Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 110 Free range breeding

Early in the morning, Lawrence got up.

As soon as she got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed to put on her leggings, Sophia sat up on the bed.

"Master, do you want to raise honey?"

Lawrence continued to tie the long piece of linen and said with a smile: "It's to put the beehive. After the bees build a nest inside, the honey will be collected."

"If you want to eat honey, you have to wait until autumn."

Sofia was still very excited, "Can we eat honey in autumn?"

"Yes." Lawrence confirmed with a smile.

Sofia asked expectantly: "Honey is sweeter than butter?"

"Yes." Lawrence put on his shoes and stood up, looking at Salil who had already sat up with the same expression of anticipation, "Let's go together, I need two helpers to help me carry the box."

Originally, I only brought Seravan with me, but seeing the expectant expressions on Sophia and Salil's faces, I wanted them to follow along.

Salil asked: "Doesn't the matter at home matter? How about I stay and watch?"

Lawrence said: "It's okay. The main thing now is to build houses and collect wild vegetables. Let them fish on the river today, collect wood, and make charcoal. We need a lot of charcoal."

Charcoal has many uses, is in high demand, and is easy to make.

Lawrence is not in a hurry about the cabin. He is working so hard to improve the quality of life just for the sake of these two girls. They should go out for a walk together occasionally.

Lawrence is willing to spend more time with Salil and Sophia and live a comfortable life together.

After receiving Lawrence's approval, Salil and Sophia quickly got up and got dressed. It was obvious that they really wanted to "raise" honey with Lawrence.

Lawrence began to prepare things, ropes, hooks, wooden sticks, face coverings, and rosin.

Pine resin can repel insects. Lawrence did not know this, but thought it was useful from the smell of rosin.

The strong pungent smell itself can easily cause harm to small creatures. If you encounter wild beasts and troublesome snakes and insects on the way, the rosin in the jar is an excellent insect repellent scent.

Lawrence handed the rat skin wallet containing turpentine to Sophia, "Keep this away and take it out again when you encounter wild beasts or flying insects."

"Yes! Master!" Sofia happily accepted it and put it into the small pocket of her apron.

Lawrence stepped aside and washed his hands to remove the smell, lest the smell of rosin get on the box.

There is no rush to place the beehives, the bees here will not be active until noon.

And there is no need to deal with bees. You only need to place boxes in places where bees will build nests, and the bees will choose suitable boxes to live in.

You can't be 100% sure about this kind of thing, so put a few more boxes.

In nature, it is difficult to find a stable place that can protect you from wind and rain, especially in the mountains.

If there was a wooden box that seemed perfect to the bees, the bees would definitely want to build a nest there.

After eating, Lawrence took Salil, Sophia, and Seravan, who was carrying the empty wooden box, to set off.

Salil carried two empty boxes, Seravan also carried two, Lawrence only carried one for the convenience of carrying things, and Sophia carried a basket weighing more than ten kilograms, with ropes and axes inside.

For the little and big girls at home, Lawrence Baby is tight and will choose the safest route when taking them out.

It is difficult for normal people to understand Lawrence's loneliness as a time traveler.

Lawrence likes to hug Sariel or Sophia and fall asleep together at night. Only in this way does he feel that he is not alone.

In a relatively open and free civilized world, if you don’t fall in love or have a girlfriend, you will basically have no one to embrace until you are thirty.

In this era, it is similar, even more uncomfortable. Even if there is a woman, the other party will not understand the subtle emotions of a man.

Lawrence was not one of those careless savage men here. After finding that he could not find a family partner or friend who could hug him, he naturally chose a female slave who was easier to hug.

The appearance of Salil was an accident. Lawrence did not expect to meet a barbarian woman like Salil in this barbarian country.


As a few people were walking, the cry of a crow caught Lawrence's attention.

There were a lot of crows nearby, and Lawrence had recently chased away a dozen or so that were trying to steal chicken feed.

Lawrence raised his head and looked over, and saw the crow on a tree more than ten meters away.

"Gah!" The crow also looked here, and quickly lowered his head to clean his feathers, completely unwary of the people in the distance.

Lawrence felt that this crow looked a bit like the one that ran away before.

Sariel also looked at the crow and said to Lawrence beside her: "Is it that crow?"

Lawrence smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, let's continue looking for a suitable place to put the beehive."

Sariel saw Lawrence walking in a different direction from the crow, so she followed him and said, "Maybe it's the crow from before..."

"It doesn't matter." Lawrence said very relaxedly, "It will come back if it wants to. If it is hungry, it can come to our place to eat. And since it is still here, we will definitely meet it often in the future."

"As long as we are still there, it doesn't matter whether we live in the house or not."

Lawrence didn't have high requirements for the crow. One day he would call for dinner and it would fly back to eat.

Whether it's catching mice or being vigilant, there are hunting dogs doing it, and there is nothing urgently needed in material life nowadays.

Mentally, he was also very satisfied. He had to work hard to adjust the time he spent with Sariel and Sophia. Even if the crow returned to the house, Lawrence would not be able to talk to it like he did in the beginning.

Salil saw that Lawrence didn't care, so she didn't care either.

Sariel actually didn't like the crow that pooped on the wall, and she only wanted to go back because of Lawrence's sake.

"Gah!" The crow quickly flew away to look for food.

Lawrence looked for a suitable location where it would be sheltered from wind and rain, and where the terrain would be high and less likely to be visited by wild beasts.

Based on the location of the hive in memory, it can be concluded that most bees like to build nests under the eaves and in the canopy.

So the sun should not be strong, and it is best to be in the shade of a tree or a mountain shade?

Lawrence had confirmed the place before, and this time he made some modifications when he went to the place.

Five locations were eventually chosen.

Two were previously dug cliff pits, and two wooden boxes were tied with ropes and hung on the branches of a large tree more than ten meters high. They were in two places in different directions, more than a kilometer apart.

There is another one placed in the dilapidated house that I first came to this place to look for. The terrain here is gentle. Although there is no shelter from wind and rain, the beehive itself is a safe place.

If mice or other things come close, the bees will protect themselves.

Lawrence put some cushions on the beehive and used earth and stones from the dilapidated house to slightly add some cover to the beehive.

Each beehive was washed and dried with the water in which the flowers were soaked. Lawrence had no honey and could only rely on the location and quantity advantage of the wooden box to win the favor of the bees.

On the way back, Salil asked, "Can this really attract bees?"

"Not sure, but it's possible." Lawrence said, "Don't think about this all day long, just take your time."

Sariel nagged: "How can you not want to? Honey is delicious, and honey can also be exchanged for a lot of food. Delen often sends people to look for honey and use it as bait to hunt bears. Anyway, it is very valuable."

Lawrence frowned and said, "Haven't the bears around here been killed yet?"

Sariel said: "I don't know, but there are a lot less. Bears that big can't be allowed to eat all the time, otherwise we won't have enough to eat."

Lawrence had never encountered a bear, nor a three-meter-tall wild boar.

"Saryl, can we fight bears and boars now?"

"Wild boars are no problem." Sariel said easily: "Wild boars run away when they see us. Bears are stupid. Sometimes they won't run when they see people, and they will actively attack people."

"But there are many of us, and bears usually don't get close to us."

Lawrence asked, "How many people do we need to hunt bears?"

"I don't recommend this." Sariel first expressed her thoughts, and then said: "It might be possible for me, you, Reglo, and others to work together, but it's very dangerous."

"If Doug was with us, it would be okay."

"If we see any signs of a bear on the mountain, go call Greg and he will definitely come to help."

Sariel told how to deal with the bear.

There are so many people!

As long as more than five barbarians who dare to fight form a hunting group, they can kill all wild boars and bears!

Lawrence was thinking about hunting bears when he suddenly felt something flying down behind him.


A black crow landed on the edge of the basket behind Lawrence, trying to spread its wings to maintain balance.

Sariel said happily: "It's the crow from before!"

Lawrence smiled and said, "It probably wants to go home with us for dinner."

The crow quickly took off and flew towards the mountain.

Lawrence sped up and went back. When he returned to the mountain, he found the crow standing on the roof of the stone house looking around.

Lawrence entered the house, put down the straw basket, and walked outside with the feed basin.

"time to eat!"

Lawrence shouted loudly.

Putting the feed basin on the ground, Lawrence turned and walked into the house to rest and sleep.

After he left, the crow quickly landed on the ground and pecked at the grains and beans on the ground.

Before I even took a few bites, a dangerous smell came from the distance!

"Coo!" the chicken crows.

The big rooster and the old hen heard the call and flew over from the forest. After seeing a crow stealing their delicious meal, they rushed over aggressively.

Over the past month, Lawrence has been consciously cultivating eating habits.

"Woof woof!"


The two puppies also ran to the door and waited, wagging their tails cheerfully. They also knew what the sound of eating was.

The crow quickly escaped and flew to the roof.

The next moment, the big rooster flapped its wings and flew to the roof, full of wildness.

Domestic roosters are obviously more powerful than wild crows. This crow did not dare to confront the big rooster and quickly flew into the stone house as if running for its life and hid in the window.

Salil said excitedly: "It's really that crow!"

Now it’s certain!

Lawrence is happy to have the crow back, but is mentally prepared to let the crow roam free.

Whether he flies away after eating, or continues to stay, as long as he can come back to eat, Lawrence will definitely welcome him.

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