Moral Degeneration


Wendy passed out after trying cowgirl. I dressed and went to the main room. Finding a vase I put water and the flowers in it. Writing a short note I thanked her for the fun. I grabbed her cell and took her number down. I thought I might get the itch for her again soon. I made the call. 


“The deeds done,” I told Audrey as I left the apartment. 


“Good job. We are still doing some work,” she said. “Can we have dinner tonight?” 

“Of course,” I said. I called Luna next. 


“Hey babe,” I said. 

“Hey,” she said tiredly. 


“Where you been?” 

“Sorry, Grace and my period hit at the same time Friday night. We’ve been lazing around at her mom’s place,” she said. I sighed. At least periods were normal here. Most men hated them. I was thankful to know they weren’t pregnant. Not that Luna and I had done anything, but I still worried. I had cum all over her body.


“Your mom’s grabbing dinner tonight. You gonna be back in time?” I asked. 


“Yeah, I’ll be there.” She groaned and hung up. I guessed she was having pretty bad cramps. I called Ava next, but it rang and went to voicemail. I needed to come up with a plan for her. Since school was starting the next day I didn’t push it. 


I called Ryleigh. “Hey, want to hang?” 


“Yeah,” she said. “Just got back to town.”


“You mind bringing that fast food bag I gave you?” I asked. Since the feds dropped by there was less of a chance of a search warrant being dropped. I knew they had nothing. Just a description that matched me. 




I told her to be at my house in 30. I left the apartment building and got a taxi. It was expensive but worth it. I was going to have to buy a car soon. Maybe I’d get lucky and something would drop in my lap. I showered and changed clothes. Ryleigh was late. I got a call from my favorite lesbian. 


“Hey Russ,” Millie said excitedly. 


“Hey yourself. Does Gail know you’re calling me? I’m not sure if our affair can go on without her permission,” I said. 


“I’m right here, Russ,” Gail said in a very bored tone. 


“Oh Gail, sorry to tell you it this way. Millie and I are in love. I can’t go another day without her,” I said. 

“Yeah yeah you better be you sly bastard. You knocked us both up,” she said. 


I was stunned for a moment. I had forgotten they had the doctor appointment. “Seriously? That’s great! I am the man! 2 in one night? Are you sure?” 


“We are sure,” Millie said, her smile heard through the phone. 


“That’s so great. I’m happy for you,” I said. “You breaking up with me now?” 


“Of course not. Stop with the joking,” Gail said angrily. 


“Sorry, big news. I’m still processing. So when do you find out gender?” That was probably useless in this world, I just knew that was the next step.


“We will do an ultrasound in March,” Millie said. 


“Awesome. Keep me in the loop. I’ll try to make it if I can. Can I still come out there over the summer? Or do you want to come here?” 


“We were thinking about coming out there,” Millie said. 


“Great,” I said. “We can figure it out later. I’m sorry. I’m happy. I’m just shocked. I really thought it would take a few times.” 


“I did too,” Gail said. “Who knew you had such strong swimmers?”


“I’ll have you know the fertility doctor at the DOL complimented my sperm count,” I said with a laugh. Finally feeling like myself again. “I am the man! 2 in one night. Jeez. That’s crazy.” We did some other idle chatter but we were soon hanging up. I was sure they wanted to do their own celebration. 


I sat on the stairs thinking for a long time. It was one thing to talk about it. Before it was some far off goal, but I was really going to become a dad. To at least 2 kids. Would they give birth at the same time? What was I going to do? Be in their lives obviously. But there was a dark corner in my heart that told me to disappear.


I could do it easily. Simply empty my bank account. Grab a bus. Jump off somewhere. Escape to a small town where no man lives. Then work my way across the country sleeping with whoever I wanted. The voice became louder as I went through the process of what it would take. But I saw only that. I saw jumping from town to town. Then at some town I would meet some girls that I liked and I would go through the process all over again. 


I saw it then. Why the men of this world were the way they were. No responsibility. Pump and dump. I let out a long breath. My foster father would hit me at this point. Tell me to be a man. I wished he was there. He would have been a great dad to a bunch of girls. Because that’s what it would be. Girl after girl would be born until eventually I had a boy. I would treat the girls just as well as the boy of course. Hunting and fishing and doing things that everyone should know how to do. 


But a girl was a big responsibility. You had to show them what kind of person they needed in their life. In all honesty I had to show them what they would look for in another girl. It was sad to think about, that my daughters would have to go through what so many in this world did. Practically begging for kids. Getting what comfort they could. Where they could. They would have a hard life. But I would do what I could to make sure it wasn’t harder than it needed to be.


“Russ? What’s wrong?” Ryleigh asked, staring at me. I noticed she had walked in, the bag with my guns in hand. 


I hadn’t noticed but my eyes were leaking. I wiped at them. My nose sniffled. I shook my head, unable to understand how I could be crying. I hadn’t done that since….I was a kid.


Ryleigh walked up the stairs to me. Dropping the bag next to her. I couldn’t stop crying as I stared at her. She stood next to me and slowly wrapped her arms around my head. I stopped fighting it and let the tears flow. I didn’t yell or cry out. But let my eyes continue their work as they expelled whatever they wanted. My mind went through the scenarios of my future kids. Focused on the bad. The tears of their own in the dead of night. The struggles they could face. It was almost too much to see. 


All the while Ryleigh stroked my head and let me cry. Slowly as the tears dried I pictured the good too. Seeing them succeed. Showing up to their events. Threatening whatever girlfriend they tried to bring home. Seeing them scamper around the big house. It took time, but I slowly started to feel better. 


My fists unclenched. I wrapped an arm around Ryleigh’s waist. Slowly she released me and sat down next to me. “It’s ok,” she whispered. She had been doing that the entire time I cried. It was useless, but I appreciated the sentiment. 


“Do you want kids someday?” I asked. My arm released her as I stared straight ahead. 


“No idea. We’re 14,” she said with a laugh. I looked to her and for the first time I realized she was right. She was 14. There I was, some old guy making out with her and begging to touch her like some creep. 


A part of me couldn’t help it though. She had been that dream girl I had when I was growing up. The girl next door that was all of your firsts, and you were all of hers. I had been caught up in the moment of being a kid again. It was time to have the talk, but I knew it wouldn’t go well.


“You know guys are rare,” I said. “I assume you know why?” She nodded. Unsure where I was going. Hell I didn’t even know. I simply talked. 


“For 14 years my mother had me trapped in that house. I don’t know what happened. But I doubt it was good. I assume she touched me.” A shiver ran along my back. “I didn’t know about the pox. Nothing. But I came into the world when she died. Reborn. I was done not doing what I wanted. I met this nice couple. They were girls. They asked me to help them get pregnant. I didn’t even try to pretend to say no. I didn’t really think about the consequences. Didn’t care until now. They just called me and told me they are pregnant.” 

Ryleigh scooted away from me a little. That hurt, but it was understandable. I finally turned to her. Now she was the one crying. “But, but you’re 14,” she whispered. “Like me…” 


“Do I really act like I’m 14?” I asked. “Do I act like any boy you’ve ever met? I’m not like them, Ry. They would have been too scared to approach you that day I met you.” I chuckled. “I could try to claim some superior calling to help humanity. But I like it, Ry. I love it. I love this world. I love that women want me. I love that I can do anything I want. I have a blank slate. I can make it anything I want.” 


I locked eyes with her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. I had to make her understand. “I could say fuck it and find some beautiful girl like you. Marry you. And be with only you. Push out a couple kids. Be content. But women would throw themselves at me if I did. I’m not strong enough or willing to say no. I’m a bad guy, Ry. I want it all. I want you to keep being my friend.” 


I turned away. The disgusted look in her face hurt too much to watch. “I want to keep things just the way they are. But I really don’t want to hurt you. I need you above all to see what I am. Who I am. I am going to be a dad. I am going to be in their lives. Be in their lives like my dad was never in mine, or yours, or any other woman I’ve met.” I chuckled, feeling joy in my chest. 


I stood up. She moved away, closer to the wall. I looked down at her. “I want you there with me. But I understand if you don’t want any part of it. This is my responsibility. The path I have chosen for my life. I couldn’t expect you to follow a path I picked. You have to choose one for yourself.” My hand reached out. Patting the top of her dark hair I added. “Thank you for being my best friend. No matter what you choose. I will always be that.” I moved around her grabbing my guns. I headed up the stairs to my room. I didn’t know if she left but I knew she would. 


A sense of pride in my chest I had a smile on my lips. I had hurt her, but I said what needed to be said. I had been an adult. A mirror on the wall I stared at it for a minute. “Are you happy?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I was talking to myself or my foster father. Either way I knew the answer. 


“Yes,” I said. I stripped down and put on my gym clothes. Putting my guns in the closet I’d deal with them later. Heading back outside, Ryleigh wasn’t on the stairs. I ignored it and went to the basement. I had to work out more to get strong enough to protect my kids. 



“I have an announcement,” I said. Violet and Audrey sat on one side of the table. Luna and I the other. 


“What did you do now?” Audrey asked half joking. 


“Nothing too big. But Millie and Gail called. They’re pregnant with my kids,” I said. Luna flinched beside me, but that was it. There was a long stunned silence. 


“Congratulations,” Audrey said with a smile. 


“Woah,” Violet said. “That’s crazy. Both girls?” 


“That’s what they said.” 


“What’s that mean for you?” Audrey asked, testing me. 


“I had a minor existential crisis when I heard the news. Kind of hit me that I was going to be having a lot of daughters. I have to learn to be a good dad. But I think I can do it,” I said. I hoped I sounded more confident than I felt. 

“Good for you. Going to go through with being part of their lives?” Audrey asked. 


“I am,” I said. “I would like it if Gail and Millie could come here for a bit over the summer. If you don’t mind.” 


“Our house is open to them,” Audrey said. I reached out and grabbed her hand. She nodded at me, pride in her face. I wanted to be worthy of that pride. Luna was quiet the rest of dinner, and was quickly running off to her room afterward. 


I excused myself and ran after her. By the time I got there she was already crying. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m trying for full transparency.” 


She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. “Go to your pregnant girls!” She yelled. “That’s obviously what you want.”


“What?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”


“You want your girls pregnant. I’m sorry I wanted to wait!” She wailed. 


“What the fuck? Luna, what are you talking about? Of course I wanted to wait with you.”


“Shut up. That’s all you talk about. Getting girls pregnant.” 


“I only talk about it, because people keep asking me,” I said. “If we could just have sex I would be happy with that. Luna, what is wrong? Have I ever asked to make you pregnant? I waited to talk about it until we had condoms. I don’t want to risk it just as much as you don’t. I enjoy you and me. Fooling around. I’ve always said I want to have sex with you. Not get you pregnant.” 


Her eyes stopped crying as she went through our conversations. She wiped her tears. “Fucking period,” she groaned. “My emotions are all over the place.” She wiped her eyes more. “I spent the whole weekend at Grace’s cus I didn’t think you wanted to see me like this.” 

“Luna, I want you more like this,” I said. Risking it I got closer. I grabbed her shoulders. “I want to be with you when you’re sad and angry. I don’t care if you’re on your period. I mean I’m not going to volunteer to go down on you. But we can still fool around.”


“Really?” She asked, cracking a smile. 


“Of course. What do I care if you go through this one week a month? The other 3 weeks a month make up for it. Now what is the problem? Why would I care if you’re pregnant?”

“I don’t know,” she pouted. “I heard you made the girls pregnant and were all excited. I got jealous.” 


“Excited? I’m terrified.” I guessed she hadn’t seen my face since I was sitting next to her. “I made a life. 2. And I want to be in their lives. I’m going to have to learn how to change diapers. Teach them stuff. I keep thinking I should just disappear.” 


“Why don’t you?” She asked hesitantly. 


“And leave you?” I asked. “Audrey? No. I like my life here with you. And what happens if you want kids someday? Want me to just disappear then too?” 


“No! No,” she said. Luna sighed. “I was just asking.” She smiled. “You really staying for me?”


“You are a big reason,” I said. “I mean, I spent all yesterday planning our date. I’d hate for you to miss it.” 


She smiled cutely. “What did you plan?” She asked. 


“You’ll have to see,” I said. “Are we good?”


“Yeah, yeah, we are good. I wasn’t. But I talked with the girls. Kind of told them hypotheticals about a boy that wanted to be with other girls. They said they’d just be happy to have a boy. Kind of clarified that I had it pretty good.” 


I sighed. That was a weight off my shoulders. I kissed her. It became heated quickly. My blond and I were kissing hard on her bed for a long time. “I missed you,” I said. 


“Missed you,” she said with a giggle. She winced. “Fucking cramps.” 


“I’m sorry babe. How about I get you some ice cream? We can cuddle.” She beamed me a smile and I was soon doing that. She ate the ice cream happily. It wasn’t long until she was snoring lightly on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and got out of her grasp smoothly. I had plenty of practice as of late. 


I remembered Audrey and Violet wanted to talk. Risking a view I headed down the hall. Knocking at her door it wasn’t long until I heard Audrey say, “Come in!” 


I took a deep breath and stepped in. They sat at the foot of the bed in silky nightgowns. Audrey’s was dark navy, Violet’s was white. I flashed my best smile and walked up to them. 


“Luna okay?” Audrey asked. 


“Yeah. She’s having her period,” I said. 

Audrey let out a sigh of relief. “Good. How are you?” 


“I am getting there. Weird to think I’m going to be a dad.” If it was any other world I would have told them we needed a paternity test. I really didn’t need that in this world. Audrey got off the bed. Walking up to me she put her hand against my cheek. 


“I’m proud of you,” she whispered. It’s sad how good it was to hear that. As if a weight was leaving my shoulders I let out a long sigh. There was plenty of weight still there, but it was less. 


“Thanks,” I said. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint.” We stared at one another for a while. Simply reassuring one another nonverbally. 


“I’m sorry,” Violet cut in after the silence extended. “I have to know how it went with Wendy?”


I chuckled. “Holy hell. She was such a virgin. She had never even kissed a girl,” I said. 


Violet laughed loudly. “Oh my god. Did you do it?” 

“I did. It took a lot of effort. But the deed is done,” I said. “Things go well on your end?” Audrey and I sat on the bed. The 3 of us sitting around like gossiping girls. They told me about the deal. It sounded pretty sweet. A lot of work for them, but it would allow them to expand further. I was happy to help. 


“Are you going to be okay impregnating more women?” Audrey asked. 


“I think so,” I said. “The news surprised me more than I thought it would. Give me a few days before my next assignment.” Violet laughed cutely about it. “What about you 2? Are you good?” 


“I think so,” Audrey said looking to Violet. 

“We are great,” she assured. 


“Good. What did you want to talk about?” I asked. 


The girls shared a look. “I am going to hold off on a kid,” Violet said. “But I want the offer out there.” 


“Of course,” I said. “Can I ask what changed your mind?”


“I really wanted a kid because I was lonely,” Violet admitted. “That’s no reason to make a life. I would like to hold off until we figure us out a little more.” Audrey took her hand. They smiled. I felt a little sad I wasn’t going to be able to have her. 


“But…” Audrey said. 


“But, Audrey has been telling me that you’ve been fooling around,” Violet said. “I um want to try it?” She asked. 


I let out a sigh. “You have been open,” I told Audrey. She nodded. “Can I expect to have both of you?” The women blushed. My dick bulged in my pants. “Ok. So condoms?” 


“Please,” Audrey said. “We want to figure us out.” 


“I’ve never had a man,” Violet said quickly. “I mean, no promises it can continue. You’ll stop if I don’t like it, right?”


“Of course,” I assured. I knew she would like it. “Do you mind if I…take charge? You can stop me when you want.”

Violet nervously sat close to us. I shared a look with Audrey, she nodded giving me permission. I pulled the condoms out of my pocket and threw them on the bed. “If I have to convince Violet I should be here. I will need to bring my A-game,” I said. I studied the small girl. 5 feet 2 inches tall. Darker skin, I still assumed she had some Native American in her. Her dark hair was cut short and had purple streaks in it. Her round face nervously smiled at me. In her white nightgown her nipples pointed at me. 


“But…” I said thinking of something much more fitting. “I am basically a sex toy for you 2.” I looked to Audrey with a hungry look. “I want you to tell me what you want me to do to your girlfriend.” Audrey blushed deeply. Her eyes grew excited by the idea. The older woman studied me then Violet then back to me. 


“Anything?” She asked. 


“Anything,” I promised her. “Tell me what to do. You know her body best.” 


“Eat her out,” she ordered. I moved quickly to Violet. She yelped as I pulled her legs open. Lifting her nightgown a little I didn’t hesitate. I latched my mouth to her pussy. 


“Holy fuck!” Violet yelled immediately. She tried to push away but I held her firmly there. My mouth kissed along her lower lips then licked inside. Violet gasped and sputtered. Audrey crawled over and began kissing her as I did what I was told. Turning my brain off for the first time in a while I simply worked on instinct. 


Up and down the lips. Twirling around the clit. Back to the lips. Teasing the cunt and off to the clit again. It wasn’t long until Violet started cumming. The clear liquid gushed out of her as her legs stretched out. Moaning loudly in Audrey’s mouth her hand pinched her nipple. 


“Fucking hell,” Violet said breathing in and out hard. “Why is it so different?” 


“No idea,” Audrey said. “But it’s amazing.” They started kissing again. I never stopped eating her out. “Play with her ass,” Aud ordered. 


My hand snaked into her tight ass. The girl yelped as I entered. Her sphincter tightening she began cumming once more. This time she yelled and her hand moved to my hair keeping me in as far as possible. I held my breath and latched on. Her legs lifted her waist up. My mouth followed as my finger went farther into her ass. 


She held the position for a full 30 seconds. Gasping as I kept licking her clit. Our eyes locked. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she sighed and dropped her waist. I lifted my head. Resting it on my fists as I stared up. 


“Ready for the main course?” I asked. Audrey smiled down at me. 


“She is not. Do it anyway,” she said. I nodded. Sitting up I grabbed a condom and put it on. My dick bulged. I felt like I was larger. Turned on by the situation. I looked down to Violet. She stared at my dick wide eyed. Her small body below me, I was done waiting. She had days to prepare for this moment. 


I lined my dick up and entered quickly. Violet shook. Her body rocking back as I bottomed out inside of her. “Fuck her hard,” Audrey said. I obliged. Humping into her hard I laid on her chest. Kissing her she wrapped her arms around my head while she moaned. Her body jiggling with every thrust her legs widened allowing me further in. The small girl was flexible as my hands pushed her thighs farther apart.

“Fuck,” I said humping. Pounding into her she started to cum. Audrey started playing with her nipples as the orgasm made her lose control and spasm. 


When it finished I ordered, “Sit on her face.” Audrey nodded and moved to sit on Violet’s face. The small girl started eating her out. I kissed Aud hard as I humped into her girlfriend. 


“This is so hot,” Aud gasped. Her hand reached down and started playing with Violet’s clit. It wasn’t long until she started cumming again. Done with holding off I sped up and came hard into her. My hips thrusting to push her farther my tongue fought Audrey’s. The older woman moaned happily as I did. 


When I groaned the last rope out I held myself there for a moment. Letting out a sigh I pulled out. Violet’s body shook as I did. Audrey got off of her face. The young woman had a wide smile on her lips. “You can join us when you want,” she said. I chuckled. Pinching her nipple her body shook again. 


“Your turn,” I told Audrey. She turned around presenting her back side. “When’s your period supposed to be?” 


“A few days,” she admitted. “We will know if it took soon.” I nodded. Putting on a new condom I hated how quickly I was going through them, but it was worth it. I grabbed Aud’s hips and thrust into her hard. She gasped happily. 


“Fuck,” she gasped as I sped up. I smacked her ass causing her to moan happily. 


“Come here,” I ordered Violet as I fucked her girlfriend. She smiled and crawled over. Wincing only a little she sat on her knees. I pulled her face to mine. Kissing her deeply she moaned happily. Her body shook in excitement as my hand grabbed her firm ass cheek. 


“This is the sexiest thing ever,” she said again. I agreed. The girl smacked Aud’s ass as I fucked her harder. The older woman came hard. I was only getting started. We had a long night as I fucked both girls until they had to tap out. 

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