Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 104 Magic

The quarrying technology of burning water with fire should have been around for a long time.

For example, for the pyramids and the Great Wall, it is obviously impossible to gather so many huge stones just by relying on ordinary collection methods.

For example, some large buildings also require many complete boulders. Generally, the stones closer to the interior of the mountain are harder.

Lawrence suddenly thought of the cave of the Cloda people. That cave was obviously a man-made structure.

Lawrence raised a fire to bake the stones on the ground while learning more information.

"Sariel, don't the Pumixiu make anything out of stone?"

Sariel squatted aside and looked at Lawrence's "skills" and replied: "No."

"It seems that copper and iron swords have always been used there. I heard that the Snow Cave people in the north used the bones of whales and wild beasts to make knives and weapons, and the Ug people used sharp stones as weapons."

Lawrence wasn't asking about weapons, but he also got some information from Sariel.

The ice barbarians represented by the Pumixiu people mastered iron technology and carpentry skills in shipbuilding, so most of the houses were made of wood.

The forest barbarians represented by the Cloda people mastered primitive stone tool technology. Even though they had mastered some carpentry and bronze smelting technologies, they have been put on hold because there is no demand.

The Snow Cave people and the Ug people are losers in the competition and will soon disappear with history.

Because the Snow Cave People are not a big threat and occupy an extremely difficult place that even the Ice Barbarians are unwilling to go to, they should be able to exist for a long time.

The Ugg people are different. No matter how docile they appear, they cannot continue to be comfortable near the ice barbarians.

Although the attack by the Vakiri was accidental, it was also a historical necessity. They needed more people to participate in the war and gathered more resources, so they would definitely be integrated.

The quarrying skills of the Cloda people had nothing to do with Lawrence, and Lawrence felt that he was not so proud to ask them to help.

"Lawrence, is that okay?" Salil wanted to see the ice water crushing the boulders, she had been looking forward to it.

Lawrence felt that it was almost done, so he picked up the shield.

"Get ready, and after you fall up, run behind me so you don't get hit by the broken rocks."

"Yeah!" Salil stood up and picked up the cold water bucket brought up from under the ice.

Lawrence quickly shouted: "One, two, three!"


Sariel quickly poured the cold water out of the bucket, then ran behind Lawrence excitedly and put her hands on Lawrence's shoulders.


After the hot stone encountered cold water, the sudden drop in temperature broke the balance inside the stone, causing it to break into multiple cracks with a click.

The rocks on the surface of the crack exploded more than two meters away like broken glass.

Salil took a look and said excitedly: "Lawrence, do you know how to use hot magic?"

Lawrence explained: "This is technology, not magic. It is a technology that everyone can master. I remember the name is the burning and explosion method. It is just like the blacksmith making iron. It is a technology."

Salil understood this time, but was still excited.

This kind of thing that takes a long time to smash, and will also hurt the hand holding the hammer, is actually done with only flame and water!

Lawrence looked at the pits emitting smoke in front of him. These pits left after burning are called blast pits. The gravel inside is much easier to mine than normal stone.

However, digging a hole will be very troublesome. The ancient technology is generally not complicated to operate, it is safe...

It is basically not surprising that things like mining disasters occur.

"Go on to the next one. You can lead people to burn the rocks here later. I'll go see how the road down the mountain can be repaired. Use ice blasting to lower the steep stone surface so that it will be easier to walk in the future."

Lawrence went on to the next spot to light a fire, and Salil followed happily.

The fire explosion method is more efficient than the ice explosion method, but it requires a lot of wood and charcoal. High-temperature charcoal can burn the stone faster and has a higher success rate.

The mountains are still in an icy and snowy environment, and there are not many places with grass and wood. In addition, fuel is needed to build sheep pens, wooden houses, sheds, etc., so someone has always been needed to collect wood.

Near large cities in ancient times, there were basically no trees at all, because they were all used up.

Fortunately, there are so many trees on the mountain that it is enough to build a thousand houses. The only trouble is the difficulty of collecting them.

Lawrence was worried about giving the Dome sheep to the slaves, fearing that the slaves would escape on the sheep.

Thinking of this, Lawrence said: "I'll go down the mountain and call Seravan up, and let him pull the Dom sheep to collect the wood. Now we can use sleds, and transporting wood is much easier than in the spring."

Salil felt Lawrence's busyness, "Okay, just leave it to me."

Lawrence was very pleased and wanted to give Salil and the equally well-behaved Sophia a break from their hard work.

After thinking for a while, Lawrence came up with something they liked.

"Saryl, when spring comes, I will put the beehives where the bees can easily go, and in the fall we can harvest a jar of honey."

Salil's eyes suddenly brightened, "Really? Does Lawrence really know how to keep bees?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't done it before." Lawrence looked at the hopeful Salil, but he wasn't too sure.

Lawrence asked: "Are there many bees here?"

Salil nodded quickly, "Many! I often see bees at the foot of the mountain!"

Lawrence asked, "How big are the bees?"

Salil thought for a moment and gestured with her fingers, "It's such a big one. As long as you don't touch it, it'll be fine. You can often see it in places with many flowers. In the summer, there were bees running into my house. I drove away."

Lawrence was reassured that as long as the bees were there, the hive would be able to function.

"Okay, let's do things."

Without further delay, Lawrence continued to burn the fire and rubble.

Taloki and another slave were at the back digging stones that would be used to build the stone walls.

Sofia was busy around the house cleaning up Dom sheep poop and cleaning the crow-stained walls.

The two puppies ran around the house, fighting and barking at each other. Occasionally they would run to the door and look at the ice and snow outside, but they soon returned to the house to learn about this unfamiliar place that they were not completely familiar with.

The shield maiden took the male and female slaves outside to hunt, hunting the small animals that came out of the caves to graze and hunt in early spring.

Lawrence quickly reached the steep hillside and cliff area that he usually detoured, and recorded the locations that needed to be blasted.

Through the fire explosion method and the ice explosion method, we can add more bumpy steps on this steep hillside, or even directly turn it into a hillside that can be opened to traffic.

Lawrence discovered that he actually knew a lot of "magic".

Fire explosion method, ice explosion method, water flow method that makes the mill move by itself, and wind formation method.

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