Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 38: Azura

[Congratulations, You have successfully given birth to a Rank E offspring—Wolf-kin—for the first time.]

[Reward: 3000BR]

"Ah... I see," I murmured, my eyes widening in astonishment as I read the system message. Apparently, Azura was a Rank E wolf-kin, a rank higher than me, Luna, and Ember.

This must be the advantage of breeding within the den and in wolf form. That also explains why Azura was different from Luna and Ember when they were first born.

I cradled her close, offering her my right breast. "Here you go, my little blue wolf."

Azura let out a contented sigh as she latched onto my breast, her tiny hands grasping at my fur. Her eyes, mesmerizing ocean-blue orbs, seemed to shine with intelligence as she kept gazing at me while she fed. Luna and Ember, still in awe of their new sister, approached cautiously, their tails wagging slowly.

"She's so beautiful, Mother," Luna whispered, her eyes glued to Azura's unique features.

"Yeah, and look at that cock!" Ember exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sight of Azura's unusual package. "It's like a work of art; I can't wait for her to grow."

I chuckled softly, my heart swelling with pride and love for my daughters. "Indeed, she's a true beauty. And I'm sure she'll grow up to be just as strong and amazing as the two of you."

"Of course, Mother," Ember chimed in again, leaning closer and taking my left nipple in her mouth. "She's our daughter," she said with a grin before squeezing my breast hard, causing my milk to flow down her throat.

"Ahh..." I moaned softly, my cock twitching with arousal at the sight of the mother-and-daughter duo suckling at my breasts.

Luna joined in, nuzzling my left breast and lapping up the milk that dribbled from the corner of Ember's mouth. The sensation of their warm tongues and gentle suckling sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a warmth spread throughout my body.

"I love my daughters," I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around them and pulling them close. Azura, on the other hand, didn't look away from me; her blue eyes were locked on my crimson ones.

"I love you too," I leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead.

The moment I did that, she reached out to me with her tiny hand and gently caressed my cheek. Her touch was like an electric spark, and I felt a surge of love and protectiveness wash over me.

As I held my daughters close, I felt complete, as if something missing had been reunited with me. No, I couldn't even describe it in words. But the closest feeling was as if I had accomplished something destined for me.

That had me wondering about my past. I was sure my past had something to do with the feelings I was experiencing at that moment.

I was HAPPY!... More than happy. I was euphoric. My heart was overflowing with love, and I wished for nothing more than for me and my daughters to stay like this forever.

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and full of energy and, surprisingly, not annoyed by the sunlight. In fact, I liked the warm, cozy atmosphere in the den.

"Hehehe... what naughty daughters I have," I chuckled, noticing the presence of Luna and Ember sleeping nearby. They were locked together in every way: arms, legs, and, of course, cock and pussy.

I didn't remember them having sex, but the night before, I had been exhausted from the birth and had instantly fallen into slumber as soon as I closed my eyes. Speaking of giving birth, Azura had grown quite a lot in just a few hours; her appearance was now that of a nine or ten-year-old human child.

Her silver hair had grown longer, similar to her tail. Her fur remained the same length, nice and thin, but the biggest change was in her physique.


"I guess my Azura will be an athletic one... hehehe," I chuckled, noticing the faint outline of her muscles. Her tiny hands had grown stronger, and her legs seemed more sturdy and powerful. The tattoos adorning her arms and legs seemed to glow with a subtle energy, adding to her unique appearance. And, of course, her blue package had grown, too.

"You're growing up so fast, my little Azura," I whispered, gently stroking her soft fur. "I can't wait to see the powerful wolf-kin you'll become."

Carrying her in my arms, she never took her mouth off my breast. "Come, let's get you all cleaned up."

When we exited the den, the fresh air and morning sunshine embraced us in its warm glow. The forest around us seemed to come alive with the sounds of birds chirping and insects buzzing. Azura immediately woke up, her eyes widening as she took in her surroundings, her curiosity and wonder evident.

"Welcome to the outside world, my little one," I said, breathing in the fresh air. "There's so much for you to explore and discover."

Heading towards the lake, Azura's eyes lit up when she noticed the beautiful blue water.

"Awo!" She clapped her hands on my cheeks and pointed at the lake excitedly.

"Yes, my dear, we're going to play in the lake," I said, smiling at her enthusiasm.

The moment we stepped into the water, Azura jumped from my arms and started splashing around. She began to swim with ease, her arms and legs propelling her through the water. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and she let out delighted squeals as she splashed and played.

"Wow, Azura, you're a natural!" I exclaimed, swimming alongside her. "You're already swimming like a pro."

She giggled softly before diving into the water. I stopped swimming and began cleaning my skin from all the birth fluids and milk that were still on me.


"What!" As I was cleaning, a splash of water hit my face out of nowhere. My eyes darted left and right, trying to find the culprit. But then I heard Azura's laughter; she was hiding underwater with only her head out.

'Not a day old and you want to start a water fight?' I chuckled inwardly, pretending I hadn't seen her.

"Hehehe..." I heard Azura laugh again before raising her right arm high in the air.

"Hmm?" I wondered what she was about to do, but when I saw water rising from the lake and gathering in her palm, my jaw dropped.

'She has magic!' I shouted in my head, watching her aim the bubble of water at me. But unfortunately, the bubble exploded the moment it left her hand.

"Azura, come here," I called to her, and she swam towards me. When she got close, I noticed that the glow of her blue tattoos had faded slightly.

"Azura, do what you just did with the water, but use both of your hands," I instructed.

She nodded and placed both her tiny hands in the water, focusing intently. The tattoos on her arms glowed brighter, and a larger bubble of water formed between her palms.

"That's it, my dear," I encouraged, my voice filled with pride. "Now, try to bring it closer to you."

Azura frowned in concentration, her eyes narrowing as she willed the bubble of water to move. Slowly, it began to float towards her, inch by inch, until it hovered right in front of her face.

"Now try to keep it in place," I said.

Azura's eyes widened in determination as she focused her will on the floating bubble. The tattoos on her arms glowed even brighter, and the bubble remained suspended in mid-air... for five seconds before exploding.

"Hey... you did well," I said, swiftly raising her in my arms as a sudden exhaustion hit her. "You will get better with time." Patting her head, I saw the glow of her tattoo fade.

"Awo!" Azura howled softly, taking my nipple in her mouth. She suckled happily, and it seemed that my milk gave her energy. The glow of her tattoos returned, shining brighter than before.

'Is the tattoo glow representative of her magic or mana?' I wondered, observing the glow intensify each time she suckled.

"Let's test it," I said, walking out of the lake. I lowered Azura to her feet and said, "See those plants, Azura?" I raised my finger, pointing at the tomatoes.

"Awo!" She nodded, her tail wagging excitedly.

"Try to take the water from the lake to the plants. Do your best to keep the bubble of water intact."

Azura's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she turned to look at the tomato plants and then back at the lake. She placed her tiny hands in the water, and the blue tattoos on her arms glowed faintly at first. With a focused expression, she began to gather the water, forming a larger bubble between her palms.

"That's it, my little one," I encouraged, watching with pride as the bubble of water grew. "Now, try to lift it and bring it over to the plants."

Azura's brow furrowed in concentration, and the tattoos on her arms glowed brighter. Slowly, the bubble of water rose from the lake, floating towards the tomato plants. But, once again, the bubble exploded in mid-air.

"Hmm..." I stroked my chin as the glow faded slightly. Then I approached the spot where the bubble had exploded and drew an X mark on the ground.

"Try again."

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