Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 502 Returning Home

After confirming that it was not far from the Black Goat Tribe, Lawrence also determined the location of this area and the general route of his trip.

Lawrence was eager to return home at this time, and explained his intention to leave to the prophet here.

"Where is the Black Goat Tribe? I want to go back as soon as possible, and I have to leave now."

After Abala heard this, he quickly asked: "What urgent matter makes a warrior like you so anxious?"

Lawrence just wanted to go home early. After noticing Abala's serious attitude, he knew that these people paid attention to face issues.

They mainly invite others to their homes for dinner, give them a decent seat, and entertain them with good wine and food.

Saying a few words and then leaving at this time will make these people feel very embarrassed.

Lawrence replied: "I have just completed a trial and need to go back to the Church of the Stars to pray. Thank you very much for your hospitality. I also feel your enthusiasm. I will tell the people in Oak City about this."

After hearing this, Abala nodded and said: "So that's the case, but it's still a few days away from Oak City. You always have to eat something to fill your stomach."

Lawrence smiled and said: "Hahaha!"

After attracting the attention of the others with a smile, Lawrence said confidently and arrogantly: "It takes others four or five days to reach Pumixiu Town from the Black Goat Tribe, but it only takes me less than half a day. I have more than Mu Yang quickly put on a lot of legs."

Abala quickly told the rest of Lawrence's words.

Muzas, the owner of this house, felt that this was very bad, but he was too embarrassed to persuade this person.

Lawrence stood up to say goodbye, and Abala and the others followed him out to say goodbye.

The group of people quickly walked to the river. Abala said: "Follow this river to the place where it joins another long river. Then walk for half a day to the side with wood, and you will see a hanging tree on the other side. Wherever the goat flag is displayed, the people there will speak your language.”

Lawrence nodded and thanked, "Thank you for your guidance. I will have someone send you a gift when I go back."

Abala shook his head and said: "We did not entertain you, nor did we do anything for you. You are such a powerful warrior and you don't need us to guide you at all."

Lawrence felt that although these people didn't say it, they actually cared about his refusal to eat with them.

The more explanations you have to explain this kind of thing, the more troublesome it becomes. Lawrence quickly set off on his way home without saying anything more.

After Lawrence left, the people behind him indeed spoke in a very bad tone in a language that Lawrence did not understand.

In various cultures, entertaining travelers with food and wine is an expression of hospitality and a way for wealthy families to express their wealth.

Muzas and others are all landowners of the Songye tribe, and they belong to the nobles of this village or tribe. Each of them has more than a dozen slaves, but the relationship between them is neither good nor bad, nothing special.

Therefore, he likes to entertain some distinguished guests with status and strength to show his wealth and status.

Lawrence walked in the direction of the Black Goat Tribe and understood the attitude of those behind him.

Not everyone can get an invitation to eat, and it is impolite to refuse someone else's invitation. It is even more impolite to agree to be a guest, have just one bite when you arrive at someone else's house, and then leave as soon as the person accompanying the guest arrives. .

"These people seem to be living a good life. If they care about face so much, they must have had enough to eat and don't have so much time to spend looking for food."

"It seems like the Black Goat Tribe sold them potatoes and grain, but what did they give in exchange?"

Lawrence thought about the economic problems of the tribe just now.

First of all, there were no cattle there, and no Dome sheep were seen.

It can't be said that there aren't many, but at least from the looks of it, there aren't many.

Without livestock, it would be difficult to continue many heavy physical tasks, and it would not look like mining and hunting.

"Is it selling people? It looks like there are a lot of people there. If you rent them out to work, you can indeed exchange for a lot of food."

At first, there was a shortage of people in Pumixiu Town, so people were pulled from all over to work.

Later it was Dumu Port, and then there were various gathering points that were waiting to be renovated.

There is a serious shortage of people in many places. If there are outsiders willing to come and help, then someone will definitely be willing to give up part of the food in exchange.

Lawrence was not sure how the Pine Leaf Tribe relied on to get the support of the Black Goat Tribe. The only certainty was that the Black Goat Tribe would not give them benefits for no reason, nor would they help them hunt wild boars and bears for free.

They will not even be tolerated living upstream.

Unless that Abala has the strength to make the people of the Black Goat Tribe fearful, and at the same time both parties can benefit from each other.

The prerequisite for mutual benefit must be certain strength or technology.

Although I am a little curious about this matter, it is not a big deal.

A single wizard, whether a wizard or a witch or an old wizard or a young wizard, cannot stop the development trend of the Kingdom of the Stars.

Lawrence also allowed some people who were not from his own country to live on this land. Judging from this contact, these people can be classified as friendly and can communicate with each other.

"That's good. It just helps a lot of people know what slaves are outside. Slave is not a good word."

Lawrence allowed the Pineleaf tribe to continue to maintain slavery. There must be a negative example.

After successive contacts, the slaves there themselves knew how to resist.

No one can continue to endure the darkness after seeing the light. Even if there are, they are only a minority and cannot stop the majority of people from resisting their own injustice.

Lawrence quickly reached the other side along a wooden bridge made of several logs.

At this time, he did not go directly to the Black Goat Tribe, but ran directly towards the location of Oak City.

The road leading to the mountain has been renovated. At this time, not only people can walk and run, but also trucks and ox carts can pass by.

Carts pulled by manpower, trucks and carriages pulled by cattle and sheep can all travel here.

On the river outside, there are also wood transport boats coming from upstream.

In the forest area inside the road, several inland rivers have also been reconnected, supplying several small farms that have just emerged.

These two-meter-wide ditches can only pass two cement boats that are not wide. Because they are dug manually, the roads in many places are very straight, and farmland has been reclaimed near the river.

Even at mid-afternoon, serfs could be seen sowing seeds behind the wide forest inside.

As the population of Pumexiu Town and Dumu Port gradually became saturated, more and more people began to flow to the south, and the population of the Kingdom of Stars also increased by an astonishing amount.

More people support more farmland, and more farmland supports more people.

Lawrence stepped on a dirt road with two low-lying puddles dug out by the wheels. Due to the melting of winter snow and the trampling of various trucks and livestock, the road here can easily become potholed.

The only comforting thing is that there are no weeds on the road, which fully proves that this road has been stepped on by countless people and used diligently.

Roads require occasional repairs and long-term maintenance.

The Kingdom of the Stars is also approaching this time, from conquering the outside world to managing various things on the vast land, repairing problematic places while maintaining those important places.

Lawrence sighed. He was originally very anxious to go home, but after running for a while, he gradually started walking steadily again.

I am timid when I am close to home. When something I am particularly anxious about is about to be completed, if I still have some spare time, I will not be so anxious.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

Because the weather is getting colder and colder, the moon and stars are scarce at this time, and there are no other pedestrians on the road.

Everyone else has gone home to eat and sleep, and I am still walking on the road alone...

Lawrence ran quickly again, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

The dark environment made it impossible to walk as fast as during the day. Lawrence relied on his familiarity with the road and the guidance of the moonlight that occasionally emerged from the clouds to quickly return to the mountain.

In the middle of the night, we finally reached a fork in the road.

One road here leads to Shanfeng Manor, and the other leads to Oak City.

The road leading to Oak City was just built in the past two years, while the riverside road leading to Shanfeng Manor has existed for seven or eight years.

The fatigue of the past few days was gone at this moment, and Lawrence walked quickly towards the location of Oak City.

After a period of urgency and excitement, Lawrence finally returned to Oak City and the familiar courtyard.

The guard stepped aside, and Lawrence did not let anyone inform him, intending to give his family a surprise.

Just as they approached the castle gate, three dark elves came out of the darkness.

"Master, welcome back."

Lawrence looked at the dark elf maid holding an oil lamp. She was Satice in the dark elf sisters.

If you want to approach the castle gate without knowing it in the dark, you must have sharper hearing and intuition than the dark elves.

"Satis, aren't you sleeping? I came out just as I approached you." Lawrence smiled and greeted the dark elf lady.

Shadis explained calmly: "I was admiring the moonlight from the window on the third floor. I knew you were back when I heard the guard's voice outside."

Lawrence nodded and smiled: "Is everyone at home here?"

Shadis replied: "Lady Catherine and Candice are waiting for you at Shanfeng Manor, along with Sophia, Salil, and Heidi's little ones. It happened two days ago."

Lawrence felt very relieved that many people cared about him.

Lawrence felt much more comfortable now that he felt like someone cared about him.

"Send someone to call them back after daybreak." Lawrence can only meet them again tomorrow.

Satis said: "It's almost dawn now, I'll send someone to inform some adults."

Lawrence couldn't feel the specific time, he could only feel that it was past two or three o'clock, and the weather was very cold.

"Okay, then send someone to call them back." Lawrence felt a little tired, "It's still so cold here, and the snow on the road hasn't melted yet. I'll take a shower first."

"Yes, do you need me to serve you?" Shadis asked politely.

Lawrence said smoothly: "Of course."

Thaddeus quickly entered the house with Lawrence. After entering the warm house, she also heard footsteps.

The maids at home had already dressed and stood in three rows in the living room.

This year Oak Castle has taken in many beautiful women. Some are selected from the territory, some are Durila people who have been trained for several years, and some are wives, daughters and female relatives of various believers. These people come to work as well. An experience that increases qualifications.

"Welcome back, Master~"

Dozens of maids made chaotic noises to greet the young man who had been away for more than ten days.

Lawrence felt even more comfortable hearing that the greeting was not neat and the pronunciation was a bit messy and inaccurate.

"I'm back." Lawrence smiled: "This time I successfully climbed to the top of the mountains and received instructions from God."

God's instructions?

The female nobles and female slaves in the maid team were all curious about what this instruction was.

But Lawrence didn't say much and quickly went to take a shower and rest.

Emma quickly summoned the maid in the kitchen, "People from the kitchen come and cook! Hurry up and boil the water!"

Several maids nearby responded quickly: "Yes! Maid Emma!"

There are those who clean, those who cook, those who prepare clothes, and there are people who inform and prepare various things.

The women at home also came down to greet Lawrence, and ate with Lawrence in the bathroom while chatting about various things that happened on the road and at home.

Cassandra sat next to Lawrence, eating the beef on the plate with Lawrence.

"In addition to worrying about you during this period, the only things I have to worry about are Olua's return to Valkyrie and Seravan's establishment of a territory in Sidel."

Cassandra talked about these two things and talked about some specific things she knew.

Candice sat on Lawrence's body, put her hands on her knees under the water, and used her delicate body to relieve Lawrence's fatigue.

On the other side of Lawrence, on the underwater steps, sat the most knowledgeable Emerald Lady in the area.

Ms. Jade said to Lawrence: "One more thing. The merchants who came recently brought a medicine that is only available in the East. I suspect that people somewhere in this land have re-established trade with the East."

Lawrence's originally soothing mental state quickly became serious, "What kind of drug is it?"

Ms. Jade replied: "It's a vomiting potion that can make people vomit out the food they consumed ten minutes ago."

"When you drink this potion, it's like water soaked in garlic, but after a few minutes it will make you feel nauseous. This nauseating feeling has to be vomited out of the potion in your stomach to make it go away."

Lawrence felt even more strange, "What is this potion used for?"

"It's used to induce vomiting." Ms. Jade explained to Lawrence: "The nobles in the East like to enjoy delicious food. They eat for the delicious food, and too many things in the stomach will affect their continued enjoyment of delicious food, so this kind of vomiting Potion has always been an important consumer product for Eastern nobles."

Lawrence felt that he might be able to get along peacefully with those Easterners.

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