Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 503 Barbarian Characteristics

I have always known very little about the East, except that it is richer and has more powerful wizards.

There is a sea separated from the east, and the climate here is very bad. The rulers of the east should not care about the noise in this land.

Lawrence thought about what was going on there, and soon gave up thinking, continuing to feel the support of the beauties in front of him and on the left and right sides.

The pool is not a place to think about big things, and besides, I am not the same person now.

Not only is it a large country with a population of more than two million, but it has also gradually developed technological capabilities.

Lawrence quickly walked out of the pool. After walking in the snow for more than ten days in the wild, his feet were soaked in hot water and felt swollen and bleeding.

It was almost dawn at this time, and Lawrence was gradually becoming sleepy.

In his bedroom, Lawrence quickly lay down comfortably.

It was already afternoon when I woke up again.

When the maids Aisabel and Yulia at the bedside saw Lawrence waking up, they put their hands on their abdomen and bowed respectfully to greet him.

"Master, you are awake."

"Yes." Lawrence stretched and smiled: "I'm a little hungry. Let the kitchen bring dinner. I'll eat some first."

"Yes, Master!" Yulia quickly went to inform the kitchen, while Aisabel stayed here waiting for instructions.

Although it was only half a day, Lawrence quickly adapted to the privileged life at home.

All the clothes on the body have been changed, and the hair that has not been washed for a long time was carefully washed several times by the maids last night. Whether it was under the armpits, toes or between the legs, it was thoroughly washed several times.

Lawrence looked at Aisabel, who had silver hair and looked like a wife and a lady, and asked, "Have all the people who came to me come back?"

"They are all back." Aisabel said respectfully: "Ms. Salil is taking a nap in the living room downstairs, and Mistress Sophia is studying at school."

"Ms. Sophia has always cared about you and went to Shanfeng Manor in advance to wait for your return."

Lawrence smiled and said: "It seems that she has not studied seriously during this period, but I don't blame her."

Aisabel said gently: "Yes, kind master."

Lawrence felt that Salil was coming to find him.

Sure enough, Salil came up within a few minutes.

Saryl, wearing a linen skirt and yellow slippers, looked at Lawrence with a delighted look on her face.

"Lawrence, wake up! You came back many days late this time!"

Lawrence defended: "It's indeed a little late, but I planned to go out for a few months at first, but now I've been back for more than ten days because I missed home. Someone asked me to eat on the way, and I didn't even take a few bites before I came back."

Salil came over and said happily: "If someone invites you to dinner, you must finish eating before leaving. It is not good to come back after just a few bites."

"That's right." Lawrence said, "We invite others to dinner, and if they take a few bites and then leave, we will definitely think that they are either in a hurry or they are unable to chat with us."

Salil asked curiously: "Who invited you to dinner? A woman?"

Lawrence nodded, "There are women and men. I met a group of southern witches on the other side of the mountain. On our side, I met... They were also a group of mountain people. I couldn't understand their words, but Fortunately, there are people among them who understand Lofin.”

Two mountain tribesmen invited Lawrence to dinner. One refused directly, while the other went into the house and took a few bites of fruit. After getting the news he wanted to know, he left directly.

"Prepare some seasonings for me. I'll give them a jar of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar."

Salil said happily: "Okay! I'll tell Emma!"

At this time, the maids brought the food, and Lawrence quickly ate another plate of meat and drank a bowl of fish soup.

Sofia, Catherine and others came up to say hello one after another, and Lawrence and these family members quickly returned to the natural way of getting along before, eliminating unnecessary touches.

In the next few days, Lawrence slowly sorted out the gains from this trip.

The main thing is to draw a map and use soil and stones to draw an accurate sand table model.

On the contrary, there is nothing going on in the Kingdom of Stars. Most areas of the Land of Ice have not yet melted snow. Although merchants and nobles visited Dumu Port and Feiyu Port, it is not a big deal.

Several places in the south started spring plowing in advance under the leadership of Seravan and local reputable people.

The provinces of Glan and Io have always been in a state of laissez-faire. Because they lack corresponding management personnel, they just ignore it and let the people in these places farm their own land.

Unless it is a clear-cut rebellion against the rule of the Kingdom of Stars, they will not care what they do.

No taxes were levied last year, so there was basically no resistance, at least Lawrence didn't hear anything about it.

The development of Glen Province is better. It is managed by people from other kingdoms, and coal mines can also be sold to people in the Ice Land. Therefore, local people soon replaced the original nobles and were responsible for coordinating the affairs of the Kingdom of Glen. Production.

While supplying coal and some resources, these people themselves became honorary nobles.

These are businessmen, surrendered prisoners of war, and some of the original nobles.

Both the royal families and nobles in Glen and Io were removed, and the hunting and killing of the remaining nobles was much smaller. At the same time, because of the benevolent actions after the war subsided, some nobles who had supported overseas students were pardoned, and some who had visited them personally The lucky ones in the land of ice.

Because of the relationship between message delivery and travel, many urgent things gradually became less urgent. Either they no longer needed to be solved, or the people below solved them themselves.

It takes a month to get from the Kingdom of Waves to the Land of Ice. A round trip would have missed the best processing time, so Lawrence has very little desire to conquer foreign countries.

Rather than conquering people outside, Lawrence wanted to spread the ideas and culture here.

Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside.

After making the sand table, Lawrence drew a map.

"Jade, ask the nun to make multiple copies of this map, at least fifty copies."

Lawrence called Ms. Jade, "This matter is not urgent. You can take your time, but it is a long-term matter and will always be needed."

Jade nodded, "Yes, can I arrange this for our students? I think this can be a test for those trainee nuns."

"Okay." Lawrence didn't have a copy machine, only a humanoid scribe.

Girls at Saintess' College can develop into different careers. Many of those who are incompetent develop into nuns or maids.

To become a maid requires luck, but to become a nun requires strength.

One must understand writing and be able to write well. At the same time, one must have devout beliefs, know multiple languages, and have good memory and arithmetic.

Lawrence thought again of the flowers he met on the road.

"Jade, go call Delen over. I met some strange flowers on the way. Maybe she knows something."

After hearing this, Jade asked: "What kind of flower is it? Maybe I know something."

Lawrence looked at Jade and was curious about this, so he described the flowers.

"It's a flower that can spit out mist. I can't see their leaves and rhizomes. They are like jars growing on the ground. They have red bodies and are some distance apart from each other. They can spray out chasing mist." The human fog can also suck those fogs back.”

Jade's eyes quickly lit up after hearing this, showing an expression of surprise.

"Master, my master, we are rich! This is the wealth God has given us! It is a treasure like gold!"

Jade's attitude also made Lawrence feel joyful. Lawrence smiled and asked, "Oh? What kind of flower is this? When I left, I heard the roar of the earth's violent bear. Maybe it would be destroyed."

Lawrence couldn't guarantee that the flowers were still there, and made some pessimistic estimates.

Jade smiled and said: "No, those violent earth bears should be the guardians of those flowers, as well as the users and cultivators."

Lawrence became even more curious, "Tell me carefully."

Jade stood in front of Lawrence's desk and politely described the characteristics of this flower.

"The name of this flower is the giant magic mouth flower, also called the piranha flower. It feeds on the flesh and blood brains of beasts and humans, and it breeds a large amount of magic cordyceps in its body."

Lawrence instantly realized the value of the flower.

Cordyceps is a type of cordyceps that looks like intestines. When burned, it emits an intoxicating smell and is very popular among nobles.

Lawrence quickly looked at Jade and said, "You said that the Geoburst Bear is the user and cultivator of this flower. The Geoburst Bear also uses the Magic Cordyceps?"

Jade showed a mysterious smile, "Yes, it may be different from what you think. The stimulation of the magic mouth flower is more intense, and the sharp teeth in the mouth can scratch the cortex of most animals."

"It's not a problem for the geoburs. The geoburs, especially the male geoburs, seldom come into contact with the female geoburs because they live alone. They usually stick up their buttocks and lie on the magic mouth flowers, letting the magic mouth flowers spread. It paralyzes the prey's teeth to help it relax."

Jade smiled and said: "Every time Mokouhua will get a lot of gifts, the earth violent bear will not think about finding the female bear, and will continue to stay here to take care of these flowers."

Lawrence felt a chill. No matter what, he would definitely not use this kind of thing.

"Is this thing harmful to the human body?" Lawrence thought seriously: "I don't think it's a good thing to give things that stimulate the brain to our nobles. Their brains are not very easy to use."

Jade was surprised: "It should be okay?"

"Maybe if they relax their minds, they will become smarter, maybe?" Jade is not sure, but doesn't mind letting others try.

Lawrence didn't want his men to die from such a strange luxury thing. From now on, this potion would only be sold externally or used internally for research. It was absolutely not allowed for the nobles inside to treat it as a pastime or enjoyment.

"I also met some witches who may be from the south. They don't seem to know our existence, and their relationship with the elves doesn't seem to be very good."

Lawrence recalled the conversations with the hunters, "I feel like their language is a bit like the dark elves in the south. Go call Delen, Candice, and Satis, and let's talk together."

If you only talk to one person about this, you will inevitably miss some important information.

Lawrence doesn't trust Jade that much, nor does he value it that much.

When Jade joined, Lawrence's side had generally settled down.

Moreover, Jade escaped from persecution outside, and her abilities were very limited. After joining, her status was even lower than that of Candice.

Although she is also a woman from Lawrence, everyone knows that Lawrence has no shortage of women and useless witches.

Jade quickly brought the rest of the people.

"I don't know." Delenn's answer was very Delenn.

She had spent most of her life in the valley, and had spent ten good years with Lawrence. Now her memory of the past was very blurry.

Most of Delen's memories have been occupied by a happy, beautiful and comfortable life.

Lawrence felt that instead of counting on Delenn, it would be better to ask Lathander, who was the expert in this field.

Even though Delenn was Lathander's daughter, Lawrence believed she had learned little.

Candice's answer was also very vague, "I'm not sure, because the language of the dark elves evolved from the elven language, and it sounds similar in many places. Some people and elves who were expelled by the elves and lived near the elven villages, This tendency also exists in language.”

Satis took the initiative and said: "I can go and have a look. If they are from our tribe, I will bring them over to be loyal to the master."

Lawrence originally wanted to go by himself, but after hearing Satice's petition, he found that it was more appropriate for Satis to go.

In addition to not wanting to go out to endure hardships just after returning home, I also need to talk to the priests, nuns, and missionaries under my command, and I should also popularize some of my own teachings and ideas, especially in the areas I rule.

go out.

Lawrence found himself doing this thing all the time.

From the earliest step out of the frozen land, to the step out of culture and language a few years ago, now we are going out in a deeper level and on a larger scale.

Lawrence quickly formulated a general direction and handed over some small tasks to his subordinates.

"Okay, Shadis will lead fifty warriors, fifty farmers, and ten intern nuns over there to tell the residents of the greatness of our Star Church and me."

Satis quickly lowered her head: "Yes, Master."

Lawrence arranged some more things, then let the others leave, sitting on his chair and thinking about things.

There are not only nuns in the territory, but also male warriors and generals, as well as male scholars and craftsmen and technicians.

It's not just a girls' school, where only women can receive education, but a separate school for boys and girls, and arranges female colleges that are vulnerable to harassment next to them, so that they can be protected and have a stable learning environment.

Of course, rabbits also eat grass around their nests, which is normal.

It can be said to be an inspiration to some extent.

It is more suitable for men to go out and preach.

"Am I too honest?" Lawrence felt a little worried. "I have always been too honest. I have never learned how to brag like a savage."

Lawrence thought about this troublesome matter.

"This time I came back after more than ten days. If I told the people in the village like this, everyone would definitely find it boring. Why did I come back like this?"

"It's beneath my majesty and it's beneath the majesty of God."

Lawrence frowned, thinking about how to describe his westward journey to the young people at the military academy and various towns and ports.

In fact, it is absolutely forbidden to talk about a dull and boring journey. It needs to be interesting, evil, and awesome!


Lawrence began to rack his brains to think about how to process his travel experiences, and how to describe a boring and boring journey home into an adventure that everyone envied and longed for.

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