Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 101 Population

"I'll throw the mice out while Saryl and Sophia clean up the house and pull the sheep out to find some food."

Lawrence took action and began to solve various problems step by step.

He is actually not weak at all, he is very, very strong!

The reason for his poor fighting ability is that compared with a fierce man like Andrew Sariel, he actually dares to fight and kill. After being guided by Andrew to break through the moral and legal bottom line, his wild nature also emerged.

With superhuman mobility, you will definitely be able to do what you plan, and will not be delayed due to laziness or various things.

The house was built slowly in the beginning because I had a comfortable place to live, so I just wanted to build the most satisfying residence.

Even so, it took half a day to build a shack that was sheltered from the wind and rain. Later, when building the stone house, because Salil disliked his freeloading relationship, she helped Andrew's family do a lot of things, and also spent time hunting to improve her interpersonal relationships. relation.

Weakness is relative, and barbarians like Seravan who dare not go to war are the weak ones at the moment.

Even a reckless young man like Kate would at most care less about his suggestions than outright bullying.

Lawrence was more mature than others and could sense that the mute barbarian young man actually liked Sariel.

But Salil didn't feel it, and Kate herself didn't realize it, and she was still using bullying behavior to get attention.

Kate was definitely in a worse mood when she was beaten by Salyl than when she was beaten by Lawrence.

Lawrence's physical strength and endurance are very good, and he also has barbarian blood flowing through him. He has eaten and drank enough and exercised consciously these days. His developing body is already much stronger than some of his peers.

Girls develop early, and she has the blood of a witch and a berserker. It is normal for Lawrence to be unable to compare with Sariel.

He could be a veterinarian, a carpenter, a farmer, or a hunter. Lawrence was actually very popular with women when he was in the city, but no woman would choose to live with him even though he was thin.

Lawrence still has a lot to do, starting with getting the crow's trophy out.

"Gah!" The crow saw Lawrence approaching him with a stick, quickly flew to the window, and stood there looking at Lawrence.

Lawrence quickly dragged the rat up with a stick and a piece of wood dug out of plant ash, and walked out the door with the rat corpse.


The crow stood and cried.

Lawrence ignored it, walked out and dropped the mouse more than ten meters away, then stood there and looked at the stone house.

"It's time to eat!" Lawrence shouted.

The stone house was very quiet. Soon Sofia led the lamb out, looked at Lawrence curiously, and soon led the sheep to the pine forest.

Salil was in the house anxiously checking grain and bags, as well as clothes and furs.

When a rat comes in, it means that many things are at risk of being bitten and stained by the rat. For Salil, this is the beginning of a nightmare.

"These damn mice!" Salil was furious. She quickly moved several boxes in the house aside and checked various corners.

Crow stood on the windowsill looking at the dangerous woman below.

"time to eat!"

Another person's voice came from outside, and Crow seemed to hear the voice.

Sariel quickly raised her head and looked at the crow who was standing still.

"Raven, Lawrence is calling you!"

Sariel urged the crow: "Get out quickly!"

Crow still stood there and looked at the woman, not quite understanding what the woman said.

"It's time to eat!" Lawrence's voice came from outside again.

Upon seeing this, Salil came over directly with a stick to drive away the crow.

This time the crow understood, and it quickly fled away from the dangerous woman.


Lawrence, who was standing outside, smiled when he saw the crows flying out of the house.

But the crow didn't fly towards him. Instead, it flew to the roof and stood there, turning its head on the cleaned eaves and combing its feathers in its wings with its beak.

"It's time to eat!" Lawrence called to the crow.

The crow looked quickly at Lawrence, then spread its wings and flew away.

There was no sign of the crow on the stone house. The crow, which had lived together for a month, just disappeared from Lawrence's sight.

Lawrence was a little sad. He stood there and waited for a few minutes, but still didn't see the crow come back.

Lawrence, who was a little depressed, could only do other things, and started to clear the snow with tools, so that the nearby snow could melt faster.

After roughly clearing an area, Lawrence took the bucket to get water.

"If only there were enough people, we could build a water diversion device from the mountains in the distance."

"It's a pity that there is no bamboo here, otherwise things would be much simpler."

"You can also use the water flow to drive the windmill here in the stream. It will be much easier whether it is beating noodles or forging iron to pull the bellows."

Lawrence was thinking about various things, put the ice cubes for today and tomorrow into buckets, and walked up the hillside carrying the two buckets with wooden sticks.

"Master!" Sophia ran towards Lawrence, came to Lawrence and said quickly and anxiously: "Dom the sheep ate the mouse! I originally planned to feed the mouse to the puppy!"

Lawrence smiled and said: "Those two sheep need to be supplemented with calcium and salt. We don't take the initiative to feed them meat. It is normal for them to eat mouse meat when they smell it. It may be that the blood of mice contains the nutrients they need." "

Dom sheep not only eat mice, but sometimes they also eat chickens. However, this does not happen often. Most of the time, they still eat grass. Only when they feel that they are lacking a certain substance will they accidentally open their mouths and swallow mice or chickens. chicken.

Sofia said sadly: "But puppies also need to eat."

Lawrence said: "It doesn't matter. We brought food from the town. If you can't finish it, just give them some."

"They have already grown teeth. When big dogs are fed, their teeth will hurt, so they are not allowed to nurse. Don't give them meat directly at the beginning, just give them some minced meat. These puppies are not that fragile. "

Both dogs are descendants of hounds, and they should be snow dogs adapted to the polar ice regions further north. Their digestive abilities are not that weak.

Sophia felt relieved after being comforted by Lawrence and continued to herd the sheep.

Lawrence carried water into the house. Looking at the small and messy house, he realized that he had to build a bigger house.

"Lawrence, there are no other mice in the house. It must be the mouse that just came in today. It got in through the crack in the door!"

Lawrence looked at the window, "Maybe it came in through the window, and the crow caught it and ate it on the ground."

Rats are smaller than crows and can easily crawl in through windows.

The outer wall itself is made of irregular stones, and young and ignorant mice can easily crawl in under the guidance of the smell.

But now that the crow has flown away, Lawrence doesn't know whether it will come back tonight or whether to leave a crack in the door for it.

While Lawrence was worried, two fat puppies had crawled out of the basket and began to look around curiously.

The unfamiliar environment and unfamiliar smell soon caused the two puppies to make frightened whining sounds, which sounded very annoying.

"Sariel, clean up the house and start cooking."

Salil felt relieved after confirming that there were no mice, and responded readily: "Okay!"

Lawrence took care of two puppies. He had to get the two puppies familiar with the environment and adapt to the environment as soon as possible, otherwise there would be some noise at night.

Both puppies can already run and jump, and their teeth can bite pasta. In a month, they will be able to eat meat on their own, and they can also serve as security guards.

There is no big dog to teach them how to hunt, and there is no big dog to remind them of the hierarchy with actions and warnings. Many things have to rely on Lawrence to constantly correct them.

However, most of the beast's behaviors seem to be inherited. Sometimes, even without teaching, they will master those skills on their own.

"time to eat."

Lawrence began to instill knowledge into the puppies.

Although they don't understand it at all, they can slowly get used to it.

Early the next morning, Lawrence got up and checked the nearby snow.

After confirming that there were no footprints of wild beasts or rats within a radius of thirty meters, and that there were no traces of large animal activity in the pine forest, Lawrence and Sariel, who were ready, led the sheep away.

Sophia was holding the puppy outside the door, reluctantly watching the two people walking away.

Salil looked back at the still dark sky and the quiet stone house.

"Is it okay? Wouldn't it be better to take Sophia with you?" Salil looked at Lawrence and asked for Lawrence's opinion.

Lawrence said directly: "Let's go to the Ug people's village faster. Go early and come back early. Taking Sophia with us will be much slower, and she will have to adapt to such an environment sooner or later, just like you."

Salil said nothing more and led the way with the sheep.

Lawrence led the sheep three meters behind Salil, so that if there was danger ahead, he could quickly use the rope to rescue him.

The current environment is not good. The melting snow has made the glacier more fragile. The snow underfoot and the ice on the glacier are extremely unstable.

Lawrence is actually worried about Sophia, but some things must be adapted to, and this is the trouble of insufficient personnel.

With two puppies to accompany Sophia, and tasks such as making beds, sorting clothes, and counting food stocks, Sophia should not be so lonely.

"If you go quickly, you can go back before the afternoon." Lawrence comforted himself and Salil.

After Salil was walking in front and heard it, she followed and said, "Well, the Ug people are not far away from us. It will be faster once we ride on the sheep."

The two of them quickly stopped talking and went down the mountain quietly. They then rode on the back of the sheep in tacit understanding to distance themselves. They stepped onto the mountains, forests and grasslands one after another, and entered the activity area of ​​​​the Ug people.

The Ug people did not dare to approach Mount Talim, nor did they dare to approach the activity area of ​​​​the Pumixiu people, let alone Andrew's territory.

At the same time, they also have a tacit understanding to stay away from the Cloda people's area. The size of the village has always been maintained at a stable number, and the living area is also controlled in a fixed area due to various squeeze restrictions.

The intrusion of Lawrence and Salil quickly attracted the attention of the Ug people.

A group of Ug people holding sharp weapons made of stone and wood stood in front of Salil and Lawrence.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Andrew's daughter, Saryl!"

The originally menacing Ugren quickly became amiable and no longer pointed their weapons at the two men.

An old man walked out of the crowd and said to Salil: "I am the prophet Earl of the Ug tribe, the daughter of the Berserker. What are you doing here?"

Sariel looked at these Ug people while riding on the back of a sheep and said directly: "I need people to help me work."

The Ug people around them quickly looked at Sariel with caution, wanting to point their weapons at her, but they were a little afraid and waited timidly for the others to take action.

Earl quickly said, "How many people do you need?"

Sariel looked at Lawrence, who quickly said: "Five."

Salil said to the Ug: "Five!"

Earl looked at the Ug people around him. Whether they were young people, middle-aged people or old people, they all looked scared at this time.

Earl asked Salil: "Is it okay to be a slave? There are a lot of runaways this winter, and we hope to use these to offset the crime of being close to the mountain."

"Okay." Lawrence agreed.

The Ug people quickly escorted out five people, three men and two women. They all looked like savages with their hands tied.

Lawrence was not polite, took the five slaves and left with them.

The Pumixiu people will definitely take action against the Ug people in the near future, and by then these Ug people will also become slaves.

Lawrence found that Andrew's name was very easy to use, and he also knew that it was not the name that sounded so domineering, but that Andrew himself had done a lot of things that made everyone afraid.

Lawrence hopes that his name can have such an effect, but it will definitely require him to do a lot of great things.

For example, a moose can be killed with one punch, and a ten-meter-tall wild boar can be killed with a kick.

The wild boar was definitely not ten meters tall, and Lawrence certainly couldn't kill it by kicking it, so this method didn't work.

"Sofia! We are back!" Salil shouted happily before she even got close to the stone house.

Sofia quickly came out of the house and shouted: "Master! Sariel!"

Lawrence looked at the open door and the happy little girl, smiled and took five slaves to the forest to collect wood and build a temporary shack for them.

Lawrence entered the forest and looked at the five slaves.

"What village did you come from before?"

All five slaves remained silent.

Soon a young man with fluffy short hair said: "I am Taloji from Jilam Village. I was caught hunting in the mountains."

Lawrence nodded, "I've been to this place, on the way south."

Taloji looked at Lawrence excitedly, "Can you let me go? When I go back, I can give you two baskets of wheat!"

Lawrence smiled and said: "The price of slaves must have increased now. Once you build a house for me and surround it with walls, I will allow you to leave."

Taloki was a little disappointed, but he was also glad to see hope, "I will!"

After Taloki, the remaining two men no longer remained silent.

"I am a Kur. The Wakili burned down my hometown. We fled to the Ug people. At first they regarded me as their friends. Later, after the Pumixiu attacked our village, they regarded us as slaves. "

The two Kurians talked about the heinous crimes of the Pumixiu people.

Lawrence ignored these boring things and said, "Start working. You will live in the woods today and I will give you fuel and food."

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