Mordo Online

Chapter 69


Shraham’s Tomb

Mordo Online 68 [Tomb of Shraham]


The twins radiated light. The necks of the Sand Soldiers fell together. Shuraham stared at Hayun with frightened eyes. It was the speed at which the word “overwhelming,” demonstrated what it was. In front of Hayun’s incredible speed, the sand soldiers were close to the scarecrow.

[What is that speed!]

It was a movement such that the air could not withstand too rapid a movement. I could never think of him as a human being. In the blink of an eye, Hayun, who dealt with the Sand Soldier, stepped roughly in the air and flew toward Shuraham.


Shuraham stretched out his arms in front of him, erecting a wall of sand. A thick wall of sand appeared in front of him. Tadaq. Hayun, who was rushing towards Shuraham, used his skills to twist the drought with a light step. A door slide. It is a crescent-like movement that moves the opponent backwards.

Due to the influence of agility, Hayun’s body moved behind Shuraham at a tremendous speed. Hayun twirled toward Shuraham’s back.



Shuraham screams at the enormous pain felt on his back. He rolls his foot with his fist clutched. Sand waves emerged from the cracks as the floor split. Paang. With the sound of the air burst, Hayun’s body disappeared. It was an incredible speed that I thought was similar to the space movement that I showed you before.


Furious to the end of his head, Shuraham exploded his magic power inside with a rough old man. A sandstorm created around his body swept everywhere. Hayun dared not enter the sandstorm and looked at Shuraham from the outside.

“Phew, Phew….. ”

A rough breath came out of his mouth. As well, restoring HP consumed by the movement of Agility 3rd Awakening with only superpower energy mixed with Energy 1st Stage was too much.

‘Can I just….. use my superpowers to recover? ’

In that way, health consumption was no longer a problem.

But it is.

Hayun bites his lips. After entering Shuraham’s tomb, he continued to use his superpowers for various reasons. The powerful power of superpowers was like drugs. Once I took it, I used it to get through enough without using it.

‘as far as I can. ’

He repaired the pair, ignoring the temptation to use superpowers. At that time, the thought that had come to mind before passed through his mind.

‘If I’m right. ’

He opened his user information window with an excited face.

[User Info]

Name: Hoyun Level: 99 EXP: 3121857 (Use EXP 3 only to increase ‘Energy’ Steat and ‘AGI’ Steat. Other Steats can be raised using EXP 100,000.)

Title: Dragon Butcher (click ‘here’ to view and change title skill information)

Height: 173.2cm

Weight: 64.8kg

Job: Dual Sword Fighter


STR: (29 (+4)/50 (+1)

AGI: (51 (+1)/50 (+1)

HP: (10/50) +1

INT: (10/50) +1

Wisdom: (10/50) +1

Energy: (51/50) +1

Magic Power: (10/50) +1

MP: (10/50) +1

Holy Power: (10/50) +1

Pain: (10/50) +1

Luck: (10/50) +1

“As well.”

As he expected, he grabbed the Sphinx in the previous cavity and fulfilled all the required EXP for secondary awakening. Hayun’s mouth twisted upwards. Originally, I thought about Agility Secondary Awakening or Energy Secondary Awakening, but I decided after using the sunset to report it.

I couldn’t even stand the Awakening of Agility 3rd by the amount of superpower energy mixed with my energy right now. If it was 3rd and 4th, I wouldn’t even think about it. For Hayun, who had to refrain from using superpowers as much as possible, there was no point in gaining power only by using superpowers.

[I’ll rip your limbs out!]

At that time, with Shuraham’s angry voice, the sandstorm that was circling around his body began to concentrate in one place. I felt a tremendous force in the sand storm, unwittingly creeping.

‘I don’t have time. ’

Ha-yun did not hesitate and pressed the +1 button next to the Energy Steat.


[Energy Steat has risen to 52.]

[EXP penalty applies. Decreases EXP from normal monsters by 1/10.]

With the familiar blue message window, the amount of energy that was flowing through his body began to increase dramatically. His fast-blowing energy began to absorb a little bit of his infinite superpower energy.


Quaguar overlight!!!

A sandstorm focused on one point swallowed everything and began to shoot at Hayun. The entire cavity was shaken by the enormous power contained within the attack. His party members stare at Shuraham with a bluish face.

I never thought it was a weak boss monster, but I didn’t even think it was strong enough to make such a ridiculous attack.

Hayun thought it was impossible to avoid his attack by simply moving in the suction of a sandstorm that seemed to suck his body. As his body melted into the air, he disappeared.

[It’s useless!]

Knowing that Hayun could move a short distance into space, Shuraham shouted in a cheerful voice, distorting the entrance price. A sandstorm from Shraham followed Hayun, who traveled a short distance like a living creature.

“Oh, no! ”

Seeing a sandstorm chasing after Hayun, Liroa and Erina start screaming in horror. The sandstorm that Shuraham shot was approaching him, exuding a threatening force that would tear Hayun apart right away.

Erina reflectively memorized the shield spell, but she knew better than anyone that she could not stop that sandstorm with a shield. Erina looks at Hayun with a desperate expression.

Hayun’s body disappeared as if it had melted into the air again.


Shuraham again laughed at Hayun, who used short-range space travel. The sandstorm he shoots will follow him no matter where he runs.

[…] Huh?]

Shuraham’s eyebrows frowned as he looked at Hayun with his arms crossed. Short-range space travel is definitely not a simple magic, but that human was using it like it was nothing in a row.


With three consecutive space moves, Hayun suddenly twists his body and rushes to Shuraham. The surrounding air burst in response to his movement. Shuraham set up a wall of sand with a slightly embarrassed look.


As soon as his attack got stuck in the sand wall, Hayun used to move space behind Shuraham. Then the sandstorm that was following him began to fly away, rather like it was aiming for Shraham. Only then did Shuraham realize Hayun’s number.

He was trying to get himself caught in a sandstorm by avoiding behind his body. A deeper laughter ensued at Shuraham’s mouth.

[How dare you think that the sand attack will work on me, the ruler of the sand!]


The sandstorm strikes Hayun as if Shraham’s body did not exist. Ha-young quickly moved with an embarrassing look, but was unable to escape the sandstorm explosion completely. The whole cavity was echoed.

“Argh….. ”

Ha-young’s mouth bled out. His body, caught in a powerful explosion, completely turns into a mop. His one knee was broken and fell to the ground. I didn’t expect Shuraham to work for just one reason: a sand attack.

‘If there is a slight gap….. ’

Calculating the time remaining in the sunset, Hayun murmured so deeply. A new superpower blossomed as the Energy Steat rose to the 2nd level, a new superpower that had never been available before. If you can use it, you can do tremendous damage to the Shraahs who use that annoying skill like that crazy ‘Sand Wall’.


It was not easy to create that gap. Shuraham speaks arrogantly and does not show an easy way to attack even if he casts manure.

[Hmph, it’s over.]

Shuraham snorts at Hayun, who becomes a slut. He made a sharp spear made of sand to finish Hayun. It was then.

“Charge!! ”

With a grumpy voice, the ball carrying the round shield rushes to Shuraham. Shuraham frowns and shakes his hand toward the Wolf. The sharply lightened spears fly towards the Wolf.

“Holly Barrier!! ”

A silver shield was created in the body of the Wolf with Erina’s lucid voice. Bang! The spear of sand lightly rips Erina’s shield and hits the round shield of the Wolf. The charge of the Wolf is dismantled and his body rolls roughly to the ground.

[You’re so weak you’re not even worth playing]

Shuraham stares at the Wolf with a look that seems worthless. Behind the cheek, I saw Teña using handwritten paintings. Teña swings her fist roughly with her body in the air.

“Large airfield!”

Paang! The air burst roughly into her fist. A fist-shaped attack with powerful power flows towards Shuraham. Shuraham summoned the Sand Wall with a snort. Teña’s attack is blocked by the sand wall and vanishes in vain.

“Dark Strike! ”

“Ice Storm! ”

Strong C + magic unfolds in the mouths of Liroa and Latia. As they dealt with the common monsters, each one of them was shot at Shura by magic with a non-greenish power.

In particular, Dark Strike, the interpersonal attack magic, was amplified by the ‘Basilisk Eye’, making Shraham a force that could not be ignored. Shuraham rolled his feet toward the floor with an annoying look in his eyes.


[annoying things!]

As he kicks the floor, a huge wave of sand rises and swallows up the magic they shot. Their magic was so easily swallowed up by the sand waves that the fundamental magic difference was so great.

“Fuck!! ”

Bang! One day, the Wolf, while using handkerchiefs, shrugs the floor with a round shield. An enormous amount of pressure crushed the shroud. Shuraham’s body shakes slightly, as if this attack could not be ignored.


When I saw Shraham, Hayun’s eyes were shining. With a desperate expression, he looks at his party member running to Shuraham. Their power created the ‘gap’ that Hayun wanted so much.


Hayun’s body was shot at Shuraham. A storm surged around his body beyond the speed of sound. As soon as Hayun, the most perilous target, moved, Shuraham built a sand barrier towards his direction. The twins split the sandwall.


Before Shuraham’s words even continued to the end, I felt something different. Ha-yun said, twisting the price of seek.

“This won’t stop me. ”

Cuts. Strong superpowers that made the space itself contradictory were expressed in pairs. The twin twins, with the ability to cut, split Shraham’s body in half. No matter how hard the sandwalls were, there was no way to stop the coming attack by cutting through the space itself.

[Wha, son…….]

Shuraham stares at him with frightened eyes at the ridiculous attack by Hayun. A gut spilled from his waist that split in half, vomiting a white kim. Hayun stepped in the air and kicked Shuraham’s head as if he were still conscious.

Per billion!

Shuraham’s head exploded.


Finally fighting Shraham! We’ve got new superpowers. Heh.

Now this chapter is over too…!!

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