Moral Degeneration


“Why were you late?” Ryleigh mumbled while our teacher droned on. 


“I was clearing some things up with the principal on me missing days,” I admitted. I had left soon after making a date with the principal and her mysterious girlfriend. Ryleigh frowned, clear annoyance on her face. “What?” 

“Nothin,” she mumbled, turning back to the front. 


“Ry, what?” I insisted. 

“I just…never see you anymore,” she admitted. There was genuine hurt there, and to be honest she was right. I had a lot going on, but that was no reason to ruin my other relationships. 

“You’re right. How about a date?” I asked. 

“My mom’s wouldn’t allow that,” she said, still annoyed. 

“Then let’s bring them along,” I offered. She turned back to me. “How about we have some simple dates? In full view of your parents. I could stop by for dinner. We could watch TV or play board games with your parents. We could spend time together and they wouldn’t have to worry about what you and I are doing.”

Ryleigh thought about it for a moment then put a wide smile on her lips. “Really?” I nodded. “When?” 

“Tonight?” I asked. “Tomorrow? Whenever. We can plan an afternoon every week. Then maybe someday they will let us go on a date by ourselves.” 

“I’d love that,” she said. “I’ll uh see when we can do it.” I nodded and her attitude did a 180. A smile on her lips her legs began to kick happily under her chair. I shook my head, enjoying her reaction. Happy with doing at least 1 thing right I pulled out my notebook. 


Normally during class I spent my time sleeping, but usually I just pretended to sleep. For once I needed to do actual work. Lot’s of plans going on. I needed to figure out how to break into the massage parlor and any other money laundering places that I found linked to the Nightingales. 


My go to typically entailed stealing a car and crashing it through the door. The sturdy brick exterior of the massage parlor made that pretty much useless. I was sure crashing a car into the building could work, but there were too many unknowns. I would have to disable air bags, and dump the car to rob another place. I needed to hit all of their businesses in 1 day, one after the other so they couldn’t react. I needed a solution that was fool proof from each. A solution to break down doors, light enough for me to carry, and concealable. 


I considered using tannerite since I could buy it easily enough and it would explode nice, but it was too loud. I ended up with the No Country for Old Men solution. I never read the book, and I doubted the book existed in the world, but at the beginning of the movie the antagonist carried around a compressed air tank and a piston. The concept was simple enough, the piston was a small rod that was pushed forward with compressed air. In the movie they mentioned the piston was used to pierce the brain of cattle before they were slaughtered. The antagonist used the compressed air and rod to kill people and force open locked doors, which was mainly what I needed it for. 


A small air tank was easy enough to come by, a high pressure hose was also needed, and I could easily modify an industrial air-actuated cylinder to act as the piston. With the use of a cigarette lighter powered air compressor I would have a simple and mobile method for breaking open locks. 

Next was damage control. I needed to make bombs. In movies they were usually made too complicated. Propane tanks for grills were sold most anywhere. If I bought an empty one, removed the flow regulating valve on top and installed a simple ball valve I could make loud and dangerous bombs easily enough. 


The next thing on my list were guns. I had 2 from the Nightingales that I hadn’t used, but I would prefer not to, just because the women could trace them back to me. I couldn’t borrow them from Ryleigh’s mom again. I needed guns that no one could link back to me. I would have to be on the lookout for those. Wrapping up my list of items to find, I continued to think of this or that minor addition like black clothes, knives, face masks and the like. 


Classes went on and it wasn’t long until my rendezvous with Brianna. The study hall monitor gave me shit about leaving again. I would need to have the Principal approve me skipping the study hall. Running to the gym I found Brianna waiting for me in the supply closet. As I stepped in she pulled her hand out of her gym shorts and blushed profusely. 


“Miss me?” I asked. 


“No,” she said instinctively as she stood up. Long brown hair, she was still skinny as a rail. I thought of her as my Keira Knightley. No breasts whatsoever, but she had a gorgeous face. 


“Oh then I’ll just-” I turned around but she rushed over and grabbed me. 

“Don’t be like that,” she mumbled shyly. I chuckled turning back to her. My lips were on hers soon enough as I pushed her back to the gym mat. Laying her down her long legs wrapped around me as we became a grunting and groaning mess. Her pussy radiating heat my dick dug into her as she gasped from my attention. 


A thought coming to me I pulled back. “Hey, if I needed a favor, would you do it?” I asked. 


She frowned, studying me. “Can I ask what it’s for?” I shook my head. She frowned but slowly nodded. “Of course.”

“Not going to ask how dangerous it is?” I asked. 


“I’m fairly certain you’d rather do the dangerous stuff yourself,” she said, a small smile on her lips as she began to undo my belt. 

“Got me there,” I said and pushed other thoughts away. Pulling her pants off Brianna’s pussy was already drenched so I thrust in. 


“Holy fuck,” she said, her eyes fluttering. “So much better without a condom.” Her body shook as she reveled in the feel of me. 


“Shit,” I said. Pulling back to put one on she drew me back. 


“No don’t, you feel so good,” she said, her legs wrapping around me. “We didn’t make a kid last time.” 

“We were lucky last time,” I groaned, my dick flexed inside of her. I began hungrily nibbling on her neck. 


“I’ll swallow,” she promised. “Let me have some raw fun.” Her eyes blinking slowly to try to be more flirty. I couldn't help but thrust into her again. She gasped, holding onto the mat as I gave her my full attention. Pulling out hard I slammed in harder. Each thrust caused a louder reaction from her. “Fuck! I swear you’re bigger.” 


I probably was. After my virgin from yesterday I was sure my dick and full height had grown, but I wanted to ignore that for a while, see if anyone else noticed. Redoubling my efforts into Brianna she came 3 times consecutively. Her cunt drenched it was still as tight as ever but I was working on my endurance. When I felt my orgasm build I pulled out and she didn’t hesitate to take my soaked cock in her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down she choked but never slowed.

When I came I held her face down and she moaned happily. After my thick load was over she pulled off but moved back down to lick my balls and clean the rest of my shaft. Her ass in the air I slapped it, appreciating the small but beautiful part of her. 


“Have we done anal?” I asked. 


She shook her head. Coming up for air she caught her breath while studying me. “I doubt we have time.”

“No, but how about another after school date,” I said. “Maybe we could sneak away for some fun.”

“Okay,” she said excitedly. “When?” 

“Friday, I’ll get pizzas. Stay the night,” I said, kissing her cheeks. 

“I’d love that,” she said. Her body shivering as I continued to kiss her. I considered telling her I was going to cause some trouble with the Nightingales, but left it for now. The less she knew the better, especially with her sister relying on the Nightingales for protection in prison. 


“It’s a date,” I said, starting to play with her pussy she began jerking me off and we played with one another until the bell rang. 



“So Russ, what have you been up to?” Linda asked as she scooped out more spaghetti. 


“Nothing much,” I admitted. It was Ryleigh, Linda, Rose, and I gathered around their small dining room table. Ryleigh and I sat opposite one another. She was all blushes and nervous talking as our first official supervised date began. It was still Wednesday and I had a busy schedule after the simple date. 


“Ryleigh tells us you started skipping school,” Rose said. She was tall and stocky. Her buzz cut hair was a little longer. She worked nights as a police officer, but had been hoping to move up to detective. 


“I wouldn’t say skipping since the Principal approved it,” I said. “I had my IQ tested and they offered to bump me up a few grades. Instead of leaving Ryleigh on her own, I decided to only go to school a couple of days a week instead.” 

“So you did it for Ryleigh?” Rose asked. A little annoyed she was the butch in the relationship, so she was pretending to give me a hard time. But I knew she secretly liked me, at least I was pretty sure she did. 


“Yeah, and myself. I don’t see any reason to skip out on my high school years,” I said. “Might as well be a kid while I can.”

“Despite you supposedly impregnating a few women?” Rose asked bluntly. The table quieted with the true accusation. 


I kept my face calm, and fought a blush. Though I tried to be truthful it was usually me being blunt. It was sad to admit how nice it was that I was usually on the attack, not being attacked. I’d gotten a little too used to controlling conversations. In Rose’s house I could tell I would have to tread lightly. 


“Ryleigh and I have an agreement to not talk about that sort of thing,” I said slowly. Her face was beat red, but her anger appeared to be more directed at her mother. 


“Ros-” Linda tried to say, but was cut off. 

“Well you and I don’t have that agreement,” Rose said. “My wife and daughter like to ignore problems. I like to attack them head on.” 

“I can respect that,” I said, forcing myself to take a bite. Slurping up some spaghetti to help pretend like it was any other conversation. “The hard conversations are the most important. Ask away.” 


“How exactly does it work, you supposedly ‘dating’ my daughter, but you father a few kids?” Rose asked. The table was dead silent and I could see Ryleigh was shutting down. Looking at her plate she was doing her best to ignore what was said. I decided I wanted her to be a part of the conversation. 


“How did you conceive Ryleigh?” I redirected, turning to Linda. She was obviously my friend’s biological mother. Long dark hair, large chest, a few extra pounds here and there, Linda was the older version of Ryleigh. I liked knowing how beautiful she would be someday. 

“I don’t know if-”


“It’s fine,” Rose cut in. 

Linda frowned but admitted, “A male friend from dental school helped.” I could tell she wasn’t telling the full truth by her unwillingness to look me in the eye. I pretended she was telling the truth though. 

“See that’s the term I don’t like. Helped,” I said. “I get that you 2 are married. I didn’t grow up with all the norms you know of. Women everywhere, very few men. I grew up with my mom, and that was it. To me the world was 50% men, and 50% women, because that’s who it was in the cabin. In my mind that’s how I viewed the world.” I thought it was a good excuse for my own first life, so that was the lie I was going with. Thankfully I had no memories prior to coming to the world. 


“When I left I was approached by an officer and her wife,” I admitted, pointing to Rose since she was a cop as well. “They asked for help and I gave it. They lived in a one-horse town, I doubted any had seen a man besides on TV. What would you do if the roles were reversed?” I asked Rose. 

“What do you mean?” She asked slowly. 

“What if women were rare, and men were overpopulated. As soon as you hit puberty they tell you we need your eggs or else our species is going to die.” 

“It doesn’t work that way. You can’t just give your eggs,” she said. 

“No, but I can give my own…assistance easily enough,” I countered. “It's extracted fairly simply since I’m so young.” I joked. “But easy work, and I was able to make a dream of theirs come true. Why wouldn’t I offer assistance?” The table was quiet but I was brought back to the reverse world. 


“Thinking on it, we are really lucky that it wasn’t the other way around. 8,000 males to 1 female, our species would have died out pretty quickly. If you could give up an egg to be inseminated every month that would be 12 a year. Over maybe 30 years that's 360 births that could happen. But wait no, we don’t have tanks kids could be grown in, so you would have to be impregnated. So from puberty and onward that would be a new kid a year, maybe 20 to 30 births. Jeez, we probably would have died out by now.” 


“Never thought about it like that,” Linda noted. “We would have died out in a few generations. That’s awful.” 

“Guess that proves it. Women are more important than men,” I said. 


“Don’t say that, you lot still have uses,” Linda joked. “Right, Rose?” Linda and I turned to Rose. She didn’t appear angry or upset with my words. But she did appear to have moved on. 

“Well yeah, you gotta have someone to blame all the problems of the world on,” Rose said. 

“Very true. I was part of this debate a few weeks ago at the college. This Gender Studies professor…” So I told some of the statistics and arguments I heard there. The conversation kept on and eventually dinner was over. 


“Should we watch TV?” Rose asked, her attitude much better than before. I wasn’t sure what she had been hoping for with the train of conversation, but she seemed to be more willing to have me around after it. 

“Sure,” Linda said. “Ryleigh, help me with the dishes.” The quiet Ryleigh nodded and helped out. Rose stacked up the dishes and took them to the kitchen but waved me over to the den when the others were in the kitchen. 


“I um wanted to apologize for being a little invasive there,” Rose admitted. Her voice low enough so the other 2 couldn’t hear. I heard some muffled words from the kitchen so Linda and Ryleigh were having another conversation. 


“I don’t mind having tough conversations,” I admitted. “Any other questions you have?”

“Not right now,” she admitted. “I was simply checking to make sure my daughter was aware of all this. You weren’t lying or backpedaling about the truth.” 

“I’m not much for lying,” I said. “It happens, but I try not to.”

“Don’t we all,” Rose said, shaking her head. “This is all new territory to me, Russ. I’ve been asking around at the station about what people would do in this sort of situation, but none of them had to worry about boys sniffing around their daughters.” 

I couldn’t help but laugh. “What would you do if I was a girl?” 

“Honestly?” She asked. “I wish you were. Kind of hard to get pregnant when only women are involved.”

That hurt a little, but she wasn’t wrong. “Then how do you want to proceed?”

“I would like to get to know you more. I understand that you have a role in society, and I appreciate you not sugar coating it to Ryleigh. I didn’t picture becoming a grandma for a long time, if ever. Linda? She’s ready whenever.” Rose shook her head, annoyed by that fact. “But my job is to see that girl graduate high school. And make sure she has a bright future ahead of her. I know she likes you, and I want to like you. If you prove that you can’t be trusted around my daughter though, we will have issues.” 

“I…understand,” I said. I had read somewhere once that if you could get through college without having a kid outside of wedlock you were almost guaranteed to have a successful life. Every women I had knocked up had a job and a means to provide for our kid. I didn’t plan on leaving anyone with a burden if they or I couldn’t take care of them. 


“Good,” Rose said. “Now lets see what’s on TV.” 


Our simple date turned into the most PG act ever. I sat on one couch next to Ryleigh, Linda and Rose sat on another couch next to ours. A TV on in front of us they were watching some reality show called The Real World. I had blissfully forgotten about the show. A precursor to the epidemic of “reality” shows. The Real World followed a group of people living together. They worked a stupid job and were filmed 24/7 with lots of drama mixed in. In my old world the show had half men and half women. In this there were about 10 women and 3 men. It was somehow more awkward than the original show. 


They were mid-way through the season and I had expected the men trying to sleep with all the women, but no, this wasn’t my world. The men were very subdued and effeminate. They wore makeup, tight clothes, and were like most of the women. There were crushes, backstabbing, drama up the wazoo, but no sex whatsoever. At first I thought they censored it out, because I distinctly remembered there was sex in the original show, but no, these men didn’t know how to close the deal. 


The women were pushy, and the men were too scared being around actual women that the obvious signals were completely missed. There was one point where a boy and girl were literally in the huge loft apartment alone. The girl said, “What should we do to pass the time?” She was in a dripping wet bikini that barely held her breasts in, staring expectantly at the guy. 


He had the nerve to say, “I don’t know. Want to play Scrabble?” 

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Groaning angrily I watched the woman deflate as her hopes to get some were squashed. 

“What?” Linda asked. 

“How is this not driving you insane?” I asked, far too into the show than I cared to admit. “No wonder all the women are hooking up with each other.”

“It’s the way of the world,” Rose said, chuckling. “You’re the oddity. Ryleigh tells us you approached her.” 

“Of course, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Who doesn’t want to hang out with a pretty girl?” I asked. 

“No boys I’ve met,” Rose said.

“Or me,” Linda said with a frown. 


“My god the world is messed up,” I grumbled. “Please can we watch something else? I’m losing brain cells.” 

Rose barked a laugh. Linda sighed, upset she was missing her show but they channel surfed. Ryleigh finally giggled. Risking it she leaned into me and I threw my arm over her shoulder. Resting my elbow on the arm rest she laid into me and we watched TV. It was a simple but welcome moment. Turning off my brain to let it rest I ran my hand along Ryleigh’s forearm until 7. 


“Gotta get ready for work,” Rose said. She had been moved to an 8-4am shift in narcotics since the drug dealers were so active at night. “Russ, need a ride home?” 

“No, I can walk,” I said. “Thanks for the meal. Can we…do this again.”

“Yes,” Rose said. 

“Of course,” Linda said. Ryleigh walked me out and as soon as we were out of sight of her parents we were kissing. The now shorter girl’s lips were upon mine and we made out quickly as I walked to the door. My hands moving to her ass. Her’s did the same to mine and we became a grunting and groaning mess until we got to the door. Pushing her into the wall I risked it, feeling up her chest over her clothes. She moaned louder and we heard the stomping of Rose’s feet. 


Pulling away quickly I shook hands with Ryleigh as we fought our red faces. “I had a great time. See you Friday.”

“Thanks for coming,” she squeaked as Rose stopped a few paces behind us. I put on my shoes and coat and was out the door. A wide smile on my face I considered heading home but needed some more assistance. Walking a few doors down I came upon Farrah’s house. The lights inside were on. 

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