Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 79: Primordial Form

"HEY!... Answer me!!" I blinked, and suddenly I was back in the field. I didn't have a moment to process Lilith's last words before a searing pain coursed through my entire body.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed, gripping my head in agony, the pain was unbearable like someone was driving a knife through my skull. And with the pain.


The crimson pillar of energy erupted, expanding in all directions, knocking down everyone in its path, even the walls of ice collapsed under the pressure. Slowly, the crimson energy began to envelop me like a dome, and when that happened, a system notification suddenly appeared.

[@#è&ç primordial form activated]

"Arrrgghhh!" I clenched my teeth, trying not to scream, but the pain was too much. My body began to change, growing bigger and stronger, my bones cracked and muscles tore, and within seconds I reached three meters tall.

"AAAHHHH!" The pain only intensified as a flood of knowledge entered my mind, and my body continued to change. My skin shifted to a deep shade of crimson, and two massive bat-like wings burst from my back, along with a long, pointed tail and a pair of dark horns sprouted from my head.

"AAAARRRGGGHHH!" Blood poured from my eyes, nose, mouth, and ears as my body kept shifting, becoming more monstrous, more demonic. My ears became pointy like an elf's, the white sclera of my eyes turned black, and the irises began to glow crimson, coupled with the long fangs, I had transformed into a sexy demon.

"Ahh~...this feeling is goood" I took a deep breath, feeling a strange yet comforting energy coursing through my veins, this feeling was nothing like before. My senses had increased tremendously, allowing me to sense every single movement in the area, even the tiniest insect was on my radar.

"What happened to me?" I muttered, looking at the long black fingernails, however, my focus was instantly stolen by other...more intriguing changes.

"Holy shit...what are those?" My jaw dropped at the sight of my massive breasts. The things were so big they could be mistaken for...honestly, I had no idea, all I knew was that even with two hands lifting just one of my breasts would require effort.

"Fuck" I cursed, feeling the heat between my legs. Looking down, my eyes widened in shock when I saw the huge dick dangling between my legs.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted, grabbing the monster. Like everything else, my dick had doubled in size, but what made me think about tearing down some pussies right now was the shape.

"Holy shit!" it was a horse dick, a big, fucking horse dick, thick, long, heavy, and the best part.

"BALLS!" The new dick came with balls too, the size was something out of this world. The things were bigger than a watermelon.

"This is...unbelievable" I muttered, unable to resist the urge to play with my new balls, but the moment I touched them, I came instantly, spilling tons of thick cum like a river.

"Fuuuckkkk" I moaned, shivering from pleasure. Even the orgasm was intense. "This is...awesome" my body was extremely sensitive; a soft touch would make me cum.


The familiar ding brought me out of my pleasure high, opening the notification with a thought.

[The @#è&ç primordial form was successfully activated. Time limit: 8 hours]

"Tsk..." I clicked my tongue, seeing the time limit. This primordial form, a demon or a vampire form–I don't really know—was a strong and powerful form. I haven't tested it yet, but from the knowledge I received about the form, I could confirm that it was like a cheat code.

Hell, I was still inside this dome, and I could sense everything outside, from the smallest insect to the white spider rat.

"So the fucker is still here" I grinned, my crimson eyes glaring at the white spider rat standing behind its minions.

"Time to play," I said, a sadistic grin spreading across my face, the desire to kill, torture, and fuck was taking over.


Snapping my fingers, the dome cracked and fell apart, the sound was loud enough to wake the dead, and the dust rose into the air, revealing my true form.



"" I chuckled, looking at the terrified faces of the spider rats and the stunned expression of my children.




"Hmm?..." I narrowed my eyes, feeling that my senses had gotten even more enhanced.

Blood. I could feel blood everywhere, on the ground, on the trees, inside the veins of my children, and the enemy. The feeling was weird but pleasant.

When I focused more on my children, a thin red line appeared, coming from their hearts and connecting to mine. Only one line was gray, and it was coming from my dead red-haired wolf daughter.


Barely putting in an effort, I dashed toward my dead girl, my speed was something else, and in an instant, I was standing in front of her, gazing down at her cute dead face. From the perspective of others, it would appear as if I had just teleported to her.

"You will live..." I said, kneeling and placing a hand on her forehead. "...As a part of me"

I bent, tilting her head to the side, and bit her neck, drinking her blood.


I felt the energy entering me, her soul was entering my body, her life essence was being absorbed, and she would become a part of me, forever.

"Rest now... My little girl"

Standing up, I stared at the spider rats and the leader, the latter had his jaw open in shock. Swiftly, he raised both of his hands, his kin did the same.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

They fired their webs and air magic toward me.

"Pathetic" I snorted, shielding myself with my new red bat-like wings. The webs and the invisible air bullets smashed against them but didn't even leave a scratch.

"My turn" I growled, channeling the mana in the atmosphere, calling for all the blood in the battlefield to come to me.

"By my will, you shall live again"

Like snakes slithering on the ground, countless bloody arms began to emerge, followed by heads, torsos, and the rest of the bodies.

An immortal army answered my call.

"Attack" I roared, and the blood army roared as well, charging at the enemy with no remorse.

The blood army was like an unstoppable wave of death, ripping and tearing apart the spider rats, and the few who managed to dodge or block them were caught by my chains.

"HAHAHAHA" I laughed, watching my blood minions slaughtering the enemy without hesitation.

I had skeletons made from blood, along with corpses resembling zombies, and a few animal-like beasts—wolves, tigers, bears, snakes, and others. But the most interesting group was the humans. Or at least, I think they were humans; I couldn't make out their race since they were made from blood.

The reason this group was different was because they were armed, with short one-handed swords, spears, and a big square shield.

'Romans?' I thought, seeing that their weapons and armor were similar to Roman soldiers from my old world; they even fought like them too, using a shield wall technique to stop the enemy while their spearmen stabbed from behind.

"Interesting" I nodded, feeling satisfied with the performance of my new minions; it was a shame that their time was limited.

"Now" I turned to look at the white spider rat, seeing that it was trying to run away, leaving its kin behind to their doom "...Where are you going?"

"KEEK" It shrieked, raising its palms and unleashing a tornado of wind magic toward me.

"Heh~" I scoffed, jumping and dodging the attacks with ease; I didn't fly since I wasn't too confident in my ability to control the new wings.

"Die" I roared, descending upon the leader, summoning countless bloody chains to wrap around its limbs.

"KEEK! KEEEK!" It yelled, trying to escape, but the chains were too strong.

"Now, now, don't struggle" I grinned, grabbing the spider's neck and piercing it with my nails.

"You will suffer" I whispered, my lips inches away from its ears. "Suffer as I suffered"

"KEEEK" It groaned, spitting blood from its mouth, its body trembling as it gazed at me in fear.

"I'll start with the small parts first" I smiled, showing my sharp fangs.

"KEEK!" The leader shrieked, again trying to wriggle free, but it was no use, my grip was like steel. "I'll take your eyes first"

"Then" I licked my lips, staring at the spider's body. "I'll cut off your spider legs, then your abdomen"

"And last" I smiled, gazing into the leader's eyes. "Your heart"

"KEEEEK" The white spider rat wailed, its body trembling violently as it realized that its death was near.

"Good" I hummed, ripping its left eye with my fingers.

"ARGGG!" It cried in pain, its cries were music to my ears, the blood dripping from its wound was like a fountain.

"Now for the other one" I grinned, digging my fingers into its eye socket and grabbing the orb, and then pulled it out, tearing the skin and flesh along the way.

"KEEEEEKKK!" It wailed, its screams were ear-piercing, and the sounds of its suffering were pleasing.

"Now for the legs" I licked the blood off my fingers, enjoying the salty taste; it was addicting, and the smell was intoxicating. I couldn't hold myself anymore and bit the neck of the white spider rat.

"KEEEKKK" It struggled, but I held its neck tightly, draining it slowly, but suddenly its body began to glow.

"Hoo!" I raised a brow, sensing the mana gathering in its body.

"A Healing spell, huh?" I hummed, sensing that its body was healing, but I was wrong.


"!!!" Out of nowhere, the remaining spider rats charged at me, trying to save their leader.

"Tsk...annoying" I growled, aiming my blood chains toward them, however, they completely ignored me and went straight for their leader.

"What's going on?" I narrowed my eyes as the glow intensified. "Not good"

The white spider rat was absorbing the life force of its kin.

"SHIT!" I cursed, releasing the chains and grabbing the leader, trying to take it away from the spider rats, however, it was already too late.

Its body had grown twice the size, turning into something horrifying. Multiple rat heads, arms, and spider legs sticking out from all over its body.


"Hehehe....Looking for round two?"

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