Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 108




Lawrence held a wooden stick in both hands. In front of him, Sariel and Reglo were pressing a struggling ram to the ground.

Not far away, the ewe Nora and another male Dom sheep stood uneasily looking at this side.

Especially the ram, looking here motionless.

Reglo pressed the male goat's head to the ground, and the goat could only scream in agony due to its large body.

Salil pressed the lamb leg with both hands and turned her head away from looking at the big lamb egg tied with a hemp rope.


Cruel Lawrence smashed the wooden stick down again, landing accurately on the baby sheep.


The ram let out a shrill scream again. This sound not only made the people around it feel painful, but even the male Dom sheep subconsciously took a step back.

Salil said in a panic: "Lawrence, will it hurt to death?"

Apparently there was no castration master in the town of Pumexiu until Lawrence arrived.

Lawrence explained: "After I tied the bottom of it with a rope, it stopped bleeding. If it is congested for a long time, it will be numb and the pain will not be strong."

Salil obviously didn't believe this. Listening to the ram's screams, it was obvious that this was not a level of pain.

"Is it going to die?" Salil felt that the sheep was going to die, but it was still painful.

Lawrence reached out and picked up the dagger on the fire, and said with an expression that seemed cold to Reglo, Salil, and the adults and children around him:

"No, I'm not sure."

Lawrence wasn't 100% sure, so he didn't test his skills on the Dom sheep.

The male Dom sheep was treading uneasily on the grass with his hooves at this time, looking at Lawrence with fear in his eyes.

After cracking the egg with a large wooden stick, Lawrence quickly made a small opening on it so that the broken things could be squeezed out of the small wound.

The wound doesn't need to be large to remove something, and a sterilized knife and a tight rope will help the wound heal.

When the white stuff fell into the basin, Lawrence raised his head and said, "Okay, let go."

Sariel and Reglo quickly let go of the hapless ram.

Under Salil's astonished gaze, the ram, which had been wearing a punching bag not long ago, trotted out three or four meters away and stood at a distance, not daring to come closer.

Its body was not bleeding, and it was not in so much pain that it could not walk.

Salil breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lawrence curiously, "Is this okay?"

Salil looked at the white lump of flesh in the clear water in the basin and felt very magical.

Lawrence explained: "There are not many mosquitoes and flies now, and the wounds will not be bitten by insects. I will castrate the sheep and chickens today, and I will castrate the three little pigs later. I remember one of the little pigs is male."

Boars are very dangerous and Lawrence doesn’t want to keep them.

If the rams are not castrated, they will want to ride on the ewes when they see them, and they will like to fight and goring, or even not eat grass properly.

After being castrated, he grows fat quickly, becomes obedient, and doesn't have such a strong smell.

Salil nodded and looked down at the contents of the basin again.

"What to do with these?"

Lawrence said: "Friesen and the blacksmith will need these. I will take them to exchange for some iron tools, wooden pots and wooden bowls."

Lawrence's carpentry work has stopped recently because he has been busy cutting rocks and cracking rocks. The wood products at home are also very tight and need to be replenished from down the mountain.

"I'll go too." Salil quickly joined in.

Sofia also said: "I'll go too!"

Lawrence smiled and said: "Okay, the three of us will go down, and Regloo will lead them here to cultivate the fields."

Reglo agreed: "Yes, Master."

Lawrence quickly continued to castrate the remaining rams. When he finished handling the chickens and sheep and walked towards the disobedient male Dom, the Dom was so frightened that he remained motionless with all four legs shaking.

"Come here, you weakling!" Lawrence grabbed the horns of the Dom sheep.

Obviously not as strong as Salil, this supposedly irritable male Dom sheep was too scared to maintain his balance. He had to use all four legs to stand upright and had no strength to resist Lawrence.

Fortunately, Sofia brought the saddle in time, and after tying the saddle to the sheep's back, the Dom sheep could finally feel more relaxed.

Soon Lawrence rode on the recovered ram, while Sariel carried Sophia onto the back of Nora the Dom Sheep, and then stepped up on her own wooden feet.

Reglo handed the jar with the sheep eggs to Lawrence. Lawrence put the jar and left on the sheep.

The can of eggs was kept in the house for roasting as a midnight snack.

Lawrence quickly rode the sheep down the mountain. At this time, the mountain road had been restored. It would take some time for the new road to slowly open up. At this time, he was still going down the mountain along the second developed road.

It didn't take much time to return to the house. When Lawrence came down, he found that there was a pile of ore here, covering an area of ​​more than 20 square meters.

The Pumixiu people had begun mining long ago, using slaves and the remaining labor force in the village to move the ore.

Not only men, but also women and children are participating.

Lawrence ignored these things and went with Salil to pull out a piglet, then made a fire to boil water and started working as a veterinarian.

More than ten minutes later, the shrill screams of pigs sounded in the mining area.

The screams, as if they were being slaughtered, quickly attracted the attention of the supervisor in the distance.

Doug came from the back of the hillside and knew Lawrence must be nearby after seeing the little blonde girl Sophia.

When he got closer to the house, Doug saw Salil and Lawrence who were busy.

"Lawrence, what are you doing? Killing pigs?"

Doug came over and looked at Salil, who grabbed the piggy's back hooves and rode the wild boar on her butt, unable to move, and the poor piggy with its butt half in the air.

Lawrence didn't expect Doug to be supervising the work here, and thought it was the blacksmith or Vip.

"I want to remove the eggs from this little boar so that after being castrated, they won't fight and can focus more on eating."

Lawrence also explained the benefits of castration, such as improved meat quality, reduced aggressiveness, and faster growth.

While speaking, Lawrence's hands were not idle, and the red-hot knife quickly caused horrific and permanent damage to the little boar.

The pig-killing howl was extremely shrill. Doug looked at the struggling pig and affirmed: "This pig will die from pain."

Lawrence retorted: "No, my skills are different from others and more trustworthy."

In fact, it was the same, but Lawrence wanted to eat this bowl of rice, "Doug, do you want your pig to be castrated? This kind of pig trotters and pig knuckles taste better."

Doug believed in Lawrence's craftsmanship, and because it hurt to look at it, he thought it required a high level of skill and could not be done by ordinary people.

Just looking at it makes me feel pain.

pain! It hurts so much! !

"Okay, you can try it." Doug decided to try it with a boar. If it is good, he will cut the rest next year.

Lawrence quickly recommended sheep eggs to Doug. Everyone eats this kind of thing frequently and does not need extra nonsense.

In the past, these things could only be eaten when killing sheep. Now that Doug found out that he could still do this, he readily invited Lawrence to his house to break eggs and offered a preferential price of one can of wheat and one egg per ram!

Soon word of Lawrence's craftsmanship spread among the Pumixiu people.

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