use her muscles easier. I laid on the floor. She sat at the foot of the bed. I could see the excitement in her face. I tried not to laugh at the absurdity, but she appeared into it. Her feet were rather nice. The nails were painted purple, and they were small. Dainty and immaculate was how I would describe them. 


She dripped some lube on my dick. Her feet began exploring. I jolted with the stimulation. These were all new sensations to me. Used to hands, mouth, pussies, and asses, they all had their own feel. Her feet were something new. When I caught myself I changed the vibrations on her bullet. Ava jolted and gasped but started moving harder on my dick. Exploring it with one foot then the other. Her toes ran along the length as it laid on my abs. 


Ava didn’t appear to struggle. One foot resting on my thigh she used the other to play with me. I changed the vibrator on her to a more sporadic setting. She matched the rhythm of the small bullet. Her body shaking, she stared down at me. Her cheeks blushed, focused on my dick. 


She used more lube on it, then used both feet. The arches of her feet sandwiched my dick. She moved it up and down. Her thighs squeezed together she moaned as the vibrator was held in tighter. I changed the vibration back to a constant one. Ava gasped. Holding herself upright she moved her feet along my length faster and faster as she got more confidence. 


“I’m gonna cum,” I groaned in surprise. She sped up more. The cute girl started to cum just before I did. Her feet rested at the base of my dick as her body was racked with an orgasm. I began cumming on her feet. She appeared to enjoy that just as much as cumming herself. 


Her eyes locked onto me cumming on them. Body shaking, her orgasm slowly faded. We breathed in and out together. “Why was that so hot?” She asked in amazement. 


“You might have a foot fetish,” I said. 


“A what?” She asked. Her eyes still locked on her feet around me.


“A foot fetish. You get turned on by feet,” I said. 

“Is that a thing?” She asked. I nodded. She got up. Cum on her feet I pulled off my sock. She wiped her feet with them. Looking down to my dick she moved down. The vibrator going strong she began licking the globs of cum around my dick. I frowned. I hadn’t expected this, and the last thing I was in was her mother. She didn’t say anything as she licked up the cum. I would have to watch it in the future. 


“You like?” I asked. She nodded. 


“I don’t know what it is. But it’s good,” she said. She stuck my glans in her mouth and sucked the last bit out. “Can we do this again?”


“If you want,” I said. “Heck we can do the real thing if you want. If you can get condoms anyway.” 

“Oh yeah?” She asked. Looking back at me, I hoped she would. “I’ll look into it.” I know some women just wanted a baby. I much preferred these girls that wanted to have sex for fun. “Can I…massage your feet?” She asked shyly. 


“If you want,” I said. “Should we take your toy out?” I asked. She looked down to the vibrator in her panties. Slowly she shook her head. With a sigh I got up off the ground. Laying down on the bed she sat with her legs open. Taking off my other sock she was hypnotized by them. I wondered if she knew about this fetish beforehand, or if it was just awakening in her. 


Grabbing a thing of lotion she put it on her hand. She began rubbing my foot lightly. “Stronger,” I ordered. She started digging into it. I moaned, but I knew she wanted more. My other foot moved to the bulge of the vibrator in her panties. She groaned as my toe started pushing the toy in deeper. Her body was shaking as the bullet loudly buzzed. 


She dug into the arches of my feet with her fingers. It didn’t take long. Just some hard pushes with the vibrator into her clit and she came. I masked my shock. This was really doing it for her. Ava let out a sigh. When she released my left foot she took the right. I did the same with my left. She gave a good massage but this time it took a bit. She closed her eyes, hands at her side simply enjoying my toe pushing the bullet into her. 


Still a little weirded out I raised my right foot and squeezed her nipple between my toes. Ava came loudly as soon as I did. Thankfully her eyes were shut, I doubted I had a good look on my face. A mix between surprise and awe on my face. I couldn’t help but picture having Ava, Luna, and Audrey at the same time. Audrey on my face, Luna on my dick, and Ava on my feet. Doing whatever she wanted with them. 


When she finished the orgasm she let out a long sigh. Pulling the bullet out by the tail that connected it to the remote I guessed she was finally done. “That was so…weird,” she said. “But I loved it.”


“Never played with a girl’s feet?” I asked, slowly recovering. I wasn’t rock hard, but I could get that way. 


“Not really,” she said. Moving up the bed she laid on the pillow. I frowned. Grabbing her head I set her on my shoulder. She smiled widely at me. “Thanks.” 

“Thank you. That was different,” I said. 

“No, uh. Thanks for talking with me. I know I get angry. I don’t mean to. Just working out some stuff.” 


“We all have good and bad days. I’m glad you were willing to listen. And I’m glad your friend called me. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” 

“Did you really steal my mom’s car?” She asked. 


“I borrowed it.” 


“Where did you learn to drive?”


“Around,” I said. Changing the subject I asked. “Want to do this again sometime?” She quickly nodded. “Good. Let’s go to sleep. Want me to wake you up for a workout in the morning.” 

“I’m going to be so hungover,” she whined. 


“So,” I said. “Your mom enjoys the family time.” She wasn’t convinced. “I’ll workout without shoes.” She blushed and looked down to my feet, but didn’t say no. I turned off the light and we were soon asleep. All in all, a weird way to start the year 2000. 


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.