Moral Degeneration


I woke up to my phone ringing. In an unfamiliar place it took me a moment to remember it was Brianna’s room. “Hello,” I rasped looking at the barely lit phone. It was 6AM. 


“Russ, there you are,” Audrey said on the other end. “Sorry, I thought you were coming home last night.” 


I looked over. Brianna’s naked ass stared at me. I slapped it causing her to groan. “No, got stuck. What you need?”


“You know that trucking contract I talked about? I remembered that the woman in charge of it goes to church close by. The early service. You mind coming over. We can ‘accidentally’ run into them,” she said. I could hear the pleading in her voice. 

“Anything for you, Aud,” I said. “Give me 30.” 


“Hey,” I said. My hand still on Brianna’s ass I shook it. “I need to go.” I wiped my nose as I woke up. Then I noticed the blood on my hand. I wiped my nose again, but the blood wasn’t from my nostril. I looked down and noticed it came from Brianna. “Did I hurt you last night?” I asked. 


“So much,” she mumbled from the blankets. “I’m so sore.”


“You’re bleeding,” I said. She jumped up. Looking down there was a lot of blood. 


“Fuck. Period,” she said. I let out a sigh. Not only because I hadn’t caused it, but it proved I could trust her. She ran to the bathroom across the hall. I dressed. Gathering the dirty sheets up I found the washer and dryer in the back. Throwing the sheets in after spraying them I headed to the bathroom. Brianna was in the shower cleaning off. 


“I gotta go. Can I get a ride?” 


“Yeah yeah, give me a minute,” she said. 


I chuckled and headed to the front of the house. Surprisingly her mom was there at the table. She looked up at me. I could tell she wanted to talk. I sighed and sat by her. “What’s up?” 


“Did you make her pregnant?” She asked bluntly. 


“Uh no,” I said. “She’s on her period right now.”


Her mom let out a long sigh. “Thank god,” she said smiling. Her hand on her chest I could tell she had been worried. I still didn’t understand why these women didn’t just talk to one another. “Are you…going to?”


“If she wants. Someday,” I said. “I would think it best to wait till after school though.” 


“That’s great,” she said. “Great to wait.” 


“You should maybe talk to her about it,” I said. “We use condoms. But there have been…close calls.” 


“You use condoms?” She asked. “What? Why?” 


“So she doesn’t get pregnant?” I said slowly. 


“Yeah, no, of course. I’ve just never heard of a guy. A guy like you. Wearing them willingly,” she said nervously. 


“What do you mean a guy like me?” 


“You know,” she said. “Normal. Not strung out. Doing it for the money. As you can see, we don’t have much. So I know you don’t need any.” 


“Oh, right. Do guys like me usually not wear condoms? Sorry. Still new to this. Not from here.”


“They never wear condoms,” she said. “They have to fill a quota. Some people in our situation want to get pregnant. You know, for the government benefits. If they slum it down with us. They refuse to wear condoms. Others meet a guy and get the itch, but don’t want a kid. I’ve never heard of a guy willingly putting on a condom.” 


“A kid can be a blessing. I’d prefer to keep it that way. Not some teen pregnancy horror story,” I said. She smiled widely at me. Older, I still saw some of Brianna in her. It was good to know the girl would be hot like her mom someday. Brianna walked out of the back. 


“Ready,” she said.

I patted Ms. Brooks hand and we were out the door. Remembering that I didn’t give her a piggyback ride, I princess carried Brianna once we were outside. She laughed loudly. “What are you doing?”


“You’re bleeding,” I said. “You’re hurt. Need to be carried.” She blushed. I finagled the passenger door open and set her in. We were quickly on our way. Outside the house we kissed but she was soon back on the road. Off to go to spend her day lazily hanging around her house. I was jealous. 


I walked into Audrey’s home. I didn’t see Ava or Luna’s cars so I knew it was just me and the lovebirds. My bags with the computer, camera, and other stuff were still by the door. I lugged them up to my room. After showering I put on my Sunday best when Audrey walked into my room. 


“There you are,” she said walking up to me. “Perfect. How’d you know to dress nice for church?” She asked. Oh yeah, I was a bumpkin. 


“TV,” I answered. That was good enough. “What’s the plan?” 


“Alright. So we are going to meet Patricia Gammot,” she said. “Her daughter, Wendy, has been trying to get pregnant the last few months. Her mom is paying for it under the condition that the donor meets her standards. She has been very selective. I think she might accept your donation.” 


“Cool. What do we get out of it?” I asked. “What’s at stake?”


“Patricia owns a few hospitals in the state. They need a new trucking company for running the supplies between the hospitals and their main distributor. Getting this contract would pretty much pay for a fleet of small shipping trucks.” 


“Nice,” I said. “Let’s do it.” 


There were a few tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said. Kissing me on the lips. “I thought I might have to fight you on it.” 


“Hey, team us, ok. You tell me what you need, and I’m on it. How’s your little lovely flower?” 


Violet walked into the room. She was wearing a bright yellow dress that complimented the purple streaks in her hair. “We are great,” Audrey said. She reached out her hand and the happy couple studied me. “We were hoping to talk to you tonight about us. The 3 of us.” I forced my dick not to get hard. 


“Why of course,” I said with a big smile. “Whatever you need madam.” 


“You’re seriously okay with this?” Violet asked, amazed. “Getting pimped out?”


“Yeah, I don’t care,” I said. “Does it bother you?” 


Violet shook her head. “Hell no. It’s kind of hot. I know like 8 girls that want to get pregnant. Most guys charge a lot. Heck I assumed you were going to charge me.” 


“How much would you have paid?” I asked. 


“You’ll never know,” she said with a laugh. The lesbian couple walked out. I followed their cute asses out the door. 


“Have you gotten taller?” Violet asked, looking back at me.


I looked at her oddly. “I don’t think so.” Audrey stopped and looked back as well. When we met I could look straight and see her chin. Now I could see her nose. 


“You have,” she noted. 

“That’s weird,” I said, amazed. I distinctly remembered not growing so much until later in the year. I frowned, curious what that could mean. 


“Jeez, boys grow fast,” Violet said. We started walking again. I ignored the growth spurt for now. 

“Where’s Luna?” 


“At a friend's place. Have you heard from Ava?”

“I have not,” I said. “Want me to reach out?”

“I will give it a few days,” Audrey said. “She starts at school tomorrow.” We left it at that and were on our way to church. To my horror it was a Catholic Church. Not that I have anything against religion. I was forced to go to my fair share as a youth. But Catholic sermons tended to be long. Lots of kneeling and ceremony. 


Turns out I really liked this church. The kneeling wa relaxed. I was the only man there. I got more than a few stares walking hand in hand with Violet and Audrey. Women of all ages were there. From newborns to old ladies. I gave them all my best smile as they whispered around me. One particular beauty caught my eye. 


She was a little taller than me. Not much. Her blonde hair was curly in a bob cut. Her face was round. Not fat, just full. She wore a deep V-cut shirt and a long flowing skirt. Her ass drew me in as I watched her. The blonde and I locked eyes for a moment. Not shy, I flashed her a smile. She blushed and turned away. 

“That’s her,” Audrey said. Pointing discreetly at the girl I had been staring at. 

“Fun fun. Do we move in now?” I whispered. 


“After,” she said. “I don’t see her mom. Mingle. We will sit close to them. Oh hi, so good to see you,” Audrey said to a woman next to her. It quickly became a game of introductions. I had to shake people's hands and introduce myself. Then the service started. Audrey grabbed my arm and we were rushing to find a spot.

The ceremony wasn’t terrible. I dozed during most of it. There were a few small kids that turned to face me. I did some faces. They giggled and were chastised by their parents. I relaxed. My arms over Violet and Audrey’s shoulders, they leaned into me a little. I had worried they might forget about me, but I guessed not. I imagined what to do to them as church went on. 


When it was finally over Audrey masterfully got us through the crowd until we were back in front of my blonde beauty. She wasn’t as shy as we faced one another. 


“Audrey, so good to see you,” a woman said. She was a little older than Audrey, but was obviously the blonde girl’s mother. Her blonde hair was graying. She wore a pantsuit and had her hair in a bun. 


“You too Patricia. Have you met Russ?” Audrey asked. 


“I have not,” Patricia said. She and I shook hands. We introduced ourselves. “This is my daughter Wendy.” 


“Oh we’ve met,” I said with a big smile. 


“You have?” Patricia asked. Audrey gave me a look. 


“Yep, in my dreams,” I said with a wide smile. No shame at all. It took the women a second then they were laughing loudly. Even Wendy giggled cutely. I loved this world. No one had used cheesy lines on them. All the famous pick up lines were mine to monopolize. 


“That’s cute,” Patricia said. “Where’d you come up with that?”

“I’m just good,” I assured. 

“Tell another,” Wendy said. Her voice was quiet and sweet. 


“Hmmm tell me Wendy. Do you believe in love at first sight…or should I walk by again?” She giggled again. The women laughed loudly. “Come on. I’ll tell you some more.” I reached out and grabbed her hand. She looked to her mother who shrugged. She took my hand and I moved it to the crook of my arm as we walked through the crowd of people. That should give Audrey time to work her magic. 


“More pickup lines?” I asked. She nodded shyly. “Hmmm, I’ve lost my phone number. Can I have yours?” She giggled. “Are you a time traveler? Because I see you in my future. Do you want to touch my shirt? It’s made of boyfriend material?” 


I told a few more and she became more comfortable with each one. I was racking my brain for another by the time she spoke. 


“You’re very odd,” Wendy said. 


“A good odd,” I assured her. “What about you? Got any for me?” 


“I wouldn’t know where to start. What are you? 16?”


“Perhaps,” I said. “What about you? I’m guessing…23.” 


“You’re right,” she said, impressed. “You don’t act like most people your age.” 


“I take that as a compliment.” There was a line of small girls staring at us as I walked by. I ducked down to their level and said, “Boo.” They smiled but stayed there. I took Wendy’s hand again and kept walking. 

“Very odd,” she said. “Most boys would be scared to be around so many women.” 

“That’s the difference. Women should be scared to be around me,” I said with a growl. “You see it. How everyone stares.” The small girls were still ogling me. “Basically an animal in a zoo.” I let out a sigh as if it was sad news.


“Why should they be scared of you?” She asked, a smile on her lips. 


“Because I am an animal. An insatiable beast,” I said. “I have the distinct ability to fall into women that want to get pregnant.” Her breath caught. I let her hand fall to turn and study her. “So tell me Wendy. Why do you want me now?”


“I don’t,” she blushed, looking away. “I have standards.” 


“Do you now? Good, so do I,” I said. She looked back at that. 


“What are your standards?” She asked. 


“Not much,” I said. “Cute, smart, a nice ass, and an animal in bed.” I stepped closer. There were people around us, but not near enough to listen. “I’m curious if you match this criteria.” 

She giggled. “Maybe. But you’ll never know,” she said. 


I tsked. “Are you sure about that, Wendy? Or is my guardian selling me to you like some breeding stud? Paid to dump a large load into you.” I noticed her shiver as her cheeks blushed. 


“There have been many offers in the past,” she said coquettishly. 


“I’m special, or so I’ve heard,” I said. All the confidence in the world. 


“Really now? And who is your father?”


I moved my Lineage Bracelet to her wrist. It didn’t beep. “No idea. But he’s not yours. That’s all that really matters.” She blushed more deeply as I eyed her up and down. I was close enough to smell the vanilla off of her. 


“Have you ever felt the touch of a man?” I asked. My fingertip ran along her skin causing goosebumps to rise. She shook her head. “Good. You’re about to.” 


“There you are,” Patricia said, walking up from behind Wendy. The young blonde about jumped as she turned around quickly. The blush still on her face. “I have to do some work yet, with Audrey actually. Would you mind taking Russell home?” Patricia asked. Grabbing Wendy’s arm she walked the blonde over to the side. 


I smiled widely as Audrey walked up to me. Leaning in to kiss her cheek I asked, “We good?”


She smiled widely. “Very good. I'll call you when the documents are signed. Do your thing after that.” 


“How long?” I asked. 


“Gotta get lawyers involved. 2 hours,” she whispered. I nodded.

“What will you be doing?” I asked Violet. 


She smiled cutely. “Helping of course. With this new contract, Audrey needed someone to manage the customer.” 

“Congratulations on the new job,” I said with a smile. “Great choice.” Audrey smiled back at me. Patting my cheek she mouthed the words ‘thank you’. 


“Anytime,” I said. Leaning in I pulled them both in a hug. My hands wandered down and I pinched their rears. They yelped and blushed. “I’ll catch you later.” 


Turning around I noticed Patricia and Wendy walking back. Wendy had a much deeper blush on her cheeks. She studied the ground. Too nervous to look up. 


Patricia eyed me up and down. “I can’t believe it. You really do look like him,” she noted. I frowned. I didn’t want to hear that. I was going to have to look into whoever this jackass was that was called my dad. But that would be saved for another time. 

“Shall we?” I asked Wendy. She nodded. Finally meeting my eyes. “I’m thinking let’s get lunch. I’d love to hear more about you. Don’t worry, I’ll drive.” 


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