Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 526 The Long Night

In order to make his life more colorful, Lawrence wanted to do more things.

"Mother, see if you can melt this sand."

Lawrence took Delen and Jade and moved the bags and two containers containing the materials to Lathander's house.

Lathander's house is still so hot, but it is no longer as simple as before. It is now divided into a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a storage room, as well as a collection room specially used to store collectibles.

The furnishings in the house are mainly made of metal. Most of them are furniture, lamps, cabinets and beds made of copper and iron. There are also mirrors and bedside lamps made of gold.

Most people would easily suffocate in a room like this, but Lathander liked this environment very much. She would only open the window for ventilation occasionally when Lawrence came over to chat.

Lathander came out of the house and went to the living room with the lava pool. When she saw what Lawrence had brought, she smiled and said, "Do you want to make glass?"

Delen took the initiative to open the window to let some air in and let the indoor temperature drop.

"Yes, I need more glass. I plan to make a room that can block the cold wind, rain and snow, but also let in the sun, and put it on the top floor."

Lawrence planned to build a sunroom, one on the roof of the building as a test product, and part of the room would be illuminated with holy light stones to meet the demand for some ingredients in winter.

Lathander had helped Lawrence make some glass, so this kind of thing was not difficult for her.

"Is there no problem with the materials this time?"

Lawrence said confidently: "No, and I'm not in a hurry. I'll just use it next fall. I'll also have the craftsmen make some."

Lathander and Lawrence found a place to sit down. They were both family members, so naturally they would not be so polite.

"Leave this matter to me, what else is there?"

Lathander readily agreed to this and asked Lawrence if there was anything else he could help with.

Lawrence said: "The first batch will be made into squares first. I have nothing else to do during this time, so I will often come over to help."

"Okay." Luosanda agreed with satisfaction, and then said in a good mood: "It is a good thing to be able to do something within your ability. It is also a day to sit idle in winter."

Lawrence remembered that he rarely found things for Lathander to do.

The rest of the people have something to do, and even if they are in trouble, they can go out and have a look.

Lathander himself likes to hang out. As the spiritual leader of the tribe, coupled with his long-term way of thinking, Lathander prefers to sit quietly on his own territory to deal with various emergencies.

After all, most prophets stay in tribal tents, but Lawrence is not orthodox at all.

Lawrence was very grateful for Lathander's help. Lathander and Delenn did not join as slaves, but joined with a group of people. After joining, they have always helped him secure his position.

The relationship between Sariel and the Pumixiu people is far less than the relationship between Dren Lathander and the Cloda people.

Now everyone is of the blood of the ice, whether they are in the mountains or in the towns, they are all of the blood of the ice.

After chatting for a while, Lawrence left the room, and Lathander and Delenn began to use the temperature of the molten metal to sinter the glass.

Just like the water pressure combination of Heidi and Lolita, the hot soil combination of Lathander and Delenn can also produce wonderful efficiency.

Delenn can change the shape and density of sand, and Lathander can provide temperature and control the flow of heat energy.

Lawrence thought about the conversation with Lathander, and also thought about the impact of the recent climate on people.

While thinking about things, he heard the sound of moving things upstairs. When Lawrence went up, he found that it was Kharan directing the female workers to move boxes.

Kharan is responsible for matters related to crops and medicinal materials, which are now being gradually handed over to elves and human farmers. The church has established crop cultivation rooms in various places, and churches in various places are currently in charge.

Kahalan noticed Lawrence's arrival, walked over and asked, "The strawberries here are almost harvested. I want to go down and take a bath. Can we come together?"

Lawrence smiled and said, "Okay, I just have something to ask you."

The two of them walked downstairs together. Kharan put his hair up and asked, "What's going on?"

Heating has been started in the castle for a long time, and the temperature in the house has always been maintained at around 30 degrees. Many people will feel hot even wearing only one piece of clothing.

Kehalan was wearing an expensive suspender dress. The pure blue dress highlighted Kehalan's good figure, as well as his attractive buttocks and abdomen.

This dress doesn't look too expensive, but it is definitely a luxury and precious item in this era.

Lawrence admired the healthy beauty of Kehalan and expressed his doubts.

"When you were alone in the past, didn't you feel bored in the winter? How did you persevere?"

Kehalan also looked at Lawrence in confusion, "Why are you asking this? I don't think there is anything to say about this."

It can be seen that Khalan does not want to talk about the past, especially the more than ten years of asceticism in Mount Talim.

Lawrence smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just feel that the winter here can easily make people dull. If you have any good way to pass the time, I think it's worth promoting."

When Kehalan heard that this was the reason, he sighed with emotion.

Salil's memory of the difficult days in the past is very vague, but people like Khalan will never forget it.

"I would keep the pits from the eaten fruits and put them in the cave, and then more and more would be piled up in the cave."

“In the winter when it’s too cold to sleep, or when I wake up hungry at night and can’t sleep, I take them out and count them.”

"If I count clearly, I will remember it for a while, and then I will forget it after a while. I will count it when I have nothing to do and can't go out to bask in the sun and see the scenery. I will fall asleep when I feel sleepy."

Lawrence didn't expect this to be a way to spend time. In his memory, there seemed to be a saying about a widow counting soybeans in the middle of the night.

"That's it." Lawrence finally understood. It seemed that he should do more entertainment to pass the time.

No, it already exists!


Cheap wine is a powerful weapon against the cold winter!

Both men and women would buy some wine for the winter. They couldn't afford too much before, but now because of the potato shochu and cheap food they brought, winter is no longer so difficult.

Kehalan didn't want to talk about those unpleasant memories, and said with a charming smile: "The winter now is not as quiet as before. Since I lived with you, I can hear excited and loud screams every winter night. I like to sleep next to you and listen to your noisy noises, so I sleep more comfortably."

Lawrence, who was about to do something, suddenly realized that he had already done a good job.

Whether it was for most of the people in the town, the port, or this land, he had done a lot of things.

This land is indeed full of all kinds of difficulties, but it has also made many great contributions and provided a hotbed for everyone to live.

Although we cannot let everyone live a perfect life, this is not our responsibility... We are a slave society here!

Without the responsibility and pressure, Lawrence became more relaxed.

On this snowy winter night, Lawrence's castle came alive with the sounds of joy.


When the land of ice enters the cold winter, most areas in the West also come to a cool moment.

The big trees in the Elf Forest are still lush and leafy, but even the sensitive elves feel the barrenness of winter.

The fruits on the trees are no longer sweet and juicy. It is difficult to find good-looking large fruits from the trees, and even some small fruits are scarce.

In the past, during this season, various villages would use their accumulated reserves of dried meat and sun-dried fruits to satisfy their hunger. The best among them was of course wheat and grain-ground flour bread.

Especially in the past few years, everyone can often eat baked flatbread.

“Stella, do you still have wheat at home?”

The two thin elves came outside Stella's tree hole house together, with pleading expressions on their faces.

Stella, who was standing at the door, looked at the thin bodies and unfortunate faces of her people, and she suddenly felt heartbroken.

"No more. All the wheat I brought back was dedicated to the queen. The queen only gave me a bag of wheat. I gave it to everyone when I came back."

Stella told the truth that everyone knew.

The two elves lowered their heads in disappointment. The young elf raised his head and asked curiously and full of fantasy: "Does the Queen's family eat bread made of wheat and leaves every day?"

Leaf bread is very common in the Elf Forest, and the taste is actually not bad, better than what most humans eat.

But Stella, who had been to the Kingdom of Stars and Lawrence’s house, was unusually depressed at this time.

The two thin elves left quickly and had no idea of ​​staying to eat, because there was no such tradition of entertaining guests here.

Stella closed the door, walked back to the wooden table and sat down, her mood was still so bad.

The queen did not distribute enough wheat to everyone to eat for the whole village, and she even seemed to have forgotten about it.

Combining some things learned from Oak City, the Queen has actually been making deals with Oak City, and Oak City has also given a large amount of food and daily necessities to the elves.

However, no one can see these things! !

This year the queen has been saying that the barbarians outside are going to come in and kill all the elves, so that all the elves must do something to protect the forest and obey the royal family's instructions.

But no, no one from the Ice Land has come over yet. Everything is the Queen’s own words.

If she had never been to the Land of Ice or lived there, Stella would definitely be the royal party member who supports the Queen the most.

This is what makes Stella painful. She has been to the land of ice and found that it is different from what the queen said.

At night, Stella, who could not sleep, poured out nuts one by one from the wooden jar and counted the nuts of different sizes on the bed. (End of chapter)

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