Mordo Online

Chapter 140


Dragon of Life Lactarcia

Mordo Online 139 [Dragon of Life Lactarsha]

“Huffling ”

A thunderous snoring echoes inside the huge cavity. Huge cavities were creating a wholesome atmosphere as if no one was living. Within that cavity, an invisible blonde boy, ten years old, was walking. The boy put his hands together in his mouth and shouted playfully.

“Hey! Kargas!!! Where are you?! ”

The boy’s bright voice echoed inside the huge cavity. The boy’s identity was Marmon, one of the top seven demons. He looked like a child, but there was a demon in him who possessed so much magic that he could make the whole continent hell.

After a long time, Marmon came to Cargas’ Rare and looked around with an excitement. Cargas was Marmon’s greatest masterpiece. Marmon closed his eyes and paused to recall how pleasant it was to slowly corrupt the dragon with a sweet word of that powerful wisdom.

“Hahaha, it’s a masterpiece that can’t be compared to other toys. ”

Marmon recalls a man named Alec, whom Pahel called Corrupt a while ago. He was a filthy, ugly man. Such a petty human being and Cargas could not even be compared. Mamon snorts and finds Cargas again.

“And where is Cargas? ”

Marmon looks for Cargas, swelling his cheeks. As much as the power of his corrupted existence was too strong, Marmon had little control over Cargas. Marmon rolls his feet in place as if angry.

“What! I came here to finish this job myself, and I can’t even see my face! ”

Despite his arrival, Marmon expresses his indignation at Cargas, who can’t even see his nose. Marmon walks forward and finds Cargas’ bedroom. His eyes fluttered with fury.

“If you’re messing with the Succubus again, I won’t stand by! ”

Marmon shouted at Cargas, who was quite fond of the circus he had sent. Marmon, who found Cargas’ bedroom, opened the door without even knocking.

“…… Huh? ”

Marmon’s expression stiffened as she looked inside the bedroom. There was nothing in the bedroom. Yes, it was not just without Cargas. There was no ‘nothing’ in the bedroom. It’s like being stolen from someone.

“Cargas… no way. ”

Marmon narrowly opened his eyes. The first thought that came to mind was the possibility that Cargas betrayed Marmon. Cargas himself had a power comparable to that of a high demon. Because he had such a great power, Marmon’s dominance hardly affected him.

If he says treachery, Marmon’s dominance over Cargas is almost non-existent.


Marmon looked at the empty bedroom with sharp eyes that she couldn’t find before. Cargas had no reason to betray Marmon. No, he shouldn’t have betrayed Marmon.

Kargas and Marmon have already done something irreversible. Even if Cargas was liberated from the desire to corrupt himself late, they had already crossed the irreversible river long ago.

What the hell happened? ’

Marmon looks at Cargas’ empty bedroom with an incomprehensible expression. He decided to search the bedroom as well as other places just in case. Boom! Rare’s hard stone floor is smashed and Marmon’s body moves inside the Rare at a tremendous speed.

The next place Marmon found after the bedroom was Cargas’ warehouse. Marmon, who arrives in front of Cargas’ warehouse in less than a few seconds, quickly opens the warehouse door. The inside of the warehouse was empty without leaving any dirt as he expected.

“What happened……. ”

If this had happened, there were only two possibilities. The possibility that Cargas really betrayed himself and ran away somewhere else. And it’s possible that someone killed Cargas after he was killed by someone swept all of his belongings.

“It doesn’t make sense that Cargas is dead. ”

Marmon shakes his head about the second possibility that comes to mind. Kargas was a strong man comparable to the High Devil. Even the same dragons had no way of killing him alone. And if there was a fight here, it didn’t make sense to keep Rare looking so healthy.

“Kargas betrayed you? ”

However, the first possibility was not one or two odds. Cargas really had no reason to betray Marmon. All relationships are maintained by understanding and profit or loss. Cargas did not have the ‘profits’ to gain from betraying him.

“What happened……. ”

Mamon thought he should look back at Rare a little more, and then scoured Rare’s insides at an incomparably fast pace. In the meantime, he discovered something unreliable.

“Don’t be ridiculous….. ”

Marmon’s eyes opened. Under a huge cavity, there was a carcass of Cargas with only bones left. Marmon’s eyes begin to tremble violently after seeing Cargas’ body.

Cargas is dead.

Marmon desperately thought of the existence that could kill Cargas. His expression was tinged with anxiety. Marmon continues to think, biting his thumbnails with a nervous enemy.

Dragon? No, no. There’s no way we can afford to kill Cargas to the dragon now. Elf? You can’t kill Cargas with a Ruberin, not the Del Rhine. Demibeasts? It’s impossible for an entire race to run. Dwarf? That’s nonsense. Then……. ’

Marmon narrows his eyes. It was absurd, but there was only one species that was likely to kill Cargas except for the dragon. It was a human being. Most humans, or almost all humans, were weak, but there were some very occasional human beings with crazy powers like Raynald.

“Wait……. ”

Marmon recalls a video he received from Pahel a while ago, saying, “Man, man.” When I first saw the video, I could not help but think of maneuvering. Marmon takes the crystal bead out of his arms and contacts Pahel.

[What’s going on, Marmon?]

“Pahel. We have a problem. ”

I no longer felt a bit of a prank in Marmon’s voice. Pahel realized something serious was happening through Marmon’s voice.

[……] What kind of problem are you talking about?]

“Kargas is dead. ”


Pahel, who heard Marmon, kept his mouth shut. What Marmon is saying right now is not easy to understand. Cargas wasn’t meant to say that he was dead. The presence of cargases in the material world could be considered a finger.

[What did the dragon do?]

“No, dragons can’t get out now. That’s why I’m out here in the material world. ”

[What? Marmon, are you in the material world now?!]

Pahel shouted in a frightened voice. The presence of the High Demon in the material world was a different dimension than the presence of an Intermediate Demon like Argal in the material world. The Magi of the High Demon was so powerful that it was impossible to hide it in any way.

It was no different for a senior demon to just go out into the material world without any protection than to advertise to a dragon to kill him. Marmon, who heard Pahel’s fearful voice, distorted his mouth.

“I told you. The dragon can’t move now. ”

[…] What did you do, Marmon?]

“Hmm I don’t know. I’ll tell you that later. That’s not the problem right now, is it, Pahel? ”


Pahel’s voice beyond the crystal ball stopped again. Mamon said to Pahel, who was keeping his mouth shut.

“Yesterday, you said that the Iranian man killed your servant Alec with ridiculous power, right? And you said it would take a long time to recover if you used it once. ”

[…… yes.]

Mamon, who heard Pahel’s answer, sighed, stroked his chin and spoke.

“Then, there’s no such thing as a possibility. ”

[That man named Hayun killed Cargas? When the hell was that?]

Pahel asked Marmon with an incredible snowflake. He never missed a single act of Ha-young since the Alec incident. However, I never went to the ‘Forest of Giants’ with Rare of Cargas in it. Marmon, who heard Pahel, shook his head and said,

“I didn’t die recently. He died at least a year ago. ”

[Then…… you mean you’ve already killed Cargas before you killed Alec?]

“If it was the power from the footage you showed me, it would have been possible. ”

Marmon then recalls the power shown by the human in the video. Cargas was powerful enough to kill even Nephilim. Pahel, who heard Marmon, stroked his chin and spoke.

[If so…… does that mean that man can use his power at least once every half year?]

If you used it once when you killed Cargas a year ago and once when you killed Alec about three months ago, you could use it at least once every eight or nine months in time. When she heard him, she shook her head.

“I don’t know. No, maybe your guess was wrong in the first place. ”

[…… I’m in trouble.]

Pahel said that with an annoying voice.

[Neither is Reynald, nor that Hayun, nor the human race.]

“Hmm By the way, I don’t like that son of a bitch named Ha-young. ”

Marmon stares at Cargas’ corpse with twinkling eyes. A frenzied voice came out of his mouth.

“How dare you smash my toys? ”

Woodsman. The surrounding Rare collapses around the angry Marmon. An enormous magi burst into his surroundings. For a human without any power, this energy alone was powerful enough to suffocate and lose his life. Mamon stroked his lips and spoke in a frightening manner.

“I must kill that man, Ha-young. ”

[…] I’m surprised you’re so aggressive.]

Pahel said to Mamon in a surprising voice. Among the four remaining senior demons, Marmon was the one who was taking an uncooperative attitude towards the resurrection of Nephilim, the most powerful of them all. ‘He must have the material system in his hands. It was because he was not interested in the proxy itself and moved solely by his own emotions.

And when she heard Pahel’s words, she rolled her feet as though she were a child.

“But! But! Hajimaan! Kargas was my greatest masterpiece! I’ve been corrupting you for hundreds of years! You can’t just let a rat crush a bird without knowing it!! ”

[…] You’re crazy.]

Pahel said to Mamon in a voice that he was troubled. In the meantime, Pahel recalls the grave problem he had forgotten.

[By the way, how can you be in the material world, Marmon?]

Yes, the High Devil could not be in the material world. No, I could have, but I couldn’t escape the dragons’ attack. No matter how much you went to the materiel system and said it was a high demon with limited power, you didn’t support a dragon or two anymore, not a Dragon Lord.

The problem was that nearly a dozen dragons attacked the High Demon. If a dragon ran that number, it would have to die a high-ranking demon or something. Marmon, who heard Pahel, smiled and said to him,

“Huh? That’s why most dragons lie down. It’s right here. ”

Marmon says nonsense in his mouth.


A loaf of bread about why dragons didn’t show up (…)

By the way, our demons on the barn legs are really crazy (…)

The reason the demons are so vain is because Ha-young has grown so fast at such an ‘impossible speed’.

It was the only way to convince the devil of its growth rate.

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