Moral Degeneration


I woke up to my dick being sucked. It was a confusing feeling at first. I had been dreaming about having sex but as my eyes opened I found Luna in my groin. Her eyes sparkled as she stared up at me. It was a few days after New Years. Luna had come back from her friends and we continued our nightly fun. Our days spent working out, shopping, or lazing around. We would make time to fool around. We hadn’t gone farther than 3rd base. I was able to get my fill of home base from her mother. 


Audrey had been especially heated as of late. I would spend my early night with Luna, then sneak off to Audrey’s room for some exercise. Still vanilla, but fun. Then come back to my room for cuddling with Luna. Ava had disappeared after New Years, back to school or a friend’s. She wouldn’t meet my eye when I saw her, but I hoped she would be back. I focused on the other 2 women of the house for now. 


Luna went down a full 6 inches with a thrust. Relaxing her throat she had quickly set the goal of trying to deepthroat me on her own. I was more than willing to help her practice. The girl was fun to be with. Coming out of her shell around me she had a cute laugh. Behind closed doors she had a sexy orgasm voice. Deep and loud she struggled not to scream as I played with every inch of her body. She especially liked when I played with her ass, but she didn’t admit that. Everything I offered her besides sex was new and fun in her eyes.


Audrey remarked how happy she was that we were getting along. I hadn’t seen Ryleigh since she came over with her parents, but she was supposedly back in town. I asked and Luna agreed to drive her to school with us.  


My focus went back to Luna as she choked again. “Damn you’re good at this,” I remarked. She smiled and came up for air. Playing with my balls she jerked me off expertly. She had been working at it for a while and I felt the orgasm build. “Ok,” I said. 


She dropped her head down and sucked hard as I began to shoot spurts into her mouth. “Fuuuuck,” I groaned lowly as she kept taking it. Her mouth full she opened it to show the white seed sitting inside. Then she swallowed it in one gulp. I groaned at the sight. Still hard, I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up to me. “Damn you’re perfect,” I said, kissing her cheeks and neck. “We should have sex.” 

“Yes, please,” she moaned. “But I want my date.” 


“I’m working on it. Let me plan the date,” I said. I flipped our bodies over and was on top of her. “Can you get ahold of condoms?” She nodded. I kissed her pussy lips. Licking my finger I slid it between her ass cheeks. “Or should we try anal?” Luna gasped as I entered. My tongue on her clit and finger in her ass her hands went to her breasts. 


She was lost as I played both expertly. Drenched down below she came quickly and hard. I wasn’t done yet though. She came far too easy. My mouth on her cunt my nose rubbed her clit as I continued. She screamed louder as her hands pulled my face further inside her. When she finished cumming I kissed her clit and moved up her body. 


Her face flush, I kissed her cheek and rubbed her breast. “Maybe we can try anal,” she whispered. 


“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Condoms that hard to come by?” 


“They can be,” she said. 


“We will need lube,” I said. “Maybe some more toys to loosen you up a little. I doubt you could take all of me right now.” 


She blushed but nodded. “I will ask Ava to get some for my own personal use.” 


“Good,” I said. Kissing her on the cheek I got up. I wasn’t too worried about them finding out about each other. I had been pretty open so far. “Come on, time for our workout.” 


“I’m tired,” she groaned. “We have school today.” Audrey or I had been getting us up at 5 am every morning. She took to it easily since we fooled around the first 30 minutes. It was the workout part she didn’t like. 


“Can’t break the routine,” I said. “Sleep if you want. But I would prefer my sexy girl to show off her hot body in those poses.” I enjoyed my personal show of her and her mother doing yoga for me. Luna grumbled but sat up. Cute in my hoodies I leaned over and kissed her. “You’re so beautiful.” 


She blushed and pulled me back. We began making out. Our ripe breath was the last thing on our minds as the kiss became more heated. 


We pulled away eventually and headed to the basement. I worked on legs. Audrey had let me buy more weights and we had quite the gym now. Luna was nice enough to show off her body in yoga poses as I watched her. The male drive to show off allowed me to push myself further. At it for over a week now, there was some muscle on my body, but not much. It would be another few weeks before I saw progress. Audrey had left early for work, so she wasn’t there to show off as well. 


After the workout we took a shower in the basement. Exploring one another I made her cum just from using my hands. Luna jerked me off and swallowed everything again. The morning sex made the day go downhill from there. 


I went for a jog outside. It had been a few days since my almost kidnapping. I wasn’t going to stress about it too much. When I got back I made Luna and I some protein shakes and egg whites. Feeling generous I took some up to Ava’s room. She had come in late so I set a tray by the door and got ready for school. My first real day in the new world I put on the school uniform. Light brown khaki pants, white shirt, and blue/black striped tie. I was worried it would be a skirt since the ladies implied men wore skimpier clothing. At least the uniform hadn’t caught up to that fad. 


“Oh, you already got it,” Luna said. Stopping just inside my door she wore the same white shirt and tie, but instead of pants she wore a plaid skirt. “I thought you might need help with the tie.” 


“All good,” I said in a daze staring at her. The skirt was past her ankles, but her knee high white socks gave me an instant chubby. Rushing over to her I grabbed her and picked her up. “I was wrong. Let’s call in sick,” I whispered in her ear. Nibbling on her neck she didn’t fight me as my dick poked her panties. 


“You’re going to ruin my makeup,” she whispered. 


“What make up? You’re beautiful,” I said. I groaned horny again. “I want you.” 


She pulled my head back. “I’ll see if I can get condoms.” Her pink lips pursed out at me. I kissed her hard. 


“Please,” I said. We kissed harder. Her legs wrapping around me we groaned and panted. Then our phone alarms went off. Deflating, I dropped her down to the floor. 


“Now I need to change my panties,” she whispered. Running off to her room I stepped outside to see Ava outside of her door. She had the tray of food in hand. She gave me a nod then was back inside her room. My foot slut hadn’t asked for a repeat. I hoped she would get the itch soon. 


I waited for Luna. Grabbing her hand we walked down the stairs together. She had her license and her mother had bought her a small Honda Accord. Clean on the inside, it was way better maintained than anything I ever drove. 


“Can we pick up my friend Ryleigh?” I asked. 


“Yeah yeah, I remember,” Luna said. We headed down the hill and waited outside Ryleigh’s house. It wasn’t long until she was running outside. In the same uniform as us I was faced with the truth of why she was always in a hoodie. Ryleigh was around my age. She was barely into puberty, but she had at least DD breasts. They bounced with every movement as she jogged over to the car. She really did take after her mom Linda. Luna gave me a look. 


“I didn’t know, I swear,” I said. Ryleigh must have noticed her breasts all over the place. She zipped her coat to hide the jostling and got in the back of the car. 


“Hey Ryleigh, this is my…sister? Life partner?” Luna and Ava weren’t around when she stopped by the week before.

“Girlfriend,” Luna said. 

“Works for me,” I said. “This is Luna. A friend that is a girl. Luna this is Ryleigh, my other friend that is a girl.” Luna rolled her eyes. 


“Nice to meet you,” Luna said. Ryleigh blushed and whispered a greeting as well. We were soon on our way. There had been snow fall the day after Christmas, but it was mostly cleared up by that point. 


“What do I need to know about school?” I asked. 


“Don’t be alone with teachers or other girls,” Luna said. 


“Should I be worried? I’m alone with you 2 all the time,” I said. Both girls blushed. 


“You shouldn’t have it too bad. Stick to the other boys and you’ll be fine. Try to stick to the ones in your grade though. The older boys can be drama queens,” Luna said. 


“Great,” I said. “Can I hang with you?” 


“If you want,” Luna said with a smile. “My friends might be a little…invasive.” 

“What about you Ryleigh? Can I hang with you?” 


“If you want,” she parroted. I could see she liked the idea. 


“It’s settled then. I’ll just hang on the both of you till I have my first High school Musical solo. Just warn me if there's a flash mob.” 


“You say the weirdest stuff,” Luna said, shaking her head. I was pretty sure none of those things happened yet, part of me hoped they wouldn’t.


We parked a ways away from the school. Luna was a junior in school. The seniors could park much closer. I walked with the girls on the ever busying sidewalk. A few glances were turned my way but I ignored them as we chatted. Luna ran over to some friends and ignored me. They were quickly whispering. The girls looked back at me as they giggled. 


“Any bullies we need to watch out for?” I asked Ryleigh. 

She didn’t answer which was concerning. With men rare, I knew that there was always a vacuum for bullies. That meant girls took their place. They could be just as ruthless as men. “Stick close to me. I’ll watch over you,” I said to Ryleigh. She twiddled her thumbs on her lunch box handle. I flashed her a smile as we walked into the school. 


I was signed up technically. But not much else, yet. Since there was a bunch I didn’t know I preferred to be close to someone I did. I planned to stick to Ryliegh’s schedule. She took me to the front office and I was introduced around. 


“Mr. Willard,” a tall woman said. In a pantsuit she filled it out nicely. Curvy in all the right locations her hair was tied back in a bun. Her sharp eyes watched me behind glasses as I walked up to her. “So nice to have you here.” 


“Nice to be here Miss…” 


“Leland,” she said, shaking my hand. “I’m the principal.”


“Of course,” I said, not shy about looking her up and down. “Anything you need from me?”


“Just to review some formal items with you. Miss McGowan, you can leave him to me for now. I’ll have someone escort Russ to his first class.” Ryleigh and I shared a look. I shrugged and she hesitantly walked out of the front office. “My office please, Mr. Willard.” 


I followed her willingly. My eyes drawn to her ass I thought she shook it a little more for my enjoyment. I was starting to think I would enjoy this school. 


Sadly she had me sign a couple of things. I had hoped for some personal tutoring, but that wasn’t on the table as she went over emergency items. First emergency evacuations, then a map of the school. Then discussions about the grading scale and teachers themselves. She talked about the amazing things the men schooled there had gone on to do. By the time she was done with her spiel I was bored. I signed up for Ryliegh’s classes and was on my way. I was 30 minutes late to class and was being walked through the halls by an elderly assistant. 


“Perfect timing,” the teacher said as I walked in. “Everyone, this is our new student. Russel Willard.” I couldn’t help but become nervous as 20 kids' eyes were directed at me. 


“Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?” The teacher asked. She was older, and mostly plain. I caught sight of Ryleigh in the back of class. 


“Well I’m a guy,” I said. “I like hunting and fishing. I lift weights, run, and play basketball and baseball when I feel like it. And…that’s it.” 


“Very good,” the teacher said, uncaring. “Why don’t you sit with the other boys.” I was surprised to see that there were 2. One had his hair bleached and I thought he was wearing makeup. The other was definitely wearing lip gloss. I frowned. Ryleigh had a seat open next to her. I just headed to it and sat down with a sigh. 


The boys gave me a weird look but eventually turned around to face the front. The teacher droned on about break and what homework was due soon. My early morning science class made me fall asleep. I woke up to Ryleigh shaking me. 


“We have math,” she said. 


“Why did you plan the boring classes so early?” I asked. 


“Sorry,” she said looking to the ground. 


“It’s fine,” I said, getting up. “You can stand up for yourself, you know.” 


She had become very timid once more. I thought after our last discussion she would become more bold. I was wrong. Since she was with me when I was almost kidnapped she was back to her shy self. Or maybe it was the school that was making her nervous.Her jacket was still zipped up. Hiding her chest I guessed she was ashamed of what was underneath. 

“I know,” she said unconvincingly as we walked out into the hall. 


“Should we skip classes and go out and about?” I asked. 


“Like where?” Ryleigh asked. 


“Who knows. We could go see a movie. Get some food. Have a snowball-“ Russ stopped as a tall girl intentionally nudged Ryleigh. Obvious with the hostile nature of the shove I grabbed the woman’s arm before she got too far away. 


“Hey,” I said. “Apologize.” The woman looked at my hand like a deer looking at headlights. Either anger or surprise filled the girl's eyes. I didn’t care. “I said, apologize to my friend.”


She was taller than me by a good 4 inches, but it didn’t matter. Her school uniform tight on her the girl was skinny. Almost too skinny. Her hair long and brown she could have been a model. The hot bullies were the most dangerous.  


“Russ, it’s alright,” Ryleigh said, grabbing my shoulder. 


“It’s not,” I said. My eyes still locked with the strange girls. “Say sorry and I’ll drop it.” 


“Sorry,” she said. 


“To her,” I ordered. She looked to Ryleigh and apologized. I let her go and she scampered off. 


“Why did you do that?” Ryleigh asked. 


“If you let people get away with simple stuff like that, they’ll try to get away with more.”


Ryleigh shyly looked to the ground. “I have to go to the bathroom.”


“Then go,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Where is our class?”


“That room. I sit in back,” she said and was moving toward what I assumed was a bathroom.  I went to the classroom and found a good spot. I assumed Ryleigh wouldn’t be long but class started. I was introduced again to some of the other kids. 


“Taking a long dump,” I noted. Ryleigh was still not back. I slowly put together she was gone too long. The confrontation with the other girl was still fresh in my mind. I got up and headed to the door. 


“Mr. Willard, what’s wrong?” The teacher asked. 


“Gotta take a shit,” I said. Kids laughed but I ignored them as I headed in the direction Ryleigh had. 


Turning a corner I found the bathrooms and walked over. There was no male restroom. With so few men I doubted there would be many. I’d have to find it later if an emergency struck. I moved close to the door and heard some talking. 


“What do you have to say to that, cow tits?” A girl asked. It wasn’t hard to guess who they were talking about. 


Not in the mood for this shit on the first day I stepped in. The girl that had nudged Ryleigh was there. Ryleigh stood by the wall looking to the ground. Fear in her eyes she didn’t dare say anything. 


“Ryleigh, let’s go,” I ordered. The tall bully stepped in her way. There was another girl off to the side just hanging out like this was all normal. She was black and had her hair cut short. She eyed me as well but I ignored her. 


“Ryleigh, now,” I said. She didn’t move. Rolling my eyes I walked over to them. “‘Move, girlie,” I ordered. She didn’t budge. I smacked her ass hard. Thrust toward the open bathroom stalls I didn’t wait and grabbed Ryleigh’s hand. Walking her back to the door I ordered, “go to class.”


“Russ,” she tried to say. 


“Now,” I said. Opening the door I nudged her out. She struggled but left. 


I turned to the 2 girls. The tall one eyed me. Nostrils flaring, her fists clenched, she was ready for a fight. No matter how much I would like to not be in class, I didn’t want to make Audrey sad. I fixed problems, not made more of them. 


Putting on my best smile I decided to use my salesman face. The one I used when negotiating a deal. Usually that deal included an easy way or a hard way to get things done. “Let’s start over. I’m Russ Willard. Who are you? No names? Fine. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Ryleigh is my friend. I take care of my friends. I don’t take kindly to her enemies. Her enemies become mine. So tell me, are you my enemy?”


I still wore a happy smile as I said the words. Normally I would get a reaction from that sort of thing. My name opened the right doors in my last life. I wasn’t so lucky here. 


“I am a man, if you haven’t noticed. I could kick your asses and we could all be suspended. But I’d rather not do that on my first day. So I have a counter proposal. Leave my friend alone and I will owe you a favor,” I said. The girls shared a look. 


“What kind of favor?” Tall girl asked. 


“It’s not open ended. If you ask me for something. If I can provide it. I will. If I can’t, I will do my best to find a compromise,” I said. “But the bullying ends now. You touch Ryleigh or I hear you being mean to anyone else. I will kick both your asses and get suspended with a smile on my face.”


I stared them down. I had their full attention. I dropped the salesman smile. 


“Is this acceptable?” I asked. “Or do we need to go a round?” I could kill them both. Make them fight for air until they pass out. I was weak but I had trained my whole life to incapacitate. They’d be down before they knew what hit them. But they were also girls. I had no problem killing women. But young people ate at my conscience a little. 


“Any favor?” The tall girl clarified. 


“If I can do it? Yes,” I said. “Do you know what you want right now?”


“No,” she said. “But I don’t want you weaseling out of it.”


“And I don’t want you to weasel out of the agreement either,” I said. “This is commerce. Trusting one another that trades and goods are worth the price we pay. So do we have a deal?”


“Fine,” the dark girl said. 


“Ok,” tall girl said. 


“Excellent. I look forward to working with you,” I said. “What are your names?”


“Brianna,” the tall girl said. 


“Leah,” the other one said. 


“Good, the deal is struck. From today onwards you mess with anyone, you’re messing with me. But if you keep your end, I’ll keep mine.” Nothing left to say. I walked out. Ryleigh was still there. A tear in her eyes as she stared at the door. 


“Russ,” she said, moving up to me. 


“Come on my stacked friend, we need to get back to class. Also work on your confidence a little,” I said. Putting my arm on her shoulder she didn’t know what to say. I prepped to describe how big of a poop it was to justify being gone so long. 

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