Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 80: An Unexpected Request


"Fall back!" I bellowed, unleashing my blood magic as walls and wings to deflect the barrage of attacks.


The white spider rat had gone berserk; its multiple arms and heads kept shooting a new type of magic.

Corrosive acid.

"Damn it!" I cursed, watching the acid splatter against the ground and devour the earth in mere seconds.

"This will be bad if it reaches my kids," I clicked my tongue, seeing that the acid had no end. The white spider rat was shooting an endless amount of it.

I ordered everyone to retreat behind the wall for safety. Only I could withstand the acid, along with my blood army, since I could heal them.

"You've grown stronger," I hummed, observing that the spider rat had grown to an enormous size, nearly reaching five meters. It was an abomination. An ugly one.

"But you're still weak," I grinned, raising my hands to conjure a blood sword and shield.

"COME AT ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I roared, charging towards the monster. I wanted to test myself and this form against a formidable foe.


A massive green blast collided with my blood shield, dissolving the crimson liquid instantly.

"Bastard!" I cursed, using my sword to sever an arm.

"Hmph," The white spider rat snorted, sending dozens of tiny acid balls flying toward me.

"Not gonna work," I grinned, summoning a blood wall to defend myself. "But it was a nice try."

"Tsk," the spider rat clicked its tongue, the sound emanating from a small rat-like head growing out of its abdomen.

"Hehe," I chuckled, seeing that the leader was getting angrier, which meant more mistakes.

"Let's see," I hummed, using the blood on the ground and my own to summon a hundred blood spears.

"Eat this!"

The blood spears soared like rockets toward the spider rat, however, the white monster was ready for it, its eight arms firing out hundreds of acid blasts toward the projectiles, melting everything in their path.

"Haha!" I laughed, seeing the results. "You fell for it!"

"!!!" The spider rat's expression froze as it looked up, spotting another hundred spears raining down on it from the sky.


The explosions rocked the clearing, shaking the very earth.

"KEKEEEEKK!" The white spider rat screamed; the blood spears had injured it greatly, melting through its hideous flesh and causing massive damage. Yet, it was still alive. Plus, it was slowly healing.

"Hehe," I giggled, watching the monster's agony.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it?" I hummed, summoning another wave of blood spears.

"KEKEEEEEKK," it screeched, firing a green acid mist toward me.

"How Cute," I chuckled, using my wings to cover myself from the green fog.

"Take this!" I roared, immediately launching a dozen blood spears at the abomination.

"Hmph," it snorted, summoning a green acid barrier to defend itself, which managed to melt a few of my spears. However, the target of my spears wasn't its upper body, where the monster was using the barrier to protect itself, but rather its spider legs.

"!!!" The white spider rat shrieked, realizing I wasn't aiming at its heads.

"Hehe," I smirked, watching the blood spears sink into the monster's legs, transforming into a liquid and entering its system. I was using the same technique I had used on the goblin leader.

Get my blood inside it so I could control it like a puppet. Sadly, the process was taking too long due to the acid in its blood.

"This is taking too long. I'm tired of it," I said, gazing at the struggling spider rat. "Let's just end it now." Waving my hand, my blood army, who had been standing by all this time, roared and charged at the creature.


I watched silently as the blood soldiers ripped the white spider rat apart; its screams were ear-piercing, but I enjoyed them, especially when my blood puppets ripped off its main head, its body, and the rest of the heads and limbs. However...

The creature refused to die.

"Hmm? This is strange," I raised an eyebrow, watching the pieces of its body begin to reattach themselves again. But what caught my attention was the focus point of the reattachment. Instead of its rat-like torso, all the pieces were connecting to its original right white arm.

"Oh, I see what's going on here," I said, narrowing my eyes at its right arm and sensing a weird, yet familiar, energy inside.

"Cut the arm and bring it to me," I commanded my blood army, and like obedient puppets, they did.

They cut, bit, ripped, sliced, and tore the creature's mutated body apart; the blood poured, painting the ground red. I lost a few soldiers, unable to heal them since my mana was about to run out, but the remaining puppets were still able to grab the arm and bring it to me.

"It's the fucking core," I exclaimed, pulling out a fist-sized green crystal surrounded by a bright golden light from within the arm.

This core was different from the goblin core that I found before, both in size and the energy emitting from it. It was only when I held the core in my hands that I was able to recall the familiar feeling.

"This is the same thing as Celeste's magic and that forest essence," I muttered, recalling the HUGE! Root-dick and the honey-like cum. "Oh, I miss having two dicks at the same time."


Again, only in the perfect moments did the shitty system notification appear, ruining my fun.

"Fuck you, system," I cursed, opening the notification.

[You have killed: Elite Mutant Rat]

[9000 XP]

[You have obtained A Lesser Forest Core]

"Oh...interesting," I smiled, quickly opening the core's description.

[A Lesser Forest Core: Crafted from the very essence of the forest, it grants its holder a regeneration ability and can be used as a source of mana]

"So this is why the fucker kept healing its injuries," I said, thinking about how I should absorb this core. But the moment I thought about that, I felt a strange movement in my crotch, more specifically my womb.

"Wow...what's this?" I exclaimed, looking down. "Is something about to come?...but I'm not pregnant at the moment."


[Attention Breeder!]

[The World Tree Seed is requesting the Lesser Forest Core for herself]

"This is new," I said, seeing that this was the first time I interacted with the world tree that was inside my womb. And it was asking for something.

"So you want this," I smiled, staring at the Lesser Forest Core; the golden light was soothing and calming. "Sure, you can have it. You're my daughter, after all."

"'s tickling," I giggled, feeling something crawling in my vagina. It was a thin green root, a small one barely the size of my pinky. It was a weird feeling, something moving inside me, but it was enjoyable.

"Come to Mommy," I said, watching the little root crawl up my belly and breasts and then stop an inch away from my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing that the root stopped moving and kept staring at me. Or at least, that's what it seemed to me.

"!!!" My eyes widened in shock as the root began to caress my face, like a baby touching its mother's face for the first time.

"Awwww," I giggled, enjoying the tickling sensation.

"Do you like me?" I smiled, reaching for the root and gently petting it.

"Mother," a soft voice rang in my ears.

"What?" I asked, turning around, thinking that one of my daughters had come, but there was no one behind me. "Did I imagine that?"

"No, Mother, you didn't. It's me...Your daughter," the soft voice spoke again.

"Huh?... Are you the World Tree seed?"

"Yes,'s me."

"!!!" My jaw dropped in shock. It was the world tree seed, my daughter was speaking to me telepathically.

"How?... When?" I stuttered, unable to process the situation or contain my joy. This was the first time I interacted with my daughter. I knew she was alive and growing in my womb, but communicating like this was...Amazing. It's like my daughter has just taken her first step.

"Only now, Mother," The world tree said, "I'm sorry, Mother. I can't speak with you for too long. I can only do it because of Mother's essence in your hands."

"Mother's essence?..." I blinked, realizing that the world tree was talking about the Lesser Forest Core. The forest was her 'Other Mother' since I had been impregnated by it through Celeste's roots. "You want it?"

"Yes...It will help me grow stronger fast. I wish to take it if you allow me, Mother."

"Sure...go ahead, you can have it," I said, offering the core to the tiny root in my hand.

"Thank you, Mother," The world tree seed said, "If you find more, Mother, can I have them?"

"Of course, you can, sweetie," I nodded, seeing that the tiny root had wrapped itself around the lesser core.

"Thank you, Mother," The world tree seed said, "I can't talk with you for too long. I'm sorry, Mother."

"No problem, my little girl," I smiled, patting the root in my hand. "Just rest and grow strong inside me, okay?"

"I will, Mother," The world tree seed said before her presence disappeared.

"Ahh~...This feels so good," I moaned as the root began to return to my womb. With the height of my unknown primordial form, getting that core inside my pussy was easy.

"This is awesome," I giggled, feeling a warmth inside my womb as my daughter began absorbing the core; it only lasted for a minute before it disappeared.

"Now...What should I do?" I hummed, looking at my big hands and red-skinned body, swiftly opening the system, I saw that I still had six hours before the form would deactivated.

"Oh, I know...hehehe," Flashing a lewd smile, playfully patting my heavy balls. "Time to get these bad boys wet."

"Hahaha...this is going to be fun."

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