Mordo Online

Chapter 139


Demon Seed

Mordo Online 138 [Seed of Devil]

“Phew……. ”

After finishing the meal, he sighed deeply as the party members were reviewing their plans for the future for a while. The place with dragons was not set aside in the set house. At least Cargas wasn’t the only dragon in the set house. Cargas had already been killed by Hayun since the beginning.

‘Even if it was corrupt, it was a dragon famous enough to be called the Dragon of Wisdom in the past, so what information would you have if you went to Rare? ’

Ha-young thought so with a hopeful gaze, and shook his head within a few minutes. Rare in Cargas searches with Liroa almost as if he had been dislodged. However, there was no reliable information on the location of other dragons among Cargas’ items.

‘Because the dragon has rarely intervened in the story of the past……. ’

Hayun strokes his forehead as if he were in trouble. Despite being in the most important position to stop demons, it was no exaggeration to say that dragons’ involvement in the past story was almost absent. There was a speculation that the dragon did not appear so deliberately as to entrust Raynald’s descendants and users with a central role in the story, but there was no reason to be precise.

“Dragon….. ”

He looked up at the blue sky and put the word in his mouth. Then a clear voice came from behind him.

“What’s going on? ”

He turned his head in the direction of his voice. There he looked up and saw Arien approaching him. Her beautiful platinum hair was glowing in the sunlight.

“Ah…… I thought about it for a moment. ”

“What’s going on? ”

Arien sat next to him and asked him: Hmmm, Hayun swallowed up a short dip and answered her.

“I thought I needed dragon help to stop the Demon Raid, but I’m thinking about it because there is no way to meet the dragon……. ”

Hayun said to Arien in a powerless voice. In fact, it was not good to be the leader of a party to show this to its members. It was because party leaders could not trust their members unless they always showed a cool, judgmental appearance.

However, his mind was quite exhausted to show that in the present situation. It was the first time that he felt this disconcerting when he made a plan based almost entirely on the story of the game and the information in the setup house.

“If the Dragon of Life is in Lactarcia, I know it….. ”

“…… Yes? ”

Having heard Arien say, Hayun looks back at her with a mute look. What she’s saying right now wasn’t easy to understand. Arien smiles awkwardly at him as he looks so embarrassed.

“So if there’s a dragon of life, I know it. ”

“Uh, how do you know where dragons are? ”

Ha-yun asked her with an urgent expression. Just as it was okay to keep thinking about what he had been thinking about for a week by himself, I couldn’t feel this sense of collapse. Arien looks at his face and laughs at the food.

“Because it is a dragon that protects the water of the world, the Elves selected as High Elves can know where he is. I’ve never seen it since I became a Hielf ten years ago. ”

“I see. I never imagined that Arien knew where dragons were. ”

He stroked his forehead and said in a shabby voice. It was a blind spot for setups and stories he never thought of. Ha-young was not aware of anything else because he had handled everything according to his online settings or stories in the past.

It was also true that Yong was involved in the selection of Heielf for the first time. Arien replies with a slight smile towards Hayun.

“That’s because he didn’t ask, right? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? ”

“…… Sorry. I didn’t think there would be any party members who knew about places like dragons. ”

Hayun put a gentle apology into Arien’s mouth. For the past week, my worries and worries have been in vain for a moment. Arien huffs, turns his head away from him and opens his mouth.

“I think Hayun is too inclined to solve everything on his own. Wouldn’t it be better if you told the party a little more about yourself? ”

“…… I have nothing to say. ”

Hayun replied with a slight smile to her point. Arien laughed and said.

“It’s a good thing, though, that Lactarsha is on the southern side where we’re headed. ”

“Are you saying you’re in the forest of giants? ”

He curled his head and asked her. Only the jungle of giants can be found in the southern part of the continent. Arien shakes his head and answers him.

“I heard it’s in the ‘Aurian Strait’ at the southernmost end of the continent, further down than the Giant’s Forest. ”

“Aurian Strait…? ”

Having heard Arien say, Hayun hardened his expression. Near the port city of Palestine, in the southern part of the continent, the strait was a place where the tide was so intense that it could not even pass without a dizzy boat.

This place was marked on the map itself in the past games, but it was also designated as a “No Access” area. In order for the users to go here, they had to go to the job because no ENP had sold a boat that could enter the Aurian Strait.

‘The Aurian Strait was never covered until the end of the story. ’

I vaguely thought it would be updated later. It was a place that I completely forgot because it was never an important place to be addressed throughout the story. Hayun thought that if a dragon could afford to stroke his jaw, it would definitely be set as an ‘inaccessible’ area.

‘I need to meet the dragon this time and find out why he is so passive in the demon attack. ’

I’ve felt it since I saw the previous story, but dragons don’t appear in the story at all, unlike the “Devil’s Only Enemy” setting. Even when Cargas drove the continent into the monster army before its annihilation, the dragon did not appear.

‘It turns out that even during this World Number event….. ’

Thinking about it, there was not one or two strange things. As Arien explains, Lactarsha did not appear at all until the world water was in a state of corruption, despite having the title of Dragon to ‘protect the world water’.

No matter how small and dizzy the dragon population was, it was strange to say that it did not intervene on the continent. Hayun turns to Arien and opens his mouth.

“Surely Arien saw the dragon, Lactarsha, ten years ago? ”

“Yes, it was a dragon with a beautiful blue scale. ”

“Was there anything strange then? ”

After hearing his question, Arien frowns and shakes his head and answers.

“No, nothing unusual. I didn’t actually have that long conversation. Lactarsha died as soon as the ritual was over. ”

“…… Hmm. ”

Hayun swallowed a short dip. After all, it was like saying that I didn’t know anything until I actually met him. Hayun nodded and said to her.

“Gather the party members. I don’t think it’s time to go to ‘Forest of Giants’ now. ”

“Are you planning on going to Aurian Strait? ”

“Yes, because we can’t just stand by and see that the devil is after us. ”

Having said that, Hayun summoned all the party members who were scattered and training. He opens his mouth in a heavy voice towards the party members.

“I think we need to make some changes to our plans for the future. We should probably go to the Aurian Strait before we go to ‘Forest of Giants’. ”

“Hmm…… Is it because of last time? ”

Having heard Hayun’s story, Wolf stiffens his face and asks. Hayun nods.

“Yes, I do. I no longer know that the Devil is after us through his last work, but I need dragon’s help. ”

“Yo, dragon?! ”

Teña stood up and shouted at him. Dragon was a legendary creature that could appear in Raynald’s story.

“Yes. Only dragons can suppress demons in this situation. ”

“…… Is it that easy to meet a dragon? ”

Lathia curled her head and asked him: Of course, it wasn’t easy to meet dragons. However, I didn’t know what would happen if I walked around without any protection against demons.

‘And we need to figure out why dragons don’t show up. ’

The dragon doesn’t appear this far, no matter what you think. It was clear that if the cause could be identified and resolved, it would be an important force in preventing demon invasion in the future.

“It won’t be easy. First of all, it’s in the Aurian Strait itself. ”

“The Aurian Strait….. ”

Wolf hardened his expression on the name Aurian Strait. He opened his mouth as he looked at Hayun.

“Is there any way to get there? If you’re in the Aurian Strait, you can’t even get into the dizzy boat because the water is too fast. ”

“Well, that’s something I’ve been thinking about. ”

Hayun has been thinking about it since he heard about the Aurian Strait. In the past, if you were in the game, it would have been impossible to bump into what is called ‘setup’, but now it’s a pretty easy way to do it.

In his arrogant words, all the party members curled their heads. The Aurian Strait was not just a place to go when you were hungry. Only a sailor who had handled the ship for a long time could get past the insane body of water.

No matter how resourceful he was, Erina asked him in a slightly anxious voice that she had never heard of being able to handle the boat.

“How do you intend to go? Few sailors will be able to handle boats in the Aurian Strait.. ”

In her words, he smiled and shook his head.

“You don’t have to save a sailor. You don’t even have to save a ship. ”

“ ……? ”

Erina looks at him with a look that she doesn’t understand what he’s saying right now. In the first place, I had no idea how to get to the straits without boats and sailors. Hayun looks at the party members and points to the sky with his fingers.

“We’re going to fly into the sky. ”

“ ……. ”

The party members who heard Hayun’s words could not shut their mouths with one dumb expression. Heaven. Even though it felt ridiculous for him to talk like that about an area that cannot be crossed from a human point of view, on the one hand, all the party members were convinced of his words.

If anyone saw Ha-yun running freely through the air and fighting, they would have no choice but to nod at him. And before that, his party members, except Arien, were more reliable because he had the experience of moving people through the air like a staircase during the Alec incident.

“Are you okay? The size of the Strait is not big enough, so you will have to continue using the technology. ”

“You don’t have to worry about that. ”

Creating an invisible footprint in the air was something that could be done with little or no foundation. Now, when the Energy Steat was in the 3rd grade, it had the foundation to build a foothold all day long.

“I’m looking forward to flying through the sky. ”

Erina said with a smile. All the party members nodded as if they agreed with her.


The Demon Seed Chapter is finished. The next chapter will finally have dragons.

Hmm… I’m thinking about who to use the next H scene.

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