Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 111 Wild Boar

After a week, Salyl and Sophia had forgotten about the bees.

Lawrence took the stick and set off alone to the place where the beehives had been stored.

"It's almost March or April now, and the plants are growing very fast."

Lawrence looked at the forest path with thick weeds, and then continued walking forward.

"You can set fire to this place in the summer, and then sow some grass seeds, so that you can harvest some grass in the fall."

"With Sariel here, set the fire three or four hours before it rains, so that when the rain comes it will directly put out the fire, and you don't have to worry about the fire being out of control."

"Preferably on a cloudy day."

"After I go back today, I will remove all the weeds near the house. All the plants in the pine forest will be dug up. All plants besides sisal along the river will also be dug up. Keep the view and clean."

"Mosquitoes and flies are troublesome, as well as small bugs attracted by sheep dung and chicken excrement."

Lawrence sighed, "It's definitely impossible to prevent it. Let's let the women weave mosquito nets."

Lawrence was thinking about various things and soon arrived at the location of the first beehive.

The beehive hanging from a large tree did not attract bees, and Lawrence quickly moved on to a second one.

The ruined beehive did not attract bees. Lawrence opened the beehive and took a look and found that there were some crawling bugs inside.

"It must be related to humidity. Bees don't like such cool and humid places, and prefer cool, dry and ventilated places."

Lawrence did not recycle the wooden box, but just left it alone and went to check the remaining beehives.

"It's not just a matter of moisture. The beehive on the big tree didn't attract bees just now. It may be because of the road."

"Although bees fly crookedly and do not follow a straight line, when they return to their nests, and when scout bees choose a nest location, they will choose a place with a clear bee passage."

"Even if they build a nest in a tree, they will choose a location that is convenient for taking off."

"Small-sized bee nests are still among the leaves, but many large-sized bee nests are directly exposed. After all, there are many bees in a hive, and it is impossible for everyone to take a detour to enter the house."

Lawrence felt a little more confident about the remaining hives.

Wooden box No. 3 is also on a big tree, and closer to a place without the cover of leaves and branches, but there is still no sign of bees.

When approaching wooden box No. 4, Lawrence saw little bees flying under the steep mountain wall.

More than a dozen bees were flying around in the air, making a buzzing sound, and more bees were lying in the small opening of the wooden box, crowded and orderly taking turns to enter the wooden box.

"That's good." Lawrence felt much more relaxed and left the work point politely without disturbing these hard-working bees.

The No. 5 wooden box placed on the ground near the wild flowers was broken into pieces.

Lawrence walked to the ground and squatted down, examining the fragments of the wooden box.

There were trampled marks on it, and Lawrence picked up a chip.

There is a lot of dew in the mountains and there is a lot of humidity at night, so the wood chips are relatively soft.

There is half a pig's hoof mark on the wood chip. Not long ago, a wild boar with six-centimeter hooves passed by here and used its nose to overturn the wooden box, causing the wooden box to hit the stone and lose the lid. Then it stepped on it with its feet. Chew the wooden box with your teeth and leave tooth marks.

"Half a pig's trotter, the front toes alone are six centimeters."

Lawrence frowned and stood up, putting the pieces of wood with the pig's hoof prints into his backpack.

"Go down the mountain to see how big a wild boar with a trotter of six centimeters is. I'm not sure how big it is, so I'll compare it with the pig I raise."

"It just so happens that there is a lack of prey right now. Since you have entered my territory, you are the prey!"

Lawrence also went hunting these days, and also relied on various traps to increase his success rate.

However, it may be that he has passed the novice protection period and has gradually fallen into the old path of Andrew. Nowadays, it is rare to find prey when hunting, and the harvest of traps depends on luck, so basically I don’t count on it.

The main problem with hunting isn't the weapons, it's not finding the prey.

There must be small prey. It would be too troublesome to look for it. If you don't look for it, it will easily pass by. By the time you want to catch it, the prey has already run away.

Large animals are more difficult to encounter, and because of the difficulty of encountering them, we usually don’t worry much about the threats of wild animals.

For safety reasons, Lawrence also had to kill the intruding wild boar as soon as possible, otherwise it would attract higher-level predators.

There are three predators higher than the wild boar.

People, bears, wolves.

Lawrence walked towards the house down the hill, thinking about the potential threat posed by the wild boar.

"Mr. Lawrence!"

A village girl picking wild vegetables on the hillside spotted Lawrence and greeted him warmly.

Lawrence looked at the young girl in a gray wool skirt. During the previous celebration, this girl sang enthusiastically and had a cheerful and enthusiastic personality.

"Bull, it's nice to see you. It looks like you've had a good harvest." Lawrence looked at the vegetable basket in Bull's hand and saw that he had picked a lot of wild vegetables.

Bull said happily: "Yes, there are a lot of vegetables here. We caught a big wild boar this morning. We need to pick more vegetables to eat."

Lawrence asked quickly: "Wild boar? Where was it caught?"

Bull said: "In the forest, there was a very tall wild boar and a group of piglets who went into the woods to destroy our pine trees and dropped all the pine sap we wanted to use on the ground. Doug was very angry!"

Wild boar, pine oil, pine sap to repel insects, itchy skin during spring molt...

Many accidental events occur in nature, but there are also many inevitable events.

Wild boars have been at war with humans since the Pumixiu people used pine trees in the forest to collect rosin.

But those wild boars were unlucky and encountered the Pumixiu people first.

"Did you only catch one wild boar?" Lawrence felt that there were other wild boars nearby.

Bull said: "We caught the biggest wild boar. When the big wild boar saw us passing by, it rushed up and the other little pigs ran away."

At this point, Bull said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, Emma's husband Queeg was of no use at all during the battle. He stood there without daring to move, and was beaten hard by Doug!"

Lawrence felt that he would not dare to hit a particularly big wild boar, so he asked, "How big is the big wild boar?"

Bull said with a smile: "You can see it if you go over there. You can see it right away."

"Then I'll go take a look. See you next time, Bull." Lawrence said goodbye to Bull and walked another ten meters over the hillside, and soon saw the clear wooden house.

Outside the house, more than ten people were surrounding a large wild boar that was about 1.67 meters tall when lying down.

Lawrence walked over under the gaze of a group of savages. Although these people were killer robbers, they were very friendly to Lawrence.

Lawrence stood near the boar and looked at the large boar, calculating its approximate weight.

This wild boar is about five and a half meters long, with a shoulder height of nearly two and a half meters. It can allow a dozen people nearby to stand on it at the same time.

It must have weighed more than two tons. At this time, Doug was leading people to use jars and tubs to bleed blood.

Animal blood is a good food, and savages like to drink raw blood.

Lawrence didn’t like it, so he said in advance: “Doug, is anyone hurt?”

Doug said happily: "Lawrence, you came just in time. Two people had their legs and hands bitten off by wild boars. One just died. Let's see if the other one can be saved."

Kate quickly took Lawrence to the house to check on the injured.

As the only doctor in the village, Lawrence has a high status in the hearts of the nearby savages.

Even Kate, who had had some unpleasant experiences with Lawrence, recognized Lawrence's special status at this time.

Lawrence saw a dead man in the house and an unconscious wounded man with a broken hand.

It may not be possible to save him, but if he doesn't save him, he will basically die.

Kate asked: "Mr. Lawrence, can he be saved?"

Lawrence touched the unconscious man's neck, and there were signs of beating on it.

The dead do not need treatment, but those who need treatment are the tenacious people who have survived on their own.

These people have a very strong will to survive, and their physical fitness is much stronger than normal people. They are pure savages.

"I'll try. If he can open his eyes and see the sun tomorrow, then he will be saved."

The wounded man had lost a lot of blood, but the wound had temporarily stopped the bleeding, and there wasn't much Lawrence could do.

While speaking, the unconscious man opened his eyes, and the blue eyes quickly focused on Lawrence.

Lawrence smiled and said, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

Mandekru said slowly: "I want to eat, thank you Mr. Lawrence for saving me."

Lawrence didn't do much, but it's good to have a good confidence level.

"There will be food to eat in a while. There will be meat, soup, and sweet and sour berries and wild vegetables. Don't sleep, stay awake. It's not the time to die yet."

Mandekru didn't want to die, so he tried hard to stay awake, and soon said in a cold sweat: "My hand... hurts!"

"Drink some wine." Kate suggested: "It won't hurt if you drink."

Lawrence said quickly: "No, you can't drink. Anesthetizing yourself is not the behavior of a warrior. You must hold back!"

Drinking will make you die quickly. Lawrence knew that these barbarians were physically strong, but when he was treating them, he did not recommend committing suicide like this.

Under the protection and guidance of Lawrence, Mandekru could only endure the pain and chatted with Lawrence while waiting to eat despite the extreme torture.

During the meal, Lawrence asked Bull to feed soup with a spoon and cut meat slices with a knife.

After chatting for another hour after the meal, Lawrence stood up and put his hand on Mandekru's forehead after making sure that the wound was not broken.

"Go to sleep and rest quietly. God will judge what you have done in this life and decide whether you go to the Kingdom of God or continue to experience in the human world."

Mandekru quietly closed his eyes.

Doug, Kate, Friesen, Vip and others all looked at Lawrence quietly.

Although Lawrence was not physically strong, at this moment he gained the awe of all the Pumixiu people present.

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