Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 102 Shield Girl

"Sariel! Come here and cut down the tree!"

Lawrence saw that it was not long before dark, so he called Salil to the stone house.

"Wait a minute!" Salil was busy with other things and came out of the house after two minutes.

Seeing Salil come out empty-handed, Lawrence handed the ax in his hand to Salil.

"I'll help them work. You chop down this tree and make a simple shed later."

Lawrence pointed to a nearby waist-thick pine tree. A pine tree of this size is not small.

"Okay." Salil took the ax.

Lawrence did not take the slave to work, but stood and watched.

The five slaves did not move, just standing there clenching their fists like Lawrence, or clasping their hands to keep warm.

The temperature in the mountains is much lower than that at the bottom. These savages wearing animal skins are not used to the low temperature and are very timid.

Salil moved her wrists and waist a little, then quickly took a step back, looked up at the big tree covered with snow, quickly kicked it hard, and jumped back to a place four or five meters away.


The pine trees began to shake and large amounts of snow and leaves fell from the trees.

Lawrence and others also took a few steps back to avoid being hit by the snow.

Sariel approached the tree and swung the ax.





Her strength was so great that every time the ax hit the pine tree, the tree would tremble.

The continuous axes quickly smashed the bark to pieces, and each time they brought up clean and fresh inner bark.

After a dozen times in a row, Salil stopped.

Lawrence and the surrounding slaves also looked at the gap in the big tree.

Even though Lawrence had seen it many times, he still felt emotional.

The slaves looked scared.

This is the effect Lawrence wants. The escaped slaves make Lawrence aware of his own failures.

It lacks the intimidating power brought by its ferocious appearance and strong physique!

For most prisoners of war and serfs, deterrence was more effective than rules and words.

These slaves came from various villages. Because of the war, they changed from free people to slaves, which was actually very difficult to manage.

In fact, slavery was not popular in this area before. The main reason was that there was not enough food, and there were not so many things that slaves needed to do, so they naturally did not raise slaves.

The reason why slavery suddenly became popular is because of the rapid decrease in population and the rapid increase in supplies.

Originally, more than a dozen villages lived in peace and harmony in this land, each living a stable life.

Because the Valkyries destroyed the balance, the remaining people started a competitive mode and had no choice but to take up the butcher's knife in order to survive.

It is useless to reason at this time. Even if the other villages know the situation of the Kur people, they will not give them food. The only solution is to fight!

Most of the Kur and Dum people were killed, especially all the Kur men were killed, and only a few women survived.

A number of Pumixiu people also died, but when the population was reduced by more than half, the spoils harvested were inexhaustible. At this time, there was a natural need to raise slaves.

Lawrence didn't want to hurt these people, nor did he mean to abuse or insult them. It's just that in this period, if everyone wants to cooperate safely and survive, they need to be a little defensive.

Sariel kicked the big tree, kicking the already leaning tree into the open snow.

As the big trees fell, the leaves, trunks, branches, etc. needed to build houses fell to the ground.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and cut down the branches. The men chop down the trees, and the women go to the snowdrifts and clear out a clean place!"

Lawrence threw a knife to Taloji, "When your shack is built, you will get fire and a bowl of broth. I think it will be at least better here than the Ug tribe, as long as you are honest." You don’t have to worry about being killed when you work.”

Taloji quickly lowered his body and picked up the iron tool, but he had no intention of resisting and went to work honestly.

Lawrence stood there supervising, and Saryl soon went back inside to play with Sophia.

Five people were much faster than one, and the biggest material problem was solved by the brave Sariel. It didn't take long for the five barbarian slaves with life experience to build a simple shack.

The branches and leaves of pine trees are the best windproof material. Although they have some smell, a few branches with a large number of needles can make a windproof layer.

The wall is made of tree trunks of different sizes. Lawrence used a triangular shack before, but these people followed the wild house model of the Uge tribe by intersecting the branches at the top and separating them below to resemble a tent. Structure.

The top of the branches were wrapped and tied with dry grass roots that had not broken even in a winter, eventually forming a space of just over one square meter.

This space is probably a little larger than a bathroom stall. Normally, it cannot accommodate one person, but if five people sit in it holding their legs, it can indeed fit in.

Lawrence found that these five people had no plans to build a second shack. Apparently, they had not been treated well by the Ug people before.

After Tuloki felt that the house was completed, he carefully placed the machete in front of him, then retreated to the house and looked at Lawrence.

Lawrence nodded, "Okay, you gather the remaining branches. It will be much colder here at night than where you were before. I will give you a warm animal skin and a can of hot water to keep you warm." "

"You are not allowed to leave here without my permission, and you are not allowed to rob other people of food, otherwise I will let him know how powerful the berserker is!"

Lawrence said viciously: "Whoever dares to snatch other people's food, I will make him unable to eat!"

Even though Lawrence didn't look strong, all five of them were now afraid of this man.

Lawrence quickly returned to the cabin. After waiting for a few minutes, Lawrence and Salil went out with the replaced animal skin mattresses and hay for paving the floor. Sophia carefully used a wooden box to protect the flames on the wood chips. , walked over slowly.

All five of them were still in the woods, and no one had escaped.

They crowded into the small wooden house. Lawrence threw the animal skin mattress at the door, Salil threw down a bundle of hay for the floor, and Sophia put the kindling on the ground and added the dry branches she brought.

Lawrence said: "Now take turns to eat from here to my door. The first person will come back after eating, and the second person can go over, until the last person. The person who stays will protect the fire!"

"Taroki, you come first."

When Lawrence took Salil and Sophia back, Taloki followed behind with his hands trembling.

It was getting dark, and the temperature on the mountain made the five people's hands and feet stiff because of the freezing temperature. At this time, the five people were waiting for the broth that Lawrence had promised.

With the warmth provided by the flames and the protection of the animal skin mattresses and hay under their buttocks, the four people in the shack were slightly warmed.

Everyone was waiting to eat, and no one thought about escaping at this time.

Lawrence made bacon and boiled potatoes today, as well as stiff cold bread brought back from Doug's house.

The food given to each person was a potato, a cup of broth with two bottle-sized pieces of meat, and a sixth of a loaf of bread.

The bread is about a palm and a half long, and one-sixth of it is only a small piece that can be pinched.

However, it is not easy to eat bread with hot soup and hot potatoes during this period.

Everyone was allowed to eat at the door close to the house, where there was no cold wind, and there was a fire to keep warm, and the jar in hand provided warmth to the hands and feet.

The stone house was very small and there was no extra space to entertain them, but in Taloki's view, this house was a noble mansion.

Saryl and Sophia sat in front of the fireplace, playing with the two puppies, waiting patiently for all these people to go back.

The temperature outside is getting colder and colder. Lawrence, Sophia and Salil are all very sleepy and want to rest early.

Not long after the fourth person returned, a woman with disheveled hair wearing animal skins and shabby linen clothes stumbled and fell at the door.

Lawrence looked at the other party. The poor woman got up with difficulty, trembling all over and hiding behind the door, hugging her legs and shaking in front of the blazing fire.

The cold wind was howling outside, and the howling cold wind blew in a lot of snow slag. The hot house quickly cooled down for a while, and finally the swaying flames quickly restored everything to its original state.

The temperature in the cabin was still comfortable and warm. Lawrence looked at the woman. She was still trembling all over. Her disheveled hair hidden in her arms was mumbling incomprehensible words.

Lawrence walked over and placed the last of the hot soup and breaded potatoes on the ground in front of her, which were placed on a wooden tray.

Lawrence returned to the fire and added a few branches to the fire to make the flames stronger.

The woman quickly grabbed the bread on the ground, pinched the yellowed bread with her dark claws, and stuffed it into her mouth hungrily.

She held the jar that was no longer very hot, holding the crudely made earthen jar tightly with both hands.

Lawrence waited patiently, and because he was bored, he picked up a knife to make a wooden wheel, and chipped the wooden block into a disc bit by bit.

Lawrence could clearly see the face of this woman, which looked like a typical ice barbarian, with a square face, a high nose bridge, and black to brown hair, which made people feel that she was the true appearance of a barbarian woman.

"Thank you." The woman raised her head and looked at Lawrence and said proactively: "I recognize you as my master and am willing to give birth to a strong child for you."

As the woman spoke, she unbuttoned her upper body, revealing her hairy chest that looked like it hadn't been washed in several years.

Lawrence quickly looked at Dom Sheep on the side and said quickly: "No, no need, you'd better dress warmer! Put on your clothes quickly! This is an order!"

Lawrence tries to forget the bad memories.

The woman put on her clothes and said to Lawrence: "My name is Reglo. I come from the Valkyrie tribe in the Ice Sea. I escaped here because I assassinated the count's son. Three eternal nights have passed."

Sariel turned to look at Reglo, "Are you a shield maiden?"

Reguero puffed up his chest, "Yes, I am!"

Lawrence was a little curious. Shieldmaiden refers to female warriors who have gone to the battlefield and killed people, and also refers to female guards among barbarian nobles.

Generally, the daughters of nobles will learn fighting skills and become shield maidens.

This woman should be the former, a woman who simply participated in battles and killed people.

Barbarians respect the strong, even women, as long as they can kill and fight, they will gain the respect of other warriors.

Sariel is also a shield maiden, but compared to the shield maiden, people around her recognize her Berserker bloodline more.

Berserker is an honorary title that can only be obtained by the truly brave and strong. People also believe that the descendants of Berserkers are just like the descendants of gods, born to be extremely powerful.

Lawrence asked: "Why did you assassinate the earl's son?"

"The count sent his men to kill anyone who disobeyed him, including members of my family," Regloro replied.

Sariel looked at Lawrence and asked what to do with the shieldmaiden.

Lawrence thought for a moment and said quickly: "Your bravery has won my approval, and I allow you to sleep in the house with Dom Sheep."

In this part of the world sleeping with a Dome is no shame, the Dome is really warm.

Reguero stood up. She was not even as tall as Lawrence, maybe less than 1.7 meters, but when she put her hair behind her shoulders and revealed her resolute face, she gave people the aura of a female warrior.

Reglo took the initiative and said, "Yes, I am willing to be loyal to you!"

Lawrence inquired carefully and found that Reglo was neither a witch nor a noble, but just an ordinary barbarian woman.

Almost at the same level as Emma, ​​but more willing to take up arms and fight, and a little stronger.

It is obvious that her strength and fighting ability are not as good as Sariel's, so Regloro is even more in awe of Lawrence, who has obtained the allegiance of the Berserker bloodline.

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