Moral Degeneration


As relationships were mended, others had broken. I was good with Audrey and Violet now. But Ryleigh wouldn’t talk to me. She had one of her moms take her to school. Since we had every class together it made the whole not talking to one another pretty hard. 


I sat next to her in all my classes as well. That wasn’t helping things. She refused to look at me. I couldn’t blame her. I had broken whatever image she had of me. That fantasy that every person had of people they were close with. 


I let her do as she wanted. Putting on an impassive expression I would let the classes go by. Before study hall I was stopped by Mandi in the hall. 


“Is it true?” She asked. 


“Is what true?” I asked. 


“I heard you broke up with Ryleigh. And you were seen at the mall with Brianna,” she said. 


“Oh yeah, I messed up with Ryleigh. She has every right to be mad at me,” I said. 


“What happened?” Mandi asked. The pink streaked girl appeared desperate for some gossip. We were drawing some eyes. Grabbing her arm I pulled us to the wall. 


“None of your business,” I said. “But it’s definitely my fault.” I thought about it for a moment. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this. I talked to George. Pretty sure the guy likes you.”


“Are you serious?” She asked. Her smile went from ear to ear. 


“Yeah. Says you guys sit by each other a lot in classes.”


“Oh my god. You have to introduce us.”


“How the fuck have you not talked to him?” I asked. 


She jumped from foot to foot. Nervous and unable to properly process the emotions going through her. “Please. I get nervous.”


“Fine. But I want that favor you promised.”


“Anything,” she said. 


“I want you to be Ryleigh’s friend.”


“I am,” she said, surprised. 


“I’m not talking sit next to her during lunch. I want you and your little posse to be her real friends. I want you to start asking her to hang out. Going out of your way to include her,” I said. 


“Why? You broke up.”


“I messed up. I don’t want her lonely. Be her friends. As much effort as you put into including her. I will talk you and your friends up to the other guys in class,” I said. 


She quickly nodded. Excited at the prospect of talking to other boys. “What about the other thing?” She asked. “We heard you were at the mall with Brianna. That’s why you and Ryleigh broke up.”


“That’s not why. But it’s true, I was with Brianna at the mall,” I said. There was no reason to hide it. I had nothing to be ashamed of. People could accept the way things were. Or move on. That wasn’t enough for her. “That’s all you’re getting.” She whined. 


Class was about to start. “Remember. Include Ryleigh. Or you can forget ever hanging out with the boys.” She nodded quickly and was back into the stream of students. 


I got to study hall and sat with the boys. “What happened to you Friday night?” Lyle asked quickly. 


I had pretended to want to go to bed then fucked his sister. “Sorry about that. Wasn’t feeling well the next morning. Your sister offered to take me home.”


“You missed some fun. We were up almost all night,” Peter said happily. 


“I bet,” I said. “Sorry about the drama I caused with the trackers.”


“I forgot about that. My moms told me not to worry about it,” Peter said. 


“Yeah, it was kind of funny,” George said. “Where’d you learn all the computer stuff?”


“Computers are the future. Better get used to them now,” I said. “George buddy. I need you to talk to Mandi.”


“Mandi? From class? Why?” He asked quickly. 


“Cus she likes you dude. You need to talk to a girl sometime. Why not start now?” I asked. I could ask for a favor but I was doing him one. 


He bit his lip. Thinking while he looked around. I did my best to not look at Ryleigh in the corner. “What do I do?” He asked nervously. 


“You go talk to her,” I said. “We have what? English with her? I tell you what. I’ll introduce you guys. Then you talk about whatever. Video games. Sports. Doesn’t matter. Just talk. Nothing else. No reason to be nervous.” He slowly nodded. 


“What about you 2?” I asked Peter and Lyle. “Want me to introduce you to a couple?”


“Oh no, I couldn’t do that,” Lyle said. “I mean. Why would I want to?”


I frowned. “Alright. I’m sick of beating around the bush with this. You guys know that we are rare right. And why we are?” They nodded. “Again, I’m sorry if I’m blunt. This stuff was explained to me a few weeks ago. But I was told that when we are 16 we will have to start donating…you know, to get women pregnant.”


The boys eyed one another. “Again. No judgment. You 3 are the only other guys I know. I’m still learning. You mind explaining how this works? I don’t understand how you could have never talked to a girl to suddenly having to…donate.”


“Micah knows more about it,” Lyle quickly said. “We don’t talk about it.”


“Would you mind? For me to understand and so I don’t make a fool of myself anymore.”


“Ok,” Lyle said. “How it was explained to me. That whole donating at 16 thing is really for the poorer boys. You get paid more for it. So they take it. Since we don’t need money our parents can block it till we are 18.”


“Ooooh,” I said slowly. “So you guys won’t sign up till you’re 18?”


“If at all,” Peter nervously said. “I mean. I’ve heard of past seniors. They sign up and change a lot. Stop going to school. Stop hanging out.”


“Ok. I kind of see it now,” I said. 


They really didn’t have to sign up for the donations. Or at least the donations with real women involved. They could just do the sperm donation. Jerk off once a week. And get enough money for whatever. 


“Ok. Back to my original question. You will be legal adults in 4 years. How are you going to survive in a world dominated by women if you can’t even talk to them?”


They obviously hadn’t thought about that. “How about you let me introduce you to some nice girls our age? I’ll be there the whole time. Nothing more than talking. I’ll be a chaperone or something.”


All 3 boys blushed. “Who do you have in mind?” Lyle asked nervously. 



I was rushing to my pre-lunch meeting with Brianna. The study hall monitor was hard to convince that I had to take another dump. I went into a very detailed study on the importance of scheduled bowel movements. When I talked about the consistency and color being huge factors she got uncomfortable enough to let me go. 


Opening the door to the supply closet I noticed Brianna wasn’t there. With a frown I headed to the main part of the gym. Looking around I noticed her with a couple of other girls. I let out a whistle. It echoed in the gym. 


Brianna and all the other girls present turned to look at me. I pointed at her and tapped my wrist where a watch should have been. She blushed and walked over. I turned back to the closet. 


She was soon coming in. “Sorry. I lost track of time,” she said kissing me. 


“No prob. What you want to do?” I asked. 


She bit her lip. Her eye turning to the side I could see the hesitation. “What?”


“I assume you heard about the rumor about us?” She asked. “I didn’t start it, I swear.”


“I know Brianna. We were in a very public place. Would be weird if someone didn’t see us,” I said. “What’s up?”


“Nothing. Just don’t want you mad at me,” she said shyly.


“Why would I be mad?”


“Because I heard about you and that friend of yours are calling it quits too,” she said. 


“Ah. No, that was my own doing,” I said. “That wasn’t because of you. Although I doubt it would have helped.” I sighed giving up the hope of a BJ. “Sit,” I said. I pointed to the rolled up mat. She was nice enough to choose my lap instead. Her long legs draped over me. Her hands ran through my hair as I talked. 


“Used to be not good at this. But I’m getting better with all this practice. I’m um having a couple of kids,” I said. “I found out this weekend.”


“What the fuck dude. You’re 14,” she said. 


“I know I know. I’m wrapping my head around it too. It was hard to say no. They were a nice lesbian couple that had been on the lottery for years. I wanted to help,” I said. 


“Did they… force you?” She asked. Her hand halting its run through my hair. 


“No. I knew what I was doing. I want to be in my kids' lives. And honestly do my part.” I looked up into her eyes. “Obviously I like it too. I’ve been helping a few others for favors.”


“What kind of favors?” She asked. 


“No telling people,” I told her. She nodded. I couldn’t help but trust her. “Helping my guardian and her business. Her business has been on a downward spiral for the last few years. I feel bad living with her and not helping. Turns out trading sperm is a good business move.” 


“I bet,” she said. 


“You mad?”


“Just surprised. You’re a little young,” she said. “And well Sunday after you left, my mom and I talked before we went to see my sister.”


“You did? Good.”


“Yeah. She said you talked her into it,” Brianna said. “First time in years we’ve had an open conversation. I admitted our less than certain track record with protection. Walked me through some things. How stuff worked.”




“And I like you too,” she said. “Kind of hard to admit the truth.” I gave her a confused look. “I’m lucky you’re slumming it with me.”


“Hey,” I said, grabbing the back of her head. Forcing her to look at me. “I’m not slumming it with you. I like you.” Her eyes became a little moist. She wasn’t convinced. 


“You saw me in that bar with the Nightingales. I was comfortable there. You really think I’m comfortable here with these rich kids? I grew up in a house like the one you lived in. Not that mansion I’m lucky to live in for now.”


“Do you think I took you on a date to sleep with you? Slum it? I could sleep with you at school. I did it because I enjoy my time with you.” I kissed her. She leaned into it. Her attitude was already better. 


“But we should stop risking the kids,” I said. “Keep with the sex though. That’s fun.” She nodded and laughed, kissing me again. 


“What are you telling girls that ask about us at the mall?” I asked. 


“I um didn’t deny it. Kind of implied we ran into each other there,” she said. 


“Tell them we were on a date. I don’t care,” I said. “But you might hear I go on other dates with other girls. I don’t want you getting pissed about that.”


“Yeah yeah, I hear you. When can we have another date?” She asked. 


“After school?” I asked. “This weekends booked.”


“I get my schoolwork done and watch my sister during the week,” she said with a frown. “Next weekend?” 


“Sure. Or we could hangout with your sister.”


“You’d do that?” She asked. 


“Yeah. I’m gonna have kids. I need to get used to them. We will have to work out scheduling. I don’t have a car yet so you’d have to pick me up,” I said. 


“You’re the best,” she said, kissing me again. Our tongues crossed and she moaned while grinding on me. “You want a blowjob?” 


“I would love-“ the school bell rang. “A rain check,” I said with a sigh. 


She giggled as we got up. “Same time tomorrow?” 


“Of course. If I’m late, that study hall lady isn’t believing I have to take a shit anymore,” I said. 


“Oh my god. Don’t tell me that,” she said laughing. “Just seduce her or something.”


“Would that work?” I asked. 


“Fuck no. Last teacher that tried something with a boy went to prison,” she said. 


“Good,” I said. Starting something with one of the teachers wasn’t the top of my list. I had considered. But jury was still out. “What about Masterson?” 


“What about him?” She asked as we left the closet. 


“I don’t know. Think he has a thing for younger girls,” I said. 


“Don’t tell any of the girls that. A few would take up the offer,” she said. “Gotta go.”


“Wait,” I said. Worried. “What do you mean? Would girls really go with him?”


“A few,” she said. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But not many guys around. Masterson is like some exotic thing for a lot of girls. I wouldn’t worry about it. A senior tried to make a move on him a couple years ago after she graduated. He declined.” She leaned in and we kissed. 


I was surprised by that news. Maybe my intuition was off about the history teacher. I doubted it. I would have to do more research. 

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