Moral Degeneration


“What have you been working on lately?” Luna asked as we walked away from her car. It was Wednesday so we were heading to the school. 


“The car,” I said. She had been quiet after our sex that morning. Almost an afterglow of euphoria around her, Luna’s mind was finally back to working again. 


“No, you hardly touched it yesterday,” she said. “Are you seducing more women?”


“What if I am?” I asked, side eyeing her. “Jealous?”


“Not really,” she said. “I’m kind of talking to Penny a lot. Also you and I have sex like every chance we get so I don’t think you’re doing anyone else. Besides you said you’d tell me if you were.”


“Well I haven’t really introduced you to everyone,” I said. I didn’t quite consider Scarlet from the day before as one of mine. Not until she got pregnant and we ironed out the relationship a little better. I hoped to see her soon to figure it out. “But you’re right, I’ve been working on something.”


“Is it dangerous?” She asked, a little nervous. 


“What makes you think that?” I asked. 


“I don’t know. You seem more serious lately,” she said with a shrug. 


I thought about it and she was probably right. I had a lot of minor details to work out when dealing with the Nightingales. I was pretty excited about my future plans. But the problem was every little thing had to go perfect to make those happen. Florence still hadn’t told me the favor she wanted for staying away from the Club for 9 months too. So there was that hanging over my head. 


“I am…working on something,” I admitted. “Kind of big. Lots of moving parts.”


“What does it pertain to?”


“I can’t tell you,” I said. 


My beautiful blonde chewed her lip but nodded. “Do you need help?”


I hesitated, thinking about it. “If I did, could you help without question?”


“Could you tell me what it was for eventually?”


“No,” I said truthfully. The only way to keep a secret was to be the only one that knew it. “No I couldn’t.”


“Then yes, of course I can help you,” she said. 


“That easy?”


“It sounds important and…I trust you,” she said. 


I stopped walking. Close to the school there were some girls walking around us. I really did want to tell her then but stopped myself. Instead I said, “love you, Luna.”


“I love you,” she whispered back, her smile quirking up her lip. “I’m going to be your wife someday, so you might as well get used to trusting me.”


I chuckled. “Got me there.” Throwing my arm over her shoulder I kissed her cheek. “Let’s skip gym and I’ll eat you out for the full hour.”


“Fuck, I couldn’t handle a whole hour,” she mumbled, blushing as we walked. “But I’m willing to try.” 


I laughed loudly and we walked inside together. As she split off to her own classes I headed toward mine but was stopped by one of the Administrators from the front office. 


“Mr. Willard, Principal Leland wants to see you,” the older woman said. 


More than happy to see the sexy principal I happily followed to the office. People complaining to this or that person about school lunches or being late I was let right into the office. 


“Russ, good. Crack the door please,” Miss Leland said. I had half expected Agent Reels to be there but she wasn’t. Cracking the door I sat across from the Principal. She was an older woman, as most women were to me. Early 30s she had dark hair tied back in a bun. Wearing square frame glasses she had a great rack that was shown off a little for once. In a dark purple dress suit some cleavage spilled out. I wasn’t shy about looking between her face to cleavage as she studied me. A small mole next to her lips the woman put on a small smile. 


“How are you dealing with being at school 3 days a week?” She asked. 


“Pretty easy so far,” I admitted. “After the next round of tests I’d like to look at only coming 2 days a week.”


She nodded slowly, hesitating on something. Then to my surprise she leaned forward more. A distinct act to show off more cleavage. I was starting to think this was more than a simple check in. 


“Anything else I can help you with?” I asked. 


“I‘ve been hearing rumors about you,” she admitted slowly. 


“Good or bad?”


“Rumors,” she repeated. Which meant a mix of both. “Your study hall teacher says you are away most of the time. A few teachers have noted seeing you go into supply closets. Hearing concerning noises.”


“Well I’m usually having sex,” I said, leaning back in my chair. 


“With whom exactly?” She asked, only slightly caught off guard by my admission. 


“A few students.”


“No teachers?”


“Not yet,” I said with a wide smile. She frowned more deeply, but there was a blush on her cheeks. “Why? Are you interested?” To my surprise, she was. Her eyes quickly went from me to the door, then to my groin and finally up to my face. The scan of the room was easy enough to read. “Really?” I asked, leaning forward myself. 


She ignored the question. “I’ve also been told that you’ve been helping quite a few women conceive.”


“Who said that? Reels?” I asked. 


“No, I have my own contacts at the DOL,” she said quickly. I couldn’t tell if she was lying. I was considering if I should be upset or not that my information was out there. I decided to ignore it for now. 


“It’s not wrong information,” I admitted. “I like to help. And I’m a fan of the act itself. I wear protection with those who don’t want kids. But…assist those that do.”


“So the girls at school?”


“Condoms,” I said.


“Really?” She asked, a little surprised. “You don’t mind using them?”


“I prefer not to, but I’m not about to ruin some girl’s education for a little too much fun,” I admitted. I thought about it. “Jeez, I've been open about my sex life. Tell me about yours.”


“What?” She asked, more than a little annoyed. 


“I’ve been answering pretty honestly,” I said. “This is all private information and you haven’t gotten to what you really want to ask. How about you tell me about your sex life if you want to ask me any more questions?”


“I don’t think that’s-“


“Appropriate?” I asked. “And asking around about my sexual partners is? Tell me, do you ask the other boys at school the same stuff? Pretty invasive of a teacher?”


She frowned, leaning back and crossing her arms defensively. “I just want to know if-“


“Nope, no more questions. You answer mine now,” I said. 


“I’m not doing-“


“Then we are done,” I said, getting up I turned around. “If you want to ask me the big question, it can wait until I feel like answering.” I got to the door and began to pull it open.  


“Wait!” She said before I could open it. I turned back. Running her tongue along her teeth nervously she mumbled, “shut the door.”


I obliged and moved back to my seat. “What do you want to know?” She asked. Almost nervous about what I would ask I was finding her very sexy at that moment. Almost vulnerable. 


“When did you lose your virginity?” I asked. 


“I-I don’t think-“


“I’ll only be as invasive as you were,” I said. She held her breath then let it out slowly as she deflated. 


Leaning back as if beaten she admitted, “college. A party with a boy.”


“Dang, you’re lucky,” I noted. “Most girls I know lost it to a toy. Tell me, was it disappointing?”


She hesitated but slowly nodded. “Too bad. You aren’t married? Have a girlfriend?”


“I…do,” she admitted. 


“How long have you been with her?” I asked. 


“8 years,” she admitted. 


I whistled slowly. “Jeez, why aren’t you married?” She hesitated. Studying me for a bit. I was starting to think it was related to something about me. “My IQ?” I asked. 


“What?” She asked, nervously. 


“You started showing interest in me when you heard my IQ,” I said. It was only last week when she heard the results. There was a distinct difference in her attitude toward me when she heard. 


“Fucking hell,” she mumbled, blushing as she ran her hand over her face. “What do you think?”


“I’m thinking you want top sperm for something. Impregnate your girlfriend?” I asked. 


She shook her head, chuckling sadly. “Sorry for bothering you.”


“What? Why?” I asked. 


“I feel like an idiot. I’m sorry, please head back to class,” she said. 


“Why? I thought we were negotiating here,” I said. 


“Negotiating what?” She asked. “I simply wanted to see how you were doing.” She was getting defensive. Backtracking so she wouldn’t be caught. 


I shook my head in annoyance. Standing up I began unbuttoning my shirt. 


“What are you doing?” She asked, getting nervous. 


“Showing you I’m not wearing a wire,” I said. 


“A wire? What does that-“ she asked but stopped as I pulled my shirt open. 


“See, I’m not recording. And if I were to say something outside of here it would be your word against mine. Not the end of the world for you,” I said. “I want you to tell me the truth. Did you bring me in here to start buttering me up so I could impregnate your girlfriend?”


She hesitated for a long time. Looking between my chest and the door. When I didn’t drop the issue she slowly nodded. 


“See that wasn’t so hard, was it?” I asked. “You should know I’m not against that sort of thing. Hell I lost my virginity in a threesome with a married lesbian couple that wanted to have kids. I knocked both of them up. So I’m not against helping.”


“You actually…impregnated them?” Leland asked, some excitement in her voice. 


“I thought you knew.”


“I knew that you’d been with older women. But I didn’t know that pregnancies were confirmed.”


“Yeah, I’m up to like 6 or 7 confirmed pregnancies,” I said. 


That appeared to get her more excited. Blushing, she tried to hide the hope in her voice. “Really? That’s amazing. But you’ve only been here since Christmas. How-“


“Not really in the mood for details. I enjoy it. And beautiful women usually get priority,” I said. “So what? You want me to sleep with your girlfriend?”


“I-if you wouldn’t mind,” she whispered. “We’ve been on the lookout. I really wasn’t expecting to look at a student. But your genes…”


“I’m pretty awesome, I know,” I assured her. “I’m open to it. What does your girlfriend do?”


“I…would prefer not to say,” she admitted looking around. “We keep it secret for a reason. I know it’s asking a lot but I really need this.”


“Is she at least hot?” I asked. 


“She’s gorgeous,” Leland said. 


“Fine with me then,” I said. “What do I get out of it though?”


“Get out? You said you-“


“I enjoy it,” I said. “But come on. There are things I need.”


“Like what? Money?”


“No, time off. I want to be able to skip more school,” I admitted. 


“More? But you-“


“Trust me, I need more. Not all the time. Just for the next couple of weeks.”


She thought about it for a moment. “If you can show up to your first period I can swing you not staying full days. If you miss too many days the DOL will investigate despite our current deal.”


“That’s fine. I don’t want Reels knowing about this anyway,” I mumbled. “Yeah. Get me more free days. Heads ups on some tests. You can tell the teachers I’m sick or something. You give me that and I’ll help you with your thing.”


“Really?” She asked, getting excited again. 


“Really really,” I said. Sticking out my hand she slowly took it and we shook on the deal. “Now how do you want this to go?” 

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