Moral Degeneration


Penny and I stayed up late. Not stopping until 3AM. I let her sleep in the car as I drove myself home. I got home and she went back to her place. When she saw the house she grew more excited about maybe moving in. I wasn’t sure if it would happen, but it was an option. Penny had that perfect girlfriend vibe. Up for anything. Hot as hell. A lot like Luna. 


I got home and showered. Finding Luna in bed we cuddled then I woke her up with my own hand action. She came hard and the issue of me disappearing was gone. I was burning the candle at both ends, but I never felt better as I worked out in the morning, and fucked the rest of the day. 


It was a normal day. This time Ryleigh was more inclined to look my way, but everything else was the same. I fooled around with Brianna during study hall and Luna during gym. I was surprised we hadn’t been caught yet, but the boys at school weren’t known to be adventurous. I hung out with George, Lyle, and Peter more and more. They didn’t seem too bad. I initiated conversations with girls when they were with me. Doing my best to get them accustomed to talking to the hotter sex. 


After school I was left to my own devices. Luna and I watched TV. Then I got bored and worked out. Since I had so many girls I thought it best to establish regular contact with them. Millie and Gail were fine. Normal as ever, but Millie was already making their spare room into a baby room. I hoped to talk them into moving in with me, but I left that for now. I called the next girl on the list.  


“Hey Anastasia,” I said. 


“Russ?” My goth beauty asked on the other line. 


“The one in the same. How’d you know?”


“Not a lot of boys call me,” she said with a laugh.


“Their loss, my gain,” I said. “You miss me?” 


“I did. My roommate said you stopped by. It was a shock to see you at the debate.” 


“Right,” I said. “Sorry about that. My friend was dodging me. She ran off and I had to chase her.” 

“Should I be worried about such a girl?” Ana asked, worry in her voice. 


“She has a girlfriend,” I said and left it at that. “Called to check up on you. Curious when we can go on our next real date.” 


“I’d love one,” she said quickly. “Friday?” 


“I have an office party to go to with my guardian,” I said. “Kind of booked this weekend. What about next?” 


“There’s a concert next weekend I was thinking about going to,” she said. 


“Cool, sign me up. Should I get tickets?”


“They’re at the door,” she said. “I’ll buy.”


“No, me,” I said and we fought that for a bit. I ended up planning to buy, as a guy should. These girls enjoyed the treatment, I could tell. It was onto my next call. 


“Hey Sarah,” I said. 


“Russ? I’m surprised you called,” the red head beauty said. I hadn’t seen her since having sex with her and her wife. 


“I don’t have to. I was just calling to see if we were still on for Friday. For the New Year’s Party.” 


“I’d love to,” she said. “Lyza will be there.” 


“That’s fine. You know if you’re pregnant yet?” 


“That takes a few weeks,” she said.


“I guess we could try again at the party, you know, to make sure it stuck,” I said. She laughed and was soon agreeing. 


I called Mercedes next, the phone rang and rang. Eventually she picked up, “Hello?” 


“Hey, it’s me,” I said. 


“Russ, thank god,” she whispered. “The police are here at the door. I thought it was about the stabbing but they keep asking invasive questions and won’t leave.”

“Fuck,” I whispered. I had hoped it would take them a few days. The stalker had been in uniform. I guessed they put a rush on everything since she was a cop. “Let them in. Answer truthfully. I’m on my way for emotional support.” 


“Thanks,” she said quickly. I was out from the basement as Audrey and Violet were coming in. 


“Violet, I need your car,” I said. 


“What? Why?” She asked. I grabbed the keys from her hand. 


“Friend of mine is in trouble.” I was out the door and in her small car. The engine whined, but I ignored it as I drove smoothly to Mercedes’ house. There was a classic Crown Victoria out front. I parked near it and walked to the front door. I put on my scared kid face and knocked. 


Mercedes was soon at the door. She saw me and sighed, but I put my finger over my lips. “Hey Mercedes. How are you and Lanny doing?” 


“Hey Russ,” she said quickly. “Lanny is doing better, but it’s not the best time.” She was acting like she hadn’t just called me. I gave her props for reading into the situation. 


“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you have visitors?” I asked. She nodded. I peeked into the screen door. I noticed the 2 women detectives in pantsuits. One stood up and came closer. 


Looking at a notepad in her hand she asked, “Are you Russ Willard?” 


“That’s me,” I said as chipper as I could make it. “Sorry to disturb you. I’ll check on Lanny later.” 


“Wait,” the detective said. “We were hoping to ask you some questions as well.” 


“Oh? About what?” 


“Just your whereabouts last night,” she said with a smirk. 


“Oh, I don’t have too much to say. Do you mind if I come in Mercedes?” My voice was weak and fragile as I asked. She opened the screen door as I stepped in. “I was told by my DOL rep, that I had to have them present when talking to other agencies. Should I call her real quick?” 


“If you want to,” one said. Too nonchalantly. They didn’t want that. “These are just standard questions.” 


“Ok, I guess,” I said. My eyes lazily looked around. “Lanny, what are you doing up?” I moved over to her on the sofa. “The doctor said you needed bed rest.” 


“I prefer to sit out here,” she said with a sad smile. “We don’t have a TV in our room.” 


“Ah, well I wish you would have called. I would have helped,” I said. 


“I know. You’ve already been a big help,” she said. She winced leaning on a pillow. I turned back to the police as if surprised they were still there. 


“Sorry. I assume this is about Lanny getting stabbed,” I said. “How can I help?” 

Detective #1 said, “We were hoping you could walk us through last night.” 


“Of course,” I said. “Anything to help you catch this sicko.” 


Detective #2 frowned but asked, “What did you do yesterday?” 


“Well I went to school.” 

“Which school?”


“Highpark Private school.” 


“What grade are you in?” 


“Freshman,” I said. Lanny and Mercedes gave me a look. That was news to them. I was pretty sure I said I was 16. 


“After school?” 


“Oh I left about 330. Went home. I went for a jog.” 


“Did anyone see you go for the jog?” 


“Linda McGowan. She is married to Rose McGowan, a police officer.” The detectives wrote furiously. 


“I stopped by Farrah’s house,” I said. 


“Farrah who?”


“I am not sure her last name,” I said. “Do you girls know?” I asked Mercedes. 


“Farrah Altier,” Mercedes answered. 


“And what were you doing there?”


“I was hanging out with her,” I said. “Anyway, about 7 or 8PM she got a call. Lanny had been stabbed. I got worried and went with her.” My hand went to Lanny’s to help show support. 


“What next?”


“Oh, we got to The Club. I looked at her wound. Carried Lanny to the car and we headed to the hospital.” 

“Who drove?” 


“I did.” 


“You’re a freshman and you have your license?” 

“Oh no, not yet. I just didn’t want a distraught wife driving us. And well, you can guess why I didn’t want Lanny to drive. I’m not gonna get in trouble for driving am I?” I asked shyly. Like any 14 year old would. Blushing and stammering. 


The detectives shared a look and continued. “At the hospital. Anything happen?” 


“Not that I can recall. I spoke to the doctor and a police officer. I’m pretty sure I was rambling. There was so much adrenaline going through me.” 




“I drove Lanny and Mercedes home. I carried Lanny to bed. Gave her some pain meds. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving them alone like that,” I said. “Can you imagine? Everything they had gone through? Then I just up and leave without making sure they were ok?” 

“Right,” one of the detectives said. “Then?”


“Then I hung out on the couch. Maybe stepped outside a couple of times. I was pretty racked for nerves,” I said. 


“Why did you step outside?”


“To have a cigarette.” 


“At 14?”


“Gotta start some time,” I said with a smile. I laughed nervously, “you’re not gonna tell on me for that either, right?” 

They shared another look. “And then?” 

“Then I checked on the girls a few hours later. My friend Penny picked me up.” 


“Penny who?” 


“Penelope Fredericks,” Mercedes answered. 


“Why did you go to her house?” 


“Because I felt the girls were safe. And I was kind of bouncing off the walls. We hung out till morning.” 


The police eyed one another. They asked a few clarifying questions. Trying to make me slip up. I stuck to short answers. Then the trap came. I almost fell for it. 


“When you were waiting for your friend, Penelope. Were you watching TV?”


I almost answered no. But Mercedes had said she stepped out. She might have thought it better to say I had been watching TV.


“I was in this room. And I stepped out now and then for a smoke.” 


“Yes, but were you watching TV?”


“I can’t recall,” I said with a big smile. “Any other relevant questions?” 


“A few more,” a detective said. “What about-” 


“I’m sorry, I must stop you there. It is time for Lanny’s medicine. I think she has had enough excitement for one day,” I said. 


“We just-” 


“You were just leaving,” I said. “We have answered all your questions, and I am not in the mood to repeat myself. If you have any further relevant requests for information please contact my DOL rep at this number.” I handed them Agent Reels card. 


“Mary-” One said. 


“I will be calling my lawyer if you do not leave the premises at this time,” I said. “These girls have been through enough for the time being. The girls told me themselves that her stalker stabbed Lanny. I would appreciate if you go contact her for further information. I am sure Lanny and Mercedes would make great witnesses.” 

The detectives looked at one another. I was done playing their game. They had been trying to get me to slip up, and it wasn’t working. I doubted they had anything, but I refused to play the game anymore. I doubted they suspected me anyway, they were just doing what detectives did. Ask a bunch of questions, see if someone slips. If they lie they’re probably guilty so they would focus on that person.


“Ms. Ryan’s stalker was killed last night,” one detective said. 


I stood there shocked for a moment. “Good,” I said. “You reap what you sow. Now please leave.” 


“We have more questions,” one said. 


“Girls, repeat after me,” I said. “I will not be answering questions.” 

Both girls looked from me to the detectives and said the words. The detectives sighed and stopped trying after that. They had no legal grounds to be there. Questioning had to be consensual. Most people said, “Can I call my lawyer,” instead of, “I will call my lawyer.” They could talk you out of it. You needed finality when speaking to them. You don’t say, “I think I am done answering questions.” That is ambiguous. You say, “I will no longer be answering questions.” Or any such thing. 


The detectives tried a few more words, but they left. As they did I turned around and began looking in their chairs. I didn’t see anything left behind. I doubted technology could make small bugs yet, but it was good to be sure. 


“Mercedes, was the TV on when you stepped out last night?” I asked. 


She frowned and nodded. “Ok. In the future. No details. Just vague answers. As short as possible. Other than that you did good.” 

“What happened, Russ?” Lanny asked. “Did you…” 


“Was I here last night for a few hours and had Penny pick me up? Yes.” I said. My face and voice stern. “Anything beyond that, I cannot and will not answer. If someone were to continuously ask me that question, then I would have to cut that person out of my life.” I made sure the words carried the weight I needed them to. 


I looked from one girl to the other. They slowly nodded. “Good. Make sure the others understand. Your stalker is dead. The detectives did not tell us what time it happened, but if it happened while I was here, then any questions beyond that will not be answered, because nothing else happened.” 


Mercedes surprised me by moving closer and hugging me. I hugged her back. “Thank you,” she said. I guessed the stalker was more of a worry than she was letting on. 


“Hey, we are having a kid together, right?” I asked. I looked to Lanny, she had tears in her eyes as she nodded. “I will always be there for you when I am needed. Not every night. But when I can.” I kissed Mercedes on the cheek. 


She didn’t let go. “Ok, repeat after me. If any more police come, you say these exact words. I will not be answering any questions. If they push. Tell them you want a lawyer. I am sure Farrah has a good one. If not I will do some inquiries. I will pay for any lawyer. You do not need to worry about that.” I made sure they understood. 


“What happens when someone asks you questions?” I asked. They answered. “And if they push?” They answered lawyer. “Good. I don’t care if it’s a traffic stop. You lawyer up. We only did this today because it was them just sniffing around. Whoever killed the stalker we should thank. I know I’ll sleep better at night knowing you 2 are safe.” 


Mercedes kissed me again, “It’s Mary,” she whispered. “My name is Mary.”


“Russ,” I said with a smile. “Okay,” I said. “We are moving this TV into the bedroom. Lanny, you need bed rest. Not sofa rest. You’ll be right as rain in a few days, then I will move it back.” She groaned but nodded. It was a huge thing. Old too. I carried it with a struggle, but there was a cable jack in their room and I soon had it hooked up. 

I laid Lanny down on the bed. Then I surprised Mary by doing the same to her. She laughed and the girls left a gap for me. Laying between them they rested their heads on my shoulders. Stroking their hair they were quickly asleep. I was glad they felt safe with me. They would never know for sure if I killed that lady, but they would assume. If there was anything leading back to me I would know in the next few months. Someone would ask about the murder. Then I would cut that person off, and make them disappear as well. I couldn’t have people around me that were untrustworthy. 

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