Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 107 System

The spring forest is full of life, and I saw traces of hares as soon as I entered.

The timid gray rabbit jumped into the bushes in fright after seeing a group of people approaching.

"Rabbit!" Salil shouted and flew away with an axe.

The rabbit in the grass was obviously not hit. It fled along the swaying low shrubs and disappeared quickly.

Salil was not too disappointed. She quickly searched the bushes with a stick and retrieved the axe.

Sariel walked towards Lawrence, "Lawrence, we are picking vegetables here. There are many edible wild vegetables here."

Lawrence saw that the Dom sheep under him was lowering his head to bite an unknown plant that was half a meter high, and said, "Well, that's right here. Now the women are starting to pick wild vegetables, and the men are collecting wood in distant places."


Lawrence rode the Dom sheep that refused to move and was minding its own meal, and watched the rest of the people scatter in all directions.

The shield maiden Reglo stood near Lawrence holding a shield. Her task was to protect Lawrence, not to work all the time.

Sofia likes to take her two puppies with her wherever she goes. After putting the two puppies out of the basket on the ground, she talks to Salil, picks vegetables, and watches the two puppies not to run around.

Lawrence looked at the Dom sheep under him. After spring arrived, these Dom sheep began to be disobedient.

They are still barely usable now, but in spring and summer, these Dom sheep will not only be disobedient, but also highly aggressive, and will even bite people when they are in a bad mood.

But this is Dom sheep in a savage area.

Just because the savages couldn't deal with the Dom sheep didn't mean Lawrence couldn't control them.

What Lawrence had to deal with today was not the Dom sheep that couldn't walk, nor was he here to practice his hunting skills.

In addition to collecting wood and wild vegetables, Lawrence began to pay attention to the status of the rest of the people because of Sariel's incident.

Seravan slowly picked up the wood, put the branches on the ground in the basket, and then continued walking further away.

The same was true for Taloki and another male slave, looking for branches everywhere like picking up rags. Sometimes they would squat on the ground to collect some leaves for more than ten minutes.

Salil and Sophia chatted about all kinds of endless things. Lawrence found that they kept talking and hands, and the basket of wild vegetables was soon half full.

Edith and another female slave squatted on the ground and slowly collected wild vegetables. They were in different places, both of which were clean places where the sun could shine. There were also a few more wild vegetables in the basket.

It is impossible for women in this area not to know what wild vegetables look like, and it is impossible to find a few wild vegetables in forty or fifty minutes.

Reguero went to inspect the area to see if there were any wild animals. Lawrence thought she was tired of standing, so he took a walk.

Lawrence discovered that the slaves were slacking off just as Salyl had seen.

Even Taloki, who would be free soon, was no more diligent than others.

Are they slow?

Probably not. Not long ago, they built the shack and sheepfold where they lived in half a day. At that time, even though the weather was cold and their hands were freezing, these people built a sleeping house as quickly as possible.

Lawrence got off the sheep's back. The Dom sheep who was eating was very difficult to handle.

Especially after being hungry all winter, the Dom sheep that are now eating young grass will not move away unless they are full.

It was not far from Andrew's house. Edie came over quickly and said, "Mr. Lawrence, it's time for me to go back to herd the sheep."

Lawrence said directly: "Let Seravan go, he can also herd sheep."

Etty showed a sullen expression, and soon gained the courage she had never had before, "My sheep are better, and your sheep know me."

"Then they should also know each other." Lawrence shouted to the lazy Seravan in the distance: "Selavin! Go back to herd the sheep and feed the chickens. If one of the sheep loses, I will send you back to Friesen. Get another sheep!"

Seravan ran over quickly, his body trembling non-stop, "I...I will do it, I won't leave a sheep! I promise!"

Now the chickens and sheep are on the mountain, and there are only pigs in the house. Lawrence asked Seravan to go back first, and asked the unhappy Etty to continue picking vegetables.

Lawrence discovered management problems, and the current slaves have gradually figured out his temper and adapted to the current slave life.

Once you get used to it, the efficiency becomes pitifully low.

Lawrence thought of how he felt when he worked at the manor.

Although they were not slaves at that time, they were almost the same, but they knew very well the thoughts and attitudes of these slaves now.

Slaves are the predecessors of serfs and sharecroppers. The biggest difference is that they have no assets of their own.

A slave with no assets can just eat every day and just live one day without thinking about long-term things.

It doesn't matter whether the work is good or bad, the only requirement is not to be whipped.

When you wake up every day, you only need to worry about eating, waiting to eat, waiting to rest, and waiting for dark to go to bed.

If your tools are broken, you will be afraid and afraid of being beaten.

If other people's tools are broken, they will be happy. If they are happy, they can be lazy.

If the barbarians' own historical development were to follow, it might take a hundred years to pass from slavery to serfdom.

One hundred years is a short time. If there is not enough farmland, slavery will probably be abolished, and the captives will be sacrificed directly to the gods.

Or eat it.

Barbarians have a strong sacrificial atmosphere. They often rob and are more cruel than wild beasts. They are very skilled in using slaves. Whether they are used as sacrifices or as fertilizers and toys, it is very common.

Lawrence can guarantee that after these slaves visit the barbarian nobles, their work efficiency will be doubled.

Lawrence thought about how to boost motivation among these people.


Freedom is the final step in liberating slavery, so it has no effect at this early stage.

Giving freedom to slaves in this era is equivalent to turning owned slaves into ownerless slaves. What slaves want is not freedom.

Until the ideas, atmosphere and social environment change, the incentive of freedom is not as real as a piece of bread.

Especially for Reglo, Seravan, Iti, and the Kur people whose two villages were wiped out, freedom is not a good thing.

Serfdom is more suitable for slaves under slavery than freedom.

It was useless to divide the land and houses. Lawrence gave Seravan and Itty farmland and houses, but they could not keep it.

Unless Lawrence and Sariel have been providing protection to these two people, the two people protected in this way are actually serfs under serfdom.

Lawrence thought about an advanced system that would allow everyone to work proactively.

Violence and whips can also do this, but barbarians have strong resistance genes and are as unstable as beasts.

Maybe you are timid today, like a Dome sheep in winter, but one day you suddenly burst out and hurt people.

Edie's reaction gave Lawrence a direction.

In fact, slaves all have the jobs they want. Under the constant troubles of work every day, these slaves hope to get easy jobs.

Taloji only showed his normal skills when building houses and walls, Seravan was just messing around all day, Edie was all kinds of depressed, and Reglo wanted to show her value.

The other two slaves were just dawdling, doing mind-numbing jobs.

Lawrence decided to give everyone a change of environment.

"Taroki, you and Etty will stay in the house at the foot of the mountain today, and get up early tomorrow to weed the fields."

"Selavin, you are sleeping in the sheepfold today, with the future milkmaid."

"Regloro, you and the two male slaves are spending the night in the pine forest. You can do whatever you want."

Taloki needs a bond, and Edie needs a man.

Seravan, who is not recognized and disliked by Edith, needs courage, and the other slave girl who has no sense of existence also needs a partner.

Reguero...Lawrence wouldn't touch this female barbarian anyway, so he gave the other two male slaves to Reguero as his followers, so that he would have a stronger tacit understanding when hunting in the future.

After some adjustments, everyone's work efficiency and status were significantly improved after one day.

Although it is still the original environment and system, everyone has changed a lot under this unchanged system.

Humans are social creatures, and now that the seven slaves have regained their small circle, if the relationship continues to be stable, a family can be formed.

Lawrence quickly solved the problem of his men's lack of motivation to work. Although it was only an improvement to a certain extent, it was enough to speed up the cultivation of farmland and the acquisition of food.

Especially the speed of obtaining food, due to the formation of their own small circles, both the hunting group and the gathering group have achieved obvious gains. Seravan of the shepherd group also took the initiative to find berries and bird eggs for the shepherdess.

Men and women are matched, so work is not tiring.

Lawrence would be too lazy to move without Sophia by his side.

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