Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 525 Cloudy day, responsibility, good mood

The cold winter is coming, and most people in the Ice Land are freed from the heavy agricultural industry and feel a little more relaxed.

Most people's lives are not stressful. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset. However, in the land of ice, the sun rises late and darkens early. In addition, most people's bodies are relatively strong and vigorous, so they often appear to be tired. Very laid back.

Men, especially, have nothing to do except drinking and playing cards.

The men who returned from war and the craftsmen who came down from the crafts area to rest basically spent every day in meaningless drinking, playing cards, chatting and sleeping.

The men who are still busy during this season are mainly immigrants who have just joined here. There are also some businessmen and sailors from other places, or temporary workers who come from other places to find work.

Women, on the other hand, can't sit still. They usually gather together to bask in the sun and chat, talking about which family has promising men, which family has unmarried girls, which men want to marry again, and so on. Most of the domestic news and intelligence is This seemingly boring occasion spread.

There are also women who work at home, take care of the children, or prepare things for winter.

Some things seem to never be finished, and I am still busy.

In Oak Castle, Salil was working with the maids to move the pickles that had been stored for a month out of the cellar.

Lawrence is resting at home. He doesn’t want to go anywhere this winter. He just wants to have a good rest at home.

Salil came out with a bucket of pickles and saw Lawrence sitting here drinking tea, so she came over to say hello.

"Lawrence, the fall pickled radishes are ready to eat, as well as cabbage and kale."

Lawrence looked at the wooden bucket that Salil placed on the coffee table. This wooden barrel was about the same size as a hot water bottle. It was obviously a special item made by Salil for herself.

"Okay." Lawrence eats some pickles every year, and has also improved several pickles himself.

The material life in the land of ice is actually not as good as in another world. There is no vegetable supermarket where you can buy vegetables anytime and anywhere.

There are only a few types of vegetables and fruits to eat in winter, and maintaining indoor temperature requires a lot of resources, which most people simply cannot afford.

Even though we have worked hard to improve a lot, there are still many gaps.

If we want to say which aspect has the greatest advantage, it is only the mental aspect. This only applies to Lawrence who is accompanied by countless beauties and is also in charge of supreme power. The others are not so chic.

With greater power and freedom, you can deal with problems more casually without worrying about here and there.

In fact, most of the time, life is relatively monotonous.

In order to add some color to the monotonous life, Lawrence has been working hard to make and improve it to add color to his life.

Putting an orange radish piece into his mouth, Lawrence gently chewed the spicy and sweet dried radish.

"Why is it sweet? Did you add sugar water?"

Lawrence looked at Salil, who was smiling. The vegetables themselves did contain sugar, but it was not so obvious.

Salil said proudly: "I soaked it in honey water!"

"It's so luxurious." Lawrence stopped eating after eating a piece, leaning on the chair and said casually: "The taste is not bad, but not as good as real radish."

Seeing what Lawrence said, Salil asked, "Do you want to eat a carrot? I'll dig one for you."

"Okay, just make one plate." Lawrence waved his hand casually.

Salil quickly took two maids and went out to dig radishes.

The space of the castle is actually very large, but the underground space takes up a lot of space because of the roots of the big oak trees. Some facilities such as cellars and vegetable plots are outside the castle.

A normal castle should have a vegetable garden inside. Oak Castle also considered defense facilities against invasion by foreign enemies at first, but later it was felt that it was unnecessary.

The radishes were buried in the vegetable field. Salil and the maid dug more than ten radishes and then returned to their home four to five hundred meters away in a sheep cart.

Most of the time, the nobles in the castle didn't have anything urgent to do, and Salil was always looking for something to do on her own.

Finding things to do by yourself when you are idle and bored is different from Lawrence asking you to do things.

Going to the cellar to carry pickles with the maid is definitely not as good as Lawrence saying he wants to eat radishes and needs someone to dig them up.

There is no need to think too much at this time, and it doesn't make any sense. It just kills a while, and after a while, it's almost time to eat.

Most of the winter is gloomy. Lawrence looked out the window. It was obviously just noon, but it was gloomy outside like three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

It's okay to have this kind of cloudy day for a day or two, but once it lasts a little longer, it will make people feel heavy, uncomfortable and drowsy.

It's like hiding in bed and watching a bonfire on a cold winter night.

Lawrence was somewhat affected by the weather, and he thought lazily about the meaning of life, and even didn't want to touch women.

The same goes for most of the men in the Ice Land, and Lawrence thought about the future.

"Maybe the fertility rate here will be very low in the future..."

Lawrence shook his head. He was thinking about such insignificant things again. He didn't need to worry about things hundreds of years later.

"In the future, a law must be enacted. The more wives you get, the more children you must have. You cannot just have wives but not children."

At this time, Kehalan and Dana came in from outside. Kehalan saw Lawrence sitting here alone and said hello.

"Prophet, why are you sitting here alone?"

Khalan did not call Lawrence by his first name, nor did he address him as his master, but directly used the title of prophet.

Lawrence said casually: "I have seen the future. In the future, our men and women will not want to get married or have children."

Kohalan and Dana looked shocked!

Great prophets have always had various miraculous abilities. Even Kehalan, who first thought that Lawrence was not a wizard, also felt that Lawrence was extraordinary as they gradually got along with him.

Later, after Lawrence showed various mysterious powers, received the blessing of faith, and cultivated believers who could perform divine magic, no one would doubt his identity as a prophet.

Dana asked at a loss: "Should we kneel down to listen to this kind of thing?"

Lawrence smiled, "Generally speaking, oracles are indeed like this, but this time it is not an oracle, but I vaguely saw some future, and it is only a small area. It is not impossible to change, so there is no need to be so solemn. .”

If it is a true oracle, then kneeling to listen is indeed a reasonable behavior.

Khalan walked to sit next to Lawrence and asked, "Then how should we change this? Is there any enlightenment?"

Lawrence thought for a moment and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I will work hard."

Lawrence's originally gloomy life became colorful again with this smile, and the firewood in the distant fireplace made a crackling sound.

The great prophet saw the future of the Kingdom of Stars. In order to reverse that unimaginable future, he set an example and practiced it! (End of chapter)

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