Moral Degeneration


I sat back down in the gym next to Jane and her mom. “Gone a while there,” Jill noted. 


“Boys take forever in the bathroom,” I said. “Do you think this disheveled look comes naturally?” I pushed my brown hair to the side to straighten it out after the light scuffle. 


“Don’t know. Been a while since I’ve been around a boy,” Jill said. “What about you, Jane? How long have you known Russ here?”


“A couple of weeks,” Jane squeaked. “He came into Linda’s clinic and the whole place quieted. You wouldn’t believe…” and she continued on talking about when I went to the dentist office. Then she went into a whole story about us going to get coffee on her break. It was cute how nervous she was. Her mother gave me appreciative looks now and then. It was good to know motherly Christian women were just as overprotective in this world. 


I leaned back and began to watch the game. People cheered for their teams. I noticed Julie White looking up to me every now and then. I gave her my best smile and cheered her on. Time went on and her team actually won the game narrowly. People cheered and booed but all in all it was a fun afternoon. 


“Do you have a ride?” Jill asked as she and her daughter got up. 


“I do, can I take you home?” I asked Jane, perking up but knowing the answer. 


Jane opened her mouth to agree but her mom cut in, “no we need to take your sister out to eat. I’m sure she’s starving.”


“But I-“


“But nothing,” Jill said. “Russ, it was great to meet you. I think Jane would love to see you more after a nice church service.” 


“I’m sure,” I said with a smile. When her mom turned her back I put my hand up to my ear in the shape of a phone and mouthed, ‘I’ll call you.’ Jane nodded, biting her lip as her mom dragged her away. 


From what I knew about Mormons, they were pretty strict. But from the way Jane put it she wasn’t a practitioner. I was looking forward to spending time with her after jumping through hoops with her mother. 


Going my own way I walked over to the Tiger team as their coach talked to them all as one. Sitting by the group I watched the biker Eleanor. Her daughter went to the same school as Julie White, my date for the night. I could tell the second in command was still thinking over what I said. I would need to be on guard for the next few days, but if Nightingales didn’t show up to bug me that would mean Eleanor was interested. 


Erica had said Eleanor was always jealous of the Florence. I hoped it proved true. Part of me had thought about knocking up Erica then the Florence couldn’t bug me since I’d be the father of her granddaughter. But Erica had made things easier for me by proving uninterested in kids. This course of action was probably best anyway. 


“Hey,” Julie said, pulling away from the huddle. 


“Hey, yourself,” I said standing up. She was quite a bit taller than me but made all the hotter because of it. “You did great out there.”


“Thanks,” she said, shyly moving hair behind her ear even though it was in a ponytail. “You uh seemed friendly with that one girl.”


“I would hope so,” I said. “She’s my dental hygienist.”




“She cleans my teeth,” I said. “I noticed her there and thought it was better than sitting alone.”


“Oh,” she said blushing. “I thought…” I gave her a look. “Nevermind. Sorry. Um you uh want to go hang out?”


“Sure, this is your date. We could go get some food. Maybe do a repeat of last time,” I said giving her a knowing look. “Whatever you want.”




“You should both come to the party,” a girl interjected. She was one of Julie’s teammates. Tall as well she had black hair but no bust whatsoever. 


“A party?” I asked. 


“You don’t have to,” Julie said. “None of the boys ever come.”


“A party sounds fun,” I said truthfully. “Do you want me to drive you?”


“Sure,” Julie said, trying to hide her wide smile. 


“Seriously?” The interloper asked. “You’ll actually come?”


“Yeah, if Julie wants to go,” I said with a shrug. 


“Oh please, Julie,” her friend said. “Please.”


“I said yes,” Julie said, blushing. 


“Woo!” Her friend said and was whisper/yelling to the other girls. 


“Sorry, uh no boy has ever agreed,” Julie said, getting redder. 


“No problem. I can take you home to change if you want,” I said.


“I brought my stuff. We could go right to the party,” she said. “Just give me a minute.” I nodded and sat down as she rushed off. As other girls from the volleyball team were told I was joining them, they eyed me hungrily. I couldn’t help but frown.


Not from the looks of course. Those were turning me on. No, I was walking a very tight rope. The Principal at my school heard rumors I was sleeping around. And Julie was the granddaughter of a coworker from Audrey’s business. The last thing I wanted was to sleep with a volleyball team and Julie hate me. Then it gets back to her grandma then Audrey’s work, then I’m known as the town slut and Sarah is ostracized for having my kid. 


“Freaking high school drama,” I mumbled. If I was at least legal age this wouldn’t be a big problem. It was one thing for the DOL to know I slept around when I was underage. It was something completely different when the whole town learned of it. 


One thing I learned quickly when traveling the world. The world was small. I once walked into a bar in the middle of nowhere China, and was served by a bartender. Then 6 months later I walked into a bar in the middle of nowhere Nicaragua and was served by the same bartender. I had become convinced he was a spy and almost called off my operation. But after digging it turned out he moved to Nicaragua to be closer to family. 


Towns like Minneapolis with millions of people were much smaller. People talked. And since I was 1 of a few hundred men in the city it wouldn’t be too long until I got a reputation. I didn’t mind it but I couldn’t have it messing up Audrey’s place of work. 


“Good problems,” I reminded myself. These were the kind of issues I preferred. No matter what happened that night I was probably getting laid. I simply had to direct it to sleeping with more people somehow. 


Ready for my next mission I stood as Julie walked up to me. Extending my arm out she took it and smiled wide as we headed out of the gym. 


“Hey, can I get a ride?” Pushy girl asked. Instead of answering Julie kept walking though. I chuckled to myself as we walked through the quickly emptying parking lot. 


“Sorry about that,” she said. 


“No problem. I went to a college party for New Years. They were excited to have a boy there too,” I admitted. 


“Ugh so parties don’t change in college? All they talk about is how to get boys to come.”


“Apparently not,” I said. Opening Julie’s car door for her I ran around and got in. “Where are we-“ I stopped talking as Julie kissed me. Her hands on the side of my face she was more than a little desperate for it. 


Switching mental gears I went on the attack. Pushing into her I used my tongue to make her realize why she was the inexperienced one. Barely able to keep up she began moaning as my hand moved to her abs creeping lower. She didn’t stop me so I pulled back. 


“Want to skip the party and go find somewhere secluded?” I asked.  


“No, I want to go,” she said. “But it will be a while before anyone gets there.” She looked to the backseat. “Can we uh do both?”


“Yes, dear,” I said. “Where is the party? We can find somewhere close to that.”


“Over by my school,” she said. I nodded and joined the thick traffic to leave the area. 


“What have you been up to?” I asked and she told me about this or that class. Drama and girls in her class that I had no idea about but still got sucked into it. Before I knew it we were outside the party house. 


A few lights on outside, it didn't look like much yet. But I wasn’t about to waste time. Getting out I got into the backseat and Julie joined me. Giggling it wasn’t long until we were making out again. Instead of rushing to 3rd though I extended it out. 


Giving her my full kissing course she never tired as we kept it going. Her on top of me, her crotch rubbed against my dick for a good hour as we kissed and felt everything of the other’s body except the fun zones. 


When she did finally pull away the windows were plenty fogged up. “What time is it?” She asked. 


“9,” I said. 


“Jeez, sorry,” she said. “The party should have started.”


“No problem, we could skip and keep going,” I said. Grabbing her hand to pull her back down. The auburn haired beauty thought about it for a moment but shook her head. 


Kissing me she said, “my friends would kill me. Come on, I’ll make it worth it.” Getting out of the car the cool air hit us. Fixing our clothes there were a lot more cars around us and the house had loud music playing inside. 


Taking Julie’s hand I walked us to the party. The house was a simple 2 story. Middle-class home it appeared no parents were there since everyone was so loud. Lights on in the house I heard plenty of excited partying. It was hard to hide my excitement at going to another party. I’d been a little new to the life at the last party. I hadn’t taken full advantage of the situation. It helped that I was a lot taller and more fit currently as well. 


“Don’t uh, judge my friends too harshly,” Julie whispered. 

“Why’s that?” I asked, pulling my hand from the doorknob. 

“It’s uh…I don’t know. We’ve never had a boy from school come to one of our parties before. I’m afraid they might get a little crazy.” 


“Really?” I asked, playing dumb. “I mean…we don’t have to-” 

“No, I want to. Just uh, don’t judge me too bad. I get a little weird when I drink.”

“I’m looking forward to finding out,” I admitted. “How bad could it be?” 

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