Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 543 Peaceful Years

"You will cause trouble. Now bring this little monster back, what will you do in the future!!"

The old nun kept blaming the little nun, complaining that the disobedient nun had caused her trouble again.

The little nun sat on the trolley without saying a word, holding the peacefully sleeping Sea Tribe child in her arms.

Although she was sitting in the car and no longer had to walk, the little nun was not happy about being in the car and no longer had to walk. Now she just wanted to get home quickly.

It's a pity that the cow pulling the cart is not a strong cow. This old cow that was eliminated from the field is not suitable for heavy work, and it walks very slowly when pulling the cart.

In addition to the little nuns, there were some young children and women in the car. These were slaves purchased by the nuns from slave traders.

These women did not join the convent as nuns, but as coolies and slaves, responsible for dirty work such as washing clothes, bed linens, carrying water, cleaning stoves and chimneys.

Even so, in the view of the nuns, this is God's test and trial for these poor women.

After completing the test of God and the prophet, they can become residents of this land.

The children have not fully recovered in these years, and the group of adults and seniors is not enough, so every year a group of slaves are purchased to work until the Ice Land no longer needs to recruit people from outside.

The little nun was born before Lawrence conquered the Kur people. In three or four years, most of the teenagers in the Ice Land would flock to various industries.

These two years happened to be the time when the shortage of people was greatest. The prosperous towns and the expanding monasteries were in great need of people who could work.

The old nun continued to chatter, and when the little nun was finally arriving at the convent that she was excitedly looking forward to, she was quiet for a few seconds.

The group of people soon arrived at the door of the monastery. Ulla got off Dom Sheep, walked to the door and knocked on the heavy wooden door.

Inside the heavy wooden door and the tall and fortified building is the familiar home of the little nun.

Although she only lived here for two or three years, the little nun believed that this was the place where she would live for the rest of her life.

Soon, the nuns in the convent knew what was going on at the dock, and several stewards quickly came over to inquire about the situation and took a careful look at the infant child.

As if they were frightened, most of the nuns stayed away from this terrifying and ugly sea monster.

Even Bull was shocked by the appearance of this monster.

"Since it is the prophet's decision, then this... child." Bull hesitated for a second, then admitted the identity of this Sea Tribe infant as a child, and said to the young and ignorant little nun: "I will give you some children. The things you use will also lighten your work. In addition to the necessary work and prayers, you are usually responsible for taking care of this child."

"I don't think it will take long." Bull comforted the little nun: "The prophet will make a decision soon. Since you picked up this child, you have to shoulder the responsibility you have accepted."

The little nun didn't quite understand, but she still nodded, "Yes, Lady Saint."

Bull's face was filled with the brilliance of humanity, and he comforted: "You are still too young to understand these things. Many of us are not born with blessings, nor do we give birth to future generations with respect and expectation."

"But I think there may be some things that are God's will. Now that we all have children to take care of, let's take it as a responsibility."

Bull put his hand on the little nun's shoulder, "May the merciful God and the merciful prophet protect you, sister."

"Yes, Lady Saint." The little nun still didn't quite understand this, and soon after going through all the troublesome scenes, she was finally able to return to her room.

But before that, the little nun said to Bull when she left: "Holy Saint, it's past noon and I haven't eaten yet. Can I go to the kitchen to eat?"

Bull nodded and said: "I will send you bread, hot soup, and things for children later. You can go back first."

"Yes! Holy lady!" The little nun happily bowed and thanked her, wishing she could kneel down and kowtow to this kind holy lady.

Things did not go smoothly. Although the problem of eating was successfully solved, what happened next made the little nun feel the pressure.

Originally, the slaves in the house were unwilling to approach this stupid nun, but now the little nun brought back an ugly and terrifying child, and soon these people kept a distance from her indifferently.

In the evening, the children of the Sea Tribe, who had been quiet and motionless all day, began to scream and cry. The sound was so penetrating that the nuns in the entire convent were unable to live in peace and could not pray or write quietly.

The little nun quickly took on all kinds of pressure and spent most of her time holding the little monster she had picked up without permission.


It was just afternoon when Lawrence returned to the castle, and it took more than an hour to gather several relevant people from the castle's vegetable patch and school.

"What's going on?" Salil came over last and explained, "I'm distributing food to everyone."

The Ice Land pays wages once a month, mainly to professional warriors and craftsmen, especially Lawrence's own escort team and direct troops.

Wages have also been adjusted over the years, with more meat and eggs being added, as well as cloth and some industrial products.

Lawrence knew that the whole family was not idle, so he told Salil what happened today.

"Today I found a Sea Tribe child on the beach. Dashiel wanted me to throw it into the sea, but I finally decided to give it to Lana in the monastery to take care of it."

Dana asked curiously: "Salil's Dom sheep?"

Salil took the initiative to explain this matter, "It's just the same name. Her parents couldn't give her a name, so they just used this name casually. Lana means strong girl here."

Dana became even more curious, "Why do you know she is a strong girl? Her parents knew this in advance and named her like this?"

Kehalan sat elegantly on the sofa with his legs crossed, his hands in front of him, thinking about the Sea Tribe, but he also casually chatted with Dana about the topic of witches.

"At first, those strong girls were called Lana, and then Lana became a name, just like many names are actually slowly formed from group concepts, and then given to individuals as a kind of sustenance and expectation. "

Seeing that the two witches elevated such a casual matter to a philosophical angle, Lawrence quickly brought the matter back to a down-to-earth angle and said quickly: "No, it's just that her parents were uneducated and chose the name casually."

Kahalan didn't think so. He had been with Lawrence for a long time, and Lawrence often shared some concepts and theories, and selflessly shared his insights on the concept of ethnic groups and divine power.

Sariel and Delen didn't care much about these things. They just listened to them and didn't think about them.

Kehalan is different. This is a pure-blood witch who has lived in seclusion alone for more than ten years. Her long-term habit has made Kehalan better at thinking about some strange metaphysical things.

"It is both a foolish act and a manifestation of the will of the ethnic group." Kharan was very sure.

Sisters Catherine and Cassandra were sitting on chairs, looking thoughtful, obviously thinking about the topic of the two witches.

Behind the two sisters are their respective dark elf maid sisters. These two dark elf sisters also stand elegantly behind their respective mistresses, listening to the witch's talk.

Lawrence was used to the obstacles that appeared when talking to witches. He interrupted directly and violently and said: "What do you think about this Sea Tribe baby?"

Under Lawrence's strong intervention, the witches also began to discuss matters about the Sea Tribe, and no longer debated matters of philosophy and theology.

"I don't know much about the Sea Tribe. I only know that they are a group of beast-like... barbarians?" Dana frowned and recalled the legends of the tribe.

The land of ice used to be here, and in the minds of the elves, it was a bitter cold land similar to that of the Sea Tribe.

Lawrence didn't mind Dana's traditional impressions of some races, but he was a little disappointed after hearing Dana's answer. He thought the elf knew more.

After Danna spoke, Salil also shrugged and said casually like a normal person: "I don't know, how can I remember things when I was a child? My earliest memory is sitting in front of my house washing beans, and then looking at my father. Roast rabbit meat for me not far away."

Lathander said slowly: "I don't know much about Sariel's past. I only know that she is the child of a witch. Andrew brought her back to land from the Sea of ​​Mist."

Lawrence looked helpless. Most likely, the few people who knew about it didn't know about it. They were confused about how to deal with the Sea Clan child, and they didn't know what the consequences would be.

After everyone else fell silent, Jade, who was often ignored, looked around and made sure no one else was talking before speaking.

"I know a little bit about this."

Lawrence quickly looked at the Emerald Lady. This knowledgeable young witch had always been very stable, although not outstanding.

Jade continued: "Children of the Sea Clan are all born from the mother's body. Since the child's mother expelled it from the body, it should be nearby."

"It is impossible for a normal sea tribe child to drift to our port. They would have been eaten by fish on the way."

Lawrence found that he had indeed ignored this point. At that time, a group of people were frightened by the monster and completely ignored some basic logic.

But Lawrence quickly looked out the window. It was already getting late, and it would be somewhat troublesome to organize people to explore the beach at this time.

Laziness makes Lawrence want to do things again tomorrow, but his suspicious and restless character makes Lawrence worry about the attack on Port Dum.

"I'm going to Dumu Port. I'll stay there for the next few days. Sariel, Sophia, Emerald and Cassandra are with me."

Catherine did not need to be mentioned, and unless she was not taken with her, there was no need to explain.

Salil still has a lot of things to do, "Now? Or tomorrow?"

"Now!" Lawrence firmly set the time, "I'll go there first, and you can go there tomorrow morning."

Oak City is actually very far from Dumu Port. Normally, a round trip takes almost a day. The main reason for the frequent travel in the past two years is the creation of a car that allows the bird-lizard beast to pull the car and run fast on a fixed road.

This kind of road is limited to three areas between Oak City and Port Town.

While owning a vast territory, management and governance inspections have also become troublesome.

It would take two or three months to complete a normal inspection of the Ice Land alone. If you include the huge territory to the west, it would be impossible to control it.

Although a fast horse is very important, Lawrence also consciously reduced the use of unicorns for the sake of Catherine and her future children, so that Catherine could appear in public as a saint.

The prophet soon arrived at the port of Dum and stayed in a villa with a view of the seaside.

Nothing much happened that night, Dumu Harbor was as quiet and peaceful as usual.

In the early morning, Lawrence got up from the bed, put on his nightgown and walked to the balcony, looking at the busy but quiet dock market in the distance.

Sunshine, sea breeze, a busy town dominated by wooden houses, crowded crowds, lively markets, and brand-new merchant ships slowly sailing in the bay in the distance.

You can also see a tall tower in the field of vision. The lights on the tall tower have been replaced. This kind of thing usually starts at six or seven o'clock in the morning. When it is dawn and there is no need to light up, it is covered with black cloth and the light is turned off. Illuminating stone.

Lawrence was sure that there was no big trouble last night, and he was also sure that the time now was almost seven or eight o'clock.

Salil, the maid, and others did not come over, and Catherine was the only one on Lawrence's bed.

Lawrence quickly walked to the door and opened it.

"Prophet." Two male soldiers stood guard at the door and quickly lowered their heads after hearing the sound of the door opening.

Lawrence arranged: "Send a person to the monastery to ask whether the Sea Clan baby is still alive. At the same time, notify the port guard and ask the fishermen to search the nearby waters to see if any Sea Clan has landed in the nearby waters."

"Yes, Prophet!" The two guards quickly went to work.

Lawrence went back inside and started getting ready for the day, dressing himself.

Catherine had already woken up. She got up from the bed and started combing her hair lazily. After she was almost awake, she changed into clothes, washed her face and gargled.

Lawrence had already solved all this in advance, and habitually moved his hands and feet before eating to deal with possible troubles.

His current personal strength is almost equivalent to the level of a normal wizard, neither too weak nor too strong.

By Delenn's standards, his current strength and reflexes are indeed very strong.

But compared with the few pure-blood wizards he has met so far, Lawrence is not confident that he can catch a few solid cannonballs, nor is he capable of instantly igniting a large wooden ship twenty or thirty meters long.

Lawrence has a very down-to-earth understanding of himself. He is now an enhanced version of the Barbarian Berserker, and is not qualified to engage in arm wrestling with those magicians in close combat.

If you dare to fight with those wizards, especially the pure-blood wizards, at close quarters, you will most likely die.

Whether it's mental storm strikes or various lightning and flames, those wizards have them all at their fingertips.

Since there are witches in the Sea Clan, there must also be wizards. I have never heard that the Sea Clan is a female-only race.

Even the elves ruled by the queen have many strong men. The main reason why Lawrence and the elves have not fought yet is that no one died on either side.

Not a single elf died in the elves, and they lacked the will to start a war. There were no deaths in the Kingdom of Stars. Everyone was busy building their homes and had no time to deal with the affairs of the elves.

Lawrence was not sure about the movements of the Sea Clan, but he knew from the general information that the Sea Clan was a loose group, just like the tribal system of primitive society.

Regardless of hatred or kindness, the only people he can influence are some sea tribesmen.

After the exercise, Lawrence found that things about the Sea Clan were not as complicated as he thought, and he could now treat them with a normal heart.

In the afternoon, the fishermen who collected lobsters and crabs ran back to the land in panic and reported that they found the corpse of a half-human, half-fish monster in the sea, but it had been eaten by sea beasts and crabs.

Lawrence quickly sealed off the sea area, and did not send frightened fishermen into the water to fish out the bodies, nor did he deal with the crabs and lobsters.

Over the next few days, some people didn't want to eat fish, or lobster or sea vegetables.

But as time went by, everything returned to normal after a few days, when it was time to eat and drink.

It is normal for people to drown in the sea. Whether they are fishermen or sailors, they have to live their lives.

The fishermen also continued to go into the water to catch the aquatic products they depended on for their livelihood. Everyone stayed away from the sea area and kept silent about the matter.

Things about the Sea Clan passed peacefully. Except for the addition of a noisy little monster in the monastery who stayed in the house all day, people returned to their previous calm.

The little nun holding the child was taken out of the big room by the old nun and walked to the outside corner of the convent.

The old nun pointed to the two-meter-high, dirty dog ​​house covering an area of ​​less than six square meters in the corner of the wall and said: "Clean this place, and you and it will live here from now on! No one will care about you if you cry to death here!! "

The little nun and the little monster soon have a little home at home.

Here is the dog house, a dog house built of wood and stone.

Fortunately, they all live in peaceful times, and the monastery's dog house is actually not bad. It can protect them from wind and rain, and they can also get three meals a day. (End of chapter)

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