Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 37: New To The Pack

Returning home for a nice swift breeding, filling both holes of my naughty wolf daughters. As a token of gratitude for their decision to remain by my side, I allowed them to have their way with me. The intensity of their love was overwhelming.

After tidying myself up, a reminder that I must find a solution for this—I don't have time to waste on cleaning my body in some lake. I made my way back to the Den, opening the system window.

I discovered something new about the Den's features, something that had escaped my notice before. No, I actually failed to understand how it worked since I didn't have all the necessary information.

The pregnancy rate buff that the wolf's den provided was tricky to calculate and notice. For instance, when outside the Den, Ember would give birth in nine days, and Luna in eight. However, when within the Den, the pregnancy duration changed. It shortened by 24 hours.

Thus, Ember's gestation period would be reduced to eight days, and Luna's to seven. But here's the tricky part: They must remain within the Den to receive the pregnancy buff. If they ventured outside, the timer would revert to its original duration.

Me, on the other hand, I experienced a significant decrease in my pregnancy duration, from eleven days to eight. I have no idea how it was calculated but it was a welcome improvement.

Now, all I have to do is apply for the Birth Barn slot and accelerate my pregnancy. I earnestly hoped for a favorable percentage, like the previous occasion, which was around 99%....hehehe.

Oh! Another thing I forgot to mention was that applying for the Birth Barn slot could be done from within the Den. Apparently, race-specific buildings were connected to the Birth Barn, which was quite convenient.

"Phew, let's do this." I thought, drawing a deep breath as I opened my status window. Upon locating the pregnancy status and pressing the plus sign, another window appeared.

"Ohh!...I see…so that's how it works," I murmured, raising an eyebrow as I noticed Ember and Luna's names below mine. From this window, I could apply the slot to one of them, accelerating their pregnancies. However, I had no intention of doing so.

I have no idea how their bodies will react to the rapid growth, given their lack of skills to manage pain and recovery, similar to my initial experiences. It's too dangerous and requires further testing.

[Applying The Birth Barn slot]


I selected "Yes," and another message materialized.

[Pregnancy time: 8 days > 15 hours and 36 minutes]

[Please confirm to continue]

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue, eyeing the new timer. Fifteen hours with a big, fat belly was a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the buff, and the percentage was above 90%, but it was nowhere near the 99% of the last time.

"Maybe that was a unique occurrence since it was my first time and with a time-limited quest?" I pondered.

"What's wrong, Mother?" Luna, half-asleep from her little nap, asked as she crawled into my lap and eagerly latched onto my left breast.

"Nothing, my dear," I replied warmly, allowing her to drink my milk for a few minutes before asking her to awaken her sister.

"Ready to see something magical?" I said, my voice filled with amusement and excitement as I observed their curious eyes.

"Yes, Mother," they replied in unison.

Nodding, I shifted my focus to the system window and selected "Yes" to confirm the new timer. Instantly, I felt the familiar sensation, and my body began to glow in a soft, golden light similar to the last time.

"Ahhh!....Yes, I missed this," I moaned as I watched my belly expand rapidly. My skin stretched to accommodate the growth, and my breasts swelled with even more milk. They were on the verge of bursting, and the slightest movement caused milk to spill from my engorged nipples. My hips also widened.

Ember and Luna watched with wide eyes, their tails wagging furiously as they sensed the magic unfolding before them.

"Wow, Mother!" Ember exclaimed, her voice full of awe. "You're getting bigger! But how?"

"Hehehe…" I chuckled, my breasts aching with the increased milk production. "It's a part of who I am, my dear," I explained.

Luna leaned in, attempting to lift my heavy, milk-filled breast with both hands. "Amazing, Mother. More milk and it's flowing like a river," she said, opening her mouth wide, squeezing my breast, and the milk gushed out in rapid bursts straight to her throat.

"Yum! And it's more tasty, too," she added with a grin.

"Let me have some too," Ember quickly joined in, drinking my milk.

I laughed, gently stroking Luna's dark fur. "Of course, it's tasty. Did you ever find anything more delicious than my milk?"


They stared at me blankly, "Mother, we never tried anything else," Ember replied.

"Oops… I forgot," I giggled and then tried to tease them a little. "So, if you find something more delicious than me, that means you'll grow tired of me?" I said, feigning a tear.

"Eh?" they gasped in shock.

"Sob…my precious daughters no longer love me…Sob!" I pretended to sob.

Ember and Luna's eyes widened in fear, and they immediately ceased drinking from my breast. "No, Mother!" they exclaimed in unison, their tails drooping.

Luna crawled closer, nuzzling my face. "We love you, Mother. You're the best thing we've ever had."

Ember nodded vigorously, her ears perked up. "Yes, Mother. We don't need anything else. Your milk is the best."

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my heart. "I'm glad to hear that, my dear daughters. And don't worry, I won't let you get bored of me anytime soon."

With that, I stayed inside the den for a few hours before boredom hit me hard. Surprisingly, moving with a huge belly was easy for me. In fact, if not for the visible pregnancy, I wouldn't have felt any different. My actions were not restricted in any way, and it felt almost natural.

"I suppose this has to do with my race," I mused, making my way to the tomato field, my belly leading the way.

As I approached the plants, I noticed something unusual. The tomatoes were not just growing; they were thriving. The plants were taller and more vibrant than I had ever seen. The fruits were plump and almost ready for harvest. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Soon I'll have some delicious tomatoes," I said with a wide grin, quickly watering them and returning to the den.

I had to remain within the den for the rest of the pregnancy duration, or the timer would reset by a full day.

With nothing else to do, I decided to take a nap on the stone bed, patiently waiting for the birth of my new daughters.


"Hm?" I opened my eyes at the sound of the ding! ringing inside my head. "Is it time?" I wondered, half-asleep.

"Ouch!...Yep! It's time," I realized, feeling a strong kick signaling that the birth was imminent.

I sat up, my heart racing with excitement as I felt the contractions intensifying. My hands instinctively went to my swollen belly. The familiar sensation of labor pains—not as intense as before—washed over me, and I knew the time had come to welcome my new daughters into the world.

Ember and Luna, who had been sleeping beside me, immediately sensed my mood and woke up, their eyes shining with anticipation.

"Mother, is it time?" Ember asked, her voice a mix of excitement and concern.

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face despite the pain. "Yes, my dears, it's time. The new babies are coming."

Luna's ears perked up. "Do we get to see the babies, Mother?"

I smiled, feeling a sense of joy and wonder. "Of course, my dear. You'll get to meet your new siblings soon."

With that, I lay back down, spreading my legs as far as I could and preparing myself for the birth. Ember and Luna watched with wide eyes, their tails wagging furiously, observing the arrival of the new members of our family.

'This is weird, even for me' Actually, I felt a little embarrassed seeing their eyes locked on my slowly widening baby hole.

As I pushed, I felt a surge of energy and a sense of relief wash over me. The contractions intensified, and I pushed again, feeling the baby crowning.

"It's coming!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement and anticipation, eager to see my new daughters.

Ember and Luna cheered, their voices high-pitched and enthusiastic. "Yes, Mother, push! Push! We can see the head!"

With one final push, I felt the baby slide out of me, and I let out a sigh of relief. To my surprise, I had given birth to only one daughter. This confused me, as my belly had been significantly larger than when I had given birth to both Ember and Luna. However, upon reaching for my new wolf daughter, I understood the reason.

"Wow…she…different," I muttered in disbelief, observing my new daughter's size. She was larger than the average newborn. And quite unique.

She had pale skin, blending in nicely with the silver hair and the fur she was born with. Her eyes were mesmerizing ocean blue, but what truly captivated me and the girls was her well…package.

A strange and animalistic cock, with a pointed tip like a spearhead and a visible knot close to the base.

But hey, a wolf-like—maybe—cock wouldn't surprise me this much, okay! Yet her cock did, mainly because of its unique color. Her dick was ocean blue, matching her eyes, and the visible tattoos adorning her arms and legs.

At that moment, a name so fitting for her came to mind. Gazing at my new wolf daughter in awe, I whispered the name.


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