Moral Degeneration


Wendy was quiet as I drove her away from the church. We were in a brand new Lexus. It was so new it still had that new car smell. It had been a long time since I had been in a new car, but you never forgot that scent of freshness. 

“In the mood for anything special?” I asked. “We could do sushi or…” I was a true one trick kind of guy. I looked over to notice she was crying. “Woah woah what’s going on?” I asked, pulling the car over. I found a spot and turned to her. My hand reaching out to hers she jerked back. I wasn’t quite sure what the issue was. I gave her time to collect herself as she continued to cry. 


“I can’t do this,” she sobbed looking at me. “I thought it would be a while. Finding someone my mom would accept was supposed to take time. I thought I could get used to it.” The cute girl let her tears flow as she stared at me. Fear in her eyes, I wasn’t sure what to do. 


“I thought you wanted to get pregnant,” I said. 


“I do!” She said quickly. “I just didn’t think it would be so quick. I’ve never even kissed a boy.” 


“Most girls haven’t,” I said. I wondered if she was sheltered. 


“I’ve never kissed a girl either. I’ve never done anything with anyone,” she added. More tears coming out. 


“Oh,” I said looking straight ahead. “Oh!” I said louder putting it together. “You’re like a true sheltered virgin.” She frowned at me, growing angry. 

“I’m not sheltered,” she spat. 


“You kind of are,” I said. As I thought about it I could understand her reaction. It would be like Ryleigh having never kissed anyone to having sex with someone that same day. I chuckled, then laughed, and eventually I was dry heaving as I couldn’t get the funny situation out of my mind. 


“What are you laughing at?” She asked angrily. At least she stopped crying. 

“Nothing,” I said. “I’m just finding it funny. I mean, never kissed anyone? Have you held hands with anyone before me?” I asked. She slowly shook her head. “How? Why?” 


“I don’t know,” she said. “I get so nervous. And yes, maybe I was a little sheltered.” I reached out my hand to hers. She didn’t pull away this time. I took it and ran my thumb along her small wrist. 


“It’s not so scary,” I said. “So, do you want this? Maybe not now? Maybe we work up to it?” 


“How?” She asked. 


“Lets do it right,” I said. Looking around I noticed the perfect thing. “One sec.” Getting out I ran down the block and was quickly back with a bouquet of red roses. She had waited for me and as I opened the passenger side door her eyes brightened as she saw them. “Wendy, you are so beautiful, I bought you flowers.” Her eyes sparkled staring at the roses. She accepted them with a wide smile. 


Running around the car I got in the driver’s seat. I watched her for a moment as she marveled at the flowers. “Ok, let’s start over. I am Russ. Can I please take you on a date?” She turned to me and quickly nodded. I would need to remember the flower trick for later. It was working wonders. 


“What is your favorite food, Wendy?” I asked. 


“Umm steak,” she whispered. 


“That’s my kind of meal. Perfect,” I said. Putting the car in drive I headed toward the nearest steakhouse. When we arrived I ordered, “Stay there.” 


Going around the car I opened the door for her. “A lady should never have to open her own door,” I said. She blushed. Getting out she still held the flowers. 


“What about the roses?”


“We will set them in the back. If something happens to them. I’ll just have to buy you more on another date,” I said. 

“Another date?” She asked, shyly. 


“Well of course,” I said. I quickly leaned in, pecking her on the cheek. “Why would I want just one?” I took the flowers and put them in the back seat. Extending my elbow she hesitantly put her arm inside. I walked her to the door, opened it for her and we were quickly seated. 


She ordered a glass of wine and a big steak. I got stuck with soda and a big steak. “Tell me about yourself,” I said. Making sure to keep eye contact I didn’t let my eyes stray to the wonderful women around us. The cute blonde smiled and was growing more and more comfortable. 


“I um graduated from Harvard with my undergraduate degree last year,” she said. 


“Harvard, fancy. What was your major?”


“Biomedical Chemistry.” 


“Going to get your Master’s?” I asked. 


She shook her head. “I’ve already started working for my mom.” 


“That’s good. You enjoy it?” She hesitated. “That’s too bad.”


“No, I do,” she said quickly. I rolled my eyes. “I do, I swear.” 


“Then why hesitate?” I asked. “Not turning out to be everything you hoped?” 

She chewed her lip. “Not everything I hoped.” 


“Too bad,” I said. “On to the next thing for you, I guess.”


“What? No. I went to school for so long. I’m not giving up,” she said. 


“Who says you’re giving up?” I asked. She gave me a confused look. “Listen, just because you move on doesn’t mean you didn’t gain valuable insight. Now you know you don’t like it and can go on with your life. You’re stronger for it. I assume you have money. Go find yourself for a little while.”


“Oh my god. You meet me and tell me to quit my job after I hesitate for a split second,” she said chuckling. 


“It’s all over your face,” I said. “That twitch of the mouth when you mentioned your degree. The turn of the eye when you said you worked for your mom. It all adds up.” 


“I did not do those things,” she said quickly. 


“You did. I was watching. It’s psychology. You have given up on trying to like the job.” 


She bit her lip. Staring at me she let out a long sigh. “Ughh I hate that you’re right. I hate the job.” I laughed loudly. “What is so funny?” She pouted. 


“You. You’re cute,” I said. She blushed, but a smile was back on her face. “So what will you do now?” 


“Stick with it.” 


“No, don’t do that. That’s boring,” I said. There was a basket of bread rolls on the table. I grabbed one and tore off a piece. Tossing it at her she gave me a scandalized looked. 


“I can’t believe you did that,” she said with a gasp. I tore off another piece and hit her in the forehead. She got angry and grabbed her own piece of bread but threw the whole thing at me. It missed by a hair and struck the lady behind me. 


“I’m so sorry,” I said to the woman. Standing up I took the bread from her and apologized again. “I missed my mouth,” I justified. I sat back down. “I can’t believe you did that.”


“I didn’t mean to,” Wendy whispered. 

“She probably hates you now,” I noted. 


“Stop, why are you being so mean,” she whined more. 


“Because it’s fun,” I said, taking a bite of the bread. “Don’t take things so seriously, Wendy. The lady didn’t care and neither did I.” She blushed but I could tell she was in a better mood. “Back to the topic at hand. Quit your job. Go be happy.” 


“I’m not quitting my job,” she said. “I just need… Ugh maybe you’re right.” Our drinks came to the table. She took a sip. 


“There you go. That’s my girl,” I said. She obviously liked the compliment, shyly eyeing me. “What will you do now?” 


“Go back to school.” She was hit with another piece of bread. “Stop it,” she pleaded. 


“No more school, Wendy. School is for people that haven’t experienced the world. You’ve gotten a real job. You know what you don’t like. So tell me what you want to do.” 

She thought about it for a moment. “I like animals. And kids. And seeing the world.” 

“Perfect. Let’s find that job for you. A lion tamer?” I asked. “You can travel with the circus. I’m sure lions have cubs. There's your kid angle.” 

She snorted a laugh. Very loudly before she could stop herself. I smiled widely by her embarrassed reaction. “Too dignified?” I asked. 


“Too dangerous.” 


“Good. That’s where the excitement is at.” 


Her cheeks continued smiling widely. No longer the nervous girl from the car I was getting to her. “What about you? What will you do?” She asked.


“Everything. Skydive. Snorkeling. Mountain climbing. Sightseeing. Jaywalking. I want it all. If it gets your blood pumping then let's do it,” I said. 


“Let’s?” she asked shyly. 


“Duh. I mean you’re going to be there obviously,” I said. “You’re already pregnant with my kid.” 


She gasped, laughing. “I am not.” 


“You are. Remember? I kissed you on the cheek outside. That’s how that happens,” I said like it was obvious. 


“That is not,” she said. 

“How would you know? You’ve never done anything.”


“I have seen things,” she assured me. 


“What kind of things?” I asked. Our food arrived. She didn’t wait to dig in. Her steak was rare and bloody. Taking a big chunk she bit into it and moaned with the taste. Wendy really was getting out of her shell.  


“Video things,” she said matter of factly. 


“Ah, then they must be true,” I said, digging into my steak. We were quiet for a moment. “Which of those things are we going to do together?” I asked. I had been implying video things, but she answered the other option instead. 


“Umm skydiving,” she said excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to.” 


“Good, let’s book it for Spring.” 


“I’m not doing that,” she said. 

“Why not?” I asked. “What’s stopping you?” She hesitated. 


“I want to get pregnant,” she admitted. 


“And why is that? For you or for your mom?” I asked. 


She hesitated again. Chewing the steak as she thought about it. “For me.” I didn’t notice any facial tics. 


“Good,” I said. “Cus you’re pregnant.” 

“I am not.” 



Dinner was fun. Afterward I walked with her to an ice cream shop. I got a call from Audrey that everything was signed and we were good to go. I was slowly working my magic. 


“What will our kid’s name be?” I asked. 


She blushed. Finally done fighting that she was pregnant. “Emily,” she said. 


“What if it’s a boy?” 


“Doubtful. I don’t know. Russ Jr.” 


“Oh no. I’m not cursing a kid with my name. We will do something strong like Bob or Joe.” She laughed cutely as we ate the ice cream. 


“You are so weird,” she said happily. 


“Good weird,” I assured her. “So, my beautiful Wendy. What shall we do next?” 


“I don’t know,” she said. “What do you think?” 


“We could go to the strip club,” I offered. She blushed. “You’ve never kissed a girl. We could do all of your firsts today. But you know. In reverse. First you got pregnant. Then you kissed a boy. Then you kissed a girl. Who knows from there?”


“Kissed a boy?” She asked. I leaned forward and kissed her. She moaned in my mouth. Our cold lips on one another, she didn’t pull away. I drew closer, pulling her in. My tongue entered her lips. She hesitated, but her’s touched mine. We lingered there for a moment and then I pulled away. 


“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I asked. She looked down, but shook her head slowly. “This is good. Try it.” I spooned out some of my ice cream. Moving it to her face she cutely opened her mouth. Taking it in she moaned happily. “My saliva was on that spoon. Now you’re double pregnant.”

She barked another laugh. “You got me again.” Wendy spooned out some of her ice cream. Moving it to my mouth I took it in. “There. Now you’re pregnant,” she said with a small smile. 


“Damn, not again,” I said. Leaning back in my chair I watched her finish her ice cream. She was cute. Almost 10 years older than me, but she acted like the young one. Her tongue licked around her mouth taking in some ice cream she missed. Her full cheeks puffed out angrily as she took her last bite. I slid my ice cream over to her. She smiled at me and started on mine. 


Her short curly blonde hair bounced as her legs idly kicked under the table. Her V-neck shirt showed barely any cleavage, but a lot of skin. The long black skirt swooshed as she continued to kick. It was so odd to stare at a beauty like this and know she wanted you. Back in the old world I didn’t approach women without the intent of paying them. In this world I had all the confidence that I could make a fool of myself and someone would want me. And if they didn’t someone else did. 


“Where to next, my beauty?” I asked. 


She blushed. Watching me watch her she did the same study I had done of her. Starting from the top and moving all the way to the bottom. She came to a decision saying, “I’m worried about my roses. Can we um go back to my place and put them in some water.” 

“Of course,” I said happily. I did a mental fist pump. “We can see a movie after.” It was always good to act like you didn’t know where the day was going. She nodded, shyly pushing her hair behind her ear. 


We were soon out of there. Her place was at one of the fancy downtown apartments. I carried her flowers and followed behind, watching her cute ass shake as she nervously took me to her apartment. When the elevator dropped us on the correct floor I said, “Can you hold these?” Handing her the flowers she took them as I princess carried her. I had thoroughly wooed her. It was time to seal the deal. 


She laughed cutely as I carried her down the hall. I was sure guys did this in movies in this world too. This is what they wanted to experience. She opened the door and I set her down. Setting the roses on the counter she yelled, “One sec. I need to go freshen up.” 

I walked into the apartment. It had a large living room with windows that faced the skyscrapers of the city. The kitchen and living room was one big room. There were 2 bedrooms on either side of the main room. A nice fancy black leather couch, an ottoman, and a large TV was all that was in the living room. Heading over to the windows I looked down to the city below. Everyone going about their Sunday I enjoyed looking down on it all. 


I heard a door shut. I turned around to see Wendy in a white fluffy bathrobe. She was crying again. Her cute cheeks were red as tears rolled down them. “I can’t,” she said crying. 


“What can’t you do?” I asked walking up to her. 


“I don’t know.” I grabbed her shoulders. “You’ve been so great. I thought maybe I could go through with it. It’s not you. It’s me.” 

“I know it’s not me. Obviously it’s not,” I said. Her eyes flared as she slapped my chest. I laughed loudly. “See. That’s what you need to do, Wendy. React. Slap me when I deserve it. Not think about it. Trust me. This is something your body wants and knows how to do.” I pulled her in for a hug. She stiffened with the contact but relaxed as I rubbed her back. “We have all the time in the world. Come here.” I dragged her over to the window. We looked down at everyone for a little while. When she had relaxed I made my move. 


Leaning in I kissed her. She acted more quickly than at the ice cream shop. Our lips touching it wasn’t long until our tongues were in one another’s mouths. We stayed like that. Kissing slowly as the world happened around us. When I felt she was ready for a little more I said, “We have all the time in the world for this.” I started walking her toward the room she had entered. “We can take it slow. Go on another date. There is no pressure. I am here. I have nothing better to do.” She nodded, smiling with each word. 


We made it to the room. There was a nice fluffy bed on it. The clothes she was wearing earlier were thrown on the bed. I pulled her to the mattress. Moving her to sit down on it she stared up at me. Her cheeks blushing she knew what was coming but didn’t stop me. 


My hand moved to the front of her robe. The belt tied in a bow I grabbed one of the loops and pulled slowly. Her body shook as the knot became untied. Her arms wrapping around her I took one of the collars and pulled. Lightly and slowly. As they pulled against her arm she slowly relaxed them. Ever so slowly the robe opened. My eyes were locked with hers the entire process. The other side of the collar was pulled away revealing her naked chest. 


“You’ve got a great figure for being pregnant,” I noted. She tried to slap me. I grabbed it then her other hand. She fought me for a moment but I leaned forward. My body laying on top of hers, her breath quickened as my hard dick poked her. “You say the word and we stop at any moment. But for now, let me take care of you.” 

Her eyes had fear in them, but I was done waiting. Kissing her she joined in. Slowly getting better and better as we did the dance of tongues. Her lower half tried to push up into me. I began to move down. Kissing her neck. Nibbling it. She groaned as her hands went through my hair. I kept moving down. When I was almost to her breast I pulled back and studied her body. 


Skinny, her breasts were maybe B cup, but beautiful. Full and perky. Her abs were smooth and went all the way down to her pussy. Unfortunately I couldn’t  see the goal from the angle I was at. “You’re beautiful,” I assured her. She blushed and I started licking her nipples. Her body jolted from the stimulation. All the time in the world I spent making her pant as I licked her and kissed her chest. 


Again I waited until she was ready. Moving down once more I kissed her navel as I moved onward. “Oh god,” she gasped as her legs shook. Her eyes closed. I moved slower as I kissed everything. As my body moved from over her legs she widened them. They shook the whole time, but they opened. I had my first view of her pussy then. It was newly shaven. Her lower lips quivering I could see how tight she actually was. 


I had done enough foreplay. My mouth went right to her pussy lips. She gasped and jolted. “Please,” she wheezed, but nothing followed the word. My lips and tongue had already down a lap around her pussy. They were doing another as she shook and screamed. Her feet tried to kick me away but I didn’t stop. She yelled loudly, unsure what was happening as her body came for the first time. Her hands went to her tits on instinct as the orgasm rocked her back. 


It didn’t last long, but I guessed it was long for her. She breathed in and out loudly as it faded. Her legs hung boneless underneath me. I stopped licking her pussy and looked up at her. “Your first?” I asked. She exhaled a laugh with a nod. “Shall we go for a second?” She bit her lip watching me, then nodded just barely. I chuckled and moved my mouth back to her clit. It didn’t take long for her to cum again. 


Her body experiencing it for a second time was stronger for her. She was able to enjoy it instead of frantically trying to stop whatever weird sensation that was happening to her body. As it wrapped up I felt that she was ready once more. Letting her recover I stood up. Disrobing slowly her eyes looked to me as soon as my belt buckle clinked. 


She watched me undress. Her eyes widening at the view of my body, it made my chest flare in pride. I dropped my pants and let my dick point at her without shame. She stared at it for a while then back up to me. Slowly she started moving backward on the bed. Not running but repositioning. I locked eyes with her as I drew closer. 


Her body shivered as my body moved up hers. When my face was above hers she still had the look of fear in her eyes, but there was also a look of lust. “We stop when you want,” I repeated. “But I’m driving.” She didn’t quite understand. Her mind going a mile a minute as she over thought the process. I lined my dick up with her lower lips. She gasped and for once stopped thinking. Her mouth raised up to mine. Kissing me on her own for the first time. We moaned in one another’s mouths. 


I continued to go deeper into her. This time I felt the maidenhead. I pushed through slowly. Her face became pained but she didn’t stop me. I waited there for a moment and brought my A-game to the kissing. Twirling my tongue she groaned happily as I began to slide in again. Wendy’s body shook with every inch. Eventually I bottomed out. 

She gasped as our hips touched for the first time. Her eyes closed I could tell she was hurting. Pulling my head back I licked and bit her nipple. Moving to the other I did the same and was sucking her neck. Slowly I pulled out then pushed back in. Small thrusts at first when she finally let out a pleasured groan I pulled out more. She was so tight, but I was focused on making her feel good. 


I could feel her body shiver underneath me. I assumed it was fear and pleasure. Finally I felt comfortable to pull out almost all the way. Sliding in I groaned. “You’re so fucking tight,” I gasped trying to keep from cumming. It was like she was gripping me. She didn’t hear me as I pulled back and thrust back in. Her body shaking with the thrust I started pistoning in and out. 

It took way longer than normal but her breath finally quickened. Her pussy became wetter, her hands scratched my shoulders. Then just as much of a surprise for her before she started to cum. She yelled in my ear as her pussy quivered around me. I couldn’t stop myself anymore. Speeding up a little I started cumming into her as far as possible. My face buried in the nape of her neck as I pushed into her hard she groaned feeling everything. 


When I was done I sat up to see that she was crying again. “Thank you,” she said, wiping the tears. “It’s done.” 


I frowned at her. “We aren’t done,” I said. “That was just the first time.” She gave me a shy look. 


“Are you sure?” She asked. 


“Do you really want to leave it like this?” I asked. She didn’t answer. I did it for her. “Come on. Let’s clean up and go again.” Pulling out she groaned. My dick had a thin layer of blood on it. We may have stained the comforter. I went to the side of the bed and picked her up. Moving to the shower I helped her clean up. 


My hands running along her body she shivered as I did all the work. When I felt she was thoroughly cleaned I told her to do the same for me. She was shy but nodded and started rubbing my dick. “It’s so stiff,” she noted. 


“It’s because you’re so sexy,” I said. She giggled and continued. When she was done I grabbed her arms and pushed her back to the wall. She gasped but didn’t fight as I kissed her front. My dick entered her slowly. She winced, but that was all. “As scary as you thought it would be?” 


Wendy shook her head. “Better than you imagined?” She nodded. “If you don’t talk I’m going to make you scream.” She didn’t talk. I shoved myself all the way in. She screamed. I started humping into her hard. The scream went from pain to joy as my length entered and exited. 


“Holy fuck,” she said. “Go-go fast.” She said. I sped up and in a matter of seconds she was cumming. Her legs trying to drop her my humps kept her up. “Slow-slow down.” I didn’t. I used her like I wanted as I pounded into her for all I was worth. After another orgasm from my forceful onslaught I came into her again. Our tongues in one another’s mouths as I did she tried to yell but I didn’t let her go. 


When I was done I asked, “Ready for a new position?” She blushed but nodded. We went back to the bed and I showed her the fun of cow girl. Letting her do the work she enjoyed it more as she went as slow as she wanted. 

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