Moral Degeneration


I had been racking my brain trying to figure out where to go. These girls needed to talk to a real couple. I doubted they wanted to talk to their parents. That’s why therapists were strangers. You could tell them things you couldn’t tell people you knew. 


I needed a neutral party. Preferably one in the lesbian variety. I considered Sarah and Lyza, but I hadn’t talked to the redhead much since our rendezvous. I needed a professional. 


Back in the old world my therapists were my prostitutes. I could tell them things I didn’t feel comfortable telling to others and I got to have sex with them after it. The closest thing I knew of to that were my stripper girls. 


Since I knew so many. One of them had to be good at this sort of thing. I had pretty good carnal knowledge of a lesbian couple. If anyone could help it would be them. 


“What the fuck are we doing here?” Ava asked.  


“We are doing what we need to help you,” I said. “These are professionals in their field. I think they can offer guidance.”


Willow got out of the car. “How?”


“Was I correct on why you have been so repressed?” I asked Ava. 


She blushed. Looking to the ground she admitted, “mostly.”


“Good,” I said. “Admitting is half the battle. I believe you still have stuff to work through. I think this place can help.”


“Again. How?” Willow asked. 


“By showing you both that we aren’t so different,” I said. My eyes were drawn to the girls. They were both nervous standing outside a strip club. “Have either of you been here?” 


They shook their heads. “I am told it is a rite of passage. I haven’t led you astray yet tonight. Would you mind humoring me? At least for an hour. If you don’t feel comfortable we can leave.”


Without waiting for an answer I turned around and headed inside. As soon as the door was opened Penny was on me. My dirty blonde beauty was kissing me deeply. Our tongues fought as her legs latched onto me. Her arms draped over my shoulders her tits mashed against my chest. 


Tonight she wore a skimpy nun outfit. The habit was black with the white and black hood. The sides were cut off to reveal plenty of side boob. The bottom of it stopped just below her muff. Her firm ass was so large that her cheeks stuck out the bottom. My hands snuck in from the sides and grabbed her ass. She moaned happily as our kiss lengthened. 


When she had her fill she drew back to stare at me. Her eyes were full of mischief as she did. “I didn’t think you’d ever call,” she said. 


“I couldn’t stay away,” I said. “Where else can I find a nice piece of ass like yours?” My hands squeezed her rump. Her body shivered as my hands dug deeper. 


She looked over my shoulder as the door opened. “Are these them?” She asked staring at Ava and Willow.


The shy girls kept their gaze mostly to the ground. Unable to look up at us. Penny was still in my arms. “This is them,” I said. “They need a crash course. Lanny and Mercedes free?”


Penny slid off reluctantly. She noticed my erection. Patting it with a smile we moved out of the way so the couple could walk in. We were in a small vestibule at the front of the club where a woman would check IDs and take the fee to get in. 


“Lanny and Mercedes are happy to help. But Farrah is going to want to be paid this time,” Penny said sadly. 


“I’m willing to pay it. How much for an hour?”


“She wants to negotiate,” Penny said sadly. 


“I’ll pay it. You girls shouldn’t have to work for free,” I said. 


“Yeah well it’s Monday. Place is dead anyway,” Penny said. 


“Farrah is a businesswoman. I don’t hold it against her.” Pinching Pennys ass I gave her another kiss. “Come on. Let’s get started.”


Penny nodded and walked us in. The lady behind the counter didn’t bother to check our IDs or take the fee. I’d be paying enough. 


The club was what I had expected. Dark, loud music, a few stages with laminated flooring and stripper poles sticking out. A DJ played music off to the side. There were maybe a half dozen customers. Girls were working the floor and making money. 


One was on the stripper pole twirling around it. I noticed it was Dominique. Though she was older the dark club made her appear young. The work she had done on her body wasn’t as noticeable. 


Penny held my hand walking us through the club. Her ample ass shook with each step. The view of it only made hotter by the cut off nun outfit. 


Penny took us to a back hall where there were little alcoves for receiving lap dances. A few had girls in them. More than the strippers were in a state of undress. I wanted to ogle, but Penny dragged me along to a room at the end. 


It was larger. There were bench seats lining the wall. Everything, including the seats were covered in a short maroon carpet. The music wasn’t as loud back there. When Willow and Ava walked in Penny operated a dimmer switch and the lightning brightened a little. 


Not so dark now we could actually see one another. “What’s this room?”


“This is the harem hovel,” Penny said excitedly. She dragged me to one of the seats and pushed me to sit down. Her legs straddled my thighs as she sat on me. “Only the rich girls use this. When they want more than a few girls to give them special treatment.”


“Sounds hot,” I said. Kissing her deeply she moaned in my mouth as her barely covered muff ground on my dick. We made out for a little bit eventually I had to pull back. “Penny, darling. We are on the clock. We can play later. I’d like to get these 2 taken care of.”


“Ugh fine,” Penny said. Giving me another kiss she pushed her chest to my face and stood up. “I’ll go get them. Farrah is in her office. She will want to negotiate.”


“Where’s that?”


“Up the stairs and down the hall. Not hard to miss,” Penny said. 


I remembered seeing stairs in the main club. “Thanks. I’ll talk to her,” I said. 


“Good,” Penny said and was out the door. The lights automatically dimmed before she opened the door then went back to the same brightness as she shut it. I guessed that kept other people from being disturbed. 


“What the fuck,” Willow said as soon as Penny was out the door. “Who are you?”


“What?” I asked knowing full well what she meant. I leaned back in the surprisingly comfortable seat. 


“Why is this place rolling out the red carpet for you?” Ava asked. It was the most I had heard her talk in a while. 


“So glad you found your voice, Ava,” I said. She blushed but kept her angry face. “I stopped by here last week. Made some friends. I was trying to think of who best to help you 2 with your problems. I think these girls can help,” I said. 


“Ava, I know you’re still ashamed of whatever sexual urges you’ve been suppressing. Again, trust me, your predilections aren’t that odd. I feel like these girls can help prove that. If anyone has seen weird kinks, it’s them.”


I studied them. “And honestly you 2 are not the best at being a couple. I’m sure you are the best of friends. But communication is key to go beyond that. I’d like to have these girls talk. And if you feel comfortable. Ask your own questions. You can leave whenever you want. But for now, the night is on me.”


The girls looked to one another and moved to the side. Whispering they were at least talking. Either way I was going to have fun tonight. If they left, great, I’d have a bunch of sex in the harem hovel. If they stayed, less great, but I’d be happy to see if this helped. 


Slowly the girls finished their conversation. They meekly moved closer. “We will give this a shot,” Willow said. 


“Great. Sit here,” I said. Pointing close to me they did. They sat side by side and held hands. It wasn’t long until the lights dimmed, the door opened, and my lesbian couple walked in. 


“There you are,” Lanny said happily. She was now in a teacher outfit to compliment the schoolgirl outfit she wore the last time I was there. The dark haired Lanny had her hair in a bun and wore a skirt, white button down shirt, and glasses. 


Mercedes right beside her the taller girl ran over to me. She was in the schoolgirl uniform this time. It was tighter on her since Lanny was shorter. But she pulled it off. Still in pigtails the blonde gave me a big hug. 


“I missed you,” I said to the girls. Lanny joined the hug. A big smile on her face as I shook their bodies. “Pregnant yet?” I asked Lanny. 


“Won’t know for at least a week,” she said.


“Dang. It didn’t take. Guess we will have to try again,” I said kissing the top of her head. 


“Oh darn,” she said sarcastically. She looked back to Willow and Ava behind me. “This them?”


“They are,” I said turning to show Mercedes. My hand moved to their backsides and down to their rumps as we watched the couple. They had fear in their eyes as if the strippers were going to attack them. 


“I want you to meet my friends,” I said. “Willow and Ava. This is Lanny and Mercedes. They are a cute lesbian couple that seduced me last week.”


“We seduced you?” Mercedes asked. 


“Yes. I am but a simple man that must fear your advances,” I said. Kissing her cheek she giggled. “How long have you 2 been married?”


“5 years now,” Lanny said with a sigh. She leaned her head on my shoulder as we watched the young couple. 


“Good. I would like this to be a relaxed session. Nothing too crazy. But I’d like to talk for now. If you don’t mind.”


“About what?” Mercedes asked. “Penny was vague on what you wanted.”


“I was vague to her. Let’s sit and relax. We can see where the conversation takes us,” I said. 


We sat on the opposite side of the circular room. Lanny took a spot on my lap. Mercedes sat next to me. I put my arm over her shoulder and rested my head on Lannys shoulder as we stared at the scared couple. 


Lanny and Mercedes sat watching Willow and Ava. Eventually Lanny let out a long sigh. “Nope, not gonna work,” she said. Getting off my lap she looked at me. “I think I understand what you want. But they aren’t going to open up with a boy here.”


“How about you go meet Farrah and keep Penny busy. We will talk to these girls. Figure out the real problem.”


I looked to Ava and Willow. Subtle tics showed that yes they were uncomfortable. This was a place women came to relax. Perhaps she was right. I was the problem. 


“Fair enough. I’m going in blind here. Done what I can,” I whispered. I kissed them on the cheeks and headed out. Back in the dark main part it took time for my eyes to adjust. 


Moving into the main area there appeared to be a few less people. I looked for Penny but couldn’t find her. I noticed a larger woman with Security written on her shirt. I walked over yelling over the music. “Farrah around?”


She eyed me up and down finally seeing that I was a boy. Pointing to a set of stairs I nodded and headed up. Another hallway with more small rooms, at the end of the hall I found a door that read Manager. 


Knocking I waited until the door was opened to reveal Farrah. My Asian beauty blushed as she noticed me. Waving me in the bright office was how I expected. A small couch on one side, a couple of chairs in front of a desk, a large safe at the back. 


After studying the room I turned back to Farrah and gave her a kiss. “How are you?” I asked. 


“Okay,” she said meekly. 


“What’s wrong?” I asked. 


She bit her lip. “I don’t know. You um said you’d call.”


“I did, didn’t I? I’m sorry. I meant to drop by on Saturday but I got held up.” My hands went or her elbows forcing her to look up at me. “Do you have any days off?” 


“I um usually don’t work on Tuesday night,” she said. 


“Only one day a week?”


“Tuesday is our slow night. Need to be here to make sure things run smoothly,” she said. 


“Of course. My ever beautiful businesswoman. How about I come over tomorrow? We could do anything you want. Go on a date. See a movie. Get food. Or stay in. Cuddle. Fuck like rabbits,” I whispered the last few words in her ear. 


“I um I’d like that,” she said. Her bright eyes blinked quickly as she studied me. Kissing her lips hard I pulled her curvy body to me. She melted into the kiss. 


“Good. I’ll be over at 4,” I said. “But for now. How about we fool around up here?” Without hesitating I picked her up. I was amazed how strong I had gotten in only a few weeks. She wasn’t light. But I managed to take us to the couch. 


I sat down with her on my lap. I looked up into her eyes. “Now tell me my beautiful Farrah. How many strippers have you had to interview on this couch?” I pulled her face down to mine. We kissed hard. Our tongues in one another’s mouths she grunted and began grinding into my groin. 


“A few,” she whispered. Pulling back she revealed my crotch. Pulling down my zipper she reached in to take out my dick. I groaned as she didn’t hesitate. In her skirt she moved her body back over my erect dick and start sliding down. 


She was a little wet but as she went down my length she became wetter. I groaned as she gasped. My dick rock hard it took her time but she made it to the base. 


“Fuck you’re tight,” I commented. We were done talking. As her mouth went to mine she started to rock her hips back and forth on my cock. Farrah did all of the work. As she got into it she opened her suit jacket and began undoing the buttons on her shirt. 


Opening the 2 sides of her shirt she shoved her tits into my face. I groaned as she gasped and moved faster. After a few more thrusts she began to cum. Speeding up her movements I felt her gush out onto my dick. But she didn’t slow. Her hips moving more she moaned as my dick kept kissing her cervix. 


“Cum in me,” she pleaded. I nodded from her bosom. My hands went to her hips. Helping her along my length she sputtered as I reached in farther. 


“You’re so beautiful,” I groaned. She smiled down at me speeding up. We were lost in one another. Then my dick began to spurt ropes of cum. Her body shivered as she came with me. Slamming herself to the base. 


My legs stretched as her mouth latched onto mine. Each pulse of my dick sending Farrah deeper into whatever bliss she felt from my cum. 


The orgasm faded and we kept going. Simply making out as our sexes rested together. When she pulled back it wasn’t to get up, but to rest her head on my shoulder. 


She moaned happily simply sitting there. “Thanks for agreeing to my request,” I said. 


“Of course,” she whispered. “What’s going on?”


“A friend of mine. Just needed some help,” I said. “I thought of your girls. How much do I owe you?”


“Work that out with Lanny and Mercedes,” she hummed. “I have my payment.”


“Oh no. This is my payment.” My hands went to her ass. “I need to be paying you for such a warm welcome.”


She giggled. “You’re such a weird boy.”


“That I am. I hope we aren’t done,” I said. “There’s some more furniture I would like to fuck you on. I assume the house can survive without you for a little bit.”


Her pussy tightened around my shaft. She leaned back looking around. “Where next?” 


“Desk,” I said. She nodded and got off me with a groan. As I stood I pulled my pants down. Farrah looked down at it. Biting her lips she started pulling her skirt down. “Oh no. You are too sexy in that.” She smiled widely. Reminded of our first time. 


I pulled her with me to the large wood desk. Standing behind it I pushed her waist against the wood. Nibbling her neck I whispered, “you have been very naughty.” 


I smacked her ass. She moaned as the slap sent a jolt of pleasure through her body. “Are you the assistant or the boss?” I whispered. 


She understood right away. “Assistant.” 


I bit her ear and slapped the other cheek. “Look at you. Wearing that sexy outfit again,” I said slapping her ass again and again. “How is it I see these girls in their skimpy outfits. But you’re the one I can’t help but fuck.” She shivered happily with the compliment. 


“I’m sorry sir,” she whispered. I chuckled giving her ass another slap. 


“Pull up that skirt. I have to give you another load,” I said. She nodded and hiked it up. 


As her pussy was revealed I dove in. She gasped as her hands went to the table. My thrusts caused her ass to ripple as I smacked into her hard. Farrah gasped as I sped up. Her hands on the table kept her upright. My own hands went to her open shirt. Pawing at her bra covered tits. 


She squealed as I sped up. “You’re such a dirty assistant. Wanting my cum in the middle of a workday.” She nodded as her body shook. “You’re going to have my kid. Then I’ll have to fuck you as your belly bulges.” She came with that. I never slowed. Humping harder and harder. 


I hadn’t let loose like this since Anastasia. My dick in rare form and not having to use a condom I extended it as long as long as possible. My thrust continue to jackhammer into her. Screaming she came 2 more times. 


When I finally came she gasped and kissed me from behind. Cooing happily I surprised her by pushing her head onto the desk. 


“I’m not done with you,” I growled. Taking a fist full of hair I wasn’t gentle as I bent her over the desk. 


She loved the treatment as her hands gripped the hardwood. Cumming over and over I was sure I was fulfilling one of her fantasies as I used her how I wanted. By the time I came a 3rd time she was a sputtering mess. Cum leaking out of her she laid on the desk to catch her breath. 


I pulled out with a groan. Going to my pants I put them on. “I’m going to check on the girls. You recover. I’ll plan to see you tomorrow,” I said. She nodded numbly. Sitting in her office chair she didn’t have the energy to keep going. I was just getting started. After cleaning myself in a nearby bathroom I was on the lookout for another girl to have fun with. 

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