Moral Degeneration


I stepped in to what I expected. A couple dozen girls congregating in different rooms. An old-er I mean current, boombox playing that stupid 389 Steady CD some girls were dancing with each other in the living room. It wasn’t long until we drew some eyes though. Julie grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the kitchen. Inside were an assortment of alcohol. 


I forgot that at high school parties you took what alcohol you could get. Since everyone was underage it was left to beg older sisters, friends, or random people outside of a liquor store to get anything and everything you could. From beer to wine coolers to vodka to whiskey, there was any and everything present. Most of the girls had beers in hand putting them far up on my like list already. 


“If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t believe it,” one of the girls noted. 


“Hey, this is Russ,” Julie said shyly in front of me. “You uh, want anything?” 

“Hell yeah,” I admitted. I could almost taste the alcohol. It had been a while since I’d touched a drink and it was sorely missed. Giving them my best grin I didn’t hesitate to grab a red Solo cup and pour some whiskey into it. Digging through the refrigerator I found ice and threw it in the glass. Taking a sip I let out a long sigh. 

“This stuff is terrible,” I admitted. “Rot gut crap, but good.” 


“Jeez, didn’t even have to talk him into it,” one of the girls noted. Some girls from the other rooms had come to watch the boy from the room next to us. I ignored their stares. 


“I thought this was a party,” I said, looking over all of them. “Why aren’t any of you drinking?”

“We are,” one of the girls said, lifting her beer. 

“Beer isn’t for drinking,” I scoffed. “That’s for socializing.” Turning back to the fridge I began pulling out orange juice, lime juice, hershey chocolate, whipped cream, and every sweet thing I could find. My arms full I carried everything to the counter that separated the kitchen from the dining room. More girls gathered. 


Grabbing the full vodka, whiskey, rum, and some weird flavored watermelon liquors I moved them next to the other ingredients. “All right,” I said. “I’m taking orders for actual drinks. Julie, what do you want?” 

“Uh I don’t know, wh-what do you think?” She asked, moving next to me as she fought a nervous blush. 

“I never met a volleyball girl that didn’t like a margarita,” I admitted. Studying my options I quickly made due. “A lotta tequila, some lime juice, what is this? Kool-aid? Crush some ice. You grab me the sugar.” I pointed at one of the girls, she hesitated and the person who I guessed lived there stepped up. Grabbing the sugar she passed it to me, more girls crowding around as I continued. 


Licking the rim of the solo cup I poured out some sugar and dipped it into it then began mixing the liquids all together. Passing her the full drink everyone waited in rapt attention as she tried it. She winced a little but let out a sigh when the flavor hit her. 

“That’s delicious,” she admitted. “That really what a margarita tastes like?” These were all Junior and Senior girls so I wasn’t surprised they had no idea. 


“Yes ma’am, who's next?” I asked and the orders came in a large wave. I began right away. The drinks were rough, but we were out of tequila quickly. I gave girls simple rum and Cokes, and other easy drinks when they didn’t know what they wanted, but all were happy with the flavors. 


When everyone was sipping away I chose to push the drinking. Finding a stack of cards I had a dozen girls playing drinking games. It got so convoluted that we had a few decks going. I sipped my drink, but a lot of them were chugging. The party really started and it wasn’t long until their true natures were out. 


“Should we play spin the bottle?” One of the girls asked. There were a few groans but more cheers. 

“Spin the bottle?” I asked. “Seriously, where you spin it and kiss the other person?” 


“We play it a little differently,” Julie said. She had a wide drunken smile on her lips and her eyelids were half closed, more than a little tipsy. Sitting next to me she wasn’t shy about putting her hands all over me. I could see that a few girls were jealous, but a few others had girlfriends and were doing the same. Girls sat on laps of others, and 15 of us were gathered around a small table. 


One of the girls grabbed an empty wine bottle and set it on the table. “We start with whoever’s house it is. They spin the bottle, whoever it lands on gets to pick the action. We do things like Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare, 2 truths and a lie, and so on.” 


“Oh, so whoever the bottle points at has to challenge the person who spun the bottle?” 

“Depends on the game you pick, but usually,” one of the girls said as the person who lived at the house grabbed the bottle and spun it. There was a long moment of silence as the bottle spun. I heard ‘come on come on’ from a few as it slowed near me, but then it stopped at Julie next to me. 

“Oh!” Girls yelled, some disappointed others happy to see what would happen. 

“Uh…” Julie said. “Truth or Dare.”

“Fine, I pick Dare,” the spinner said.

“I want truth,” Julie whined. 

“Fine, 3 drinks.”

“3?!” Julie yelled. “It’s usually 1.” 

“You brought the boy, you pay the price.” Other girls agreed with her. 

“Fine, dare,” she said.

“Alright, I dare you to take off your top,” she said. Girls cheered and Julie hesitated but did so. Lifting up her shirt her bra was revealed. Her blush spread down almost to her neck but girls cheered and the game began. It was as I expected. Since these were all repressed girls it turned sexual way more quickly than I was used to. I sat back and enjoyed. 


Girls began making out, others took more clothes off, they cheered and yelled for one another. Jealous kisses were done across tables, only for their actual girlfriends to demand their own kiss which turned heated very often. All the while I sat in blissful silence watching it all unfold. 

“I’m so horny,” Julie whispered in my ear as her hand moved to my crotch. 


“You’re not the only one,” I admitted. “Should we…get some privacy?”

She blinked drunkenly and I felt a little bad, but some of the girls jeered. “No, boo. Keep it going. Russ, you haven’t been picked yet.” 

“True,” I said, sitting up, Julie continued openly rubbing her hand on my crotch. Some of the girls had said Horny Julie was out. She had kissed more than a few girls and I guessed that was what she tried to warn me about. Julie got very turned on when drunk. “Let’s make it simple. If it’s your turn with the bottle you can choose for it to go to me.”

“Oh yeah?” The girl who’s turn it was asked. I nodded. She grabbed the bottle and pointed it right at me. “Pick.”

“Uh Never Have I Ever.” 

“Hmmm never have I ever…been in a threesome,” she said. I rolled my eyes, since I had done that I had to drink. 

To my surprise I was the only one that drank. “What?!” More than one girl yelled. “You have to explain that one.” 

“That’s not part of the rules,” I said. “Next.” Girls were getting more into it and the next girl in the circle pointed at me. “Pick a game,” she ordered. 

“Uh no, you pick it for me,” I said. 

“Ohhhh,” girls said, enjoying this far too much. They started yelling games for her to pick but she ended up on Truth or Dare. 

“Truth,” I said.

“How many threesomes have you been in?” She asked. 


“Uhhhh,” I said thinking back. There was Millie and Gail. Audrey and Violet. Lyza and Sarah. Luna and that Drew girl, but I didn’t have sex with Luna then. Luna and Penny. Ava and Willow. “Do twins count?” 


“Then 6.” 

“Different couples!” A girl said. 

“6,” I said with a nod. 

“Holy hell,” one girl said. “Where did you find this one Julie?” I turned to Julie but she was a little too drunk to care. Most of them were in fact. 


“Next,” I said.

“Truth or Dare,” the next girl said.

“Dare,” I shot back. 

“Take off your shirt.”

I stood up, Julie’s hand was dropped from my crotch and took off my shirt without a care. There was an audible gulp from the girls around the table. Half of them had their shirts off, and others had their pants off. It was mostly bras facing me around the table, but for some reason they were far more interested in my chest. I looked down myself. More than a little muscle my skin and bones had bulked up over the last 2 months. I had a long way to go to feel truly confident, but I was getting there. By the girls reactions around the table you would have thought I was a super model though. More than a few mouths were open, practically drooling. 

“Next,” I ordered. 

The next girl jumped and thought about it. “Uh Suffocation,” she said. 

“OOoo,” more girls said. 

“Suffocation, what’s that?” 

“She asks you exceedingly hard questions until you don’t want to answer anymore. Then you take a drink,” one girl said. 

“Fine, ask away,” I said. 


She started with simple stuff like name, age, favorite school subject but it wasn’t long until she got to the harder questions. “Favorite sex position?” 

“Toss up between missionary and cowgirl.” 


“Missionary I get all the control, but cowgirl there are boobs in my face. Hard to choose what I like better,” I admitted. 

“That’s hot,” one girl said, a few nodded. 

“Uh ever done anal?” I nodded. “Ever used sex toys?” I nodded again. “Ever made a porno?” I nodded yet again. 

“What the fuck are you?” One of the girls asked. “Every boy we talk to is afraid to do anything.”

“I’m a special breed,” I assured. “Spent most of my life locked away in a cabin. Once I was out I decided to live it up.”

“Locked away?” One of the girls asked. After some more prodding I told the story I concocted. Mother trapped me in a cabin, tried to kill us both. I wasn’t too shy about it. More than a few were slack jawed by the time I was done. 

“Holy shit,” one of the girls said. “So you’ve really been living it up. How the hell did you hook up with Julie then?” 

“Thought she was hot,” I said, turning to her she moved in kissing me hard. Not shy with the tongue it was messy and alcohol fueled but girls broke out of the story I told and cheered us on. She got up and moved to my lap. My hand on her back she leaned against my shoulder and the game continued. 

“I get to pick the game,” the next girl said. “I choose Spin the Bottle this time.” She picked up the bottle and stamped it back down. 


I thought about it. I’d been more than a little truthful with Julie and she hadn’t run or got pissed off yet, but that had to be left in her court. “Sorry girls, that’s the one game I need to ask my date on.” 


“Yep. Julie is my date tonight. If you want a kiss you have to ask her,” I said. I was giving up Luna in a cheerleader outfit that night. I wanted to get laid quite a bit, but I wasn’t about to cuck a girl if I could help it. 


“Julie-” The girl said, but my date began kissing me again. My hand moving up her thigh she moaned but pulled away. 

“Fine with me,” Julie said. She didn’t get up though. The girl who was playing spin the bottle was practically forced up and pushed my way. Blushing she was the tallest girl on the team at about 6 foot 4 inches, but shyer than I expected. I turned my chair, with Julie on my lap, to face her. She didn’t appear to be getting up so the girl was forced to come to me. Leaning forward she and I kissed with Julie watching the whole time. 


At first it was awkward, but I pulled her face to mine and used tongue. It wasn’t long until she was moaning in my mouth. Julie pinched the girl’s nipple and she squeaked but kept going. When she did pull back she was out of breath and blushing. Sitting back down to cheers it was the next girl's turn. 

“Truth or Dare” 


“Take off your pants,” the girl that lived at the house ordered. 

“Hmmm,” I said, looking around. “I’ll take mine off if the rest of you do the same.” Girls looked around but within a few seconds all were standing and dropping pants/skirts. The clink of belt buckles being undone Julie stood and we did the same. I wasn’t shy about my erection in my boxers and quite a few eyes focused on it, but it wasn’t long until Julie was back on my lap and grinding on me. 

“Don’t hog him,” one of the girls whined. 


“Too bad,” Julie teased. It had been a while since anyone took a drink so they were sobering up, but all exuded a lustful aura. A few of the couples had gone off from the crowd so we were left with the single ladies. A dozen women that all looked like they were on the volleyball team. 


“Who’s next?” I asked. 

“Truth or Dare,” a girl said. 



“You said you’ve had a lot of threesomes. Were they all for making babies?” The girl asked. 


“Uh no, I used a lot of condoms,” I admitted. 

“Condoms?” Girls asked. “Where do you get those?” 

“I have a contact,” I assured. 

“How many do you have?” 

“About 200 or so left.” I was going through them quickly and I needed to remember to buy more from the Nightingales before I really started attacking them. 

“200?! Do you have any with you?” 

“A few,” I admitted with a smile. All eyes turned to Julie. 


“I’m uh…sleepy,” Julie decided on. “Russ, can you take me home?” 

I hid the annoyance from my face. “Yeah, uh give me an hour to sober up and I should be good to drive you.” 

“Julie…” One of the girls said, eyeing her. 


“We need to talk,” she said. From what I understood that was either the captain or Julie’s best friend. I wasn’t exactly sure which. 

“About what?” Julie asked, trying to act oblivious. 

“Come here,” her friend said, standing up she pulled Julie up. My auburn beauty didn’t fight it and the 2 moved a few rooms over. 

“What’s up?” I asked, pretending to be dumb as well. 

“Nothing, I’m sure,” one of the girls said. “Can I get you a drink?” 

“Nope, gotta sober up,” I said. I wasn’t going to let anyone make me a drink. The air around the room had taken on a predatory nature. The girls really did think they were the predators though. I gave them a wide smile as I looked around. “Shall we play cards?” I asked, grabbing the deck on the table and shuffling it. 

“Sure,” girls said and I had poker going. But it wasn’t too long until Julie was back in the room. She acted chastised as her gaze was glued to the floor while she approached. 

“Russ, can we talk?” She asked. 


“Uh sure,” I said, getting up my boner was gone, but women still stared at my boxers. Grabbing my clothes I followed Julie, but instead of heading outside she led me upstairs. A few of the doors were shut and I heard some giggling or moaning coming from the rooms, but one door was wide open. Inside was a normal girl’s room. Small twin bed, pink drapes, a few posters on the wall. Once inside Julie shut the door. She was nervous but I still had a part to play. 


“What’s up?” I asked. 

“Nothing, I just might have bitten off more than I can chew,” she mumbled. She sat on the bed a little sad. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked as she began to cry. 

“You’ve been so great, and I really like you. But uh we on the team all kind of made this pact,” she said.

“What kind of pact?” I asked because she kept pausing. I moved over to sit next to her. 

“It was a while ago, and we were drunk, but we kind of got sick of no boys coming to our parties. I mean we were Sophomores back then. Dumb girl stuff. Anyway we said that if we ever got a boy to come to one of these. We would try to help one another…lose…our virginities,” she said. It was a struggle to keep my erection at bay.

“Really?” I asked, feigning an aghast reaction. 


“It was dumb. Dumb girl stuff. Most of us had sisters that either lost it to a toy, or to one of the boys back in the day before they stopped coming to parties. It was so built up in our minds and we-I mean I know it was dumb but we didn’t want to regret it or throw it away to a toy or something. Our moms talked about how special it was, but we-we-” 

“Julie, I understand,” I said, my hand rubbing her back. “I get it. It can’t be easy. And I don’t blame you for making the pact. But what do you want?” 

“What do you mean?” 

“I was hoping you and I could…do it, but not if you’re not ready. And I’m not sure how you would feel about me letting a bunch of other girls have a turn,” I said. “It sounds like they’re pressuring you, and I don’t want that.” 


“I’m so totally ready,” she said sitting up. “I’ve wanted you so bad since our date. And I was worried it wouldn’t happen since we haven’t been able to.”

“And I’m sorry that I get so busy,” I said. I decided to change tactics. “Why were they calling you Horny Julie downstairs?”

She blushed. “I uh…get a little handsy with the others when I’ve been drinking.”

“So you’re into women?” 

“A little,” she admitted with a shrug. “But I get nervous without alcohol.” 

“I understand that, and honestly it was pretty hot,” I admitted. 

“R-really?” She squeaked. 

“Oh yeah,” I said. “I uh kind of have a thing for girls kissing and other…stuff.” 

“That’s-really?” I nodded. “That’s hot.” She began to blush again. Biting her lip the anticipation began to build again. She and I locked eyes and I was on her this time. Kissing her she moaned and dropped to the bed as I moved between her legs. But we had kissed enough, I pulled back, studying her. 

“What do you want to happen?”

“I want you,” she said, grabbing my ass to pull my erection closer to her. 

“And the others?” I asked. 

“If you…wouldn’t mind?” She asked.

“Do you want to be a part of the other’s…deflowering?” I asked. Her eyes widened. Legs tightening at my sides she didn’t risk talking but nodded. “Okay, let’s take care of you first and see where it goes,” I said. 


She nodded again and I stood up. Moving to my pants I pulled out the stack of condoms. I had 20 on me, and more in my car, but I felt this would be enough. Tearing one off I dropped my underwear and turned back to her. She was already naked and I got to appreciate her beauty. 


White creamy skin, reddish auburn hair. Thick muscular thighs, a glorious rump, some freckles on her chest and shoulders, and small but perky B cup breasts, she was gorgeous. “You’re beautiful,” I admitted mounting over top of her. I’d gotten used to bedding girls taller than me, but she was probably the tallest. My hands were all over her naked flesh. The cool feeling of it made my dick harder. 


“I can’t believe I really have a boy all to myself,” she said, her eyes taking in the view of me. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked. I would have felt bad if she was still acting drunk, but she seemed stone sober now. 

“More than anything,” she said. Looking down to my dick she grabbed it. “Please, Russ. I’m so sick of being a virgin.”

“Fuck,” I groaned, it was insane how many virgins practically begged me to take it from them. I stopped fighting the morality of the situation and sat up. Rolling the condom on I lined my dick up with her slit and began to kiss her as I descended into her. 


She gasped and held onto me as our tongues entwined. I came to her maidenhead and pushed through causing her to groan but get more into the kissing as I kept going inside of her. When I was fully rooted she pulled back and simply stared at where we became one. 

“Holy shit, you’re big,” she grunted. 


“You feel so good,” I said, making my dick bulge and causing her to wince. 


“Go-go slow,” she said. I nodded and pulled out but decided to slam back in. She gasped and flung her legs up. I continued to ram into her. After a few thrusts she was screaming in pure ecstasy. Grabbing the back of her knees I moved her legs up as I angled my dick differently. It wasn’t long until she was crying out in utter bliss as she came. Thick thighs shaking next to my face she gushed out more liquid as my condom covered dick kept going in and out of her. 


When she finished I released her legs but she grabbed onto them. Enjoying the position, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as I kept going. My hand moving to her clit I began to rub it as my other hand pinched her nipple. 


Her eyes shutting she came again just as quick. My liquor addled mind was barely getting started though. Where the alcohol seemed to make her more sensitive, the alcohol made me able to last longer.


After I was done with missionary I grabbed her shoulders and helped flip her around. Diving into her from the back she yelled out louder as the bed quaked underneath us. My body was reinvorated by her yells. Yelling my name, squeezing the mattress for dear life she continued to cum again and again.


When I finally felt it approaching I asked, “Where do you want me to cum?” 


“In me,” she said. I nodded and sped up. Burying myself in her she squeaked as she felt my semen exit me. My dick pulsing inside of her made her reach another orgasm and when I finally finished cumming she and I breathed heavily. My chest laying on her now hot skin she shuddered as she recovered. 

“Holy shit,” she gasped. “That was….fuck! So much better than I heard.” 

“You’re just sexy,” I whispered in her ear. “You uh want to go again?” 

She looked back but winced. “No I uh I hurt. Let me…clean up.” I moved off of her and she ran to the door to see a line of girls standing outside the door. “Out!” She yelled and the girls giggled and ran. I stayed in the room and removed the condom. Crossing my fingers I waited until she came back. 


When she did she noticed my still erect dick but walked over with a washcloth. Wiping my sensitive and blood covered dick she asked, “You uh, can still go?” 

“Yeah, ready for round 2?” 

“I uh- if you don’t mind can you…” She thumbed at the door. There were some shadows moving across it. 

“If you don’t mind, I don’t mind,” I said with a wide grin. She bit her lip but nodded. 


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