Mordo Online

Chapter 70


Shraham’s Tomb

Mordo Online 69 [Tomb of Shraham]


[You defeated Shuraham, the ruler of the desert! You’ve earned the title ‘Lord of the Desert’!]

[You have gained 154 million EXP, 57452 Gold and 15,000 Achievement Points.]

[Obtained ‘Bracelet of Shraham (Rank: B)’.]

[As Shuraham, the owner of Shuraham’s tomb, falls, the dungeon collapses.]

Having read the message that came before his eyes, he opened his eyes to see the last message that came before him.

In the past, processing boss monsters in online games didn’t happen because the dungeon collapsed. The boss monster that I caught once was online, but I don’t know if it can be regenerated, because the dungeon itself collapsed and if it is packed with ordinary monsters and elite monsters, there is very little hunting ground.

Kugu Bow!!

The dungeon starts to shake and stones start to pour from all sides. Ha-yun bites his lips roughly. It was already well known that this place was different from the world he knew. Now I had to think about how to get out of here rather than why this happened.


At that time, Liroa approached him, who had dealt with Shraham. She tears as she looks at Hayun’s wounded body.

“Are you all right, Ha-young? ”

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here now.”

I didn’t have time to talk to Leroy in this situation. Ha-yun shouts at the party members who are full of exhaustion.

“The dungeon collapses! Everyone needs to get together quickly and get out of here!! ”

The party members who heard his cry gathered beside him. With a tired expression, Wolf came to the forefront and began to run into the passageway that had now passed.

“Teña! Please bring Latia! ”

“Argh! ”

Hayun begins to run with Liroa and Erina beside each other, who are relatively slow to move. Suddenly, Erina, holding him, screams cute. After noticing his intentions, Teña starts to run with Latia.

Kugu Bow!!

The shaking of the dungeon grew stronger and the stones poured down like rain. Ha-yun bites his lips roughly.

‘The collapse speed is too fast. ’

No matter how slowly they explored the dungeon, the size of Shuraham’s tomb was not surprising. No matter how fast you ran, it took more than two hours to get out of the dungeon.

The entire dungeon seemed to collapse in less than 10 minutes. As a matter of fact, all the party members were quite exhausted by successive battles.

‘It’s impossible to get out before it collapses. ’

Ha-young calmly judged the situation. It was impossible to escape before this dungeon collapsed with the power of the party members. That said, I couldn’t use the shield to survive the collapse of the dungeon.

Blocking thousands of tons of sand was a few times more difficult than dealing with a powered shroud. Hayun shouts at the Wolf who is running out in front of him.

“Mr. Wolf! Please stop! ”

“What does that mean now? I think this dungeon will collapse right now….. ”

Wolf stands still, distorting his expression as if he could not understand. Tenya, who was holding Latia after him, also stopped walking. Hayun opens his mouth as he looks at the Wolf.

“It’s impossible to walk out of here right now. ”

“But that doesn’t mean there’s another way. ”

Obviously, there was no other way out of here than to get out of the situation a little faster, as he said. If Ha-yun didn’t have the extraordinary power to think that he was superhuman.

Ha-yun pulled the pair and put the horse on the floor.

“Twins have the ability to move space using stored magical power. ”

“Ah……. The space movement technology you used was the power of that sword. ”

In fact, there was no technology available to move space in pairs, but it was unknown to anyone unless they had used pairs themselves anyway. When Wolf heard him, he curled his head and asked.

“But I’ve never heard of a twin with that ability. ”

The twin was so famous that it was circulated as a ‘legend’. Nephilim, the Demon King, had a twin battle with Great Hero Raynald, a story that was well known to the neighborhood’s children. I knew more about it, especially in the case of Wolf, as his ancestors were part of the Raynald party.

“Collective mobility technology is ambiguous to use during combat, but it must have been information about long-time pairing. ”

“Hmm….. It is, though.”

The Wolf nods without doubting his eyes. There was so much talk about the twins and Reynald’s weapon, the Del Rhine, that I had no idea what they were capable of.

“Everyone gather around me. ”

“By the way, I can’t believe I can use Mestelport without any prep. Black twins are amazing. ”

Erina sighs of relief and says with admirable voice. Senior wizards can also use a group mobility technology called Mesteleport, but this was impossible unless it was done on a thoroughly prepared wizard.

“Here we go.”

With a bitter smile on her part, Hayun freed the superpowers that sealed inside her. Although not enough to handle space in combat, superpowers were a technique that emitted quite a number of superpower waves.

But now was not the time to cover that up. If Kritzer gave up the lives of his colleagues because he was afraid, there was no more preaching.

The superpower energy liberated from Hayun’s body tore the space very lightly. Hayun and the Petites were sucked into the torn space.




After moving the space, Teña, who couldn’t take a dip, hit her ass on the ground as it was. She turns her head and looks around.

“Wow…… I really came out of the dungeon. ”

Looking at the endless desert, she expressed her admiration. She wasn’t the only one who looked amazing. The other party members were looking around with an unreliable expression and expressing an elongated admiration.

“Mr. Ha-young, is the wound okay? ”

“Ah……. Yes, I’m fine. ”

Erina approaches him with the look of fear that Hayun, who was hit by a sandstorm earlier in the battle, will be greatly wounded. Hayun replied that he was fine, but the wounds still remained in Hayun’s body.

Using the technique called ‘cutting’, it used most of the superpower energy mixed with energy, and it only used superpower to move space in order to reduce the increase in superpower waves as much as possible.

“What do you mean you’re okay?! There’s so much blood! ”

Seeing Hayun’s wounds, Erina shouts in an angry voice, forcing him to sit on the floor. She immediately prepared a recovery spell.

“I’m fine because I have a recovery spell. You should rest a little more than that… ”

“Be quiet. ”

In her resolute voice, Hayun could not speak to the end. Although it was clear that she would have been very tired as a result of the battle in a row, Erina used her healing magic to heal her wounds with as much divinity as she could now.

“Cure Body! ”

The silver divine power emanating from Erina’s fingertips flows into Hayun’s body. As the pain from the wound diminished, Hayun made a comfortable expression. Hayun smiles up at Erina.

“Thank you, Mr. Erina. ”

“…… Don’t say that, Mr. Ha-young. ”

Erina strokes his wound with a crying voice and answers. No matter who saw it, it was Ha-yun who suffered the most in this battle. The fact that he took it from someone other than himself made her sick.

“Ha-young….. ”

Liroa grabs both fists as she sees Haryun under the recovery spell. The fact that she was unable to do anything under the circumstances made her suffer. Hmmm. Hayun swallowed up the immersion and dragged him by the hand.

“Liroa helped a lot this time, too. Thank you.”

“Ah……. ”

In his words, he bowed with a red face. Hayun does not receive Erina’s recovery magic, but stands up and opens his mouth.

“Mr. Ha-young, I haven’t finished my treatment yet….. ”

“Let’s get a little off here. The dungeon will collapse soon. ”

At Hayun’s words, all the party members turn their heads towards the pyramid where they first entered. The pyramid, which was smaller than the other pyramids, was shaking dangerously as if it were going to collapse right away.

Ha-yun tries to sit in the driver’s seat after pulling the wagon out of his magic pocket. Then the Wolf grabbed his shoulder.

“At least I’ll drive. You need to get some rest inside. ”

Hayun nodded and walked into the wagon. They would have driven two wagons as usual, but now they don’t even have that spare time.


The Wolf starts up roughly, energizing the wagon. The wagon went forward with a fierce sound.

Kugu Gugu Bow!!

After some time, a huge roar shook the floor with the dusty sand. The tomb of Shraham collapsed. The party members who saw the tomb collapse had a grumpy look at what would have happened without Ha-young.

“That’s great….. ”

Latia murmured without her knowing when she saw Shraham’s tomb fall. Everyone nods as if they agree with her. After the shaking of the floor stopped, the chef pulled over the wagon.

“Looks like the collapse is over now. Are you feeling better? ”

“Yes, but I’m a little tired. ”

Hayun looks down at Erina’s recovered body with some recovery magic and says. When Wolf heard him, he smiled bitterly. You have dealt almost alone with a powerful enemy named Shraham, but if you are not tired, it will be even more strange.

“Then let’s take a break here and go. ”

“Let’s do that. ”

Just as he agreed with Wolf, he nodded. A sigh of relief gushed out among the party members, not with his family. This battle was so hard that I couldn’t say anything but that it was horrible.

“Aren’t you hungry, Ha-young? ”

Liroa asks, pulling out the magic pouch that she heard from the ingredients and cookware. Ha-yun shakes his head with a tired expression.

“I just want to rest now. ”

He said that, lying on a bed set in a wagon. This battle was hard enough for him to exceed his expectations, and it was a fierce battle. At Hayun’s words, the party members around him nodded. This is what it means to be exhausted without the energy to eat.

“Then rest easy, Ha-young. ”

The party members, including Liroa, left the wagon to help Ha-youn rest as comfortably as possible. He took a hand to his forehead and thought about the plan ahead.

‘It’s so different from the world I knew. ’

There were many differences between the world beyond the monitor he knew and the real world today. Hayun grabs his head as if he’s in trouble.

“It’s not clear that this will result in a coup after July. ’

Although Shraham’s tomb was attacked at a much faster time than expected, he could not be relieved. This dungeon attack made me realize that the world he knew was very different from what it is today. Then it is not strange that a coup d ‘état happens by Alec at any time.

‘I have to go to the Emperor. ’

Ha-young thought there was a need to go to the Emperor to see what Alec was like.


Trident of Rage!!

I put the H scene behind every chapter, so the cover I promised you (…) is coming soon!

I’m using it right now and I’ll put it up if I can at dawn!

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