Moral Degeneration


“Holy hell, you’ve got to be cold,” I said looking at her. Brianna was in a dress and heels. I was a little surprised, but this was her first date. 


“It’s not too bad,” she said. I could hear the cold in her voice. 


“Come in,” I ordered. She did with little hesitation. “Ava is about your size. Let’s go steal from her.” I showed Brianna the way and we started raiding Ava’s closet. 


“Fucking hell, this room is bigger than my house,” Brianna said. 


“Oh yeah?” I asked. “All of the rooms are like this.” 


“Fucking rich people,” she whispered as she looked through the clothes. 


“Hey, this will be you someday,” I said. She frowned at me. “You said you’re smart. It can’t be easy to get a scholarship to a private school. Why wouldn’t you use those brains to make a bunch of money?”


“I got lucky,” she said with a blush. I walked over to her. 


“Besides, you’ll have to get used to the idea of living in a big house with me,” I said. She blushed, shyly looking to the ground. 


“Oh yeah?” She whispered. 


“Yep,” I said. “I’m going to a billionaire someday. Have a huge house and fill it with kids.”

“How are you going to manage that?”


“I have my ways,” I promised. “The kid part, that’s easy. You and I have been practicing it for a few days. If we slip up with our current pullout method I’ll be knocking you up too.” 


“And what happens if you do?” She asked. Looking at me defiantly. 


“Then you’ll have to move in,” I said. “I can’t have one of my baby momma’s living in a crap hole.” She blushed. I studied her. “You do know that you wouldn’t be my only baby momma, right?” 

She blew a raspberry as she deflated. “I know. Bullshit, but I know. You really going to want your kids living here?”


“Yep,” I said with a big smile. “Kids should know their dads.” Brianna pulled out a nice shirt and put it on. The black cloth draped over her, but she looked great. 


“Hard to argue with that,” Brianna said. “Can’t believe you’re so open about this shit.” She took off the shirt. Finding a black sweater she draped it over her shoulders. 


“Good enough. I just got an idea,” I said. Grabbing her hand she still wore the black dress, but the sweater would help keep her warm. We were out the door. I headed toward the mall with her. 


“Of course I’m open. I like you Brianna. You gave me your virginity. That means you’re special. I want you with me. But we should hold off on the pull-out method anymore. I want kids, but I doubt you want them right now.” 


“Not especially,” she said. “What do you want then?”


“Hmmm women I can trust?” I asked. “I want whatever you want I guess. To be happy. If we lived in a fair world there would be a guy for every girl. But we don’t live in one. I’m not blunt because I want to be. I am because I don’t want to beat around the bush or hurt your feelings. Stick with me, and I’ll fuck you as much as you want. If you don’t want this whole thing just say so.”

She bit her lip staring out the window. “Fine,” she said. “Let’s say I want this…for now. How is it going to work?”


“It seems to be working just fine now,” I said. “We have great sex at school. You’ve seen the seedier side of life so you’re not as sheltered as most girls I meet. I’d like to keep hanging out, banging, and see where stuff goes. But I can’t have the whole jealous thing. If I keep having to massage your hurt feelings it’s not going to work out.” 

She let out another raspberry. “Yeah yeah, I heard you. Okay. I was promised a date. And you are giving it to me. I will do better about my jealous rage. Now where are we going?”


“Shopping,” I said. The Buick LeSabre purred as we pulled into the mall. We went into a clothing store and I forced her to model some clothes for me. There were so many women there it was hard to sit and not stare. They eyed me hungrily, but I did my best to pretend to be interested in everything Brianna wore. I had really been hoping to fuck her in the changing room, but I forgot how busy malls used to be. 

The go to place on a Saturday there were so many people in the post-holiday season. It was a shame that in 20 years this place would probably be shut down. I might as well enjoy it now. 


“Ok, have you picked?” I asked as Brianna walked out. 


“Picked what?” She asked. 


“Picked what you wanted?” I asked. 


“I’m not buying this shit. It’s too expensive.” 


“I am, you idiot,” she said. Her eyes brightened. She put on a more chipper attitude with that. She wanted almost everything. I talked her down to keep it under $500. She practically skipped happily as I carried her bags. “You’re the best.” She kissed my cheek as we walked to the next store. 


“I had been hoping to fuck you in the changing room,” I grumbled. 


“Oh my god, I hadn’t thought of that,” she gasped. “Could we?” My erection grew. 


“It was too busy,” I said. “We will have to try when it is less busy.” 


“Ok,” she said happily. “Should we find a more secluded spot?” 


I kissed her, already happy with the date. Who didn’t love a woman excited to do it in random places? “Keep your eyes open.” 


We went to a RadioShack next. I felt the nostalgia flow into me. Back in the day I had been too dumb to understand the complexity of the store. Back before ebay and amazon, if you wanted some obscure electronics, you went here. 


I looked through the cameras. All were crap to my standards, but I found a nice Digital Sony camera. There was a side that swiveled out and showed the camera view. It was exactly the type of camera I wanted as a kid. 


“Why do you need a camera?” Brianna asked. 


“For making porn,” I said without shame. My free hand grabbed her ass. “Could do one of you blowing me.” She shivered. 


“Ok,” she said cutely. I laughed loudly. That was way easier than I thought it would be. “What?”


“Nothing. Just thought you might be scared I’d show it around.” 


“Would you?” She asked, confused. “Why?”


I thought about it. “Not sure.” Since guys weren’t too interested I guessed it wasn’t that big of a concern. 


I had asked Audrey for permission to use her credit card. She was more than happy to let me buy the camera and a new computer for the house. I charged them and would pick them up on my way out. Carrying Brianna’s bags she was happily walking around with me. There were jealous stares from mother’s and other girls. She basked in the attention as we went to store after store. 


“Go get a pretzel,” I said. There was a small booth selling the big ones. 


“I thought we were going to lunch,” she whined. 


“We will,” I promised. “I want to get you something.” She noticed the store behind me. Her lips cracking a huge smile she skipped to the pretzel shop. Her eyes looking back to me now and then as I went into the jewelry store. 


“How can I help you sir?” A very curvy woman asked. I gave her my best smile. 


“I want 3 things,” I said. “First a heart necklace. One I can have names engraved on the inside.” That was for Luna. “Another diamond necklace.” That was for Ryleigh. “I’ll look around for the last.” She nodded and brought out a few options. 


I picked a nice necklace with a few diamonds in it for Luna. The engraving would only take a few days. I got a nice diamond studded necklace for Ryleigh. I chose a ruby necklace for Brianna. She was happily munching her pretzel across the way as she watched from afar. 


I paid. It was a steep $3,000 for the necklaces. But worth the investment. I put the other 2 away and was soon presenting the necklace to Brianna. She beamed a smile as she put it on. The ruby fit her perfectly. I caught her touching it more than once. 


Holding hands it was weird to be the only man in sight, but she deserved to feel special. “There,” she said quickly. There was a photo booth. I knew what she meant immediately. We were soon inside. We took our 3 silly pictures and she unbuttoned my pants. 


“Thank you,” she said, stroking my cock. “This was…perfect.” I kissed her as she started stoking harder. She was quickly on her knees in the tight space. Not quiet about gurgling on my dick I ignored the sound of the mall patrons as she blew me. She was quick. More turned on by the situation and date. It didn’t take long for me to start cumming in her mouth. She sucked it down happily and we were sneaking out. A few eyes lingered on us, but I didn’t care. We picked up the computer and camera then were on our way out of the mall. 


We went to the house to drop the big stuff off and were back to our date. I filled up her gas tank like a man should, and we went for sushi. It was my go to. I loved the taste, and the girls loved the exotic food. 


“What do you want out of life?” I asked. 


She struggled to get a roll in her mouth but managed. “Why do you ask such big questions?” 


“I’m just curious. We can talk about something else.” 


She chewed more. “Truthfully, I’ve been thinking about what you said about becoming a lawyer. Never really thought about it.” 


“Great idea,” I said. “I could use a good one for when I do stupid stuff.”


“Got any big heists planned?” She asked. Her leg under the table moved up to my crotch. I smiled wolfishly at her. 


“Not planned. They tend to happen. Feds showed up at my house the other day. Asking about Nightingales.” 


“What’d you say?” She asked nervously. 


“The truth. I don’t remember if I was there. If you’re going to be a lawyer. The first thing you should know is never lie. Either say you don’t remember or don’t answer at all.” 


“Yeah, my sister was dumb. Pretty much confessed to the robbery to the lady that arrested her. There was no fighting charges after that,” she said. 

“Talk to your sis lately?”


“I did, yesterday. I plan to go up to see her tomorrow.” 


“She safe?” 


“Yep. Finally. Not so worried about her now, um thanks again.” 


“For you? Anytime. Next time something happens you let me know. I’ll spend the money on a good lawyer. Since she only has a year it’s not worth fighting. By the time they get to it, she will be out. But if something happens and she needs out. I will do what I can.” 


“How do you expect to be able to help her?” She asked, curious.


“I have my ways,” I promised. 


“I believe you do,” she said. “Do you um want to meet my mom?” She asked shyly. 


“Sure. When?” 


“Well, I didn’t really have any plans after this.” She continued her hesitant nature. I had left the planning of the date up to her. Since she didn’t plan anything else, this was what she wanted. 


“It’s your date. If you want me to go meet your mom that’s fine with me,” I said. She put on a big smile and nodded. We wrapped up the meal and she directed me to her house. 


It always surprised me how close the middle class and lower class lived to one another. Brianna didn’t live too far from the school. The house wasn’t too bad. A small one story I guessed 3 bedrooms and a basement. There was a chain link fence out front. The place could have used a new coat of white paint. A porch out front with a few bikes on it, I felt a bout of deja vu. I could have sworn I lived in a place much like it for a little while as a foster kid. There were homes just like it all over the U.S. 


Brianna was nervous as she watched me study it. “Come on.” I went in the trunk and grabbed the clothes I bought her. She walked hesitantly to the door. Letting herself inside I about stepped on her cat. The thing mewled and scampered off. A woman in her early 40s sat on the couch watching T.V. A girl about 9 sat beside her. They looked up to us. 


“Hey Bree, what-” Her mom stopped asking when she noticed me. 


“Mom, Katy, this is my friend Russ,” Brianna said. 


I set the bags down and played the boyfriend. “Nice to meet you,” I said. Extending my hand the mom took it numbly. The small girl next to her tried to hide her face behind her mother’s shoulder. Her face blushed profusely. I caught her catching glances at me, shy as can be. I was probably the first boy she had ever seen. 


“And you must be Katy,” I said. Sitting on my haunches I stared at her. The girl shyly giggled. Slowly she stopped trying to hide behind her mom and faced me. Her cheeks still red, she looked like a younger Brianna. 


“My you have to be the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen,” I said. She smiled and blushed further. I chuckled more. “You ever met a boy before Katy?” She shook her head. “Oh come on. We can’t be that scary. Come here. I want to show you something.” I extended my hand. Her mother had a wide smile and nudged her a little. 


Katy eventually reached out. I grabbed it and roared. Pulling her to me she screamed as I picked her up and threw her on my shoulders. She was soon sitting on them laughing loudly as I walked around the room. She wasn’t much smaller than me. But I felt like I could lift anything as she giggled and laughed. I had always wanted a little sister when I was younger. A part of me felt happy to act like a big brother. 


After we did a lap around the room I dug through the bags. Katy still on my shoulders as she looked down. At last I found it. “Brianna said she had a little sister. I thought it best to bring a gift,” I said. I had stopped for it on our way there. I pulled out a huge bag of candy. Dislodging it from the bag the 5 lbs of candy caused her to become more excited. I handed it up and she hugged it. 


Picking her up by the sides I set her back on the ground with a groan. She scampered off back to her mom holding the candy. “Are boys always so loud?” Brianna asked, but I noticed the smile on her face. 


“Of course,” I said, puffing out my chest. “It’s to scare away predators. That’s why we sneeze loudly too.” She laughed. I could tell she was nervous as she sat on a loveseat. She eyed the cushion next to her and I sat on it. Not shy about it I put my arm over her shoulder. 


“Quite the surprise,” her mom said. “Brianna didn’t say she was going on a date with a boy.” 


“You ashamed of me or something?” I asked. Brianna blushed. 


“I didn’t think she would believe me,” she said. 


“Ah, of course,” I said. Katy and her mom still locked eyes with me. Katy wasn’t as nervous as she was before. 


“Russ um, helped me with that thing for Leanne,” Brianna said. I eyed her. She had a look that said ‘play along’. I doubted she told her mother that she paid protection money to keep her safe. 


“Really?” Ms. Brooks asked. “How’d you manage that?”


“My um Aunt, helped,” I lied. “She has worked with people at Sandstone.” Brianna sighed. “Tell me about yourself. What do you do?” 


Ms. Brooks didn’t accept the answer but left the line of questioning. “I work at….” So we chatted for a little while. I asked about her and Katy. The small girl was too shy to say much but she squeaked some replies about school. Brianna sat with me, leaning into my shoulder, a smile on her lips. Honestly it felt very surreal. I felt like I was in my old world, meeting the parents of some girl I was dating. Not a bad feeling, but also never something I had done before. It was a first, and I liked it. 


When the conversation died down Brianna excused us and I carried her new clothes to her room. “Thank you,” she whispered as the door shut. Her room was what I expected. Some clothes strewn around, the bed a mess, her closet full of clothes. “You didn’t have to.” 


“I did,” I said. “This was your date. I said I’d do whatever you wanted.” 


“I know that’s what you said. I didn’t think you’d go through with it all,” she said shyly. I sat on her bed. Pulling her to me she sat on my lap. 


“I keep my word, Brianna,” I said. 


“Yeah, you also could have pushed for more sex. Heck, we do it more at school than we have today,” she said blushing. 

I laughed loudly. “You’re right. Which is great. I love our midday fun. Probably the only reason I could keep my hands off you today,” I said. My hands started moving up her dress. “But I’m not with you just for the sex. I’m with you because you’re fun. Not everyone goes into a bar that scares the hell out of them for their sister. That takes loyalty. You don’t take shit. And you’ve done everything I asked. Not a big problem for me to do what you ask.” She kissed me deeply. 


“When can we do this again?” She asked. 


“Not sure,” I said with a frown. “My next weekend is fully booked. Maybe after school sometime. Or maybe I can sneak you into my house.” 


“Really?” She asked excitedly. Her white teeth showing as she studied me. 


“Yeah. I don’t know if you noticed, but there are a lot of rooms in the house. Maybe we could find one for just you and I. Sneak you in now and then,” I said. “I mean you have a car.” 


“Ok,” she said clapping. “Then we could make that porn.” My dick bulged beneath her. She felt it and leaned on me. Kissing me hard we laid on her bed. She gasped and got up to straddle me. “I want you to cum in me.” 


“We shouldn’t,” I said. She groaned kissing me. Lifting herself up a little she undid my pants button and zipper. Pulling out my dick she lined herself up and moved down. 


“My period starts tomorrow. We are safe,” she said. I didn’t have enough knowledge about ovulation and pregnancy to deny it. It sounded right. 


“Ok,” I said as she kept going down. Her legs shook as she fell to the base. She felt amazing. Her tight cunt squeezed me. We kissed as she began to rock her body on top of me. Turned on by the situation she gasped and began to cum. I put my hands over her mouth to help her stifle her yell. Her whole body shook. A nipple falling out of her dress I began licking it as I thrust up into her. 


She became more frantic as she recovered. Bouncing up and down the bed creaked with each thrust. Her mouth moved to mine as she stayed in a position and I pistoned into her as far as possible.


“Fucking love this,” she rasped. “Fuck my tight cunt. It’s all yours. Fill it.” Her body shook as I sped up. “Oh fuck I’m cumming again.” Her eyes shut as she whined. I didn’t bother to cover her mouth. “Why-are-you-still-going?” She asked as my cock entered her over and over. Her body shook hard. “Cum in me. Fill me up.” Her eyes opened. We locked gazes staring at one another. I nodded. She started jumping up and down again. Her pussy writhing on my dick. We got in the zone. Both of us humping one another. Our breath in sync we kept staring at one another. 


Unable to stop it anymore I pulled her face to mine. We kissed hard as I began to cum in her. As the first rope hit her insides she began to cum once more. Our groans muffled as we continued to kiss I felt her body shake as her orgasm built. My dick painting her insides she tried to yell but I kept her mouth filled. 

When it finally faded she let out a long sigh. In my post-nut clarity I realized maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Caught up in the moment I hoped I didn’t help her make a bad decision. “Your period really start tomorrow?”


She chuckled. “Yeah, or Monday. One of those,” she said with a big yawn. “That was fucking amazing. We need to do that more.” I needed to get ahold of pills for these girls. I was a dumb kid. How was I supposed to stop us from making dumb decisions? 

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