Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 105 Deadline

After becoming familiar with the environment, work efficiency has improved a lot.

When Lawrence came back, so did Reglo, and the three of them brought back only one rabbit.

One rabbit was obviously not enough to eat. Lawrence's family of three, five slaves, and Seravan and Edith followed them.

During lunch, an iron pot was set up outside on the pile of stones. The rabbit was taken care of and thrown into the pot to make soup. Five more noodles were thrown into the iron pot.

Lawrence and Sophia Sariel will eat alone, this time letting Reglo and others eat first.

"Let's make a sleeping shed after dinner. Which of you knows how to do this?"

Lawrence stood in front of the pot and looked at the people.

"I can."



Lawrence looked at the three people who were talking. Taloki, Seravan, and Reglo would all build wooden sheds.

This kind of thing should be the ability of all cities. If you want to survive during this period, you must work regularly.

Just like the old farmers in ancient times, as long as it is a job, you have to do it, and you will naturally know more.

Laundry, cooking, lighting, and farming are all basic abilities.

Seeing that everyone knew how to do it, Lawrence said, "Okay, you guys will make a sheepfold together first, and then build a wooden shed."

"Build it before dark, this time chop the wood yourself, Reglo you will chop the wood, the women will collect the leaves and roots, and the men will build and cut the wood."

"Eat now and go as soon as you're done eating."

Lawrence took the spoon and divided the meal among the seven slaves.

Regloro got the biggest share, not only of the cooked dough, but also of rabbit legs and wild vegetables.

The amount of food for the rest of the group depends on the impression and performance given to Lawrence.

Soon Lawrence went back to the house for dinner. He had bread and barbecue prepared by Sariel, as well as wild vegetables collected by Reglo from the mountains.

Salil knows exactly which dishes can and cannot be eaten, so there is no need to worry about that.

Lawrence rested for a while after eating and took a nap.

It was difficult to sleep soundly at night. During the day, with Sofia helping to watch, Lawrence could sleep peacefully for a while.

While time during the day is precious, so is your body.

Lawrence took a nap, and when he woke up and went out to check if those people were lazy, he saw that those people had already set up a sheepfold, and even had a simple shed that looked like a memorial to the dead.

Wood sheds are simple to build, so it’s no surprise.

It would take half a day for one person, but with seven people working together, it really doesn't take long when wood and leaves don't need to be traveled far to get.

The sheepfold is made of wood and stone, with four two-meter-long logs as supports and long branches as covers.

This shed is attached to the side of the stone house, just where the fireplace is, so that materials can be saved on one side.

In order to make the sheepfold faster, the slaves designed it in a triangular shape. Only the part near the stone house had a cover, leaving the rest of the sheepfold alone, creating a semi-open layout.

When Lawrence came out, the slaves divided into two groups to rest.

Part of it was in the sheep pen, with Reglo and another female slave, while Seravan and Taloki were sitting in the shed with the others.

The shed is in the pine forest, and the sheepfold is next to the stone house.

Sariel was carding Dom sheep's wool outside. When she saw Lawrence coming out, she smiled and said, "You're awake. What else is going on next?"

Lawrence said: "No more today, Reglo, you let them collect some wood, make a fire and then rest."

Reglo came out of the sheepfold and quickly went to inform the other side of the pine forest.

Lawrence went to check some cracks in the ground, and Salil took the initiative and said, "I have watered those places, and dug out the stones and placed them far away."

Lawrence smiled and said, "This will save me a lot of trouble."

Salil reminded: "The sheepfold and wooden shed will be built soon, and the four walls and wooden house will not take long. Do you want that person to leave by then?"

Lawrence affirmed: "Yes, we saved him from the Ug people to prevent him from becoming food or being tortured to death, and after he has done enough for us, we should let him go home, so that both of us can I don’t owe the other party anything.”

Salil was a little surprised, "The slaves I know are slaves for life. Even if they die, they are still slaves."

Lawrence said: "There are indeed great differences between people, whether in personality or courage and strength, but no one is born to be a slave."

"Sofia is our family, the rest of the slaves are not, they work for us and we give them freedom and food."

Lawrence smiled and said, "Didn't you say before that you don't like slaves?"

Salil had forgotten about this a long time ago, and now looked at Lawrence in confusion.

Lawrence said speechlessly: "It's okay. We force them to stay here, and we have to pay additional supervision costs. It's better to let them leave, so that the other slaves can finish their work honestly before leaving."

Salil asked: "Then they are gone, what should we do?"

Lawrence was very confident on this point, "We will have mastered the land and technology by then, and will have enough reserves, and more slaves will come by then."

If the Pumixiu successfully rob, they will bring back new slaves.

The Pumixiu people failed to rob, and they will definitely fight against the Ug and Xuedong people when they come back. Then there will still be slaves.

In the future, every village under the mountain, including the town of Pumixiu, will be caught in weird fighting.

It is not only the Pumixiu who can eat sheep, but the Vakiri are also wild wolves that cannot be ignored.

If you want to survive stably in the future, you must gather under the strong.

Either go to work as a serf in the nobles' territory, or come to the mountains to join Lawrence, or join the bandit team and become a member of the robber pirates.

Lawrence has himself here, Sariel, the newly joined Reglo, and Andrew who doesn’t know when he will come back.

Once the wall and the road leading down the mountain are controlled, it will have a pretty good deterrent effect.

At this time Edith came over.

"Mr. Lawrence, it's time for me to go back and feed the pigs."

Lawrence looked at the darkening sky and said quickly: "It's too dangerous for you to go down the mountain alone. Let Seravan, Taluoji, and that woman go down the mountain with you."

"The four of you will spend the night in the house today. You don't need to come tomorrow, Eti. Just take care of the livestock there. Let Taloji and the others bring the chickens over when they come up tomorrow. From now on, you can raise chickens and sheep on the mountain. You Just take care of the pigs.”

Etty said quickly: "Okay, Mr. Lawrence."

Lawrence took Ittie to explain the matter to Taloki. It should be no problem for the four of them to go down the mountain with torches and wooden sticks.

In this way, there are only three slaves left on the mountain. Three people can sleep in the sheep pen or shack without being crowded.

The next day, Lawrence went to crack the mountain and crack the rocks, further widening the cracks in the ice.

Ten people were divided according to the ratio of 2:3:5, two people looked after the house, cooked and took care of the livestock, three people went out to hunt, and five people collected wood, built houses, and smoothed roads.

Winter will soon pass. When spring arrives, the food in the mountains will be more abundant. There are wild vegetables and berries everywhere, as well as many birds and animals, as well as river fish that I have never found before.

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