Moral Degeneration


In Farrah’s car she was more than happy to let me come along. She had been quiet as I drove us to The Club. The Tuesday traffic wasn’t too bad. I sped us through and were pulling up to The Club in less than 20 minutes. What made me feel a little better were there were no ambulances outside. I pulled us to the back and parked. Farrah and I walked quickly into the rear entrance. 

All the girls were huddled around a corner of the dressing room. “Out of the way!” I ordered. Girls jumped and moved. Lanny was in one of the chairs holding a bandage at her side. Mercedes was next to her crying. 

“Russ,” Mercedes said as I moved forward. Relief in her voice. “Who called you?” 


“Farrah did,” I said. I grabbed the bandage on Lanny’s abs. Locking eyes with her I said, “I’m just going to peek.” She nodded, looking away. 


I lifted the bandage. Blood leaked out. I wiped it looking at the wound as the other girls groaned or turned away. They had made the mistake of looking. I put the bandage back on. “Pressure on the wound at all times. You’re going to need stitches.” 

“No doctors,” Lanny whined. Wincing as I pushed on her wound. 


“It’s 2 inches long, but not deep,” I said. “If you don’t get stitches it will scar. Do you really want that?” Lanny sighed and shook her head. “Did someone call an ambulance?” 

“No,” Mercedes cried. “She wouldn’t let us.” 


“Police?” I asked. 


“No,” Mercedes added. 


“Good,” I said. Moving closer I picked Lanny up easily. My adrenaline pumping I wasn’t about to take no for an answer. “Mercedes, grab her bag. We will take your car to the hospital.”

“No doctors,” Lanny whined. 

“Do you want me to stitch it up for you?” I asked. “I’m taking home ec. But we don’t learn sewing till next week.” I could easily stitch her up, but with a professional there would be limited scarring.


“No needles,” she whined. 

“This isn’t up for debate,” I said, locking eyes with her. “You could have my kid in that oven. I’m not about to let you risk anything.” 

She bit her lip. Wrapping her arms around me she stopped fighting. “Mercedes, bag. You other girls, I have this. Go back to work. I’ll try to stop by when it’s over.” There were some murmurs but we were soon out the door. We got in Mercedes Camry and I took them to the nearest hospital. Mercedes was in back as she held the bandage on Lanny. 


I didn’t talk. Simply letting my rage smolder in the back of my mind. Someone had hurt something of mine. I wasn’t about to let this slide. I didn’t want to bring it up around Lanny, but I needed the facts. 

When we were close to the hospital I asked, “Who did this?” 


Mercedes was crying. “My fucking stalker. She’s never gone this far before. Usually just watching, sending letters. Someone told her Lanny might be pregnant. I don’t know. She snapped. Attacked her when she walked in.” 


“Have you called the police?” I asked. 


Mercedes nodded. “I have a restraining order on her. Police don’t do shit.” 

I nodded. “Why didn’t you call them today?” I asked. 


“I stopped them,” Lanny said. “I was playing it down.” 


I locked eyes with her from the rear view mirror. “We will get you fixed up. I will handle this,” I promised. “You won’t have to worry about this ever again. Who is this lady?” 

“Rachel Stone,” Mercedes said. “The restraining order is in the glove box. It has her information on it.” I nodded. Pulling into the ER I ran in and grabbed a wheelchair. Pushing it back out I picked up Lanny and put her into it. Luckily it was a slow night. We got right in. 


She was stabbed before Lanny was in her stripper uniform, so we at least didn’t have to explain why she was in a schoolgirl outfit. I took charge and talked for the girls. “What happened?” The ER doctor asked. 


“She was attacked,” I said frantically. “Some lady. I didn’t see her. Stabbed her with a knife.” 


“Who are you?” The doctor asked. 


“I’m her friend,” I said quickly. “Doc, please, is she going to be alright?”

“Of course,” she said. “Just sit down. An officer might have to come and talk to you.” 


“Anything you need,” I said. I eyed Lanny and Mercedes. They gave me a weird look. I put a finger over my mouth, and they slowly nodded. I moved over to Lanny. Holding her hand as the doctor put a few numbing shots in her abs. Stroking her hair we waited as the doctor began stitching her up. She had steady hands. I doubted there would be much scarring. 


A police officer came over mid-way through. I patted Lanny on the head and intercepted her. She was more than a little shocked to be talking to a man. “Um, hi, I was told there was a stabbing?” She blushed staring at me. 


“Yes, my friend Lanny,” I said. “Can we do this outside?” The officer nodded and followed me out of the room. 


“I wasn’t there,” I said. “But when I got there I grabbed her and her wife and drove them here as quickly as I could.” 


“Why didn’t you call the police?” The officer asked. 


“I panicked,” I said. “There was a lot of blood.” She asked standard questions like who did it. I plead ignorance to everything. She was going in to talk to Lanny but I stopped her. “She is pretty banged up. I don’t know if she can handle it. Is there any way to interview her tomorrow?” 


“Um sure,” the officer said. “I’ll file a report and have someone followup.” 


“Great,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. She blushed. “I’m busy now. I’d love to take you out for a drink sometime.” 


She cracked a smile. “What are you 16?”


I laughed. “You got me. What can I say? I like a woman in uniform.” I hit on her some more then made an excuse about going back in. She reluctantly let me. I hoped that the report wouldn’t get filed, but we would see. 


The doc was finishing up. She gave Lanny some pain meds. I pushed her out in a wheelchair. Paying the $1,000 bill on my way out I was glad that the medical prices weren’t yet as bad as I remembered. Setting Lanny in the car it was 9PM by the time I got them home. I carried Lanny inside. She didn’t pretend to try to get up. I could tell she liked the treatment. Mercedes and I gave her some of the pain pills and talked in their small kitchen. 


“Thanks Russ,” Mercedes said. “I um, she wouldn’t listen to me. And I just feel awf-”


“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “I am going to take care of this. That’s my kid in her just as much as it is yours. I will do what needs doing.” I eyed her up and down. “Do you want me to handle this?” 

She bit her lip. “Handle how?”


“As in you never have to worry about something like this happening again,” I said. “If you let this slide. It could get worse. I don’t want to risk that, and I don’t think you want to either. If you are serious about wanting a kid. You need to make the hard choice here. Can you do it?” 

“What are you saying?” She asked, nervous. 


“Do you want me to take care of this problem?” I asked again. Enunciating each word as I said them. I think she finally understood. She slowly nodded. 


“Good. You go into that room with your wife. And you stay there. I will be out here. Making sure nothing else happens. I don’t want you stepping out of that room for any reason,” I said. “None. I will come into the room in about 2 hours. Make sure you are still okay. Then I will have someone pick me up. If an officer shows up to take your statement, you answer them truthfully. You know the person that did it. I took you to the hospital. And you stayed in your room the rest of the night. Do you understand me?” 


A tear was in her eye as she nodded. Giving me a big bear hug I patted her butt. “That’s our kid. I will take care of it.” She nodded on my shoulder. “Remember. Stay in that room.” She kissed my cheek and headed into the room with Lanny. 

I dumped out my pockets. Except for a few $20 bills and my boot knife, I left everything else on the counter. Looking around the house I found their winter clothes by the door. A nice wool cap and gloves I threw them in their small washer then dryer. Combing over them for hairs I made sure they were clear. Once happy, I went out to the car. 


Pouring over the restraining order I found the stalker’s name and address. It turned out Mercedes' name really was Mary. I would wait for her to tell me. Putting the car in drive I thought about what to do. 

I had 2 guns at the house. Guns I didn’t think to buy ammo for. I could go to the Nightingales for some, but that would be a close second option for bullets. I was sure there was a superstore somewhere that sold them all through the night. I could change clothes and buy some ammo. I doubted surveillance cameras were an issue. If it was, the pictures would be grainy at best. 


I decided to do some reconnaissance for now. The stalker didn’t live too far away, which was unsettling. I parked in the street and started walking between houses. No one noticed or cared who I was. This world hadn’t seen near the amount of serial killers as mine had. Since most all were men back in my world I was sure there were some, but the police weren’t onto them. People left doors unlocked and generally were too trusting. 


I came to the small 2 bedroom home. No car in the drive, no lights on. I went to the back door. There was a motion detector light out back. I cursed but noticed the electrical meter on the side of the house. Using my boot knife to twist the simple wire lock off, I twisted and pulled the meter straight out. Power was killed to the house.


Leaving the meter on the ground I went to the back. The door was locked. There was a small window off to the side though and that was unlocked. I lifted it and easily fit through. Taking my shoes off I set them on the floor and started walking through the house. I was used to this sort of thing. Normal people kept important items in 1 place. Their bedroom. 


I found the master bedroom and looked in the normal places. In drawers, above ceiling tiles, under the bed. Under the bed was where I found a lock of hair. It looked like Mercedes. I left it where I found it. I was tempted to take it, but I didn’t want stray hairs of her to be found and she become a suspect.


I eventually came to her closet and was surprised to find a small safe in there. There was a small keypad lock. I frowned. I tried the street address number, nothing. I only had a few options, but there was literally a lock of Mercedes hair under the bed. I tried typing the number assigned to the letters for Mercedes, so 6-3-7-2-3-3-3-7. The keypad beeped after the 4th number. It was a 4 number combination. I tried Mary this time, 6-2-7-9. It dinged and popped open. 


I was pleasantly surprised to find a Glock 9mm, some documents, and some money. Letting out a sigh of relief, at least I wouldn’t have to waste my own gun. Pulling out the documents I folded them up and put them in my front pocket. Making sure the gun was loaded I moved back to the kitchen. 

I tried to justify going easy on the woman. I could threaten her. Scare her to leave Mercedes alone. But deep down I knew that was delaying the inevitable. She would either take it too far or find someone else to stalk. My heart rate was normal as I sat at the kitchen table. Simply turning off my brain as I waited. 


When the headlights crossed the front window I picked up the gun and waited. I heard the distinct sound of a car door. My heart began to pound with adrenaline. It had been a long time since I had done this. At least 2 months. First time in this body. 


I waited, my mind simply off in the distance. I heard the jangle of keys. The door opening. The light switch trying to be turned on. “Fuck,” a woman’s voice said. Her boots stomped toward the kitchen. She was then inside, her dirty boots on the linoleum. She tried another switch and cursed. I hesitated for a moment because she was in a cop uniform. Making sure I didn’t know her I pulled the trigger. 2 quick shots. One to the chest, she stumbled back. I stood and shot her in the head. The Glock was familiar in my grip, though this hand had never held one before. 


She gurgled and was quickly spasming and shaking as her lizard brain told her to fight. I calmly grabbed my shoes and headed out the back door. Moving to the side of the house I put the electric meter back in. Lights came on inside the house. I put the wire lock back in place. Walked to the back and grabbed a rock. Throwing it through the glass back door, it shattered. Moving the Glock to my left hand I fired 2 shots into the air. 

Grabbing the empty cartridges as they were expelled I put them in my pocket and ran. Lights turned on in houses around me. I was quick as I made it out of there. No one yelled or saw anything. I made it to the car and drove smoothly away. 


I took back roads and was soon doing a loop around Minneapolis. Finding a random gravel road I drove down it. Throwing the gun and spent bullet cartridges into the woods, I made a note of where they landed for the future. Who knew when I might have to peg a murder on someone. Backing up I found another random gravel road. Stripping down to the nude I moved everything into a pile in another section of woods. 

Documents, cash, shoes, knife, socks, shirt, cap, gloves, everything was thrown into the pile. Pulling out Mercedes gas can I dumped it on the pile and lit it on fire. I watched it burn. Adding fuel as it tried to die down. It took a while, but eventually I was happy. In the nude I got back in the car and headed to Mercedes and Lanny’s place. 


I went through everything in my mind. I had gotten rid of everything. No chance of clothes or shoes being linked to me. The car may have been seen, but I doubted it. Cameras were still not mainstream, and I could explain that away. I wanted the whole thing to look like a robbery. Someone breaks in through the back door. Fires 2 quick shots. Empties the safe and skedaddles. I was sure someone heard my original 2 shots, but there would be a lot of conflicting accounts. 


I had no ties to this woman. The only people that could tie her back to me were Mercedes and Lanny. I doubted they were about to talk. They knew just enough of the truth and nothing beyond that. This wasn’t my first murder in the U.S. But this was my least planned one. Everything had fallen into place. I had expected to check her place out. Come back when she was home and end it with one of my guns. One of my guns that could be traced to the Nightingales. Now I had a hot gun stowed away for a rainy day. If someone found it I wasn’t too worried. No prints or anything tied it to me. 


I whistled as I drove. Eventually I came back to their house. It had taken me all of 3 hours from Mercedes going in her room to arriving back there. Still naked, I walked inside. Raiding their laundry I got some clothes that mostly fit. Grabbing my pack of cigarettes, I smoked one out back. It was a great cigarette. My victory cig. My, I did what a dad should do, cigarette. 


I went back inside the house and grabbed my stuff. I called Farrah and apologized for ruining our date. I’d make it up to her. She was worried about Lanny and I assured her everything was fine. 


I called Penny for a ride. She said she would be right over. I knocked at the girl's door. Lanny was asleep, but Mercedes was awake. There was fear in her eyes. 

“Is-is it done?” She asked. I nodded. “What-” I held up my hand. 


“Don’t ask. Never ask. I was here, all night. Did you step out of the room?” She nodded shyly. 


“I used the restroom. Sorry I couldn’t hold it,” she said. I was sure she was coming down from an adrenaline high, I couldn’t blame her. 


“I was having a cigarette outside when you came out to use the restroom.” She frowned but nodded. Letting out a sigh I said, “You call me if you need anything.” 


“Wait,” Mercedes said as I turned to leave. “Can you sit?” I turned back. Getting on the bed I laid beside Lanny. Mercedes smiled at me as the smaller girl whimpered. I kissed her forehead and we simply laid like that. It took time, but I eventually got the call. 


“You’re safe now,” I promised. She nodded and I was out the door. 

Penny was still in her crappy car. The bald tires still on her wheels. She smiled at me widely as I said, “I’m driving.” She scooted over and I slid in. 


“How are they?” Penny asked. 


“Better,” I said. “Lanny is asleep.” 


“What are you going to do?” Penny asked. 


“I’m going to deal with this woman,” I said. For all I knew, she was still alive. At least, that’s my story. 


Penny smiled widely. “Can I help?” she asked. 


I gave her a look. I could tell she was serious. I leaned over and kissed her. “Nope. No witnesses,” I said. “But I appreciate the offer.” 


She nodded, actually believing me. “Where to?” She asked. 


“I don’t know. I’m pumped,” I said. “Want to fuck all night? You can drop me off at my place in the morning.” 


“I’d love to,” she said. Leaning over, she kissed my cheek and kept going down. Her hands undid my sweatpants. Luckily she didn’t care that they were girls pants. Without hesitation she began sucking my dick. Her head going down I groaned as she didn’t speak, just went up and down as I drove. I couldn’t tell you the last time I got road head. It was what I really needed at that point. 


Penny looked up now and then to give me directions. Then was back in my lap, hungrily sucking away. My dick was drenched by her saliva. By the time we were close she started jerking me off into her mouth. I groaned, holding the back of her head while I emptied my balls. She sucked it down hungrily. Moaning happily from the taste. 


She popped off just as we were pulling to her apartment. It was near Violet’s, only a couple blocks away. Penny was giddy as she dragged me upstairs. She was on the top floor. The apartment wasn’t what I imagined. I had expected clothes everywhere, but it was immaculate. Nice side tables, a bowl of apples on the table, pristine stainless steel appliances. 


“Jeez, you hire an interior decorator?” I asked looking around. 


“Ha, I wish,” she said. “Nope. I make pretty good money at the club. I kind of like my place nice and neat.”


“And your car?” 


“I don’t live in my car,” she said. 


“That’s it,” I said. “I’m buying you new tires. You’ll obviously never do it.” 


She blushed. “You don’t have to.” She looked to the ground shyly. The exotic dancer wasn’t there right then. She was just a simple girl showing off her apartment. Her sanctum. 


“I want to,” I said. “I’d feel better about you driving in the winter.” 


“Ugh, you’re weird,” she said. “You sound like my mom.” 


“I’m a man and you’re my girl. That’s my job,” I said. 


“I’m your girl?” She asked excitedly. Her breasts waved at me as she walked over. 


“Yeah,” I said. “Whether you like it or not.” She blushed and we kissed. My hand went to her ass as we made out in the middle of the room. “Okay. You got me here. What do you want to do?” 


“Fuck?” She asked. 


“Obviously. But what do you want? What have you always wanted to do with a guy, but couldn’t last time?” I asked. 


“Oohh, I forgot you do requests,” she said. Walking back she moved to the counter and began tapping her fingers on it. “You took my pussy and ass. And mouth. Blowing you was at the top of my list of things to try with a boy. What do you suggest?”


“We could have sex in front of the window,” I said. “Shower sex? Money shot? Titfuck? 69? I could use toys on you. I could tie you down. I could-” 


“Stop stop, too many ideas,” she said. “Let’s work our way down the list. First, what is a money shot?” 


“That’s when you blow me and I cum on your face,” I said matter of factly. 


“Why?” She asked. 


“Supposed to be hot for the guy. Or you know, porn,” I said. 


“Oh my god. Can we make a porn?” She asked. Her eyes excited by the prospect. I was getting serious Luna vibes. That was the 3rd time I was asked that question. My answer was the same every time. 


“If you want,” I said. “I have a camera, but we should save it for another time. So, what would you like?” 


“Sweet. You’re the best. Ok let’s start with a titfuck. You do a money shot. Then we go to the shower,” she said excitedly moving her hands around her body as she listed things out. She wanted it just the right way. Going into her room it was immaculate as well. Everything in it’s place she was soon dripping lube between her tits. Frantically going up and down on my dick with them she moaned happily as I started thrusting too. 


“This is so fucking hot. Move in, pretty please?” She asked. “You don’t have to work. I’ll do it all. You can use me however you want. I’ll let you bring girls home. I don’t care. I like fun. Just fuck me. It was so hot when you took charge like that. I’m wet just thinking about it. Cum on my face and wherever you want.”


“Do you want kids?” I asked as I fucked her tits. 


“Not right now, but someday,” she said, a little fear in her voice. 


“Don’t worry, I’d prefer to have fun. I tell you what. I think a girl I live with would love to meet you. We can talk about us moving in together. I live in a big house. There’d be plenty of room for you.” 


“Okay,” she said with a wide smile. “When?” 


“Couple weeks. I’ll ease her into it,” I said. 


She moved faster on my dick. “Cum on my face,” she pleaded as she went faster. I nodded and she released me only to start jerking me off onto her face. Her tongue stuck out as my load released. Hitting her in the eyebrow she didn’t blink once as she locked eyes with me. Rope after rope landed on her face. She took it all then sucked my glans. Not willing to waste any of it she licked it off her finger, scoop after scoop. 


“Shower time,” she giggled when she got everything. I was going to have a long night, but damn would it be fun. 

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