Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 109 Loyalty

On the way back.

Sofia walked happily on the mountain road and raised her head to look at the sacks on the left and right of Dom Sheep.

"It would be great if we could do this every day. We could eat bread and eggs every day~"

Lawrence drove the two sheep forward and showed a relaxed smile.

"You can't do this kind of thing every day. The Pumi Xiu people don't have much food themselves."

"Until they get new food, we won't earn any more food from the Pumixiu people for the time being."

Sofia didn't quite understand, "Why?"

Lawrence felt that there was a lot to explain and said briefly: "Because they don't have much food, maybe they don't even realize it."

"Why don't they realize it?" Sophia was full of curiosity.

"Because the first two times we got food too fast, too easy, too much," Lawrence explained.

"Only a small amount of food was taken back from the Kur people, but a large amount of food reserves, as well as cattle, sheep and other livestock, were obtained from the Dum people."

Sofia couldn't wait to retort: ​​"But when we came back, we saw some Pumixiu people farming."

Lawrence said: "There are only a small number of people who are farming based on the inertial concepts of the past. When they come back from the summer, their minds are no longer on the fields."

Sofia asked: "They brought food when they came back in the summer, can we continue to earn food?"

"That's right." Seeing that Sophia always cared about this, Lawrence reminded: "Be careful when walking, don't walk behind Dom Sheep, be careful of getting kicked."

Sophia quickly cheered up and hurriedly walked to Lawrence, "Yes!"

Saliel thought of Andrew and asked, "Lawrence, do we have enough food to last until summer?"

Lawrence had calculated the approximate weight of the two bags of wheat, and calculated it based on the approximate amount of food consumed every day.

"It can be eaten for roughly thirty-two days. If we can catch fish and collect more berries and wild vegetables, we can eat it for two months."

Salil smiled and said: "No problem, there are a lot of things to eat in the mountains in spring, and our sheep will also give birth to lambs, and chickens will also lay eggs."

“You can also hunt animals in the mountains, including pigs, swans, hares, deer, and if you’re lucky, you might encounter wild Dom sheep.”

Lawrence said: "Well, after we sort out a vegetable field and wheat field first, we will go hunting."

Nowadays, the speed of land reclamation is relatively slow, and several slaves are more courageous in doing private work, while doing official work is grinding.

Taloki thought about spending his off-duty life at the foot of the mountain with a woman all day long. Seravan was busy collecting wood to build a wooden house for him and the shepherdess, and Reglo was busy taming her two male men.

The construction of the fence has just progressed to the point of digging the foundation, and the wasteland has just been cleared of rubble from an acre of land.

Lawrence thought about the Pumixiu people again. The Pumixiu people planned to go to sea twice a year.

Once in the summer, we sailed to the west where Andrew had gone before.

The map of the North is a maple leaf-shaped terrain, and the upper part is said to be the habitat of giant whales and seals. The sea water there is frozen, ships cannot sail, and no humans live there.

The main force of the Luofen Kingdom is in the area near the east, fighting south to trade with the Eastern Islands.

A large part of the area to the west is an unknown area. The Luofen Kingdom does not pay attention to the news there because the main force is fighting against the southern kingdom.

Andrew and his pirate friends went to the west, where the wheat could be harvested in the summer, while the wheat in the southern kingdom could not be harvested until the fall.

As long as you calculate the time difference well and attack the west in the summer, and attack the southern kingdom that has stored grain for the winter in the winter, you can harvest twice a year!

According to the calculations of Doug and others, there is at least two months of rest between two business operations, which is enough time to repair the ship or rush on the road.

The main target this time is still the Western Kingdom. As for the robbery with the Luofen Kingdom in Winter, it is just a mixed team to put in some effort. It is roughly to respond to the call of the barbarian nobles and just follow them to grab some things.

When Lawrence returned to the house, Emma returned from the mountain.

Emma and three women came over and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Lawrence, Sariel, I heard that you went to town."

Salil said: "Yes, Lawrence made a lot of food again today!"

Lawrence felt that Salil was showing off so much that he would be conspicuous when the Pumixiu people were short of food.

"Emma, ​​what are you doing in the mountains? Mining?" Lawrence changed the subject in time.

Emma looked at the grain on the sheep's back with envy, and said to Lawrence: "No, we went to the forest to retrieve the pine sap collected."

Emma felt that Lawrence didn't understand, so she introduced: "This is for shipbuilding, but I don't know how to use it. Does Mr. Lawrence know?"

Lawrence shook his head, "I don't know."

It should be rosin, which can be distilled and used as rosin, but Lawrence really doesn't know what the rosin is used for when building ships.

Is it used as waterproof paint? Lawrence didn't understand this, but felt the need to learn it.

Shipbuilding is an advanced technology of this era, especially warships that can travel long distances and fight, which require extremely high technology.

Pirates take this very seriously. After all, it is not a trivial matter if the ship is flooded when going to sea.

Emma originally wanted to chat for a while, but it was getting late, and Lawrence didn't want to talk too much, so everyone separated again soon.

Lawrence doesn’t want to have frequent contact with the Pumi Xiu people for the time being, nor does he want to continue to earn other people’s food reserves from the Pumi Xiu people.

"Sariel, is there enough food for the Clodagh people?"

Salil said with a smile: "The food there is always enough. I can't finish all the food in spring, summer, and autumn. I just feel hungry for a while in winter."

Lawrence saw that the food of the Cloda people was rich, so he suggested: "Then we can exchange them for meat and fruits with wheat that can be easily stored. They should agree, right?"

"Definitely!" Salil affirmed: "Dren also likes to eat bread! Especially good bread made with good flour!"

Lawrence felt much more relaxed now and smiled: "Then when there are more fruits and more food in the mountains, we will exchange food."

"Okay!" Salil was not in a hurry to see Delen.

Lawrence is also not in a hurry, there is still a lot to do now.

Lawrence felt quite good at the thought of being able to exchange for more supplies.

It's good to move goods around like a businessman, but it also requires strength and connections.

Without Sariel's relationship, the deal with the Pumixiu and Cloda people would be risky.

If you have the strength, you can avoid the remaining risks and make transactions safer and more orderly.

Lawrence quickly returned home with food, and the slaves who were lazy and doing private work in the mountains soon gathered near the wall and began digging stones and transporting earth, as if they had been working for a day.

Everyone is waiting for dinner. After dinner, it will be dark and you can rest.

The model of reassigned male and female groups only increased the enthusiasm of the slaves, but this enthusiasm was not used to reclaim wasteland and build walls for Lawrence.

Lawrence was also troubled by these slaves. These barbarians were not people who could be moved. Patient communication and guidance basically had no effect.

Just make do with it.

Lawrence doesn't expect them to work as hard as factory workers in Britain in the early days of capitalism. After all, this is still a period when slavery has just emerged.

Even the rules and laws of slavery have not been popularized and perfected, let alone said goodbye.

Lawrence did not intend to keep these slaves enslaved. Once the next batch of slaves arrived, these people would be free.

At that time, it is up to them whether they rent land and live a life of paying tenant rent every month, or whether they go out and make their own way.

When there is no collective concept and collective consciousness, these slaves can do things more efficiently alone than together.

The next day, Lawrence reassigned the task and worked in small groups on segment contracting.

"Complete the tasks I gave you, including cultivating fields, building chicken coops, and digging holes, and then you can rest early."

"I will call you when I eat. As long as I don't leave this mountain, I can go anywhere."

"If you can't finish what I assigned you, you won't be allowed to eat! Mountain Agama doesn't support lazy people!"

If freedom is given directly, these slaves will not survive, but relative freedom can be given to make them realize the value of freedom in advance.

Under the rules and punishment, a chicken coop that can accommodate ten chickens was quickly built, located on the side of the triangular sheepfold, forming a regular square.

Lawrence's stone house serves as the top of the circle, with a square livestock pen at the side and rear, housing sheep and dogs respectively.

The puppy is still living in the house, and will be released outside the sheepfold in a month. From now on, it will take on the responsibility of protecting the sheep at night. After all, what Lawrence needs is not a pet dog.

Puppies can be kept free-range, but roosters and hens cannot be kept free-range.

These chickens will not only eat the tender seedlings that just emerged from the ground, but also eat vegetables, grass and insects.

Lawrence drove the chickens into the pine forest to forage during the day. There were bugs and nuts to eat, and the chickens would not eat grass.

At present, the core of the residential area is still a stone house. Outside the pillared stone house with a square livestock pen is a circle of grassy fields, and outside is a gradually erected stone wall.

The surrounding fields are distributed in a nine-square grid. There are pine forests in the south, flat and less inclined slopes under the northern hillside, and houses on the hillside in the middle. The fields are concentrated between the pine forests and the river in the south.

In order to prevent animals from crossing the river, a wall must be built here.

The land here was not that flat, and Lawrence regarded the area of ​​​​the pine forest as a future building site for a new house.

If it develops in the future, it will be expanded to a flatter area. When the time comes, the stone house can be used as a warehouse or a guest room.

At first, I only considered the living environment of myself and Sophia. If I find an area more suitable for collective development in the future, I will move to a more suitable area for development.

After more than ten days, everyone used stones and soil to pile up a stone wall with a circumference of more than 300 meters.

The length and width are about 80 meters, and the height is 1.5 meters. There are two exits in the middle, one is to go out to the mountain, and the other is to go to the river and the unknown forest opposite.

The slaves' residences are located at the two exits. Seravan and the Shepherdess live at the south exit facing the stream, and Reglo and the two male slaves live at the exit that normally goes up and down the mountain.

Etty and Taloki like to sleep in a wooden house at the foot of the mountain. They can also spend the night in an undismantled wooden shed in the pine forest, or sleep directly in the haystack of the sheep pen.

The previous simple shack had long been dismantled and used as raw materials to build a chicken coop.

The snow on the mountain has all melted, and as time goes by more and more each day, I can take off one piece of clothing.

After placing the germinated seeds obtained from the Cloda people in the fields, Lawrence began the next step.

The spring schedule is full, and Lawrence has endless things to do.

Building a wall (already completed)

Place beehive (wait)

Building a new wooden house (in progress)

Build water-powered mill (waiting)

Digging sewers (waiting)

Obtain 500 pounds of food (in progress)

The May 3rd Plan: Make 300 earthen pots, 300 meters of hemp rope, 30 baskets, 30 pounds of animal oil, and three sets of new wool long-sleeved trousers (waiting)

River fish farming (waiting)

Improve your archery skills to a certain range of 20 meters (ongoing)

Practice fighting skills until Salil falls (in progress)

Lawrence has set ten tasks for himself, and he must complete eight of them as much as possible before spring passes, in order to be considered qualified.

Although spring is the season of sowing, Lawrence was still not mentally prepared to be a father, so he did not proceed to the last step.

After a year of adapting and preparing the house, fields, farm tools and various daily necessities, Lawrence will welcome the new family members in a safe area.

The two Dom sheep are no longer working. As the weather gets warmer, they start to shed their wool. At this time, they are very reluctant to have others ride on their backs.

Basically, in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, these Domu sheep are free-range.

Lawrence could only follow the rules of the mountains and ask the shepherdess to pull the two big sheep and five goats and sheep to the stream to graze every day, and then pull them back when it gets dark.

Because of the barrier between the fence and the stream, these sheep will not get lost and do not need special care.

Men and women were busy building Lawrence's new house.

This pine forest is almost ready to be cleared, especially the flat part in the middle.

Lawrence copied the design of Andrew's house this time, but also added additional fireplaces, sewers, bathrooms, and a second-floor space for future children and nannies.

"Taroki, you can go back after the first floor of the wooden house is built."

Lawrence announced the good news to Taloki who was carrying wood.

Taloji's expression was a little excited and a little hesitant, but in the end it was mainly excitement and excitement.

"Thank you, Mr. Lawrence!"

Taloji's hometown is not here. Even though he often hangs out with Etty, he still wants to stay away from this kind of miserable life.

Lawrence didn't mean to persuade, but just said: "After you go back, you can come back at any time. The land in my territory needs more people to work."

"Yes, I will tell them." Taloji responded.

Lawrence noticed Edie while she was working. Edie was obviously very sad.

It seems that the bond is not deep enough to bind this man.

Lawrence didn't care about this. Seravan's performance had been much better recently. He not only took the initiative to hunt rabbits and fish, but also brought back a live grouse for Lawrence.

Seravan needs and is more willing to stay here and get Lawrence's protection.

If Taloki leaves, then Idi will definitely get along with Seravan again. Barbarian women are not always strong, just like widows and nobles with assets. The environment does not allow them to stay single all the time.

Lawrence found Seravan.

"Selavin, tomorrow you and I will plant beehives. Since you don't want to fight, then learn to do things other than fighting, such as farming and carpentry."

Seravan said quickly: "Yes, Master!"

Lawrence has been educating them. Seravan himself can farm, fish and other agricultural work, and the shepherdess can do threads and knitting like most women.

Although he is still afraid of fighting, cherishes his life, and runs away in fear when encountering danger, he has at least grown a little.

Regloro was the most worry-free. This shield girl had no intention of returning to the Ice Sea. Apart from being lazy about Lawrence's assignment, she had no other problems and would do whatever she had to do.

This kind of day where you don't need to think too much, and you don't have to worry about the boss's anger and punishment, and you can eat, drink, work and sleep every day, is very suitable for women like Shield Maiden who can fight but don't have a strong desire to fight.

The shield girls just don't want to be discriminated against and bullied, plus they have to take up arms and fight to win food. Unlike men, they don't have the obsession to become berserkers and be inspired by gods.

Lawrence's easy life will be ridiculed and despised by Valkyrie men, but Valkyrie women are very willing to live such a comfortable life.

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