Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 544 Ordinary People

These days, Lawrence has been taking care of things in the port of Dom.

The incident with the Sea Clan has not happened yet, and the incident with the Elf Clan has not broken out yet. The main thing now is to improve the quality of life.

For example, the appropriate salary for soldiers is more important than the matters of the Sea Tribe and the Elf Tribe, and more urgent than the issues of the Fire Dragon and the Church outside.

In these years of fighting with extraordinary beings, Lawrence deeply understands how important these are.

Wages are not set casually, nor are they just spoken out of hand. Lawrence has always observed and understood the standard of living that can lead to a comfortable life in most walks of life.

More often than not, we rely on various feedbacks to understand problems.

Lawrence knew that it was difficult for him to hear the truth in the tavern. His understanding of this huge country mainly came from the reports of people around him, especially the reports of trusted people would be more valued.

Harbor Abbey, where Lawrence came for the second time this month to listen to the nuns.

Not only Boole and some of the nuns in charge, but Lawrence also heard the voices of female students and ladies studying here.

It took me a lot of time and a good mood to listen to the nonsense reports of these menopausal women. Most of them were emotional praises and complaints and reports made by angry and aggrieved people, complaining about the injustice of certain people.

Lawrence often dealt with various injustices, but sometimes he was so indifferent that he didn't want to care about anything and didn't take it to heart at all.

Most of the day's good mood was consumed. Lawrence really wanted to make this kind of thing happen once every six months, but he knew very well that wouldn't work.

At least not yet.

Seeing that the prophet had finished his condolences, Hela came over and said respectfully: "Prophet, afternoon tea is ready."

"No, I'll take a walk as I please."

Lawrence is not hungry. He usually eats a lot because he exercises a lot. For a period of time, he deliberately gained weight. Now he does not exercise a lot and he also wants to maintain his figure, so he eats very regularly.

Hela quickly followed and said, "I will accompany you for a walk."

"No need." Lawrence just wanted to walk away by himself, "Go and do your work. I will leave when I leave. It's almost time for you to go back to Feiyu Port."

Hela also knew that she had escorted the slave girl and stayed too long this time. "Yes, Prophet."

Lawrence comforted: "Let's have a good talk before we leave, in Oak City."

Hela understood what Lawrence meant and received blessings several times a year in the comfortable rooms of the castle.

"Yes, great master." Hela responded with a smile.

Lawrence quickly walked out. After leaving the house just now, he felt a little more relaxed and in a better mood.

The nuns were busy in the afternoon, some were studying, some were cleaning the rooms and doing laundry.

These women do not need to be responsible for farming. Fresh vegetables and food will be delivered every other week. Usually, the female nobles can also send people out to buy fresh food.

Lawrence didn't want to meet those nuns, so he walked towards a remote place and soon came to the corner area where Lana was.

This is the area outside the monastery. The monastery is a building surrounded by many buildings. When it was built, some dirty things were intentionally concentrated in a certain area on the periphery.

Areas such as livestock sheds, toilets, tool and farm implement warehouses, vegetable fields, etc.

The history of the monastery is not new, it was built a few years ago, before any ground-breaking ideas.

At that time, it was believed that the monastery needed to farm its own land and have vegetable plots and other production areas in the monastery. Unexpectedly, within a year or two, it would develop into an extraordinary facility that relied entirely on the outside world for food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

Even many aristocratic manors still need vegetable fields, including many vegetable fields next to Oak Castle.

A vegetable patch was specially set aside in the monastery. These areas could not be located at the entrance. Later, no one wanted to do farm work in the monastery, and the land was quickly abandoned.

Lawrence arrived to a yard-like area on a barren dirt floor overgrown with weeds.

The spring weather is just right here, the sunshine is warm and comfortable, but there is a stench coming from the dog house not far away.

A young nun was sleeping lazily against the wooden house at the door of the dog house, holding a broom in her arms. She held her head up and held a simple big broom made of branches and wood, and slept soundly with her mouth open.

Lawrence was a little relieved. At least the Sea Clan child was indeed as the nuns said. He was just extremely noisy in the evening and did not attack or harm the people around him.

"Wow!" A sharp cry came from the dark and cold dog house, quickly waking up the sleeping little nun.

Lana sat up quickly, stretched out her hand and wiped her mouth. After sitting up, she said: "Stop crying, stop crying, I haven't finished my work yet. After I finish my work, I can eat."

Lana, who was gradually waking up, quickly saw the prophet, quickly and nervously dropped her broom, and then quickly picked it up and bowed.


Lawrence smiled and said: "You don't need to salute when you are working. I came to see you and the child. I asked you to live here yesterday. Haven't you cleaned it up today?"

Lana also forgot that she was sleeping just now, thinking that Lawrence didn't know about it.

"I'm cleaning, I've gotten all the shit out of it, and I'm still cleaning."

Lawrence said helplessly: "This place is for you and your children. If you clean it up early, you can have a good sleep early."

Lana didn't realize her problem and continued to speak defensively.

"I slept well yesterday, but the child was too noisy. I fed him a lot of milk with a spoon and drank it all before he went to sleep."

Lawrence walked to the door of the dog house, stood at the door and looked into the dark interior.

You can't feel the coldness here in the sunny place outside, and you can't see the scene in this dark place.

After getting closer, I gradually saw the layout inside clearly. The light during the day can actually enter the house through the windows and wood gaps. There is a relatively clean bedding on the ground covered with damp hay, and a monster as ugly as a cicada. It was lying there making a screeching sound.

Lawrence watched the Sea Tribe child quietly. He might have sensed the approach of the predator, and quickly instinctively stopped calling for his protector.

There are rice bowls made of wood in the house, and there are spare clothes hanging on the walls.

It's the time between spring and summer, and it's okay to stay warm without a fire pit.

This place may seem dirty and smelly, but a few years ago many barbarians lived their entire lives in places even worse than here.

Living in the same house with cattle, sheep and livestock, breathing the air of feces together, is actually a very normal thing in this era, and it is already considered as a rich farmer.

"The dirt on the floor has not been cleaned up, and there is still a lot of wet soil mixed with urine and feces. You need to clean up all this before you can sleep well."

Lawrence commanded: "Go find a shovel and clean up the soil in the house. What's the point of holding a broom? This is not a clean house on the ground. Quickly find a wooden bucket, and then get a wood chip or shovel. The gaps and holes also need to be repaired, and you can also find some wood to build a wooden bed instead of always sleeping on the ground."

Lana looked troubled, "Yes, Prophet."

Lawrence shook his head, "Don't think about being lazy, do it quickly, now."

A diligent girl would not be assigned to work in a convent, especially a descendant of her family who had followed her all these years.

As long as they are early followers, if their children are hard-working, brave and willing to give, Lawrence will arrange a place for them, whether they are slaves or warriors.

Lana's reasons were laziness, unwillingness to think, and slow reaction. Her coming to the convent was the most reasonable protection Lawrence could give her.

Without Lawrence's permission, Lana would probably have married and worked as a chore after losing her parents instead of entering a convent.

No one except Lawrence cared about her dead Kur parents.

Lana quickly left the yard to find tools.

Lawrence waited for ten minutes but did not see her come back.

During the boring wait, Lawrence was not idle. He walked into the house and looked at the ugly monster lying quietly on the grass bed.

The body of this Sea Tribe child is shriveled and covered with wrinkles, like old tree bark, and like terrifying cracks where flesh and blood can be seen.

It took a long time to see Lana come back, Lawrence quickly turned around and walked out of the smelly dog ​​house, and also left the guarded and fearful toddler.

Lawrence looked around, then quickly walked into the farm tools warehouse not far away, and moved out a large water tank one meter high and one meter wide.

This kind of water tank is used to store water. Water tanks in this era are very easy to break, so if you have money, you will often prepare a few more.

Lawrence moved the water tank to the grass, used a broom to briefly clean the dust inside the water tank, and brushed the outside as well.

After setting up the water tank, Lawrence went to fetch water.

As soon as she poured a bucket of water into the water tank, Lana came over in a panic with a dustpan and shovel.

“I searched many places, and then I told the manager that you asked for this because of the prophet, so I found this in the kitchen!!”

Lawrence didn't ask anything else and continued to pour water, "The child may need a place to take a bath. I will do it. From now on, you can warm the water in the sun every afternoon, and then put the child in to play." Two hours is enough.”

"Go clean the house now. If you don't clean it, I won't give you food at night!"

Lawrence threatens the little nun.

"Yes, Prophet..." The little nun quickly walked into the house and began to clean the house.

Lawrence poured half of the tank of well water, thought of something, and went to the kitchen to ask for a bucket of hot water and a handful of salt.

The water in the water tank is still a little cold, but it's a little more acceptable.

Lawrence quickly entered the house and took out the Sea Clan child. The child was as stiff and rigid as a dead thing.

However, not long after it was put into the water, the monster that had sunk for a few seconds quickly became active, and its curled up body stretched out, like a dog or an otter with its head exposed and swimming in the water tank. Swimming back and forth, diving into the water and blowing bubbles from time to time.

Lawrence looked at the sea children swimming happily, and the little nun in the room was still cleaning the dirty and smelly ground.

The church bell rang quickly, and the little nun quickly showed her head and said: "Prophet, it's time to eat. The saint must be looking for you to eat."

Lawrence looked at the sky in the distance, it was already evening, and this time the sea child did not make any noise in the evening.

"Yes." Lawrence looked at the little nun again, "Has your house been cleaned?"

"It can be cleaned in the evening!" the little nun quickly assured.

Lawrence insisted: “You have to clean before you can eat, keep cleaning!”

"But..." The little nun looked embarrassed and said aggrievedly: "But I can't do it alone..."

Lawrence looked surprised. What surprised him was not that the little nun would quibble, but that the little nun looked at him at this moment with the kind of eyes that... hoped to share the joys and sorrows together!

She's expecting me to help her clean the dog house? ! ! The wise prophet gets an outrageous idea that no one else can imagine! !

This is an idea that no witch or most of her followers would have. It is really an idea that they would never even dare to think about!

Lawrence himself felt that he was overthinking it, but when he saw the little nun's eyes and the way she was anxious to eat, and thought about her own disrespect for gods and masters, it became clear that he was not wrong.

She just had this ridiculous idea.

Lawrence looked helpless, and then looked funny after thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll help you. You dump the soil and I'll dig it."

Lawrence didn't waste any time, and let the little nun take charge of some things, while he took charge of other things, and began to turn this dog house into a house for people to live in.

As for the little nun's thoughts and requests, Lawrence was satisfied as long as he could satisfy them. It was not a big deal anyway.

Although it may seem deviant to some people, Lawrence is a young man and feels that this idea is normal if he thinks about it carefully.

Whoever doesn't give him food and makes himself suffer all day long, then he doesn't care whether he is the master or the master, and he will even incite a group of people to rebel against him and slap him in the face with cold rice!

When you encounter something that you can't finish and see your boss coming over, it seems to be human nature to hope that your boss will share the joys and sorrows. Unfortunately, most bosses will not help at this time.

As long as it's not a big problem, Lawrence is usually easy to talk to, especially when he feels that the other party's request is reasonable and will not affect most people, nor will it hurt others or himself.

The little nun was thinking about eating at first, but after Lawrence took the initiative to stay and help, she still worked hard and didn't talk about eating anymore, nor did she play any tricks to waste time.

Lawrence spent half an hour cleaning out the rubbish in the house, and spent more than ten minutes using discarded wood and shelves from the utility room to make a solid bed for the little nun to sleep on.

"Okay, let's go eat. I'll give you five kilograms of rations every day from now on."

After helping the little nun finish her work, Lawrence gave the sweating little nun an exciting reward.

The little nun looked at Lawrence excitedly, "Five pounds? I can't finish it... I only need to eat two pounds a day!"

Lawrence patted the dirty sawdust on his hands, wiped his face with his sleeve and said, "This is extra rations, which is considered as your salary. You still have to go to the canteen to eat."

"The milk and clothes that the child needs are not included. I decided to adopt this child. I will be responsible for its clothes and some supplies. If you can't finish the food, you can save it and collect it when you go out one day. Change it into money in the market so you can buy what you want.”

"I will ask someone to send you two hens tomorrow. You have to raise these two hens well. The eggs they lay will be eaten by this child. You can only eat the food in the cafeteria."

The little nun knelt down happily, put her hands on the grass and said, "Thank you, prophet of mercy!"

Lawrence walked out helplessly. Although he felt that the little nun was normal, he also knew that this kind of nun had no promotion value in the church. She was really useless. Taking a high position would only affect everyone's morale and loyalty.

She possesses none of the six church virtues.

Not long after Lawrence left, the little nun quickly ran to eat. (End of chapter)

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